Devicetree API¶
This is a reference page for the <devicetree.h>
API. The API is macro
based. Use of these macros has no impact on scheduling. They can be used from
any calling context and at file scope.
Some of these require a special macro named DT_DRV_COMPAT
to be defined
before they can be used; these are discussed individually below. These macros
are generally meant for use within device drivers,
though they can be used outside of drivers with appropriate care.
Generic APIs¶
The APIs in this section can be used anywhere and do not require
to be defined.
Node identifiers and helpers¶
A node identifier is a way to refer to a devicetree node at C preprocessor time. While node identifiers are not C values, you can use them to access devicetree data in C rvalue form using, for example, the Property access API.
The root node /
has node identifier DT_ROOT
. You can create node
identifiers for other devicetree nodes using DT_PATH()
, and DT_INST()
There are also DT_PARENT()
and DT_CHILD()
macros which can be
used to create node identifiers for a given node’s parent node or a particular
child node, respectively.
The following macros create or operate on node identifiers.
¶ Name for an invalid node identifier.
This supports cases where factored macros can be invoked from paths where devicetree data may or may not be available. It is a preprocessor identifier that does not match any valid devicetree node identifier.
¶ Node identifier for the root node in the devicetree.
(...)¶ Get a node identifier for a devicetree path.
(This macro returns a node identifier from path components. To get a path string from a node identifier, use DT_NODE_PATH() instead.)
The arguments to this macro are the names of non-root nodes in the tree required to reach the desired node, starting from the root. Non-alphanumeric characters in each name must be converted to underscores to form valid C tokens, and letters must be lowercased.
Example devicetree fragment:
/ { soc { serial1: serial@40001000 { status = "okay"; current-speed = <115200>; ... }; }; };
You can use DT_PATH(soc, serial_40001000) to get a node identifier for the serial@40001000 node. Node labels like “serial1” cannot be used as DT_PATH() arguments; use DT_NODELABEL() for those instead.
Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the current-speed property:
DT_PROP(DT_PATH(soc, serial_40001000), current_speed) // 115200
(The current-speed property is also in “lowercase-and-underscores” form when used with this API.)
When determining arguments to DT_PATH():
the first argument corresponds to a child node of the root (“soc” above)
a second argument corresponds to a child of the first argument (“serial_40001000” above, from the node name “serial@40001000” after lowercasing and changing “@” to “_”)
and so on for deeper nodes in the desired node’s path
- Parameters
... – lowercase-and-underscores node names along the node’s path, with each name given as a separate argument
- Returns
node identifier for the node with that path
(label)¶ Get a node identifier for a node label.
Convert non-alphanumeric characters in the node label to underscores to form valid C tokens, and lowercase all letters. Note that node labels are not the same thing as label properties.
Example devicetree fragment:
serial1: serial@40001000 { label = "UART_0"; status = "okay"; current-speed = <115200>; ... };
The only node label in this example is “serial1”.
The string “UART_0” is not a node label; it’s the value of a property named label.
You can use DT_NODELABEL(serial1) to get a node identifier for the serial@40001000 node. Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the current-speed property:
DT_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(serial1), current_speed) // 115200
Another example devicetree fragment:
cpu@0 { L2_0: l2-cache { cache-level = <2>; ... }; };
Example usage to get the cache-level property:
DT_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(l2_0), cache_level) // 2
Notice how “L2_0” in the devicetree is lowercased to “l2_0” in the DT_NODELABEL() argument.
- Parameters
label – lowercase-and-underscores node label name
- Returns
node identifier for the node with that label
(alias)¶ Get a node identifier from /aliases.
This macro’s argument is a property of the /aliases node. It returns a node identifier for the node which is aliased. Convert non-alphanumeric characters in the alias property to underscores to form valid C tokens, and lowercase all letters.
Example devicetree fragment:
/ { aliases { my-serial = &serial1; }; soc { serial1: serial@40001000 { status = "okay"; current-speed = <115200>; ... }; }; };
You can use DT_ALIAS(my_serial) to get a node identifier for the serial@40001000 node. Notice how my-serial in the devicetree becomes my_serial in the DT_ALIAS() argument. Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the current-speed property:
DT_PROP(DT_ALIAS(my_serial), current_speed) // 115200
- Parameters
alias – lowercase-and-underscores alias name.
- Returns
node identifier for the node with that alias
(inst, compat)¶ Get a node identifier for an instance of a compatible.
All nodes with a particular compatible property value are assigned instance numbers, which are zero-based indexes specific to that compatible. You can get a node identifier for these nodes by passing DT_INST() an instance number, “inst”, along with the lowercase-and-underscores version of the compatible, “compat”.
Instance numbers have the following properties:
for each compatible, instance numbers start at 0 and are contiguous
exactly one instance number is assigned for each node with a compatible, including disabled nodes
enabled nodes (status property is “okay” or missing) are assigned the instance numbers starting from 0, and disabled nodes have instance numbers which are greater than those of any enabled node
No other guarantees are made. In particular:
instance numbers in no way reflect any numbering scheme that might exist in SoC documentation, node labels or unit addresses, or properties of the /aliases node (use DT_NODELABEL() or DT_ALIAS() for those)
there is no general guarantee that the same node will have the same instance number between builds, even if you are building the same application again in the same build directory
Example devicetree fragment:
serial1: serial@40001000 { compatible = "vnd,soc-serial"; status = "disabled"; current-speed = <9600>; ... }; serial2: serial@40002000 { compatible = "vnd,soc-serial"; status = "okay"; current-speed = <57600>; ... }; serial3: serial@40003000 { compatible = "vnd,soc-serial"; current-speed = <115200>; ... };
Assuming no other nodes in the devicetree have compatible “vnd,soc-serial”, that compatible has nodes with instance numbers 0, 1, and 2.
The nodes serial@40002000 and serial@40003000 are both enabled, so their instance numbers are 0 and 1, but no guarantees are made regarding which node has which instance number.
Since serial@40001000 is the only disabled node, it has instance number 2, since disabled nodes are assigned the largest instance numbers. Therefore:
// Could be 57600 or 115200. There is no way to be sure: // either serial@40002000 or serial@40003000 could // have instance number 0, so this could be the current-speed // property of either of those nodes. DT_PROP(DT_INST(0, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed) // Could be 57600 or 115200, for the same reason. // If the above expression expands to 57600, then // this expands to 115200, and vice-versa. DT_PROP(DT_INST(1, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed) // 9600, because there is only one disabled node, and // disabled nodes are "at the the end" of the instance // number "list". DT_PROP(DT_INST(2, vnd_soc_serial), current_speed)
Notice how “vnd,soc-serial” in the devicetree becomes vnd_soc_serial (without quotes) in the DT_INST() arguments. (As usual, current-speed in the devicetree becomes current_speed as well.)
Nodes whose “compatible” property has multiple values are assigned independent instance numbers for each compatible.
- Parameters
inst – instance number for compatible “compat”
compat – lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
- Returns
node identifier for the node with that instance number and compatible
(node_id)¶ Get a node identifier for a parent node.
Example devicetree fragment:
parent: parent-node { child: child-node { ... }; };
The following are equivalent ways to get the same node identifier:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
a node identifier for the node’s parent
(node_id)¶ Get a node identifier for a grandparent node.
Example devicetree fragment:
gparent: grandparent-node { parent: parent-node { child: child-node { ... } }; };
The following are equivalent ways to get the same node identifier:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
a node identifier for the node’s parent’s parent
(node_id, child)¶ Get a node identifier for a child node.
Example devicetree fragment:
/ { soc-label: soc { serial1: serial@40001000 { status = "okay"; current-speed = <115200>; ... }; }; };
Example usage with DT_PROP() to get the status of the serial@40001000 node:
#define SOC_NODE DT_NODELABEL(soc_label) DT_PROP(DT_CHILD(SOC_NODE, serial_40001000), status) // "okay"
Node labels like “serial1” cannot be used as the “child” argument to this macro. Use DT_NODELABEL() for that instead.
You can also use DT_FOREACH_CHILD() to iterate over node identifiers for all of a node’s children.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
child – lowercase-and-underscores child node name
- Returns
node identifier for the node with the name referred to by ‘child’
(compat)¶ Get a node identifier for a status “okay” node with a compatible.
Use this if you want to get an arbitrary enabled node with a given compatible, and you do not care which one you get. If any enabled nodes with the given compatible exist, a node identifier for one of them is returned. Otherwise,
is returned.Example devicetree fragment:
node-a { compatible = "vnd,device"; status = "okay"; }; node-b { compatible = "vnd,device"; status = "okay"; }; node-c { compatible = "vnd,device"; status = "disabled"; };
Example usage:
This expands to a node identifier for either
. It will not expand to a node identifier fornode-c
, because that node does not have status “okay”.- Parameters
compat – lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
- Returns
node identifier for a node with that compatible, or DT_INVALID_NODE
(node_id)¶ Get a devicetree node’s full path as a string literal.
This returns the path to a node from a node identifier. To get a node identifier from path components instead, use DT_PATH().
Example devicetree fragment:
/ { soc { node: my-node@12345678 { ... }; }; };
Example usage:
DT_NODE_PATH(DT_NODELABEL(node)) // “/soc/my-node@12345678” DT_NODE_PATH(DT_PATH(soc)) // “/soc” DT_NODE_PATH(DT_ROOT) // “/”
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
the node’s full path in the devicetree
(node_id)¶ Get a devicetree node’s name with unit-address as a string literal.
This returns the node name and unit-address from a node identifier.
Example devicetree fragment:
/ { soc { node: my-node@12345678 { ... }; }; };
Example usage:
DT_NODE_FULL_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(node)) // “my-node@12345678”
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
the node’s name with unit-address as a string in the devicetree
(node_id1, node_id2)¶ Do node_id1 and node_id2 refer to the same node?
Both “node_id1” and “node_id2” must be node identifiers for nodes that exist in the devicetree (if unsure, you can check with DT_NODE_EXISTS()).
The expansion evaluates to 0 or 1, but may not be a literal integer 0 or 1.
- Parameters
node_id1 – first node identifer
node_id2 – second node identifier
- Returns
an expression that evaluates to 1 if the node identifiers refer to the same node, and evaluates to 0 otherwise
Property access¶
The following general-purpose macros can be used to access node properties. There are special-purpose APIs for accessing the reg property and interrupts property.
Property values can be read using these macros even if the node is disabled, as long as it has a matching binding.
(node_id, prop)¶ Get a devicetree property value.
For properties whose bindings have the following types, this macro expands to:
string: a string literal
boolean: 0 if the property is false, or 1 if it is true
int: the property’s value as an integer literal
array, uint8-array, string-array: an initializer expression in braces, whose elements are integer or string literals (like {0, 1, 2}, {“hello”, “world”}, etc.)
phandle: a node identifier for the node with that phandle
A property’s type is usually defined by its binding. In some special cases, it has an assumed type defined by the devicetree specification even when no binding is available: “compatible” has type string-array, “status” and “label” have type string, and “interrupt-controller” has type boolean.
For other properties or properties with unknown type due to a missing binding, behavior is undefined.
For usage examples, see DT_PATH(), DT_ALIAS(), DT_NODELABEL(), and DT_INST() above.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
- Returns
a representation of the property’s value
(node_id, prop)¶ Get a property’s logical length.
Here, “length” is a number of elements, which may differ from the property’s size in bytes.
The return value depends on the property’s type:
for types array, string-array, and uint8-array, this expands to the number of elements in the array
for type phandles, this expands to the number of phandles
for type phandle-array, this expands to the number of phandle and specifier blocks in the property
These properties are handled as special cases:
reg property: use DT_NUM_REGS(node_id) instead
interrupts property: use DT_NUM_IRQS(node_id) instead
It is an error to use this macro with the reg or interrupts properties.
For other properties, behavior is undefined.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
- Returns
the property’s length
(node_id, prop, default_value)¶ Like DT_PROP_LEN(), but with a fallback to default_value.
If the property is defined (as determined by DT_NODE_HAS_PROP()), this expands to DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
the property’s length or the given default value
(node_id, prop, idx)¶ Is index “idx” valid for an array type property?
If this returns 1, then DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx) or DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx, …) are valid at index “idx”. If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with that index.
These properties are handled as special cases:
reg property: use DT_REG_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) instead
interrupts property: use DT_IRQ_HAS_IDX(node_id, idx) instead
It is an error to use this macro with the reg or interrupts properties.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – a lowercase-and-underscores property with a logical length
idx – index to check
- Returns
An expression which evaluates to 1 if “idx” is a valid index into the given property, and 0 otherwise.
(node_id, prop, idx)¶ Get the value at index “idx” in an array type property.
It might help to read the argument order as being similar to “node->property[index]”.
When the property’s binding has type array, string-array, uint8-array, or phandles, this expands to the idx-th array element as an integer, string literal, or node identifier respectively.
These properties are handled as special cases:
reg property: use DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX() or DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX() instead
interrupts property: use DT_IRQ_BY_IDX() instead
For non-array properties, behavior is undefined.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
idx – the index to get
- Returns
a representation of the idx-th element of the property
(node_id, prop, default_value)¶ Like DT_PROP(), but with a fallback to default_value.
If the value exists, this expands to DT_PROP(node_id, prop). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
the property’s value or default_value
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_PROP(node_id, label)
This is a convenience for the Zephyr device API, which uses label properties as device_get_binding() arguments.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
node’s label property value
(node_id, prop)¶ Get a property value’s index into its enumeration values.
The return values start at zero.
Example devicetree fragment:
usb1: usb@12340000 { maximum-speed = "full-speed"; }; usb2: usb@12341000 { maximum-speed = "super-speed"; };
Example bindings fragment:
properties: maximum-speed: type: string enum: - "low-speed" - "full-speed" - "high-speed" - "super-speed"
Example usage:
DT_ENUM_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(usb1), maximum_speed) // 1 DT_ENUM_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(usb2), maximum_speed) // 3
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
- Returns
zero-based index of the property’s value in its enum: list
(node_id, prop, default_idx_value)¶ Like DT_ENUM_IDX(), but with a fallback to a default enum index.
If the value exists, this expands to its zero based index value thanks to DT_ENUM_IDX(node_id, prop).
Otherwise, this expands to provided default index enum value.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
default_idx_value – a fallback index value to expand to
- Returns
zero-based index of the property’s value in its enum if present, default_idx_value ohterwise
(node_id, prop)¶ Get a string property’s value as a token.
This removes “the quotes” from string-valued properties, and converts non-alphanumeric characters to underscores. That can be useful, for example, when programmatically using the value to form a C variable or code.
DT_STRING_TOKEN() can only be used for properties with string type.
It is an error to use DT_STRING_TOKEN() in other circumstances.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { prop = "foo"; }; n2: node-2 { prop = "FOO"; } n3: node-3 { prop = "123 foo"; };
Example bindings fragment:
properties: prop: type: string
Example usage:
Notice how:
Unlike C identifiers, the property values may begin with a number. It’s the user’s responsibility not to use such values as the name of a C identifier.
The uppercased “FOO” in the DTS remains
as a token. It is not converted tofoo
.The whitespace in the DTS “123 foo” string is converted to
as a token.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property string name
- Returns
the value of
as a token, i.e. without any quotes and with special characters converted to underscores
(node_id, prop)¶ Like DT_STRING_TOKEN(), but uppercased.
This removes “the quotes and capitalize” from string-valued properties, and converts non-alphanumeric characters to underscores. That can be useful, for example, when programmatically using the value to form a C variable or code.
DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN() can only be used for properties with string type.
It is an error to use DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN() in other circumstances.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { prop = "foo"; }; n2: node-2 { prop = "123 foo"; };
Example bindings fragment:
properties: prop: type: string
Example usage:
Notice how:
Unlike C identifiers, the property values may begin with a number. It’s the user’s responsibility not to use such values as the name of a C identifier.
The lowercased “foo” in the DTS becomes
as a token, i.e. it is uppercased.The whitespace in the DTS “123 foo” string is converted to
as a token, i.e. it is uppercased and whitespace becomes an underscore.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property string name
- Returns
the value of
as a token, i.e. without any quotes and with special characters converted to underscores
(node_id, prop)¶ Get an enumeration property’s value as a token.
This allows you to “remove the quotes” from some string-valued properties. That can be useful, for example, when pasting the values onto some other token to form an enum in C using the
preprocessor operator.DT_ENUM_TOKEN() can only be used for properties with string type whose binding has an “enum:”. The values in the binding’s “enum:” list must be unique after converting non-alphanumeric characters to underscores.
It is an error to use DT_ENUM_TOKEN() in other circumstances.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { prop = "foo"; }; n2: node-2 { prop = "FOO"; } n3: node-3 { prop = "123 foo"; };
Example bindings fragment:
properties: prop: type: string enum: - "foo" - "FOO" - "123 foo"
Example usage:
DT_ENUM_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n1), prop) // foo DT_ENUM_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n2), prop) // FOO DT_ENUM_TOKEN(DT_NODELABEL(n3), prop) // 123_foo
Notice how:
Unlike C identifiers, the property values may begin with a number. It’s the user’s responsibility not to use such values as the name of a C identifier.
The uppercased “FOO” in the DTS remains
as a token. It is not* converted tofoo
.The whitespace in the DTS “123 foo” string is converted to
as a token.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name with suitable enumeration of values in its binding
- Returns
the value of
as a token, i.e. without any quotes and with special characters converted to underscores
(node_id, prop)¶ Like DT_ENUM_TOKEN(), but uppercased.
This allows you to “remove the quotes and capitalize” some string-valued properties.
DT_ENUM_UPPER_TOKEN() can only be used for properties with string type whose binding has an “enum:”. The values in the binding’s “enum:” list must be unique after converting non-alphanumeric characters to underscores and capitalizating any letters.
It is an error to use DT_ENUM_UPPER_TOKEN() in other circumstances.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { prop = "foo"; }; n2: node-2 { prop = "123 foo"; };
Example bindings fragment:
properties: prop: type: string enum: - "foo" - "123 foo"
Example usage:
Notice how:
Unlike C identifiers, the property values may begin with a number. It’s the user’s responsibility not to use such values as the name of a C identifier.
The lowercased “foo” in the DTS becomes
as a token, i.e. it is uppercased.The whitespace in the DTS “123 foo” string is converted to
as a token, i.e. it is uppercased and whitespace becomes an underscore.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name with suitable enumeration of values in its binding
- Returns
the value of
as a capitalized token, i.e. upper case, without any quotes, and with special characters converted to underscores
(node_id, phs, idx, prop)¶ Get a property value from a phandle in a property.
This is a shorthand for:
DT_PROP(DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, phs, idx), prop)
That is, “prop” is a property of the phandle’s node, not a property of “node_id”.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { foo = <&n2 &n3>; }; n2: node-2 { bar = <42>; }; n3: node-3 { baz = <43>; };
Example usage:
#define N1 DT_NODELABEL(n1) DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(N1, foo, 0, bar) // 42 DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(N1, foo, 1, baz) // 43
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
phs – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle”, “phandles”, or “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “phs”, which must be zero if “phs” has type “phandle”
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle’s node
- Returns
the property’s value
(node_id, phs, idx, prop, default_value)¶ Like DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value.
If the value exists, this expands to DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, phs, idx, prop). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
phs – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle”, “phandles”, or “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “phs”, which must be zero if “phs” has type “phandle”
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle’s node
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
the property’s value
(node_id, ph, prop)¶ Get a property value from a phandle’s node.
This is equivalent to DT_PROP_BY_PHANDLE_IDX(node_id, ph, 0, prop).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
ph – lowercase-and-underscores property of “node_id” with type “phandle”
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle’s node
- Returns
the property’s value
(node_id, pha, idx, cell)¶ Get a phandle-array specifier cell value at an index.
It might help to read the argument order as being similar to “node->phandle_array[index].cell”. That is, the cell value is in the “pha” property of “node_id”, inside the specifier at index “idx”.
Example devicetree fragment:
gpio0: gpio@... { #gpio-cells = <2>; }; gpio1: gpio@... { #gpio-cells = <2>; }; led: led_0 { gpios = <&gpio0 17 0x1>, <&gpio1 5 0x3>; };
Bindings fragment for the gpio0 and gpio1 nodes:
gpio-cells: - pin - flags
Above, “gpios” has two elements:
index 0 has specifier <17 0x1>, so its “pin” cell is 17, and its “flags” cell is 0x1
index 1 has specifier <5 0x3>, so “pin” is 5 and “flags” is 0x3
Example usage:
#define LED DT_NODELABEL(led) DT_PHA_BY_IDX(LED, gpios, 0, pin) // 17 DT_PHA_BY_IDX(LED, gpios, 1, flags) // 0x3
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “pha”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name within the specifier at “pha” index “idx”
- Returns
the cell’s value
(node_id, pha, idx, cell, default_value)¶ Like DT_PHA_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value.
If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, idx, cell). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “pha”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name within the specifier at “pha” index “idx”
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
the cell’s value or “default_value”
(node_id, pha, cell)¶ Equivalent to DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell’s value
(node_id, pha, cell, default_value)¶ Like DT_PHA(), but with a fallback to default_value.
If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA(node_id, pha, cell). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
the cell’s value or default_value
(node_id, pha, name, cell)¶ Get a value within a phandle-array specifier by name.
This is like DT_PHA_BY_IDX(), except it treats “pha” as a structure where each array element has a name.
It might help to read the argument order as being similar to “node->”. That is, the cell value is in the “pha” property of “node_id”, treated as a data structure where each array element has a name.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP"; };
Bindings fragment for the “adc1” and “adc2” nodes:
io-channel-cells: - input
Example usage:
DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), io_channels, sensor, input) // 10 DT_PHA_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), io_channels, bandgap, input) // 20
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in “pha”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name in the named specifier
- Returns
the cell’s value
(node_id, pha, name, cell, default_value)¶ Like DT_PHA_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to default_value.
If the value exists, this expands to DT_PHA_BY_NAME(node_id, pha, name, cell). The default_value parameter is not expanded in this case.
Otherwise, this expands to default_value.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in “pha”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name in the named specifier
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
the cell’s value or default_value
(node_id, pha, name)¶ Get a phandle’s node identifier from a phandle array by name.
It might help to read the argument order as being similar to “node->”. That is, the phandle array is treated as a structure with named elements. The return value is the node identifier for a phandle inside the structure.
Example devicetree fragment:
adc1: adc@... { label = "ADC_1"; }; adc2: adc@... { label = "ADC_2"; }; n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP"; };
Above, “io-channels” has two elements:
the element named “SENSOR” has phandle &adc1
the element named “BANDGAP” has phandle &adc2
Example usage:
#define NODE DT_NODELABEL(n) DT_LABEL(DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(NODE, io_channels, sensor)) // "ADC_1" DT_LABEL(DT_PHANDLE_BY_NAME(NODE, io_channels, bandgap)) // "ADC_2"
Notice how devicetree properties and names are lowercased, and non-alphanumeric characters are converted to underscores.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an element in “pha”
- Returns
a node identifier for the node with that phandle
(node_id, prop, idx)¶ Get a node identifier for a phandle in a property.
When a node’s value at a logical index contains a phandle, this macro returns a node identifier for the node with that phandle.
Therefore, if “prop” has type “phandle”, “idx” must be zero. (A “phandle” type is treated as a “phandles” with a fixed length of 1).
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { foo = <&n2 &n3>; }; n2: node-2 { ... }; n3: node-3 { ... };
Above, “foo” has type phandles and has two elements:
index 0 has phandle &n2, which is node-2’s phandle
index 1 has phandle &n3, which is node-3’s phandle
Example usage:
#define N1 DT_NODELABEL(n1) DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(N1, foo, 0) // node identifier for node-2 DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(N1, foo, 1) // node identifier for node-3
Behavior is analogous for phandle-arrays.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name in “node_id” with type “phandle”, “phandles” or “phandle-array”
idx – index into “prop”
- Returns
node identifier for the node with the phandle at that index
(node_id, prop)¶ Get a node identifier for a phandle property’s value.
This is equivalent to DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, 0). Its primary benefit is readability when “prop” has type “phandle”.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property of “node_id” with type “phandle”
- Returns
a node identifier for the node pointed to by “ph”
Use these APIs instead of Property access to access the
property. Because this property’s semantics are defined by the
devicetree specification, these macros can be used even for nodes without
matching bindings.
(node_id)¶ Get the number of register blocks in the reg property.
Use this instead of DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, reg).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
Number of register blocks in the node’s “reg” property.
(node_id, idx)¶ Is “idx” a valid register block index?
If this returns 1, then DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) or DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) are valid. If it returns 0, it is an error to use those macros with index “idx”.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
idx – index to check
- Returns
1 if “idx” is a valid register block index, 0 otherwise.
(node_id, idx)¶ Get the base address of the register block at index “idx”.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
idx – index of the register whose address to return
- Returns
address of the idx-th register block
(node_id, idx)¶ Get the size of the register block at index “idx”.
This is the size of an individual register block, not the total number of register blocks in the property; use DT_NUM_REGS() for that.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
idx – index of the register whose size to return
- Returns
size of the idx-th register block
(node_id)¶ Get a node’s (only) register block address.
Equivalent to DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
node’s register block address
(node_id)¶ Get a node’s (only) register block size.
Equivalent to DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, 0).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
node’s only register block’s size
(node_id, name)¶ Get a register block’s base address by name.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
name – lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
- Returns
address of the register block specified by name
(node_id, name)¶ Get a register block’s size by name.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
name – lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
- Returns
size of the register block specified by name
Use these APIs instead of Property access to access the
Because this property’s semantics are defined by the devicetree specification, some of these macros can be used even for nodes without matching bindings. This does not apply to macros which take cell names as arguments.
(node_id)¶ Get the number of interrupt sources for the node.
Use this instead of DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, interrupts).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
Number of interrupt specifiers in the node’s “interrupts” property.
(node_id, idx)¶ Is “idx” a valid interrupt index?
If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx) is valid. If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro with this index.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
idx – index to check
- Returns
1 if the idx is valid for the interrupt property 0 otherwise.
(node_id, idx, cell)¶ Does an interrupts property have a named cell specifier at an index? If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, cell) is valid. If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
idx – index to check
cell – named cell value whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index idx 0 otherwise.
(node_id, cell)¶ Equivalent to DT_IRQ_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
cell – named cell value whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index 0 0 otherwise.
(node_id, name)¶ Does an interrupts property have a named specifier value at an index? If this returns 1, then DT_IRQ_BY_NAME(node_id, name, cell) is valid. If it returns 0, it is an error to use that macro.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
name – lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
- Returns
1 if “name” is a valid named specifier 0 otherwise.
(node_id, idx, cell)¶ Get a value within an interrupt specifier at an index.
It might help to read the argument order as being similar to “node->interrupts[index].cell”.
This can be used to get information about an individual interrupt when a device generates more than one.
Example devicetree fragment:
my-serial: serial@... { interrupts = < 33 0 >, < 34 1 >; };
Assuming the node’s interrupt domain has “#interrupt-cells = <2>;” and the individual cells in each interrupt specifier are named “irq” and “priority” by the node’s binding, here are some examples:
#define SERIAL DT_NODELABEL(my_serial) Example usage Value ------------- ----- DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 0, irq) 33 DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 0, priority) 0 DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 1, irq, 34 DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(SERIAL, 1, priority) 1
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
idx – logical index into the interrupt specifier array
cell – cell name specifier
- Returns
the named value at the specifier given by the index
(node_id, name, cell)¶ Get a value within an interrupt specifier by name.
It might help to read the argument order as being similar to “node->”.
This can be used to get information about an individual interrupt when a device generates more than one, if the bindings give each interrupt specifier a name.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
name – lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
cell – cell name specifier
- Returns
the named value at the specifier given by the index
(node_id, cell)¶ Get an interrupt specifier’s value Equivalent to DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, cell).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
cell – cell name specifier
- Returns
the named value at that index
(node_id)¶ Get a node’s (only) irq number.
Equivalent to DT_IRQ(node_id, irq). This is provided as a convenience for the common case where a node generates exactly one interrupt, and the IRQ number is in a cell named “irq”.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
the interrupt number for the node’s only interrupt
For-each macros¶
There is currently only one “generic” for-each macro,
, which allows iterating over the children of a
devicetree node.
There are special-purpose for-each macros, like
, but these require DT_DRV_COMPAT
be defined before use.
(node_id, fn)¶ Invokes “fn” for each child of “node_id”.
The macro “fn” must take one parameter, which will be the node identifier of a child node of “node_id”.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { child-1 { label = "foo"; }; child-2 { label = "bar"; }; };
Example usage:
#define LABEL_AND_COMMA(node_id) DT_LABEL(node_id), const char *child_labels[] = { DT_FOREACH_CHILD(DT_NODELABEL(n), LABEL_AND_COMMA) };
This expands to:
const char *child_labels[] = { "foo", "bar", };
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
fn – macro to invoke
(node_id, fn, ...)¶ Invokes “fn” for each child of “node_id” with multiple arguments.
The macro “fn” takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
fn – macro to invoke
... – variable number of arguments to pass to fn
(node_id, fn)¶ Call “fn” on the child nodes with status “okay”.
The macro “fn” should take one argument, which is the node identifier for the child node.
As usual, both a missing status and an “ok” status are treated as “okay”.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
fn – macro to invoke
(node_id, fn, ...)¶ Call “fn” on the child nodes with status “okay” with multiple arguments.
The macro “fn” takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
As usual, both a missing status and an “ok” status are treated as “okay”.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
fn – macro to invoke
... – variable number of arguments to pass to fn
(node_id, prop, fn)¶ Invokes “fn” for each element in the value of property “prop”.
The macro “fn” must take three parameters: fn(node_id, prop, idx). “node_id” and “prop” are the same as what is passed to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM, and “idx” is the current index into the array. The “idx” values are integer literals starting from 0.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { my-ints = <1 2 3>; };
Example usage:
#define TIMES_TWO(node_id, prop, idx) \ (2 * DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)), int array[] = { DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(DT_NODELABEL(n), my_ints, TIMES_TWO) };
This expands to:
int array[] = { (2 * 1), (2 * 2), (2 * 3), };
In general, this macro expands to:
fn(node_id, prop, 0) fn(node_id, prop, 1) [...] fn(node_id, prop, n-1)
where “n” is the number of elements in “prop”, as it would be returned by
DT_PROP_LEN(node_id, prop)
.The “prop” argument must refer to a property with type string, array, uint8-array, string-array, phandles, or phandle-array. It is an error to use this macro with properties of other types.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
fn – macro to invoke
(node_id, prop, fn, ...)¶ Invokes “fn” for each element in the value of property “prop” with multiple arguments.
The macro “fn” must take multiple parameters: fn(node_id, prop, idx, …). “node_id” and “prop” are the same as what is passed to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM, and “idx” is the current index into the array. The “idx” values are integer literals starting from 0. The remaining arguments are passed-in by the caller.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
fn – macro to invoke
... – variable number of arguments to pass to fn
(compat, fn)¶ Call “fn” on all nodes with compatible DT_DRV_COMPAT and status “okay”.
This macro expands to:
fn(node_id_1) fn(node_id_2) ... fn(node_id_n)
where each “node_id_<i>” is a node identifier for some node with compatible “compat” and status “okay”. Whitespace is added between expansions as shown above.
Example devicetree fragment:
/ { a { compatible = "foo"; status = "okay"; }; b { compatible = "foo"; status = "disabled"; }; c { compatible = "foo"; }; };
Example usage:
This expands to one of the following:
"/a" "/c" "/c" "/a"
“One of the following” is because no guarantees are made about the order that node identifiers are passed to “fn” in the expansion.
(The “/c” string literal is present because a missing status property is always treated as if the status were set to “okay”.)
Note also that “fn” is responsible for adding commas, semicolons, or other terminators as needed.
- Parameters
compat – lowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
fn – Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept a node_id as its only parameter.
(compat, fn, ...)¶ Invokes “fn” for each status “okay” node of a compatible with multiple arguments.
This is like DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY() except you can also pass additional arguments to “fn”.
Example devicetree fragment:
/ { a { compatible = "foo"; val = <3>; }; b { compatible = "foo"; val = <4>; }; };
Example usage:
#define MY_FN(node_id, operator) DT_PROP(node_id, val) operator x = DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(foo, MY_FN, +) 0;
This expands to one of the following:
x = 3 + 4 + 0; x = 4 + 3 + 0;
i.e. it sets x to 7. As with DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(), there are no guarantees about the order nodes appear in the expansion.
- Parameters
compat – lowercase-and-underscores devicetree compatible
fn – Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept a node_id as its only parameter.
... – Additional arguments to pass to “fn”
Existence checks¶
This section documents miscellaneous macros that can be used to test if a node
exists, how many nodes of a certain type exist, whether a node has certain
properties, etc. Some macros used for special purposes (such as
and all macros which require DT_DRV_COMPAT
) are
documented elsewhere on this page.
(node_id)¶ Does a node identifier refer to a node?
Tests whether a node identifier refers to a node which exists, i.e. is defined in the devicetree.
It doesn’t matter whether or not the node has a matching binding, or what the node’s status value is. This is purely a check of whether the node exists at all.
- Parameters
node_id – a node identifier
- Returns
1 if the node identifier refers to a node, 0 otherwise.
(node_id, status)¶ Does a node identifier refer to a node with a status?
Example uses:
DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_12340000), okay) DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_12340000), disabled)
Tests whether a node identifier refers to a node which:
exists in the devicetree, and
has a status property matching the second argument (except that either a missing status or an “ok” status in the devicetree is treated as if it were “okay” instead)
- Parameters
node_id – a node identifier
status – a status as one of the tokens okay or disabled, not a string
- Returns
1 if the node has the given status, 0 otherwise.
(compat)¶ Does the devicetree have a status “okay” node with a compatible?
Test for whether the devicetree has any nodes with status “okay” and the given compatible. That is, this returns 1 if and only if there is at least one “node_id” for which both of these expressions return 1:
DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, okay) DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat)
As usual, both a missing status and an “ok” status are treated as “okay”.
- Parameters
compat – lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
- Returns
1 if both of the above conditions are met, 0 otherwise
(compat)¶ Get the number of instances of a given compatible with status “okay”.
- Parameters
compat – lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
- Returns
Number of instances with status “okay”
(node_id, compat)¶ Does a devicetree node match a compatible?
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { compatible = "vnd,specific-device", "generic-device"; }
Example usages which evaluate to 1:
DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(DT_NODELABEL(n), vnd_specific_device) DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(DT_NODELABEL(n), generic_device)
This macro only uses the value of the compatible property. Whether or not a particular compatible has a matching binding has no effect on its value, nor does the node’s status.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
compat – lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
- Returns
1 if the node’s compatible property contains compat, 0 otherwise.
(node_id, compat, status)¶ Does a devicetree node have a compatible and status?
This is equivalent to:
(DT_NODE_HAS_COMPAT(node_id, compat) && DT_NODE_HAS_STATUS(node_id, status))
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
compat – lowercase-and-underscores compatible, without quotes
status – okay or disabled as a token, not a string
(node_id, prop)¶ Does a devicetree node have a property?
Tests whether a devicetree node has a property defined.
This tests whether the property is defined at all, not whether a boolean property is true or false. To get a boolean property’s truth value, use DT_PROP(node_id, prop) instead.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
- Returns
1 if the node has the property, 0 otherwise.
(node_id, pha, idx, cell)¶ Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at an index?
If this returns 1, then the phandle-array property “pha” has a cell named “cell” at index “idx”, and therefore DT_PHA_BY_IDX(node_id, pha, idx, cell) is valid. If it returns 0, it’s an error to use DT_PHA_BY_IDX() with the same arguments.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
idx – index to check within “pha”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name whose existence to check at index “idx”
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index idx, 0 otherwise.
(node_id, pha, cell)¶ Equivalent to DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX(node_id, pha, 0, cell)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name whose existence to check at index “idx”
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index 0, 0 otherwise.
Inter-node dependencies¶
The devicetree.h
API has some support for tracking dependencies between
nodes. Dependency tracking relies on a binary “depends on” relation between
devicetree nodes, which is defined as the transitive closure of the following “directly
depends on” relation:
every non-root node directly depends on its parent node
a node directly depends on any nodes its properties refer to by phandle
a node directly depends on its
if it has aninterrupts
A dependency ordering of a devicetree is a list of its nodes, where each node
appears earlier in the list than any nodes that depend on n
. A node’s
dependency ordinal is then its zero-based index in that list. Thus, for two
distinct devicetree nodes n1
and n2
with dependency ordinals d1
, we have:
d1 != d2
depends onn2
, thend1 > d2
d1 > d2
does not necessarily imply thatn1
depends onn2
The Zephyr build system chooses a dependency ordering of the final devicetree and assigns a dependency ordinal to each node. Dependency related information can be accessed using the following macros. The exact dependency ordering chosen is an implementation detail, but cyclic dependencies are detected and cause errors, so it’s safe to assume there are none when using these macros.
There are instance number-based conveniences as well; see
and subsequent documentation.
(node_id)¶ Get a node’s dependency ordinal.
- Parameters
node_id – Node identifier
- Returns
the node’s dependency ordinal as an integer literal
(node_id)¶ Get a list of dependency ordinals of a node’s direct dependencies.
There is a comma after each ordinal in the expansion, including the last one:
DT_REQUIRES_DEP_ORDS(my_node) // required_ord_1, ..., required_ord_n,
The one case DT_REQUIRES_DEP_ORDS() expands to nothing is when given the root node identifier
as argument. The root has no direct dependencies; every other node at least depends on its parent.- Parameters
node_id – Node identifier
- Returns
a list of dependency ordinals, with each ordinal followed by a comma (
), or an empty expansion
(node_id)¶ Get a list of dependency ordinals of what depends directly on a node.
There is a comma after each ordinal in the expansion, including the last one:
DT_SUPPORTS_DEP_ORDS(my_node) // supported_ord_1, ..., supported_ord_n,
DT_SUPPORTS_DEP_ORDS() may expand to nothing. This happens when
refers to a leaf node that nothing else depends on.- Parameters
node_id – Node identifier
- Returns
a list of dependency ordinals, with each ordinal followed by a comma (
), or an empty expansion
(inst)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s dependency ordinal.
Equivalent to DT_DEP_ORD(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
The instance’s dependency ordinal
(inst)¶ Get a list of dependency ordinals of a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s direct dependencies.
Equivalent to DT_REQUIRES_DEP_ORDS(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
a list of dependency ordinals for the nodes the instance depends on directly
(inst)¶ Get a list of dependency ordinals of what depends directly on a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
Equivalent to DT_SUPPORTS_DEP_ORDS(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
a list of node identifiers for the nodes that depend directly on the instance
Bus helpers¶
Zephyr’s devicetree bindings language supports a bus:
key which allows
bindings to declare that nodes with a given compatible describe system buses.
In this case, child nodes are considered to be on a bus of the given type, and
the following APIs may be used.
(node_id)¶ Node’s bus controller.
Get the node identifier of the node’s bus controller. This can be used with DT_PROP() to get properties of the bus controller.
It is an error to use this with nodes which do not have bus controllers.
Example devicetree fragment:
i2c@deadbeef { label = "I2C_CTLR"; status = "okay"; clock-frequency = < 100000 >; i2c_device: accelerometer@12 { ... }; };
Example usage:
DT_PROP(DT_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(i2c_device)), clock_frequency) // 100000
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
a node identifier for the node’s bus controller
(node_id)¶ Node’s bus controller’s label property.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
the label property of the node’s bus controller DT_BUS(node)
(node_id, bus)¶ Is a node on a bus of a given type?
Example devicetree overlay:
&i2c0 { temp: temperature-sensor@76 { compatible = "vnd,some-sensor"; reg = <0x76>; }; };
Example usage, assuming “i2c0” is an I2C bus controller node, and therefore “temp” is on an I2C bus:
DT_ON_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(temp), i2c) // 1 DT_ON_BUS(DT_NODELABEL(temp), spi) // 0
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
bus – lowercase-and-underscores bus type as a C token (i.e. without quotes)
- Returns
1 if the node is on a bus of the given type, 0 otherwise
Instance-based APIs¶
These are recommended for use within device drivers. To use them, define
to the lowercase-and-underscores compatible the device driver
implements support for. Here is an example devicetree fragment:
serial@40001000 {
compatible = "vnd,serial";
status = "okay";
current-speed = <115200>;
Example usage, assuming serial@40001000 is the only enabled node with compatible “vnd,serial”:
#define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_serial
DT_DRV_INST(0) // node identifier for serial@40001000
DT_INST_PROP(0, current_speed) // 115200
Be careful making assumptions about instance numbers. See DT_INST()
for the API guarantees.
As shown above, the DT_INST_*
APIs are conveniences for addressing nodes by
instance number. They are almost all defined in terms of one of the
Generic APIs. The equivalent generic API can be found by
removing INST_
from the macro name. For example, DT_INST_PROP(inst,
is equivalent to DT_PROP(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop)
. Similarly,
is equivalent to DT_REG_ADDR(DT_DRV_INST(inst))
and so on. There are some exceptions: DT_ANY_INST_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY()
are special-purpose helpers without
straightforward generic equivalents.
requires DT_DRV_COMPAT
to be defined, it’s an error
to use any of these without that macro defined.
Note that there are also helpers available for specific hardware; these are documented in Hardware specific APIs.
(inst)¶ Node identifier for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
a node identifier for the node with DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible and instance number “inst”
(inst, fn)¶ Call “fn” on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst).
The macro “fn” should take one argument, which is the node identifier for the child node.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
fn – macro to invoke on each child node identifier
(inst, fn, ...)¶ Call “fn” on all child nodes of DT_DRV_INST(inst).
The macro “fn” takes multiple arguments. The first should be the node identifier for the child node. The remaining are passed-in by the caller.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
fn – macro to invoke on each child node identifier
... – variable number of arguments to pass to fn
(inst, prop)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance property.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
- Returns
a representation of the property’s value
(inst, prop)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT property length.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
- Returns
logical length of the property
(inst, prop, idx)¶ Is index “idx” valid for an array type property on a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
idx – index to check
- Returns
1 if “idx” is a valid index into the given property, 0 otherwise.
(inst, prop, idx)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT element value in an array property.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
idx – the index to get
- Returns
a representation of the idx-th element of the property
(inst, prop, default_value)¶ Like DT_INST_PROP(), but with a fallback to default_value.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
DT_INST_PROP(inst, prop) or default_value
(inst)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s “label” property.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
instance’s label property value
(inst, ph, prop)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s property value from a phandle’s node.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
ph – lowercase-and-underscores property of “inst” with type “phandle”
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle’s node
- Returns
the value of “prop” as described in the DT_PROP() documentation
(inst, phs, idx, prop)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s property value from a phandle in a property.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
phs – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle”, “phandles”, or “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “phs”, which must be zero if “phs” has type “phandle”
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property of the phandle’s node
- Returns
the value of “prop” as described in the DT_PROP() documentation
(inst, pha, idx, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s phandle-array specifier value at an index.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into the property “pha”
cell – binding’s cell name within the specifier at index “idx”
- Returns
the value of the cell inside the specifier at index “idx”
(inst, pha, idx, cell, default_value)¶ Like DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(), but with a fallback to default_value.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into the property “pha”
cell – binding’s cell name within the specifier at index “idx”
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, idx, cell) or default_value
(inst, pha, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s phandle-array specifier value Equivalent to DT_INST_PHA_BY_IDX(inst, pha, 0, cell)
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
cell – binding’s cell name for the specifier at “pha” index 0
- Returns
the cell value
(inst, pha, cell, default_value)¶ Like DT_INST_PHA(), but with a fallback to default_value.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
cell – binding’s cell name for the specifier at “pha” index 0
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
DT_INST_PHA(inst, pha, cell) or default_value
(inst, pha, name, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s value within a phandle-array specifier by name.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in “pha”
cell – binding’s cell name for the named specifier
- Returns
the cell value
(inst, pha, name, cell, default_value)¶ Like DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(), but with a fallback to default_value.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a specifier in “pha”
cell – binding’s cell name for the named specifier
default_value – a fallback value to expand to
- Returns
DT_INST_PHA_BY_NAME(inst, pha, name, cell) or default_value
(inst, pha, name)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s phandle node identifier from a phandle array by name.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an element in “pha”
- Returns
node identifier for the phandle at the element named “name”
(inst, prop, idx)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s node identifier for a phandle in a property.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name in “inst” with type “phandle”, “phandles” or “phandle-array”
idx – index into “prop”
- Returns
a node identifier for the phandle at index “idx” in “prop”
(inst, prop)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s node identifier for a phandle property’s value.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property of “inst” with type “phandle”
- Returns
a node identifier for the node pointed to by “ph”
(inst, idx)¶ is “idx” a valid register block index on a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – index to check
- Returns
1 if “idx” is a valid register block index, 0 otherwise.
(inst, idx)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s idx-th register block’s address.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – index of the register whose address to return
- Returns
address of the instance’s idx-th register block
(inst, idx)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s idx-th register block’s size.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – index of the register whose size to return
- Returns
size of the instance’s idx-th register block
(inst, name)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s register block address by name.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
- Returns
address of the register block with the given name
(inst, name)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s register block size by name.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores register specifier name
- Returns
size of the register block with the given name
(inst)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s (only) register block address.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
instance’s register block address
(inst)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s (only) register block size.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
instance’s register block size
(inst, idx, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT interrupt specifier value at an index.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – logical index into the interrupt specifier array
cell – cell name specifier
- Returns
the named value at the specifier given by the index
(inst, name, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT interrupt specifier value by name.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
cell – cell name specifier
- Returns
the named value at the specifier given by the index
(inst, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT interrupt specifier’s value.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
cell – cell name specifier
- Returns
the named value at that index
(inst)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s (only) irq number.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
the interrupt number for the node’s only interrupt
(inst)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s bus node identifier.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
node identifier for the instance’s bus node
(inst)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s bus node’s label property.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
the label property of the instance’s bus controller
(inst, bus)¶ Test if a DT_DRV_COMPAT’s bus type is a given type.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
bus – a binding’s bus type as a C token, lowercased and without quotes
- Returns
1 if the given instance is on a bus of the given type, 0 otherwise
(bus)¶ Test if any DT_DRV_COMPAT node is on a bus of a given type and has status okay.
This is a special-purpose macro which can be useful when writing drivers for devices which can appear on multiple buses. One example is a sensor device which may be wired on an I2C or SPI bus.
Example devicetree overlay:
&i2c0 { temp: temperature-sensor@76 { compatible = "vnd,some-sensor"; reg = <0x76>; }; };
Example usage, assuming “i2c0” is an I2C bus controller node, and therefore “temp” is on an I2C bus:
#define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_some_sensor DT_ANY_INST_ON_BUS_STATUS_OKAY(i2c) // 1
- Parameters
bus – a binding’s bus type as a C token, lowercased and without quotes
- Returns
1 if any enabled node with that compatible is on that bus type, 0 otherwise
(fn)¶ Call “fn” on all nodes with compatible DT_DRV_COMPAT and status “okay”.
This macro calls “fn(inst)” on each “inst” number that refers to a node with status “okay”. Whitespace is added between invocations.
Example devicetree fragment:
a { compatible = "vnd,device"; status = "okay"; label = "DEV_A"; }; b { compatible = "vnd,device"; status = "okay"; label = "DEV_B"; }; c { compatible = "vnd,device"; status = "disabled"; label = "DEV_C"; };
Example usage:
#define DT_DRV_COMPAT vnd_device #define MY_FN(inst) DT_INST_LABEL(inst), DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY(MY_FN)
This expands to:
MY_FN(0) MY_FN(1)
and from there, to either this:
"DEV_A", "DEV_B",
or this:
"DEV_B", "DEV_A",
No guarantees are made about the order that a and b appear in the expansion.
Note that “fn” is responsible for adding commas, semicolons, or other separators or terminators.
Device drivers should use this macro whenever possible to instantiate a struct device for each enabled node in the devicetree of the driver’s compatible DT_DRV_COMPAT.
- Parameters
fn – Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept an instance number as its only parameter.
(fn, ...)¶ Call “fn” on all nodes with compatible DT_DRV_COMPAT and status “okay” with multiple arguments.
- Parameters
fn – Macro to call for each enabled node. Must accept an instance number as its only parameter.
... – variable number of arguments to pass to fn
(inst, prop, fn)¶ Invokes “fn” for each element of property “prop” for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
Equivalent to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
fn – macro to invoke
(inst, prop, fn, ...)¶ Invokes “fn” for each element of property “prop” for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance with multiple arguments.
Equivalent to DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS(DT_DRV_INST(inst), prop, fn, VA_ARGS)
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
fn – macro to invoke
... – variable number of arguments to pass to fn
(inst, prop)¶ Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have a property?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name
- Returns
1 if the instance has the property, 0 otherwise.
(inst, pha, idx, cell)¶ Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at an index for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
idx – index to check
cell – named cell value whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index idx, 0 otherwise.
(inst, pha, cell)¶ Does a phandle array have a named cell specifier at index 0 for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pha – lowercase-and-underscores property with type “phandle-array”
cell – named cell value whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the specifier at index 0, 0 otherwise.
(inst, idx)¶ is index valid for interrupt property on a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – logical index into the interrupt specifier array
- Returns
1 if the idx is valid for the interrupt property 0 otherwise.
(inst, idx, cell)¶ Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have an interrupt named cell specifier?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – index to check
cell – named cell value whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index idx 0 otherwise.
(inst, cell)¶ Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have an interrupt value?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
cell – named cell value whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the named cell exists in the interrupt specifier at index 0 0 otherwise.
(inst, name)¶ Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance have an interrupt value?
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores interrupt specifier name
- Returns
1 if “name” is a valid named specifier
Hardware specific APIs¶
The following APIs can also be used by including <devicetree.h>
no additional include is needed.
These conveniences may be used for nodes which describe clock sources, and properties related to them.
(node_id, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the controller phandle from a “clocks” phandle-array property at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
clk1: clock-controller@... { ... }; clk2: clock-controller@... { ... }; n: node { clocks = <&clk1 10 20>, <&clk2 30 40>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
idx – logical index into “clocks”
- Returns
the node identifier for the clock controller referenced at index “idx”
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_CLOCKS_CTLR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
- Returns
a node identifier for the clocks controller at index 0 in “clocks”
(node_id, name)¶ Get the node identifier for the controller phandle from a clocks phandle-array property at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
clk1: clock-controller@... { ... }; clk2: clock-controller@... { ... }; n: node { clocks = <&clk1 10 20>, <&clk2 30 40>; clock-names = "alpha", "beta"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a clocks element as defined by the node’s clock-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the clock controller referenced by name
(node_id, idx)¶ Get a label property from the node referenced by a pwms property at an index.
It’s an error if the clock controller node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s clocks property at index “idx” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
clk1: clock-controller@... { label = "CLK_1"; }; clk2: clock-controller@... { label = "CLK_2"; }; n: node { clocks = <&clk1 10 20>, <&clk2 30 40>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a clocks property
idx – logical index into clocks property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get a label property from a clocks property by name.
It’s an error if the clock controller node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s clocks property at the element named “name” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
clk1: clock-controller@... { label = "CLK_1"; }; clk2: clock-controller@... { label = "CLK_2"; }; n: node { clocks = <&clk1 10 20>, <&clk2 30 40>; clock-names = "alpha", "beta"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a clocks property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a clocks element as defined by the node’s clock-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_CLOCKS_LABEL_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a clocks property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(node_id, idx, cell)¶ Get a clock specifier’s cell value at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
clk1: clock-controller@... { compatible = "vnd,clock"; #clock-cells = < 2 >; }; n: node { clocks = < &clk1 10 20 >, < &clk1 30 40 >; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,clock compatible:
clock-cells: - bus - bits
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a clocks property
idx – logical index into clocks property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index “idx”
(node_id, name, cell)¶ Get a clock specifier’s cell value by name.
Example devicetree fragment:
clk1: clock-controller@... { compatible = "vnd,clock"; #clock-cells = < 2 >; }; n: node { clocks = < &clk1 10 20 >, < &clk1 30 40 >; clock-names = "alpha", "beta"; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,clock compatible:
clock-cells: - bus - bits
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a clocks property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a clocks element as defined by the node’s clock-names property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value in the specifier at the named element
(node_id, cell)¶ Equivalent to DT_CLOCKS_CELL_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a clocks property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index 0
(inst, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the controller phandle from a “clocks” phandle-array property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – logical index into “clocks”
- Returns
the node identifier for the clock controller referenced at index “idx”
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_CLOCKS_CTLR_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
a node identifier for the clocks controller at index 0 in “clocks”
(inst, name)¶ Get the node identifier for the controller phandle from a clocks phandle-array property by name.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a clocks element as defined by the node’s clock-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the clock controller referenced by the named element
(inst, idx)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s clocks property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into clocks property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s clocks property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a clocks element as defined by the node’s clock-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_CLOCKS_LABEL_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(inst, idx, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s clock specifier’s cell value at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into clocks property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index “idx”
(inst, name, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s clock specifier’s cell value by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a clocks element as defined by the node’s clock-names property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value in the specifier at the named element
(inst, cell)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_CLOCKS_CELL_BY_IDX(inst, 0, cell)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the value of the cell inside the specifier at index 0
These conveniences may be used for nodes which describe direct memory access controllers or channels, and properties related to them.
(node_id, idx)¶ Get a label property from the node referenced by a dmas property at an index.
It’s an error if the DMA controller node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s dmas property at index “idx” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
dma1: dma@... { label = "DMA_1"; }; dma2: dma@... { label = "DMA_2"; }; n: node { dmas = <&dma1 1 2 0x400 0x3>, <&dma2 6 3 0x404 0x5>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
idx – logical index into dmas property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(inst, idx)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s dmas property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into dmas property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get a label property from a dmas property by name.
It’s an error if the DMA controller node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s dmas property at the element named “name” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
dma1: dma@... { label = "DMA_1"; }; dma2: dma@... { label = "DMA_2"; }; n: node { dmas = <&dma1 1 2 0x400 0x3>, <&dma2 6 3 0x404 0x5>; dma-names = "tx", "rx"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(node_id, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the DMA controller from a dmas property at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
dma1: dma@... { ... }; dma2: dma@... { ... }; n: node { dmas = <&dma1 1 2 0x400 0x3>, <&dma2 6 3 0x404 0x5>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
idx – logical index into dmas property
- Returns
the node identifier for the DMA controller referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get the node identifier for the DMA controller from a dmas property by name.
Example devicetree fragment:
dma1: dma@... { ... }; dma2: dma@... { ... }; n: node { dmas = <&dma1 1 2 0x400 0x3>, <&dma2 6 3 0x404 0x5>; dma-names = "tx", "rx"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the DMA controller in the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_DMAS_CTLR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
- Returns
the node identifier for the DMA controller at index 0 in the node’s “dmas” property
(inst, name)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s dmas property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(inst, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the DMA controller from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s dmas property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into dmas property
- Returns
the node identifier for the DMA controller referenced at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Get the node identifier for the DMA controller from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s dmas property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the DMA controller in the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_DMAS_CTLR_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the node identifier for the DMA controller at index 0 in the instance’s “dmas” property
(node_id, idx, cell)¶ Get a DMA specifier’s cell value at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
dma1: dma@... { compatible = "vnd,dma"; #dma-cells = <2>; }; dma2: dma@... { compatible = "vnd,dma"; #dma-cells = <2>; }; n: node { dmas = <&dma1 1 0x400>, <&dma2 6 0x404>; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,dma compatible:
dma-cells: - channel - config
Example usage:
DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), 0, channel) // 1 DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), 1, channel) // 6 DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), 0, config) // 0x400 DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), 1, config) // 0x404
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
idx – logical index into dmas property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index “idx”
(inst, idx, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s DMA specifier’s cell value at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into dmas property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index “idx”
(node_id, name, cell)¶ Get a DMA specifier’s cell value by name.
Example devicetree fragment:
dma1: dma@... { compatible = "vnd,dma"; #dma-cells = <2>; }; dma2: dma@... { compatible = "vnd,dma"; #dma-cells = <2>; }; n: node { dmas = <&dma1 1 0x400>, <&dma2 6 0x404>; dma-names = "tx", "rx"; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,dma compatible:
dma-cells: - channel - config
Example usage:
DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), tx, channel) // 1 DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), rx, channel) // 6 DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), tx, config) // 0x400 DT_DMAS_CELL_BY_NAME(DT_NODELABEL(n), rx, config) // 0x404
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value in the specifier at the named element
(inst, name, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s DMA specifier’s cell value by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value in the specifier at the named element
(node_id, idx)¶ Is index “idx” valid for a dmas property?
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
idx – logical index into dmas property
- Returns
1 if the “dmas” property has index “idx”, 0 otherwise
(inst, idx)¶ Is index “idx” valid for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s dmas property?
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into dmas property
- Returns
1 if the “dmas” property has a specifier at index “idx”, 0 otherwise
(node_id, name)¶ Does a dmas property have a named element?
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a dmas property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
- Returns
1 if the dmas property has the named element, 0 otherwise
(inst, name)¶ Does a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s dmas property have a named element?
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a dmas element as defined by the node’s dma-names property
- Returns
1 if the dmas property has the named element, 0 otherwise
Fixed flash partitions¶
These conveniences may be used for the special-purpose fixed-partitions
compatible used to encode information about flash memory partitions in the
device tree. See dts/bindings/mtd/partition.yaml for this
compatible’s binding.
(label)¶ Get a node identifier for a fixed partition with a given label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
flash@... { partitions { compatible = "fixed-partitions"; boot_partition: partition@0 { label = "mcuboot"; }; slot0_partition: partition@c000 { label = "image-0"; }; ... }; };
Example usage:
DT_NODE_BY_FIXED_PARTITION_LABEL(mcuboot) // node identifier for boot_partition DT_NODE_BY_FIXED_PARTITION_LABEL(image_0) // node identifier for slot0_partition
- Parameters
label – lowercase-and-underscores label property value
- Returns
a node identifier for the partition with that label property
(label)¶ Test if a fixed partition with a given label property exists.
- Parameters
label – lowercase-and-underscores label property value
- Returns
1 if any “fixed-partitions” child node has the given label, 0 otherwise.
(node_id)¶ Get a numeric identifier for a fixed partition.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a fixed-partitions child node
- Returns
the partition’s ID, a unique zero-based index number
(node_id)¶ Get the node identifier of the flash device for a partition.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a fixed-partitions child node
- Returns
the node identifier of the memory technology device that contains the fixed-partitions node.
These conveniences may be used for nodes which describe GPIO controllers/pins, and properties related to them.
(node_id, gpio_pha, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the controller phandle from a gpio phandle-array property at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
gpio1: gpio@... { }; gpio2: gpio@... { }; n: node { gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 30 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “gpio_pha”
- Returns
the node identifier for the gpio controller referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, gpio_pha)¶ Equivalent to DT_GPIO_CTLR_BY_IDX(node_id, gpio_pha, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
- Returns
a node identifier for the gpio controller at index 0 in “gpio_pha”
(node_id, gpio_pha, idx)¶ Get a label property from a gpio phandle-array property at an index.
It’s an error if the GPIO controller node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s “gpio_pha” property at index “idx” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
gpio1: gpio@... { label = "GPIO_1"; }; gpio2: gpio@... { label = "GPIO_2"; }; n: node { gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 30 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “gpio_pha”
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, gpio_pha)¶ Equivalent to DT_GPIO_LABEL_BY_IDX(node_id, gpio_pha, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(node_id, gpio_pha, idx)¶ Get a GPIO specifier’s pin cell at an index.
This macro only works for GPIO specifiers with cells named “pin”. Refer to the node’s binding to check if necessary.
Example devicetree fragment:
gpio1: gpio@... { compatible = "vnd,gpio"; #gpio-cells = <2>; }; gpio2: gpio@... { compatible = "vnd,gpio"; #gpio-cells = <2>; }; n: node { gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 30 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,gpio compatible:
gpio-cells: - pin - flags
Example usage:
DT_GPIO_PIN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), gpios, 0) // 10 DT_GPIO_PIN_BY_IDX(DT_NODELABEL(n), gpios, 1) // 30
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “gpio_pha”
- Returns
the pin cell value at index “idx”
(node_id, gpio_pha)¶ Equivalent to DT_GPIO_PIN_BY_IDX(node_id, gpio_pha, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
- Returns
the pin cell value at index 0
(node_id, gpio_pha, idx)¶ Get a GPIO specifier’s flags cell at an index.
This macro expects GPIO specifiers with cells named “flags”. If there is no “flags” cell in the GPIO specifier, zero is returned. Refer to the node’s binding to check specifier cell names if necessary.
Example devicetree fragment:
gpio1: gpio@... { compatible = "vnd,gpio"; #gpio-cells = <2>; }; gpio2: gpio@... { compatible = "vnd,gpio"; #gpio-cells = <2>; }; n: node { gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 30 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,gpio compatible:
gpio-cells: - pin - flags
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “gpio_pha”
- Returns
the flags cell value at index “idx”, or zero if there is none
(node_id, gpio_pha)¶ Equivalent to DT_GPIO_FLAGS_BY_IDX(node_id, gpio_pha, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
- Returns
the flags cell value at index 0, or zero if there is none
(inst, gpio_pha, idx)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s GPIO property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “gpio_pha”
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(inst, gpio_pha)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_GPIO_LABEL_BY_IDX(inst, gpio_pha, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(inst, gpio_pha, idx)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s GPIO specifier’s pin cell value at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “gpio_pha”
- Returns
the pin cell value at index “idx”
(inst, gpio_pha)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_GPIO_PIN_BY_IDX(inst, gpio_pha, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
- Returns
the pin cell value at index 0
(inst, gpio_pha, idx)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s GPIO specifier’s flags cell at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
idx – logical index into “gpio_pha”
- Returns
the flags cell value at index “idx”, or zero if there is none
(inst, gpio_pha)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_GPIO_FLAGS_BY_IDX(inst, gpio_pha, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
gpio_pha – lowercase-and-underscores GPIO property with type “phandle-array”
- Returns
the flags cell value at index 0, or zero if there is none
IO channels¶
These are commonly used by device drivers which need to use IO channels (e.g. ADC or DAC channels) for conversion.
(node_id, idx)¶ Get a label property from the node referenced by an io-channels property at an index.
It’s an error if the node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s io-channels property at index “idx” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
adc1: adc@... { label = "ADC_1"; }; adc2: adc@... { label = "ADC_2"; }; n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
idx – logical index into io-channels property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get a label property from an io-channels property by name.
It’s an error if the node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s io-channels property at the element named “name” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
adc1: adc@... { label = "ADC_1"; }; adc2: adc@... { label = "ADC_2"; }; n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an io-channels element as defined by the node’s io-channel-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_IO_CHANNELS_LABEL_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(node_id, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the node referenced by an io-channels property at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
adc1: adc@... { ... }; adc2: adc@... { ... }; n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
idx – logical index into io-channels property
- Returns
the node identifier for the node referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get the node identifier for the node referenced by an io-channels property by name.
Example devicetree fragment:
adc1: adc@... { ... }; adc2: adc@... { ... }; n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an io-channels element as defined by the node’s io-channel-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the node referenced at the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_IO_CHANNELS_CTLR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
- Returns
the node identifier for the node referenced at index 0 in the node’s “io-channels” property
(inst, idx)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s io-channels property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into io-channels property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s io-channels property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an io-channels element as defined by the instance’s io-channel-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_IO_CHANNELS_LABEL_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(inst, idx)¶ Get the node identifier from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s io-channels property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into io-channels property
- Returns
the node identifier for the node referenced at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Get the node identifier from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s io-channels property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an io-channels element as defined by the node’s io-channel-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the node referenced at the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_IO_CHANNELS_CTLR_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the node identifier for the node referenced at index 0 in the node’s “io-channels” property
(node_id, idx)¶ Get an io-channels specifier input cell at an index.
This macro only works for io-channels specifiers with cells named “input”. Refer to the node’s binding to check if necessary.
Example devicetree fragment:
adc1: adc@... { compatible = "vnd,adc"; #io-channel-cells = <1>; }; adc2: adc@... { compatible = "vnd,adc"; #io-channel-cells = <1>; }; n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,adc compatible:
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
idx – logical index into io-channels property
- Returns
the input cell in the specifier at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get an io-channels specifier input cell by name.
This macro only works for io-channels specifiers with cells named “input”. Refer to the node’s binding to check if necessary.
Example devicetree fragment:
adc1: adc@... { compatible = "vnd,adc"; #io-channel-cells = <1>; }; adc2: adc@... { compatible = "vnd,adc"; #io-channel-cells = <1>; }; n: node { io-channels = <&adc1 10>, <&adc2 20>; io-channel-names = "SENSOR", "BANDGAP"; };
Bindings fragment for the vnd,adc compatible:
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an io-channels element as defined by the node’s io-channel-names property
- Returns
the input cell in the specifier at the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_IO_CHANNELS_INPUT_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with an io-channels property
- Returns
the input cell in the specifier at index 0
(inst, idx)¶ Get an input cell from the “DT_DRV_INST(inst)” io-channels property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into io-channels property
- Returns
the input cell in the specifier at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Get an input cell from the “DT_DRV_INST(inst)” io-channels property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of an io-channels element as defined by the instance’s io-channel-names property
- Returns
the input cell in the specifier at the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_IO_CHANNELS_INPUT_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the input cell in the specifier at index 0
Pinctrl (pin control)¶
These are used to access pin control properties by name or index.
Devicetree nodes may have properties which specify pin control (sometimes known
as pin mux) settings. These are expressed using pinctrl-<index>
within the node, where the <index>
values are contiguous integers starting
from 0. These may also be named using the pinctrl-names
Here is an example:
node {
pinctrl-0 = <&foo &bar ...>;
pinctrl-1 = <&baz ...>;
pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
Above, pinctrl-0
has name "default"
, and pinctrl-1
has name
. The pinctrl-<index>
property values contain phandles. The
, &bar
, etc. phandles within the properties point to nodes whose
contents vary by platform, and which describe a pin configuration for the node.
(node_id, pc_idx, idx)¶ Get a node identifier for a phandle in a pinctrl property by index.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { pinctrl-0 = <&foo &bar>; pinctrl-1 = <&baz &blub>; }
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node with a pinctrl-‘pc_idx’ property
pc_idx – index of the pinctrl property itself
idx – index into the value of the pinctrl property
- Returns
node identifier for the phandle at index ‘idx’ in ‘pinctrl-‘pc_idx’’
(node_id, idx)¶ Get a node identifier from a pinctrl-0 property.
This is equivalent to:
DT_PINCTRL_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, idx)
It is provided for convenience since pinctrl-0 is commonly used.
- Parameters
node_id – node with a pinctrl-0 property
idx – index into the pinctrl-0 property
- Returns
node identifier for the phandle at index idx in the pinctrl-0 property of that node
(node_id, name, idx)¶ Get a node identifier for a phandle inside a pinctrl node by name.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { pinctrl-0 = <&foo &bar>; pinctrl-1 = <&baz &blub>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node with a named pinctrl property
name – lowercase-and-underscores pinctrl property name
idx – index into the value of the named pinctrl property
- Returns
node identifier for the phandle at that index in the pinctrl property
(node_id, name)¶ Convert a pinctrl name to its corresponding index.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { pinctrl-0 = <&foo &bar>; pinctrl-1 = <&baz &blub>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier with a named pinctrl property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name name of the pinctrl whose index to get
- Returns
integer literal for the index of the pinctrl property with that name
(node_id, pc_idx)¶ Convert a pinctrl property index to its name as a token.
This allows you to get a pinctrl property’s name, and “remove the
quotes” from it.
DT_PINCTRL_IDX_TO_NAME_TOKEN() can only be used if the node has a pinctrl-‘pc_idx’ property and a pinctrl-names property element for that index. It is an error to use it in other circumstances.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { pinctrl-0 = <...>; pinctrl-1 = <...>; pinctrl-names = "default", "f.o.o2"; };
Example usage:
The same caveats and restrictions that apply to DT_STRING_TOKEN()’s return value also apply here.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier
pc_idx – index of a pinctrl property in that node
- Returns
name of the pinctrl property, as a token, without any quotes and with non-alphanumeric characters converted to underscores
(node_id, pc_idx)¶ Like DT_PINCTRL_IDX_TO_NAME_TOKEN(), but with an uppercased result.
This does the a similar conversion as DT_PINCTRL_IDX_TO_NAME_TOKEN(node_id, pc_idx). The only difference is that alphabetical characters in the result are uppercased.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { pinctrl-0 = <...>; pinctrl-1 = <...>; pinctrl-names = "default", "f.o.o2"; };
Example usage:
The same caveats and restrictions that apply to DT_STRING_UPPER_TOKEN()’s return value also apply here.
(node_id, pc_idx)¶ Get the number of phandles in a pinctrl property.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { pinctrl-0 = <&foo &bar>; }; n2: node-2 { pinctrl-0 = <&baz>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier with a pinctrl property
pc_idx – index of the pinctrl property itself
- Returns
number of phandles in the property with that index
(node_id, name)¶ Like DT_NUM_PINCTRLS_BY_IDX(), but by name instead.
Example devicetree fragment:
n: node { pinctrl-0 = <&foo &bar>; pinctrl-1 = <&baz> pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier with a pinctrl property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name name of the pinctrl property
- Returns
number of phandles in the property with that name
(node_id)¶ Get the number of pinctrl properties in a node.
This expands to 0 if there are no pinctrl-i properties. Otherwise, it expands to the number of such properties.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { pinctrl-0 = <...>; pinctrl-1 = <...>; }; n2: node-2 { };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier; may or may not have any pinctrl properties
- Returns
number of pinctrl properties in the node
(node_id, pc_idx)¶ Test if a node has a pinctrl property with an index.
This expands to 1 if the pinctrl-‘idx’ property exists. Otherwise, it expands to 0.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { pinctrl-0 = <...>; pinctrl-1 = <...>; }; n2: node-2 { };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier; may or may not have any pinctrl properties
pc_idx – index of a pinctrl property whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the property exists, 0 otherwise
(node_id, name)¶ Test if a node has a pinctrl property with a name.
This expands to 1 if the named pinctrl property exists. Otherwise, it expands to 0.
Example devicetree fragment:
n1: node-1 { pinctrl-0 = <...>; pinctrl-names = "default"; }; n2: node-2 { };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier; may or may not have any pinctrl properties
name – lowercase-and-underscores pinctrl property name to check
- Returns
1 if the property exists, 0 otherwise
(inst, pc_idx, idx)¶ Get a node identifier for a phandle in a pinctrl property by index for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
This is equivalent to DT_PINCTRL_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pc_idx, idx).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pc_idx – index of the pinctrl property itself
idx – index into the value of the pinctrl property
- Returns
node identifier for the phandle at index ‘idx’ in ‘pinctrl-‘pc_idx’’
(inst, idx)¶ Get a node identifier from a pinctrl-0 property for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
This is equivalent to:
It is provided for convenience since pinctrl-0 is commonly used.
- Parameters
inst – instance number
idx – index into the pinctrl-0 property
- Returns
node identifier for the phandle at index idx in the pinctrl-0 property of that instance
(inst, name, idx)¶ Get a node identifier for a phandle inside a pinctrl node for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
This is equivalent to DT_PINCTRL_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name, idx).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores pinctrl property name
idx – index into the value of the named pinctrl property
- Returns
node identifier for the phandle at that index in the pinctrl property
(inst, name)¶ Convert a pinctrl name to its corresponding index for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
This is equivalent to DT_PINCTRL_NAME_TO_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of the pinctrl whose index to get
- Returns
integer literal for the index of the pinctrl property with that name
(inst, pc_idx)¶ Convert a pinctrl index to its name as an uppercased token.
This is equivalent to DT_PINCTRL_IDX_TO_NAME_TOKEN(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pc_idx).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pc_idx – index of the pinctrl property itself
- Returns
name of the pin control property as a token
(inst, pc_idx)¶ Convert a pinctrl index to its name as an uppercased token.
This is equivalent to DT_PINCTRL_IDX_TO_NAME_UPPER_TOKEN(DT_DRV_INST(inst), idx).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pc_idx – index of the pinctrl property itself
- Returns
name of the pin control property as an uppercase token
(inst, pc_idx)¶ Get the number of phandles in a pinctrl property for a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
This is equivalent to DT_NUM_PINCTRLS_BY_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pc_idx).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pc_idx – index of the pinctrl property itself
- Returns
number of phandles in the property with that index
(inst, name)¶ Like DT_INST_NUM_PINCTRLS_BY_IDX(), but by name instead.
This is equivalent to DT_NUM_PINCTRLS_BY_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of the pinctrl property
- Returns
number of phandles in the property with that name
(inst)¶ Get the number of pinctrl properties in a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance.
This is equivalent to DT_NUM_PINCTRL_STATES(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
- Returns
number of pinctrl properties in the instance
(inst, pc_idx)¶ Test if a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance has a pinctrl property with an index.
This is equivalent to DT_PINCTRL_HAS_IDX(DT_DRV_INST(inst), pc_idx).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
pc_idx – index of a pinctrl property whose existence to check
- Returns
1 if the property exists, 0 otherwise
(inst, name)¶ Test if a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance has a pinctrl property with a name.
This is equivalent to DT_PINCTRL_HAS_NAME(DT_DRV_INST(inst), name).
- Parameters
inst – instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores pinctrl property name to check
- Returns
1 if the property exists, 0 otherwise
These conveniences may be used for nodes which describe PWM controllers and properties related to them.
(node_id, idx)¶ Get a label property from a pwms property at an index.
It’s an error if the PWM controller node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s pwms property at index “idx” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
pwm1: pwm-controller@... { label = "PWM_1"; }; pwm2: pwm-controller@... { label = "PWM_2"; }; n: node { pwms = <&pwm1 1 PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>, <&pwm2 3 PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get a label property from a pwms property by name.
It’s an error if the PWM controller node referenced by the phandle in node_id’s pwms property at the element named “name” has no label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
pwm1: pwm-controller@... { label = "PWM_1"; }; pwm2: pwm-controller@... { label = "PWM_2"; }; n: node { pwms = <&pwm1 1 PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>, <&pwm2 3 PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED>; pwm-names = "alpha", "beta"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_PWMS_LABEL_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(node_id, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the PWM controller from a pwms property at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
pwm1: pwm-controller@... { ... }; pwm2: pwm-controller@... { ... }; n: node { pwms = <&pwm1 1 PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>, <&pwm2 3 PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED>; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the node identifier for the PWM controller referenced at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get the node identifier for the PWM controller from a pwms property by name.
Example devicetree fragment:
pwm1: pwm-controller@... { ... };
pwm2: pwm-controller… { … };
n: node { pwms = <&pwm1 1 PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>, <&pwm2 3 PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED>; pwm-names = “alpha”, “beta”; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the PWM controller in the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_PWMS_CTLR_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
- Returns
the node identifier for the PWM controller at index 0 in the node’s “pwms” property
(node_id, idx, cell)¶ Get PWM specifier’s cell value at an index.
Example devicetree fragment:
pwm1: pwm-controller@... { compatible = "vnd,pwm"; label = "PWM_1"; #pwm-cells = <2>; }; pwm2: pwm-controller@... { compatible = "vnd,pwm"; label = "PWM_2"; #pwm-cells = <2>; }; n: node { pwms = <&pwm1 1 200000 PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>, <&pwm2 3 100000 PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED>; };
Bindings fragment for the “vnd,pwm” compatible:
pwm-cells: - channel - period - flags
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
idx – logical index into pwms property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index “idx”
(node_id, name, cell)¶ Get a PWM specifier’s cell value by name.
Example devicetree fragment:
pwm1: pwm-controller@... { compatible = "vnd,pwm"; label = "PWM_1"; #pwm-cells = <2>; }; pwm2: pwm-controller@... { compatible = "vnd,pwm"; label = "PWM_2"; #pwm-cells = <2>; }; n: node { pwms = <&pwm1 1 200000 PWM_POLARITY_NORMAL>, <&pwm2 3 100000 PWM_POLARITY_INVERTED>; pwm-names = "alpha", "beta"; };
Bindings fragment for the “vnd,pwm” compatible:
pwm-cells: - channel - period - flags
Example usage:
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value in the specifier at the named element
(node_id, cell)¶ Equivalent to DT_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(node_id, 0, cell)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index 0
(node_id, idx)¶ Get a PWM specifier’s channel cell value at an index.
This macro only works for PWM specifiers with cells named “channel”. Refer to the node’s binding to check if necessary.
This is equivalent to DT_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, channel).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the channel cell value at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get a PWM specifier’s channel cell value by name.
This macro only works for PWM specifiers with cells named “channel”. Refer to the node’s binding to check if necessary.
This is equivalent to DT_PWMS_CELL_BY_NAME(node_id, name, channel).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the channel cell value in the specifier at the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_PWMS_CHANNEL_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
- Returns
the channel cell value at index 0
(node_id, idx)¶ Get PWM specifier’s period cell value at an index.
This macro only works for PWM specifiers with cells named “period”. Refer to the node’s binding to check if necessary.
This is equivalent to DT_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, period).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the period cell value at index “idx”
(node_id, name)¶ Get a PWM specifier’s period cell value by name.
This macro only works for PWM specifiers with cells named “period”. Refer to the node’s binding to check if necessary.
This is equivalent to DT_PWMS_CELL_BY_NAME(node_id, name, period).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the period cell value in the specifier at the named element
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_PWMS_PERIOD_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
- Returns
the period cell value at index 0
(node_id, idx)¶ Get a PWM specifier’s flags cell value at an index.
This macro expects PWM specifiers with cells named “flags”. If there is no “flags” cell in the PWM specifier, zero is returned. Refer to the node’s binding to check specifier cell names if necessary.
This is equivalent to DT_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, flags).
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the flags cell value at index “idx”, or zero if there is none
(node_id, name)¶ Get a PWM specifier’s flags cell value by name.
This macro expects PWM specifiers with cells named “flags”. If there is no “flags” cell in the PWM specifier, zero is returned. Refer to the node’s binding to check specifier cell names if necessary.
This is equivalent to DT_PWMS_CELL_BY_NAME(node_id, name, flags) if there is a flags cell, but expands to zero if there is none.
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the flags cell value in the specifier at the named element, or zero if there is none
(node_id)¶ Equivalent to DT_PWMS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(node_id, 0)
- Parameters
node_id – node identifier for a node with a pwms property
- Returns
the flags cell value at index 0, or zero if there is none
(inst, idx)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s pwms property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Get a label property from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s pwms property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_LABEL_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the label property of the node referenced at index 0
(inst, idx)¶ Get the node identifier for the PWM controller from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s pwms property at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the node identifier for the PWM controller referenced at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Get the node identifier for the PWM controller from a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s pwms property by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the node identifier for the PWM controller in the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CTLR_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the node identifier for the PWM controller at index 0 in the instance’s “pwms” property
(inst, idx, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s PWM specifier’s cell value at an index.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into pwms property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index “idx”
(inst, name, cell)¶ Get a DT_DRV_COMPAT instance’s PWM specifier’s cell value by name.
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value in the specifier at the named element
(inst, cell)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(inst, 0, cell)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
cell – lowercase-and-underscores cell name
- Returns
the cell value at index 0
(inst, idx)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(inst, idx, channel)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the channel cell value at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CELL_BY_NAME(inst, name, channel)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the channel cell value in the specifier at the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CHANNEL_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the channel cell value at index 0
(inst, idx)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(inst, idx, period)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the period cell value at index “idx”
(inst, name)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CELL_BY_NAME(inst, name, period)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the period cell value in the specifier at the named element
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_PERIOD_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the period cell value at index 0
(inst, idx)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CELL_BY_IDX(inst, idx, flags)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
idx – logical index into pwms property
- Returns
the flags cell value at index “idx”, or zero if there is none
(inst, name)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_CELL_BY_NAME(inst, name, flags)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
name – lowercase-and-underscores name of a pwms element as defined by the node’s pwm-names property
- Returns
the flags cell value in the specifier at the named element, or zero if there is none
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_INST_PWMS_FLAGS_BY_IDX(inst, 0)
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
the flags cell value at index 0, or zero if there is none
These conveniences may be used for nodes which describe either SPI controllers or devices, depending on the case.
(spi)¶ Does a SPI controller node have chip select GPIOs configured?
SPI bus controllers use the “cs-gpios” property for configuring chip select GPIOs. Its value is a phandle-array which specifies the chip select lines.
Example devicetree fragment:
spi1: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; spi2: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
spi – a SPI bus controller node identifier
- Returns
1 if “spi” has a cs-gpios property, 0 otherwise
(spi)¶ Number of chip select GPIOs in a SPI controller’s cs-gpios property.
Example devicetree fragment:
spi1: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; spi2: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
spi – a SPI bus controller node identifier
- Returns
Logical length of spi’s cs-gpios property, or 0 if “spi” doesn’t have a cs-gpios property
(spi_dev)¶ Does a SPI device have a chip select line configured? Example devicetree fragment:
spi1: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; a: spi-dev-a@0 { reg = <0>; }; b: spi-dev-b@1 { reg = <1>; }; }; spi2: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; c: spi-dev-c@0 { reg = <0>; }; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
spi_dev – a SPI device node identifier
- Returns
1 if spi_dev’s bus node DT_BUS(spi_dev) has a chip select pin at index DT_REG_ADDR(spi_dev), 0 otherwise
(spi_dev)¶ Get a SPI device’s chip select GPIO controller’s node identifier.
Example devicetree fragment:
gpio1: gpio@... { ... }; gpio2: gpio@... { ... }; spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; a: spi-dev-a@0 { reg = <0>; }; b: spi-dev-b@1 { reg = <1>; }; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
spi_dev – a SPI device node identifier
- Returns
node identifier for spi_dev’s chip select GPIO controller
(spi_dev)¶ Get a SPI device’s chip select GPIO controller’s label property.
Example devicetree fragment:
gpio1: gpio@... { label = "GPIO_1"; }; gpio2: gpio@... { label = "GPIO_2"; }; spi1: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; a: spi-dev-a@0 { reg = <0>; }; b: spi-dev-b@1 { reg = <1>; }; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
spi_dev – a SPI device node identifier
- Returns
label property of spi_dev’s chip select GPIO controller
(spi_dev)¶ Get a SPI device’s chip select GPIO pin number.
It’s an error if the GPIO specifier for spi_dev’s entry in its bus node’s cs-gpios property has no pin cell.
Example devicetree fragment:
spi1: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&gpio2 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; a: spi-dev-a@0 { reg = <0>; }; b: spi-dev-b@1 { reg = <1>; }; };
Example usage:
- Parameters
spi_dev – a SPI device node identifier
- Returns
pin number of spi_dev’s chip select GPIO
(spi_dev)¶ Get a SPI device’s chip select GPIO flags.
Example devicetree fragment:
spi1: spi@... { compatible = "vnd,spi"; cs-gpios = <&gpio1 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; a: spi-dev-a@0 { reg = <0>; }; };
Example usage:
If the GPIO specifier for spi_dev’s entry in its bus node’s cs-gpios property has no flags cell, this expands to zero.
- Parameters
spi_dev – a SPI device node identifier
- Returns
flags value of spi_dev’s chip select GPIO specifier, or zero if there is none
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_SPI_DEV_HAS_CS_GPIOS(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
1 if the instance’s bus has a CS pin at index DT_INST_REG_ADDR(inst), 0 otherwise
(inst)¶ Get GPIO controller node identifier for a SPI device instance This is equivalent to DT_SPI_DEV_CS_GPIOS_CTLR(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
node identifier for instance’s chip select GPIO controller
(inst)¶ Get GPIO controller name for a SPI device instance This is equivalent to DT_SPI_DEV_CS_GPIOS_LABEL(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
label property of the instance’s chip select GPIO controller
(inst)¶ Equivalent to DT_SPI_DEV_CS_GPIOS_PIN(DT_DRV_INST(inst)).
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
pin number of the instance’s chip select GPIO
- Parameters
inst – DT_DRV_COMPAT instance number
- Returns
flags value of the instance’s chip select GPIO specifier, or zero if there is none
Chosen nodes¶
The special /chosen
node contains properties whose values describe
system-wide settings. The DT_CHOSEN()
macro can be used to get a node
identifier for a chosen node.
(prop)¶ Get a node identifier for a /chosen node property.
This is only valid to call if DT_HAS_CHOSEN(prop) is 1.
- Parameters
prop – lowercase-and-underscores property name for the /chosen node
- Returns
a node identifier for the chosen node property
(prop)¶ Test if the devicetree has a /chosen node.
- Parameters
prop – lowercase-and-underscores devicetree property
- Returns
1 if the chosen property exists and refers to a node, 0 otherwise
There are also conveniences for commonly used zephyr-specific properties of the
¶ If there is a chosen node zephyr,entropy property which has a label property, that property’s value. Undefined otherwise.
¶ If there is a chosen node zephyr,flash-controller property which has a label property, that property’s value. Undefined otherwise.
¶ If there is a chosen node zephyr,can-primary property which has a label property, that property’s value. Undefined otherwise.
The following table documents some commonly used Zephyr-specific chosen nodes.
Sometimes, a chosen node’s label property will be used to set the default value of a Kconfig option which in turn configures a hardware-specific device. This is usually for backwards compatibility in cases when the Kconfig option predates devicetree support in Zephyr. In other cases, there is no Kconfig option, and the devicetree node is used directly in the source code to select a device.
Property |
Purpose |
zephyr,bt-c2h-uart |
Selects the UART used for host communication in the Bluetooth: HCI UART |
zephyr,bt-mon-uart |
Sets UART device used for the Bluetooth monitor logging |
zephyr,bt-uart |
Sets UART device used by Bluetooth |
zephyr,can-primary |
Sets the primary CAN controller |
zephyr,ccm |
Core-Coupled Memory node on some STM32 SoCs |
zephyr,code-partition |
Flash partition that the Zephyr image’s text section should be linked into |
zephyr,console |
Sets UART device used by console driver |
zephyr,dtcm |
Data Tightly Coupled Memory node on some Arm SoCs |
zephyr,entropy |
A device which can be used as a system-wide entropy source |
zephyr,flash |
A node whose |
zephyr,flash-controller |
The node corresponding to the flash controller device for
the |
zephyr,ipc |
Used by the OpenAMP subsystem to specify the inter-process communication (IPC) device |
zephyr,ipc_shm |
A node whose |
zephyr,itcm |
Instruction Tightly Coupled Memory node on some Arm SoCs |
zephyr,ot-uart |
Used by the OpenThread to specify UART device for Spinel protocol |
zephyr,shell-uart |
Sets UART device used by serial shell backend |
zephyr,sram |
A node whose |
zephyr,uart-mcumgr |
UART used for Device Management |
zephyr,uart-pipe |
Sets default |
zephyr,usb-device |
USB device node. If defined and has a |