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Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)


This sample demonstrates how to use the DAC driver API.

Building and Running

The DAC output is defined in the board’s devicetree and pinmux file.

The board’s /zephyr,user node must have dac, dac-channel-id, and dac-resolution properties set. See the predefined overlays in samples/drivers/dac/boards for examples.

Building and Running for ST Nucleo L073RZ

The sample can be built and executed for the ST Nucleo L073RZ as follows:

west build -b nucleo_l073rz samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Building and Running for ST Nucleo L152RE

The sample can be built and executed for the ST Nucleo L152RE as follows:

west build -b nucleo_l152re samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Building and Running for ST Nucleo F767ZI

The sample can be built and executed for the ST Nucleo F767ZI as follows:

west build -b nucleo_f767zi samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Building and Running for ST Disco F3

The sample can be built and executed for the ST STM32F3 Discovery as follows:

west build -b stm32f3_disco samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Building and Running for ST Nucleo F429ZI

The sample can be built and executed for the ST Nucleo F429ZI as follows:

west build -b nucleo_f429zi samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Building and Running for STM32L562E DK

The sample can be built and executed for the ST STM32L562E-DK Discovery as follows:

west build -b stm32l562e_dk samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Building and Running for ST Nucleo L552ZE Q

The sample can be built and executed for the ST Nucleo L552ZE Q as follows:

west build -b nucleo_l552ze_q samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Building and Running for NXP TWR-KE18F

The sample can be built and executed for the NXP TWR-KE18F as follows:

west build -b twr_ke18f samples/drivers/dac
west flash

DAC output is available on pin A32 of the primary TWR elevator connector.

Building and Running for NXP FRDM-K64F

The sample can be built and executed for the NXP FRDM-K64F as follows:

west build -b frdm_k64f samples/drivers/dac
west flash

DAC output is available on connector J4 pin 11.

Building and Running for BL652

The BL652 DVK PCB contains a footprint for a MCP4725 to use as an external DAC. Note this is not populated by default. The sample can be built and executed for the Laird Connectivity BL652 DVK as follows:

west build -b bl652_dvk samples/drivers/dac
west flash

DAC output is available on pin 1 of the MCP4725.

Building and Running for BL653

The BL653 DVK PCB contains a footprint for a MCP4725 to use as an external DAC. Note this is not populated by default. The sample can be built and executed for the Laird Connectivity BL653 DVK as follows:

west build -b bl653_dvk samples/drivers/dac
west flash

DAC output is available on pin 1 of the MCP4725.

Building and Running for BL654

The BL654 DVK PCB contains a footprint for a MCP4725 to use as an external DAC. Note this is not populated by default. The sample can be built and executed for the Laird Connectivity BL654 DVK as follows:

west build -b bl654_dvk samples/drivers/dac
west flash

DAC output is available on pin 1 of the MCP4725.

Building and Running for BL5340

The BL5340 DVK PCB contains a MCP4725 to use as a DAC. The sample can be built and executed for the Laird Connectivity BL5340 DVK as follows:

west build -b bl5340_dvk_cpuapp samples/drivers/dac
west flash

DAC output is available on pin 1 of the MCP4725.

Building and Running for GD32450I-EVAL

The sample can be built and executed for the GigaDevice GD32F450I-EVAL as follows:

west build -b gd32f450i_eval samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Bridge the JP23 to DAC with the jumper cap, then DAC output will available on JP7.

Building and Running for Longan Nano and Longan Nano Lite

The sample can be built and executed for the Sipeed Longan Nano as follows:

west build -b longan_nano samples/drivers/dac
west flash

also can run for the :ref: longan_nano_lite as follows:

west build -b longan_nano_lite samples/drivers/dac
west flash

Sample output

You should see a sawtooth signal with an amplitude of the DAC reference voltage and a period of approx. 4 seconds at the DAC output pin specified by the board.

The following output is printed:

Generating sawtooth signal at DAC channel 1.


If the DAC is not supported, the output will be an error message.