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This sample demonstrates the EEPROM driver API in a simple boot counter application.

Building and Running

In case the target board has defined an EEPROM with alias eeprom-0 the sample can be built without further ado. This applies for example to the Native POSIX execution (native_posix) board:

west build -b native_posix samples/drivers/eeprom
west build -t run

Otherwise either a board specific overlay needs to be defined, or a shield must be activated. Any board with Arduino headers can for example build the sample as follows:

west build -b nrf52840dk_nrf52840 samples/drivers/eeprom -- -DSHIELD=x_nucleo_eeprma2

For GigaDevice GD32F450I-EVAL board. First bridge the JP5 to USART with the jumper cap, Then the sample can be built and executed for the as follows:

west build -b gd32f450i_eval samples/drivers/eeprom
west flash

Sample Output

Found EEPROM device "EEPROM_M24C02"
Using eeprom with size of: 256.
Device booted 7 times.
Reset the MCU to see the increasing boot counter.