Run User Mode tests without additionally enabling stack protection
Type: bool
A HW platform might not have sufficient MPU/MMU capabilities to support running all test cases with User Mode and HW Stack Protection features simultaneously enabled. For this platforms we execute the User Mode- related tests without enabling HW stack protection.
Kconfig definition¶
At subsys/testsuite/Kconfig:109
Included via Kconfig:8
→ Kconfig.zephyr:34
→ subsys/Kconfig:36
Menu path: (Top) → Testing
config TEST_USERSPACE_WITHOUT_HW_STACK_PROTECTION bool "Run User Mode tests without additionally enabling stack protection" default y ifSOC_SERIES_KINETIS_KE1XF
help A HW platform might not have sufficient MPU/MMU capabilities to support running all test cases with User Mode and HW Stack Protection features simultaneously enabled. For this platforms we execute the User Mode- related tests without enabling HW stack protection.
(The ‘depends on’ condition includes propagated dependencies from ifs and menus.)