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PSoC6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CM0+ Core)


The PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit (CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT) is a low-cost hardware platform that enables design and debug of the PSoC 62 MCU and the Murata LBEE5KL1DX Module (CYW4343W WiFi + Bluetooth Combo Chip).

The PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit features the PSoC 62 MCU: a dual-core MCU, with a 150-MHz Arm Cortex-M4 as the primary application processor and a 100-MHz Arm Cortex-M0+ that supports low-power operations, 1MB of Flash, 288KB of SRAM, 104 GPIO, 7 programmable analog blocks, 56 programmable digital blocks, Full-Speed USB, a serial memory interface, a PDM-PCM digital microphone interface, and industry-leading capacitive-sensing with CapSense.

The PSoC 6 WiFi-BT Pioneer board offers compatibility with Arduino shields.

The Cortex-M0+ is a primary core on the board’s SoC. It starts first and enables the CM4 core.

  1. USB PD output voltage availability indicator (LED7)

  2. Battery charging indicator (LED6)

  3. KitProg2 USB Type-C connector (J10)

  4. Cypress EZ-PD™ CCG3 Type-C Port Controller with PD (CYPD3125-40LQXI, U3)

  5. KitProg2 programming mode selection button (SW3)

  6. KitProg2 I/O header (J6)1

  7. KitProg2 programming/custom application header (J7)1

  8. External power supply connector (J9)

  9. PSoC 6 user button (SW2)

  10. KitProg2 application selection button (SW4)

  11. Digilent® Pmod™ compatible I/O header (J14)1

  12. Power LED (LED4)

  13. KitProg2 status LEDs (LED1, LED2, and LED3)

  14. PSoC 6 reset button (SW1)

  15. PSoC 6 I/O header (J18, J19 and J20)

  16. Arduino™ Uno R3 compatible power header (J1)

  17. PSoC 6 debug and trace header (J12)

  18. Arduino Uno R3 compatible PSoC 6 I/O header (J2, J3 and J4)

  19. PSoC 6 program and debug header (J11)

  20. CapSense proximity header (J13)

  21. CapSense slider and buttons

  22. PSoC 6 VDD selection switch (SW5)

  23. Cypress 512-Mbit serial NOR Flash memory (S25-FL512S, U4)

  24. PSoC 6 user LEDs (LED8 and LED9)

  25. RGB LED (LED5)

  26. WiFi/BT module (LBEE5KL 1DX, U6)

  27. Cypress serial Ferroelectric RAM (U5)1

  28. WiFi-BT Antenna

  29. VBACKUP and PMIC control selection switch (SW7)2

  30. PSoC 6 USB device Type-C connector (J28)

  31. Cypress PSoC 6 (CY8C6247BZI-D54, U1)

  32. PSoC 6 USB Host Type-A connector (J27)

  33. Arduino Uno R3 compatible ICSP header (J5)1

  34. PSoC 6 power monitoring jumper (J8)2

  35. KitProg2 (PSoC 5LP) programmer and debugger(CY8C5868LTI-LP039, U2)

  36. Battery connector (J15)1,2

  37. USB PD output voltage (9V/12V) connector (J16)


For more information about the PSoC 62 MCU SoC and CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT board:

Supported Features

The board configuration supports the following hardware features:






nested vectored interrupt controller



system clock



serial port

The default configuration can be found in the Kconfig boards/arm/cy8ckit_062_wifi_bt_m0/cy8ckit_062_wifi_bt_m0_defconfig.

System Clock

The PSoC 62 MCU SoC is configured to use the internal IMO+FLL as a source for the system clock. CM0+ works at 50MHz, CM4 - at 100MHz. Other sources for the system clock are provided in the SOC, depending on your system requirements.

Serial Port

The PSoC 62 MCU SoC has 9 SCB blocks 8 of each can be configured as UART interfaces for serial communication. At the moment UART5 on SCB5 and UART6 on SCB6 are configured. SCB5 is connected to the onboard KitProg2’s USB-UART Bridge, SCB6 to P12_0, P12_1 pins on the J3 of the Arduino Uno R3 compatible PSoC6 I/O header.

Programming and Debugging

The CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT includes an onboard programmer/debugger (KitProg2) with mass storage programming to provide debugging, flash programming, and serial communication over USB. There are also PSoC 6 program and debug headers J11 and J12 that can be used with Segger J-Link. A watchdog timer is enabled by default. To disable it call Cy_WDT_Unlock() and Cy_WDT_Disable().

Build the project for CM0+

west build -b cy8ckit_062_wifi_bt_m0

Switch the DevKit into CMSIS-DAP mode using SW3 (LED2 should blink) and flash the board:

$<openocd_path>\bin\openocd -c "source [find interface/cmsis-dap.cfg]" \
   -c "transport select swd" -c "source [find target/psoc6.cfg]" \
   -c "if [catch {program {<zephyr_path>\samples\hello_world\build\zephyr\zephyr.elf}} ] \
      { echo {** Program operation failed **} } \
      else { echo {** Program operation completed successfully **} }" \
   -c "reset_config srst_only;reset run;psoc6.dap dpreg 0x04 0x00;shutdown"

Switch the DevKit back using SW3. Open a serial terminal (minicom, putty, etc.) and connect to the board with the following settings:

  • Speed: 115200

  • Data: 8 bits

  • Parity: None

  • Stop bits: 1

Reset the board and the following message will appear on the corresponding serial port:

***** Booting Zephyr OS zephyr-v1.13.0-1877-g9d14874db1 *****
Hello World! cy8ckit_062_wifi_bt_m0
