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Digital Microphone (DMIC)


The audio DMIC interface provides access to digital microphones.

Configuration Options

Related configuration options:

API Reference

group audio_dmic_interface

Abstraction for digital microphones.


enum dmic_state

DMIC driver states.












enum dmic_trigger

DMIC driver trigger commands.



Stop stream.


Start stream.


Pause stream.


Release paused stream.


Reset stream.

enum pdm_lr

PDM Channels LEFT / RIGHT.


enumerator PDM_CHAN_LEFT

Left channel.

enumerator PDM_CHAN_RIGHT

Right channel.


static inline uint32_t dmic_build_channel_map(uint8_t channel, uint8_t pdm, enum pdm_lr lr)

Build the channel map to populate struct pdm_chan_cfg.

Returns the map of PDM controller and LEFT/RIGHT channel shifted to the bit position corresponding to the input logical channel value

  • channel – The logical channel number

  • pdm – The PDM hardware controller number

  • lr – LEFT/RIGHT channel within the chosen PDM hardware controller


Bit-map containing the PDM and L/R channel information

static inline void dmic_parse_channel_map(uint32_t channel_map_lo, uint32_t channel_map_hi, uint8_t channel, uint8_t *pdm, enum pdm_lr *lr)

Helper function to parse the channel map in pdm_chan_cfg.

Returns the PDM controller and LEFT/RIGHT channel corresponding to the channel map and the logical channel provided as input

  • channel_map_lo – Lower order/significant bits of the channel map

  • channel_map_hi – Higher order/significant bits of the channel map

  • channel – The logical channel number

  • pdm – Pointer to the PDM hardware controller number

  • lr – Pointer to the LEFT/RIGHT channel within the PDM controller

static inline uint32_t dmic_build_clk_skew_map(uint8_t pdm, uint8_t skew)

Build a bit map of clock skew values for each PDM channel.

Returns the bit-map of clock skew value shifted to the bit position corresponding to the input PDM controller value

  • pdm – The PDM hardware controller number

  • skew – The skew to apply for the clock output from the PDM controller


Bit-map containing the clock skew information

static inline int dmic_configure(const struct device *dev, struct dmic_cfg *cfg)

Configure the DMIC driver and controller(s)

Configures the DMIC driver device according to the number of channels, channel mapping, PDM I/O configuration, PCM stream configuration, etc.

  • dev – Pointer to the device structure for DMIC driver instance

  • cfg – Pointer to the structure containing the DMIC configuration


0 on success, a negative error code on failure

static inline int dmic_trigger(const struct device *dev, enum dmic_trigger cmd)

Send a command to the DMIC driver.

Sends a command to the driver to perform a specific action

  • dev – Pointer to the device structure for DMIC driver instance

  • cmd – The command to be sent to the driver instance


0 on success, a negative error code on failure

static inline int dmic_read(const struct device *dev, uint8_t stream, void **buffer, size_t *size, int32_t timeout)

Read received decimated PCM data stream.

Optionally waits for audio to be received and provides the received audio buffer from the requested stream

  • dev – Pointer to the device structure for DMIC driver instance

  • stream – Stream identifier

  • buffer – Pointer to the received buffer address

  • size – Pointer to the received buffer size

  • timeout – Timeout in milliseconds to wait in case audio is not yet received, or SYS_FOREVER_MS


0 on success, a negative error code on failure

struct pdm_io_cfg
#include <dmic.h>

PDM Input/Output signal configuration.

Parameters common to all PDM controllers

uint32_t min_pdm_clk_freq

Minimum clock frequency supported by the mic.

uint32_t max_pdm_clk_freq

Maximum clock frequency supported by the mic.

uint8_t min_pdm_clk_dc

Minimum duty cycle in % supported by the mic.

uint8_t max_pdm_clk_dc

Maximum duty cycle in % supported by the mic.

Parameters unique to each PDM controller

uint8_t pdm_clk_pol

Bit mask to optionally invert PDM clock.

uint8_t pdm_data_pol

Bit mask to optionally invert mic data.

uint32_t pdm_clk_skew

Collection of clock skew values for each PDM port.

struct pcm_stream_cfg
#include <dmic.h>

Configuration of the PCM streams to be output by the PDM hardware.


if either pcm_rate or pcm_width is set to 0 for a stream, the stream would be disabled

Public Members

uint32_t pcm_rate

PCM sample rate of stream.

uint8_t pcm_width

PCM sample width of stream.

uint16_t block_size

PCM sample block size per transfer.

struct k_mem_slab *mem_slab

SLAB for DMIC driver to allocate buffers for stream.

struct pdm_chan_cfg
#include <dmic.h>

Mapping/ordering of the PDM channels to logical PCM output channel.

Since each controller can have 2 audio channels (stereo), there can be a total of 8x2=16 channels. The actual number of channels shall be described in act_num_chan.

If 2 streams are enabled, the channel order will be the same for both streams.

Each channel is described as a 4-bit number, the least significant bit indicates LEFT/RIGHT selection of the PDM controller.

The most significant 3 bits indicate the PDM controller number:

  • bits 0-3 are for channel 0, bit 0 indicates LEFT or RIGHT

  • bits 4-7 are for channel 1, bit 4 indicates LEFT or RIGHT and so on.

CONSTRAINT: The LEFT and RIGHT channels of EACH PDM controller needs to be adjacent to each other.

Requested channel map

uint32_t req_chan_map_lo

Channels 0 to 7.

uint32_t req_chan_map_hi

Channels 8 to 15.

Actual channel map that the driver could configure

uint32_t act_chan_map_lo

Channels 0 to 7.

uint32_t act_chan_map_hi

Channels 8 to 15.

Public Members

uint8_t req_num_chan

Requested number of channels.

uint8_t act_num_chan

Actual number of channels that the driver could configure.

uint8_t req_num_streams

Requested number of streams for each channel.

uint8_t act_num_streams

Actual number of streams that the driver could configure.

struct dmic_cfg
#include <dmic.h>

Input configuration structure for the DMIC configuration API.

Public Members

struct pcm_stream_cfg *streams

Array of pcm_stream_cfg for application to provide configuration for each stream.