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X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2: shield SensorHub (Mode 2) sample


This sample is provided as an example to test the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 shield configured in Sensor Hub mode (Mode 2). Please refer to X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2: MEMS Inertial and Environmental Multi sensor shield for more info on this configuration.

This sample enables LSM6DSL sensors. Since all other shield devices are connected to LSM6DSL, the LSM6DSL driver is configured in sensorhub mode (CONFIG_LSM6DSL_SENSORHUB=y) with a selection of one slave only among LPS22HB and LSM303AGR (default is LSM303AGR)

Then sensor data are displayed periodically

  • LSM6DSL 6-Axis acceleration and angular velocity

  • LSM6DSL 3-Axis magnetic field intensity (from LSM303AGR mag) - Primary option

  • LSM6DSL ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure (from LPS22HB) - Secondary option


This sample communicates over I2C with the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 shield stacked on a board with an Arduino connector. The shield must be configured in Mode 2.

Please note that this sample can’t be used with boards already supporting one of the sensors available on the shield (such as disco_l475_iot1) as zephyr does not yet support sensors multiple instances.



Building and Running

This sample runs with X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 stacked on any board with a matching Arduino connector. For this example, we use a ST Nucleo F401RE board.

west build -b nucleo_f401re samples/shields/x_nucleo_iks01a2/sensorhub

Sample Output

X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 sensor dashboard

LSM6DSL: Accel (m.s-2): x: 0.0, y: 0.2, z: 10.0
LSM6DSL: Gyro (dps): x: 0.029, y: -0.030, z: 0.016
LSM6DSL: Magn (gauss): x: 0.363, y: -0.002, z: -0.559
9:: lsm6dsl acc trig 1668

<updated endlessly every 2 seconds>