Samples and Demos¶
- Classic Samples
- Basic Samples
- Userspace Samples
- Various Subsystems Samples
- Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus Samples
- Console Samples
- C++ Samples
- Debug Samples
- Display Samples
- FS Samples
- IPC Samples
- Logging Sample
- Management Samples
- Modbus Samples
- NVS: Non-Volatile Storage
- Portability Samples
- Settings sample
- Shell System Samples
- Task Watchdog Sample
- USB Samples
- Video Samples
- Networking Samples
- Network Packet Capture
- Civetweb sample
- Civetweb WebSocket Server sample
- Google IOT MQTT Sample
- MQTT Azure Sample
- TagoIO IoT Cloud HTTP Sample
- Sample DHCPv4 client application
- DNS Resolve Application
- DSA Sample Application
- Native Posix Ethernet
- gPTP Sample Application
- Generic GSM Modem Sample
- IPv4 autoconf client application
- LLDP Sample Application
- LwM2M client
- mDNS Responder Application
- MQTT Publisher
- OpenThread Co-Processor
- Promiscuous Mode Sample Application
- Socket Big HTTP Download Example
- Socket CAN
- CoAP client
- CoAP Server
- Socket Dumb HTTP Server
- Socket Multithreaded Dumb HTTP Server
- Socket Echo Server
- Asynchronous Socket Echo Server
- Asynchronous Socket Echo Server Using select()
- Socket Echo Client
- Socket Echo Server
- Socket HTTP Client
- Socket HTTP GET Example
- Network Management Socket
- Packet socket sample
- SNTP client sample
- Socketpair Example
- TCP Sample for TTCN-3 based Sanity Check
- SO_TXTIME sample
- Socket Websocket Client
- Network Statistics Sample Application
- Syslog net Application
- Sample TELNET console application
- Virtual Network Interface Application
- Virtual LAN Sample Application
- Wi-Fi sample
- 802.15.4 “serial-radio” sample
- wpanusb sample
- zperf: Network Traffic Generator
- Bluetooth samples
- Bluetooth: Beacon
- Bluetooth: Central
- Bluetooth: Central / Heart-rate Monitor
- Bluetooth: Central / Health Thermometer sensor
- Bluetooth: Central ISO
- Bluetooth: Direction Finding Periodic Advertising Locator
- Bluetooth: Direction Finding Periodic Advertising Beacon
- Bluetooth: Eddystone
- Bluetooth: Handsfree
- Bluetooth: HCI Power Control
- Bluetooth: HCI RPMsg
- Bluetooth: HCI SPI
- Bluetooth: HCI UART
- Bluetooth: HCI USB
- Bluetooth: HCI H4 over USB
- Bluetooth: iBeacon
- Bluetooth: IPSP Sample
- Bluetooth: Isochronous Broadcaster
- Bluetooth: Synchronized Receiver
- Bluetooth: Mesh
- Bluetooth: Mesh Demo
- Bluetooth: Mesh Provisioner
- Bluetooth: Periodic Advertising
- Bluetooth: Periodic Advertising Synchronization
- Bluetooth: Peripheral
- Bluetooth: Peripheral CSC
- Bluetooth: Peripheral DIS
- Bluetooth: Peripheral ESP
- Bluetooth: Peripheral HIDs
- Bluetooth: Peripheral HR
- Bluetooth: Peripheral HT
- Bluetooth: Peripheral ISO
- Bluetooth: Peripheral OTS
- Bluetooth: Peripheral SC-only
- Bluetooth: Scan & Advertise
- Bluetooth: ST BLE Sensor Demo
- Sensor Samples
- ADT7420: High accuracy digital I2C temperature sensor
- ADXL362: Three Axis Accelerometer
- ADXL372: Three Axis High-g I2C/SPI Accelerometer
- AMG88XX Infrared Array Sensor
- ams iAQcore Indoor air quality sensor
- APDS9960 RGB, Ambient Light, Gesture Sensor
- BME280 Humidity and Pressure Sensor
- BME680: Integrated environmental sensor
- BMI270: 6 axis inertial measurement unit
- BMM150 Geomagnetic Sensor
- BQ274XX Sensor Sample
- CCS811 Indoor Air Quality Sensor
- DHT: Aosong DHT Digital-output Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- DPS310 Temperature and Pressure Sensor
- ams ens210 Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor
- FDC2X1X: Capacitance-to-Digital Converter
- FXAS21002 Gyroscope Sensor
- FXOS8700 Accelerometer/Magnetometer Sensor
- HTS221: Temperature and Humidity Monitor
- MPU6050: Invensense Motion Tracking Device
- ISL29035: Digital Light Sensor
- LIS2DH: Motion Sensor Monitor
- LPS22HB: Temperature and Humidity Monitor
- LPS22HH: Temperature and Pressure Monitor
- LSM303DLHC: Magnetometer and Accelerometer data Monitor
- LSM6DSL: IMU sensor Monitor
- LSM6DSO: IMU Sensor Monitor
- BMC150 Magnetometer Sample
- MAX17262 Fuel Gauge Sensor
- MAX30101 Heart Rate Sensor
- MAX6675 K-thermocouple to digital converter
- MCP9808 Temperature Sensor
- NXP MCUX Analog Comparator (ACMP)
- MPR Pressure Sensor
- MPU6050: Invensense Motion Tracking Device
- MS5837 Sensor Sample
- QDEC: Quadrature Decoder
- Sensor Shell Module Sample
- SHT3XD: High accuracy digital I2C humidity sensor
- SM351LT: Magnetoresistive Sensor Example
- STM32 Temperature Sensor
- TH02: Temperature and Humidity Monitor
- TI_HDC Sample
- TMP112 sample
- TI_TMP116 Sample
- VCNL4040: proximity and ambient light sensor
- VL53L0X: Time Of Flight sensor
- WSEN-ITDS: 3-axis acceleration sensor
- Architecture Dependent Samples
- Board-specific samples
- ArgonKey Board Microphone
- ArgonKey Board Sensors
- ARC Secure Service
- BBC micro:bit display
- BBC micro:bit line-follower robot
- BBC micro:bit Samples
- BBC micro:bit pong game
- BBC micro:bit sound
- Espressif ESP32 SPIRAM test
- Espressif ESP32 WiFi Station
- Kukui general features
- Sue Creek 2-Way Audio Sample Application
- Intel® S1000 Digital Microphone Sample Application
- Intel® S1000 I2S Audio Sample Application
- Intel® S1000 Customer Reference Board Samples
- MEC15xxEVB Reference Board Samples
- MEC15xx sample board test application
- Battery Voltage Measurement
- nRF5x Clock Skew Demo
- nRF IEEE 802.15.4: Serialization RPMsg
- Bluetooth: Mesh OnOff Model
- Bluetooth: Mesh Generic OnOff, Generic Level, Lighting & Vendor Models
- nrfx use example
- nRF5x System Off demo
- Olimex STM32-E407 CCM example
- Olimex STM32-E407 Samples
- Mesh Badge
- ST
- STM32 Backup SRAM
- STM32 PM Blinky
- cc13x2_cc26x2 System Off demo
- UP Squared GPIO Counter
- Driver Samples
- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
- Controller Area Network
- LiteX Clock Control Driver Sample
- Counter Alarm Sample
- Maxim DS3231 TCXO RTC Sample Application
- Crypto
- Current Sensing
- Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
- Display Sample
- Entropy
- Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface
- Flash Shell Sample
- HT16K33 LED driver with keyscan
- I2C Fujitsu FRAM
- I2S example
- JESD216 Sample
- KSCAN Interface
- KSCAN touch panel example
- LCD HD44780 driver sample
- APA102 Sample Application
- LP3943: 16-Channel RGB, White-LED Driver
- LP5030/6: 10 or 12 RGB channels
- LP5562: 4-Channel RGB
- LPD880x Sample Application
- PCA9633: 4-Channel RGB
- LED PWM sample application
- SX1509B LED Intensity
- WS2812 Sample Application
- FT800
- PECI Interface
- PS/2 Interface
- AT45 DataFlash driver sample
- Application development samples
- Shields Samples
- LMP90100 Sensor AFE Evaluation Board Shield Samples
- LMP90100 Sensor AFE Evaluation Board: RTD Sample
- X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1: MEMS inertial and environmental multi-sensor shield
- X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2: shield SensorHub (Mode 2) sample
- X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2: shield Standard (Mode 1) sample
- X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3: shield (Mode 2) sample
- X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3: shield Standard (Mode 1) sample
- X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 shield: Acquire MEMS microphones data
- X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 shield: Sensorhub (Mode 2) sample
- X-NUCLEO-IKS02A1 shield: Standard (Mode 1) sample
- POSIX Subsystem Samples
- Various Kernel and Scheduler Samples
- TFM Integration Samples
- Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M)
- External Module Samples