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GigaDevice GD32A503V-EVAL


The GD32A503V-EVAL board is a hardware platform that enables design and debug of the GigaDevice A503 Cortex-M4F High Performance MCU.

The GD32A503VD features a single-core ARM Cortex-M4F MCU which can run up to 120-MHz with flash accesses zero wait states, 384kiB of Flash, 48kiB of SRAM and 88 GPIOs.



  • 2 user LEDs

  • 2 user push buttons

  • Reset Button

  • ADC connected to a potentiometer

  • 1 DAC channels

  • GD25Q16 2Mib SPI Flash

  • AT24C02C 2KiB EEPROM

  • CS4344 Stereo DAC with Headphone Amplifier

  • GD-Link interface

    • CMSIS-DAP swd debug interface over USB HID.

  • 2 CAN port(support CAN-FD)

For more information about the GD32A503 SoC and GD32A503V-EVAL board:

Supported Features

The board configuration supports the following hardware features:

Serial Port

The GD32A503V-EVAL board has 3 serial communication ports. The default port is UART0 at PIN-72 and PIN-73.

Programming and Debugging

Before program your board make sure to configure boot setting and serial port. The default serial port is USART0.













Using ROM bootloader

The GD32A503 MCU have a ROM bootloader which allow flash programming. User should install GD32 ISP Console software at some Linux path. The recommended is $HOME/.local/bin.

  1. Build the Zephyr kernel and the Hello World sample application:

    west build -b gd32a503v_eval samples/hello_world
  2. Enable board bootloader:

    • Remove boot-0 jumper

    • press reset button

  3. To flash an image:

    west flash -r gd32isp [--port=/dev/ttyUSB0]
  4. Run your favorite terminal program to listen for output. Under Linux the terminal should be /dev/ttyUSB0. For example:

    $ minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -o

    The -o option tells minicom not to send the modem initialization string. Connection should be configured as follows:

    • Speed: 115200

    • Data: 8 bits

    • Parity: None

    • Stop bits: 1

    Press reset button

    You should see “Hello World! gd32a503v_eval” in your terminal.