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This is a sample app which fades a LED using PWM.

The LED will start from dark and increases its brightness gradually for 10 seconds. Then, the brightness reduces gradually for 10 seconds and finally the LED becomes dark again. The LED will repeat this cycle for ever.


Nucleo_F401RE, Nucleo_L476RG

Connect PWM2(PA0) to LED


Connect PWM1(PA8) to LED


No special board setup is necessary because there are three on-board LEDs (red, green, blue) connected to the Nucleo’s PWM.

Hexiwear K64

No special board setup is necessary because there is an on-board RGB LED connected to the K64 PWM.


No special board setup is necessary because there is an on-board LED connected.

Building and Running

This sample can be built for multiple boards, in this example we will build it for the nrf52840_pca10056 board:

west build -b nrf52840_pca10056 samples/basic/fade_led
west flash