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Wi-Fi shell


This sample allows testing Wi-Fi drivers for various boards by enabling the Wi-Fi shell module that provides a set of commands: scan, connect, and disconnect. It also enables the net_shell module to verify net_if settings.

Building and Running

Verify the board and chip you are targeting provide Wi-Fi support.

For instance you can use TI’s CC3220 by selecting the cc3220sf_launchxl board.

west build -b cc3220sf_launchxl samples/net/wifi

Sample console interaction

shell> wifi scan
Scan requested
Num  | SSID                             (len) | Chan | RSSI | Sec
1    | kapoueh!                         8     | 1    | -93  | WPA/WPA2
2    | mooooooh                         8     | 6    | -89  | WPA/WPA2
3    | Ap-foo blob..                    13    | 11   | -73  | WPA/WPA2
4    | gksu                             4     | 1    | -26  | WPA/WPA2
Scan request done

shell> wifi connect "gksu" 4 SecretStuff
Connection requested