The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 4.0.0 version.


Vendor: Nordic Semiconductor


Nordic Local IPCT (Interprocessor Communication Transceiver)


Properties not inherited from the base binding file.






Number of channels implemented by the IPCT instance.

This property is required.



Mapping of IPCT channels that are mapped between two IPCT instances on
separate domains, in which a channel on this IPCT node is considered
the source. This array is then comprised of a 3-integer-wide "unit"
that defines one connection of the mapping. The format of this unit
is <source_channel sink_domain_id sink_channel>. Units are sequential
in the array, therefore requiring the length of this property to be
a factor of 3.

For example, if channel 2 is to be mapped to Radio Core (ID: 3) IPCT
channel 4, then the array "unit" would be <2 NRF_DOMAIN_ID_RADIOCORE 4>
or <2 3 4>.



Mapping of IPCT channels that are mapped between two IPCT instances on
separate domains, in which a channel on this IPCT node is considered
the sink. This array is then comprised of a 3-integer-wide "unit"
that defines one connection of the mapping. The format of this unit
is <sink_channel source_domain_id source_channel>. Units are sequential
in the array, therefore requiring the length of this property to be
a factor of 3.

For example, if channel 2 is to be mapped to Radio Core (ID: 3) IPCT
channel 4, then the array "unit" would be <2 NRF_DOMAIN_ID_RADIOCORE 4>
or <2 3 4>.