The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 3.3.0 version.

DesignWare ARC MetaWare Development Toolkit (MWDT)

  1. You need to have ARC MWDT installed on your host.

  2. Set these environment variables:

    • Set ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT to arcmwdt.

    • Set ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH to the toolchain installation directory. MWDT installation provides METAWARE_ROOT so simply set ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH to $METAWARE_ROOT/../ (Linux) or %METAWARE_ROOT%\..\ (Windows)


    Even though ARC MWDT compiler is used for Zephyr RTOS sources compilation, still the GNU preprocessor & GNU objcopy might be used for some steps like DTS preprocessing and .bin file generation. Hence we need to have either ARC or host GNU tools in PATH. Currently Zephyr looks for:

    • objcopy binaries: arc-elf32-objcopy or arc-linux-objcopy or objcopy

    • gcc binaries: arc-elf32-gcc or arc-linux-gcc or gcc

    This list can be extended or modified in future.

  3. To check that you have set these variables correctly in your current environment, follow these example shell sessions (the ARCMWDT_TOOLCHAIN_PATH values may be different on your system):

    # Linux:
    # Windows: