Modem modules¶
This service provides modules necessary to communicate with modems.
Modems are self-contained devices that implement the hardware and software necessary to perform RF (Radio-Frequency) communication, including GNSS, Cellular, WiFi etc.
The modem modules are inter-connected dynamically using data-in/data-out pipes making them independently testable and highly flexible, ensuring stability and scalability.
Modem pipe¶
This module is used to abstract data-in/data-out communication over a variety of mechanisms, like UART and CMUX DLCI channels, in a thread-safe manner.
A modem backend will internally contain an instance of a modem_pipe structure, alongside any buffers and additional structures required to abstract away its underlying mechanism.
The modem backend will return a pointer to its internal modem_pipe structure when initialized, which will be used to interact with the backend through the modem pipe API.
- group modem_pipe
Modem Pipe.
typedef void (*modem_pipe_api_callback)(struct modem_pipe *pipe, enum modem_pipe_event event, void *user_data)¶
int modem_pipe_open(struct modem_pipe *pipe)¶
Open pipe.
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe instance
- Return values:
0 – if pipe was successfully opened or was already open
-errno – code otherwise
int modem_pipe_open_async(struct modem_pipe *pipe)¶
Open pipe asynchronously.
The MODEM_PIPE_EVENT_OPENED event is invoked immediately if pipe is already opened.
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe instance
- Return values:
0 – if pipe open was called successfully or pipe was already open
-errno – code otherwise
void modem_pipe_attach(struct modem_pipe *pipe, modem_pipe_api_callback callback, void *user_data)¶
Attach pipe to callback.
The MODEM_PIPE_EVENT_RECEIVE_READY event is invoked immediately if pipe has pending data ready to receive.
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe instance
callback – Callback called when pipe event occurs
user_data – Free to use user data passed with callback
int modem_pipe_transmit(struct modem_pipe *pipe, const uint8_t *buf, size_t size)¶
Transmit data through pipe.
This call must be non-blocking
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe to transmit through
buf – Destination for reveived data
size – Capacity of destination for recevied data
- Returns:
Number of bytes placed in pipe
int modem_pipe_receive(struct modem_pipe *pipe, uint8_t *buf, size_t size)¶
Reveive data through pipe.
This call must be non-blocking
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe to receive from
buf – Destination for reveived data
size – Capacity of destination for recevied data
- Returns:
Number of bytes received from pipe if any
- Returns:
-EPERM if pipe is closed
- Returns:
-errno code on error
void modem_pipe_release(struct modem_pipe *pipe)¶
Clear callback.
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe instance
int modem_pipe_close(struct modem_pipe *pipe)¶
Close pipe.
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe instance
- Return values:
0 – if pipe open was called closed or pipe was already closed
-errno – code otherwise
int modem_pipe_close_async(struct modem_pipe *pipe)¶
Close pipe asynchronously.
The MODEM_PIPE_EVENT_CLOSED event is invoked immediately if pipe is already closed.
- Parameters:
pipe – Pipe instance
- Return values:
0 – if pipe close was called successfully or pipe was already closed
-errno – code otherwise
typedef void (*modem_pipe_api_callback)(struct modem_pipe *pipe, enum modem_pipe_event event, void *user_data)¶
Modem PPP¶
This module defines and binds a L2 PPP network interface, described in L2 Layer Management, to a modem backend. The L2 PPP interface sends and receives network packets. These network packets have to be wrapped in PPP frames before being transported via a modem backend. This module performs said wrapping.
- group modem_ppp
Modem PPP.
MODEM_PPP_DEFINE(_name, _init_iface, _prio, _mtu, _buf_size)¶
Define a modem PPP module and bind it to a network interface.
This macro defines the modem_ppp instance, initializes a PPP L2 network device instance, and binds the modem_ppp instance to the PPP L2 instance.
- Parameters:
_name – Name of the statically defined modem_ppp instance
_init_iface – Hook for the PPP L2 network interface init function
_prio – Initialization priority of the PPP L2 net iface
_mtu – Max size of net_pkt data sent and received on PPP L2 net iface
_buf_size – Size of partial PPP frame transmit and receive buffers
int modem_ppp_attach(struct modem_ppp *ppp, struct modem_pipe *pipe)¶
Attach pipe to instance and connect.
- Parameters:
ppp – Modem PPP instance
pipe – Pipe to attach to modem PPP instance
struct net_if *modem_ppp_get_iface(struct modem_ppp *ppp)¶
Get network interface modem PPP instance is bound to.
- Parameters:
ppp – Modem PPP instance
- Returns:
Pointer to network interface modem PPP instance is bound to
void modem_ppp_release(struct modem_ppp *ppp)¶
Release pipe from instance.
- Parameters:
ppp – Modem PPP instance
MODEM_PPP_DEFINE(_name, _init_iface, _prio, _mtu, _buf_size)¶
Modem CMUX¶
This module is an implementation of CMUX following the 3GPP 27.010 specification. CMUX is a multiplexing protocol, allowing for multiple bi-directional streams of data, called DLCI channels. The module attaches to a single modem backend, exposing multiple modem backends, each representing a DLCI channel.
- group modem_cmux
Modem CMUX.
typedef void (*modem_cmux_callback)(struct modem_cmux *cmux, enum modem_cmux_event event, void *user_data)¶
void modem_cmux_init(struct modem_cmux *cmux, const struct modem_cmux_config *config)¶
Initialize CMUX instance.
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance
config – Configuration to apply to CMUX instance
struct modem_pipe *modem_cmux_dlci_init(struct modem_cmux *cmux, struct modem_cmux_dlci *dlci, const struct modem_cmux_dlci_config *config)¶
Initialize DLCI instance and register it with CMUX instance.
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance which the DLCI will be registered to
dlci – DLCI instance which will be registered and configured
config – Configuration to apply to DLCI instance
int modem_cmux_attach(struct modem_cmux *cmux, struct modem_pipe *pipe)¶
Attach CMUX instance to pipe.
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance
pipe – Pipe instance to attach CMUX instance to
int modem_cmux_connect(struct modem_cmux *cmux)¶
Connect CMUX instance.
This will send a CMUX connect request to target on the serial bus. If successful, DLCI channels can be now be opened using modem_pipe_open()
When connected, the bus pipe must not be used directly
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance
int modem_cmux_connect_async(struct modem_cmux *cmux)¶
Connect CMUX instance asynchronously.
This will send a CMUX connect request to target on the serial bus. If successful, DLCI channels can be now be opened using modem_pipe_open().
When connected, the bus pipe must not be used directly
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance
int modem_cmux_disconnect(struct modem_cmux *cmux)¶
Close down and disconnect CMUX instance.
This will close all open DLCI channels, and close down the CMUX connection.
The bus pipe must be released using modem_cmux_release() after disconnecting before being reused.
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance
int modem_cmux_disconnect_async(struct modem_cmux *cmux)¶
Close down and disconnect CMUX instance asynchronously.
This will close all open DLCI channels, and close down the CMUX connection.
The bus pipe must be released using modem_cmux_release() after disconnecting before being reused.
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance
void modem_cmux_release(struct modem_cmux *cmux)¶
Release CMUX instance from pipe.
Releases the pipe and hard resets the CMUX instance internally. CMUX should be disconnected using modem_cmux_disconnect().
The bus pipe can be used directly again after CMUX instance is released.
- Parameters:
cmux – CMUX instance
struct modem_cmux_config¶
- #include <cmux.h>
Contains CMUX instance configuration data.
Public Members
modem_cmux_callback callback¶
Invoked when event occurs.
void *user_data¶
Free to use pointer passed to event handler when invoked.
uint8_t *receive_buf¶
Receive buffer.
uint16_t receive_buf_size¶
Size of receive buffer in bytes [127, …].
uint8_t *transmit_buf¶
Transmit buffer.
uint16_t transmit_buf_size¶
Size of transmit buffer in bytes [149, …].
modem_cmux_callback callback¶
struct modem_cmux_dlci_config¶
- #include <cmux.h>
CMUX DLCI configuration.
typedef void (*modem_cmux_callback)(struct modem_cmux *cmux, enum modem_cmux_event event, void *user_data)¶