Link Layer Address Handling¶
The link layer addresses are set for network interfaces so that L2 connectivity works correctly in the network stack. Typically the link layer addresses are 6 bytes long like in Ethernet but for IEEE 802.15.4 the link layer address length is 8 bytes.
API Reference¶
- group net_linkaddr
Network link address library.
Maximum length of the link address.
enum net_link_type¶
Type of the link address.
This indicates the network technology that this address is used in. Note that in order to save space we store the value into a uint8_t variable, so please do not introduce any values > 255 in this enum.
enumerator NET_LINK_UNKNOWN = 0¶
Unknown link address type.
enumerator NET_LINK_IEEE802154¶
IEEE 802.15.4 link address.
Bluetooth IPSP link address.
Ethernet link address.
enumerator NET_LINK_DUMMY¶
Dummy link address.
Used in testing apps and loopback support.
CANBUS link address.
enumerator NET_LINK_UNKNOWN = 0¶
static inline bool net_linkaddr_cmp(struct net_linkaddr *lladdr1, struct net_linkaddr *lladdr2)¶
Compare two link layer addresses.
- Parameters:
lladdr1 – Pointer to a link layer address
lladdr2 – Pointer to a link layer address
- Returns:
True if the addresses are the same, false otherwise.
static inline int net_linkaddr_set(struct net_linkaddr_storage *lladdr_store, uint8_t *new_addr, uint8_t new_len)¶
Set the member data of a link layer address storage structure.
- Parameters:
lladdr_store – The link address storage structure to change.
new_addr – Array of bytes containing the link address.
new_len – Length of the link address array. This value should always be <= NET_LINK_ADDR_MAX_LENGTH.
struct net_linkaddr¶
- #include <net_linkaddr.h>
Hardware link address structure.
Used to hold the link address information
struct net_linkaddr_storage¶
- #include <net_linkaddr.h>
Hardware link address structure.
Used to hold the link address information. This variant is needed when we have to store the link layer address.
Note that you cannot cast this to net_linkaddr as uint8_t * is handled differently than uint8_t addr[] and the fields are purposely in different order.