The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 3.4.0 version.



Flash offset concept

Offsets used by the user API are expressed in relation to the flash memory beginning address. This rule shall be applied to all flash controller regular memory that layout is accessible via API for retrieving the layout of pages (see CONFIG_FLASH_PAGE_LAYOUT).

An exception from the rule may be applied to a vendor-specific flash dedicated-purpose region (such a region obviously can’t be covered under API for retrieving the layout of pages).

User API Reference

group flash_interface

FLASH Interface.




typedef bool (*flash_page_cb)(const struct flash_pages_info *info, void *data)

Callback type for iterating over flash pages present on a device.

The callback should return true to continue iterating, and false to halt.

Param info:

Information for current page

Param data:

Private data for callback


True to continue iteration, false to halt iteration.


int flash_read(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, void *data, size_t len)

Read data from flash.

All flash drivers support reads without alignment restrictions on the read offset, the read size, or the destination address.

  • dev – : flash dev

  • offset – : Offset (byte aligned) to read

  • data – : Buffer to store read data

  • len – : Number of bytes to read.


0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

int flash_write(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, const void *data, size_t len)

Write buffer into flash memory.

All flash drivers support a source buffer located either in RAM or SoC flash, without alignment restrictions on the source address. Write size and offset must be multiples of the minimum write block size supported by the driver.

Any necessary write protection management is performed by the driver write implementation itself.

  • dev – : flash device

  • offset – : starting offset for the write

  • data – : data to write

  • len – : Number of bytes to write


0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

int flash_erase(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, size_t size)

Erase part or all of a flash memory.

Acceptable values of erase size and offset are subject to hardware-specific multiples of page size and offset. Please check the API implemented by the underlying sub driver, for example by using flash_get_page_info_by_offs() if that is supported by your flash driver.

Any necessary erase protection management is performed by the driver erase implementation itself.

  • dev – : flash device

  • offset – : erase area starting offset

  • size – : size of area to be erased


0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

int flash_get_page_info_by_offs(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, struct flash_pages_info *info)

Get the size and start offset of flash page at certain flash offset.

  • dev – flash device

  • offset – Offset within the page

  • info – Page Info structure to be filled


0 on success, -EINVAL if page of the offset doesn’t exist.

int flash_get_page_info_by_idx(const struct device *dev, uint32_t page_index, struct flash_pages_info *info)

Get the size and start offset of flash page of certain index.

  • dev – flash device

  • page_index – Index of the page. Index are counted from 0.

  • info – Page Info structure to be filled


0 on success, -EINVAL if page of the index doesn’t exist.

size_t flash_get_page_count(const struct device *dev)

Get the total number of flash pages.

  • dev – flash device


Number of flash pages.

void flash_page_foreach(const struct device *dev, flash_page_cb cb, void *data)

Iterate over all flash pages on a device.

This routine iterates over all flash pages on the given device, ordered by increasing start offset. For each page, it invokes the given callback, passing it the page’s information and a private data object.

  • dev – Device whose pages to iterate over

  • cb – Callback to invoke for each flash page

  • data – Private data for callback function

int flash_sfdp_read(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, void *data, size_t len)

Read data from Serial Flash Discoverable Parameters.

This routine reads data from a serial flash device compatible with the JEDEC JESD216 standard for encoding flash memory characteristics.

Availability of this API is conditional on selecting CONFIG_FLASH_JESD216_API and support of that functionality in the driver underlying dev.

  • dev – device from which parameters will be read

  • offset – address within the SFDP region containing data of interest

  • data – where the data to be read will be placed

  • len – the number of bytes of data to be read

Return values:
  • 0 – on success

  • -ENOTSUP – if the flash driver does not support SFDP access

  • negative – values for other errors.

int flash_read_jedec_id(const struct device *dev, uint8_t *id)

Read the JEDEC ID from a compatible flash device.

  • dev – device from which id will be read

  • id – pointer to a buffer of at least 3 bytes into which id will be stored

Return values:
  • 0 – on successful store of 3-byte JEDEC id

  • -ENOTSUP – if flash driver doesn’t support this function

  • negative – values for other errors

size_t flash_get_write_block_size(const struct device *dev)

Get the minimum write block size supported by the driver.

The write block size supported by the driver might differ from the write block size of memory used because the driver might implements write-modify algorithm.

  • dev – flash device


write block size in bytes.

const struct flash_parameters *flash_get_parameters(const struct device *dev)

Get pointer to flash_parameters structure.

Returned pointer points to a structure that should be considered constant through a runtime, regardless if it is defined in RAM or Flash. Developer is free to cache the structure pointer or copy its contents.


pointer to flash_parameters structure characteristic for the device.

int flash_ex_op(const struct device *dev, uint16_t code, const uintptr_t in, void *out)

Execute flash extended operation on given device.

Besides of standard flash operations like write or erase, flash controllers also support additional features like write protection or readout protection. These features are not available in every flash controller, what’s more controllers can implement it in a different way.

It doesn’t make sense to add a separate flash API function for every flash controller feature, because it could be unique (supported on small number of flash controllers) or the API won’t be able to represent the same feature on every flash controller.

  • dev – Flash device

  • code – Operation which will be executed on the device.

  • in – Pointer to input data used by operation. If operation doesn’t need any input data it could be NULL.

  • out – Pointer to operation output data. If operation doesn’t produce any output it could be NULL.

Return values:
  • 0 – on success.

  • -ENOTSUP – if given device doesn’t support extended operation.

  • -ENOSYS – if support for extended operations is not enabled in Kconfig

  • negative – value on extended operation errors.

struct flash_parameters
#include <flash.h>

Flash memory parameters. Contents of this structure suppose to be filled in during flash device initialization and stay constant through a runtime.

struct flash_pages_info
#include <flash.h>

Implementation interface API Reference

group flash_internal_interface

FLASH internal Interface.


typedef int (*flash_api_read)(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, void *data, size_t len)
typedef int (*flash_api_write)(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, const void *data, size_t len)

Flash write implementation handler type.


Any necessary write protection management must be performed by the driver, with the driver responsible for ensuring the “write-protect” after the operation completes (successfully or not) matches the write-protect state when the operation was started.

typedef int (*flash_api_erase)(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, size_t size)

Flash erase implementation handler type.


Any necessary erase protection management must be performed by the driver, with the driver responsible for ensuring the “erase-protect” after the operation completes (successfully or not) matches the erase-protect state when the operation was started.

typedef const struct flash_parameters *(*flash_api_get_parameters)(const struct device *dev)
typedef void (*flash_api_pages_layout)(const struct device *dev, const struct flash_pages_layout **layout, size_t *layout_size)

Retrieve a flash device’s layout.

A flash device layout is a run-length encoded description of the pages on the device. (Here, “page” means the smallest erasable area on the flash device.)

For flash memories which have uniform page sizes, this routine returns an array of length 1, which specifies the page size and number of pages in the memory.

Layouts for flash memories with nonuniform page sizes will be returned as an array with multiple elements, each of which describes a group of pages that all have the same size. In this case, the sequence of array elements specifies the order in which these groups occur on the device.

Param dev:

Flash device whose layout to retrieve.

Param layout:

The flash layout will be returned in this argument.

Param layout_size:

The number of elements in the returned layout.

typedef int (*flash_api_sfdp_read)(const struct device *dev, off_t offset, void *data, size_t len)
typedef int (*flash_api_read_jedec_id)(const struct device *dev, uint8_t *id)
typedef int (*flash_api_ex_op)(const struct device *dev, uint16_t code, const uintptr_t in, void *out)
struct flash_pages_layout
#include <flash.h>
struct flash_driver_api
#include <flash.h>