Zephyr API Documentation 4.0.0
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USB Device Core API

USB Device Core Layer API . More...

Data Structures

struct  usb_ep_cfg_data
 USB Endpoint Configuration. More...
struct  usb_interface_cfg_data
 USB Interface Configuration. More...
struct  usb_cfg_data
 USB device configuration. More...


#define USB_TRANS_READ   BIT(0) /** Read transfer flag */
#define USB_TRANS_WRITE   BIT(1) /** Write transfer flag */
#define USB_TRANS_NO_ZLP   BIT(2) /** No zero-length packet flag */
#define USB_DEVICE_BOS_DESC_DEFINE_CAP    static __in_section(usb, bos_desc_area, 1) __aligned(1) __used
 Helper macro to place the BOS compatibility descriptor in the right memory section.


typedef void(* usb_ep_callback) (uint8_t ep, enum usb_dc_ep_cb_status_code cb_status)
 Callback function signature for the USB Endpoint status.
typedef int(* usb_request_handler) (struct usb_setup_packet *setup, int32_t *transfer_len, uint8_t **payload_data)
 Callback function signature for class specific requests.
typedef void(* usb_interface_config) (struct usb_desc_header *head, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber)
 Function for interface runtime configuration.
typedef void(* usb_transfer_callback) (uint8_t ep, int tsize, void *priv)
 Callback function signature for transfer completion.


int usb_set_config (const uint8_t *usb_descriptor)
 Configure USB controller.
int usb_deconfig (void)
 Deconfigure USB controller.
int usb_enable (usb_dc_status_callback status_cb)
 Enable the USB subsystem and associated hardware.
int usb_disable (void)
 Disable the USB device.
int usb_write (uint8_t ep, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len, uint32_t *bytes_ret)
 Write data to the specified endpoint.
int usb_read (uint8_t ep, uint8_t *data, uint32_t max_data_len, uint32_t *ret_bytes)
 Read data from the specified endpoint.
int usb_ep_set_stall (uint8_t ep)
 Set STALL condition on the specified endpoint.
int usb_ep_clear_stall (uint8_t ep)
 Clears STALL condition on the specified endpoint.
int usb_ep_read_wait (uint8_t ep, uint8_t *data, uint32_t max_data_len, uint32_t *read_bytes)
 Read data from the specified endpoint.
int usb_ep_read_continue (uint8_t ep)
 Continue reading data from the endpoint.
void usb_transfer_ep_callback (uint8_t ep, enum usb_dc_ep_cb_status_code)
 Transfer management endpoint callback.
int usb_transfer (uint8_t ep, uint8_t *data, size_t dlen, unsigned int flags, usb_transfer_callback cb, void *priv)
 Start a transfer.
int usb_transfer_sync (uint8_t ep, uint8_t *data, size_t dlen, unsigned int flags)
 Start a transfer and block-wait for completion.
void usb_cancel_transfer (uint8_t ep)
 Cancel any ongoing transfer on the specified endpoint.
void usb_cancel_transfers (void)
 Cancel all ongoing transfers.
bool usb_transfer_is_busy (uint8_t ep)
 Check that transfer is ongoing for the endpoint.
int usb_wakeup_request (void)
 Start the USB remote wakeup procedure.
bool usb_get_remote_wakeup_status (void)
 Get status of the USB remote wakeup feature.
void usb_bos_register_cap (void *hdr)
 Register BOS capability descriptor.

Detailed Description

USB Device Core Layer API .


Macro Definition Documentation


#define USB_DEVICE_BOS_DESC_DEFINE_CAP    static __in_section(usb, bos_desc_area, 1) __aligned(1) __used

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Helper macro to place the BOS compatibility descriptor in the right memory section.


#define USB_TRANS_NO_ZLP   BIT(2) /** No zero-length packet flag */


#define USB_TRANS_READ   BIT(0) /** Read transfer flag */


#define USB_TRANS_WRITE   BIT(1) /** Write transfer flag */

Typedef Documentation

◆ usb_ep_callback

typedef void(* usb_ep_callback) (uint8_t ep, enum usb_dc_ep_cb_status_code cb_status)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Callback function signature for the USB Endpoint status.

◆ usb_interface_config

typedef void(* usb_interface_config) (struct usb_desc_header *head, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Function for interface runtime configuration.

◆ usb_request_handler

typedef int(* usb_request_handler) (struct usb_setup_packet *setup, int32_t *transfer_len, uint8_t **payload_data)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Callback function signature for class specific requests.

Function which handles Class specific requests corresponding to an interface number specified in the device descriptor table. For host to device direction the 'len' and 'payload_data' contain the length of the received data and the pointer to the received data respectively. For device to host class requests, 'len' and 'payload_data' should be set by the callback function with the length and the address of the data to be transmitted buffer respectively.

◆ usb_transfer_callback

typedef void(* usb_transfer_callback) (uint8_t ep, int tsize, void *priv)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Callback function signature for transfer completion.

Function Documentation

◆ usb_bos_register_cap()

void usb_bos_register_cap ( void * hdr)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Register BOS capability descriptor.

This function should be used by the application to register BOS capability descriptors before the USB device stack is enabled.

[in]hdrPointer to BOS capability descriptor

◆ usb_cancel_transfer()

void usb_cancel_transfer ( uint8_t ep)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Cancel any ongoing transfer on the specified endpoint.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table

◆ usb_cancel_transfers()

void usb_cancel_transfers ( void )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Cancel all ongoing transfers.

◆ usb_deconfig()

int usb_deconfig ( void )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Deconfigure USB controller.

This function returns the USB device to it's initial state

0 on success, negative errno code on fail

◆ usb_disable()

int usb_disable ( void )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Disable the USB device.

Function to disable the USB device. Upon success, the specified USB interface is clock gated in hardware, it is no longer capable of generating interrupts.

0 on success, negative errno code on fail

◆ usb_enable()

int usb_enable ( usb_dc_status_callback status_cb)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Enable the USB subsystem and associated hardware.

This function initializes the USB core subsystem and enables the corresponding hardware so that it can begin transmitting and receiving on the USB bus, as well as generating interrupts.

Class-specific initialization and registration must be performed by the user before invoking this, so that any data or events on the bus are processed correctly by the associated class handling code.

[in]status_cbCallback registered by user to notify about USB device controller state.
0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

◆ usb_ep_clear_stall()

int usb_ep_clear_stall ( uint8_t ep)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Clears STALL condition on the specified endpoint.

This function is called by USB device class handler code to clear stall condition on endpoint.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
0 on success, negative errno code on fail

◆ usb_ep_read_continue()

int usb_ep_read_continue ( uint8_t ep)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Continue reading data from the endpoint.

Clear the endpoint NAK and enable the endpoint to accept more data from the host. Usually called after usb_ep_read_wait() when the consumer is fine to accept more data. Thus these calls together acts as flow control mechanism.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

◆ usb_ep_read_wait()

int usb_ep_read_wait ( uint8_t ep,
uint8_t * data,
uint32_t max_data_len,
uint32_t * read_bytes )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Read data from the specified endpoint.

This is similar to usb_ep_read, the difference being that, it doesn't clear the endpoint NAKs so that the consumer is not bogged down by further upcalls till he is done with the processing of the data. The caller should reactivate ep by invoking usb_ep_read_continue() do so.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
[in]datapointer to data buffer to write to
[in]max_data_lenmax length of data to read
[out]read_bytesNumber of bytes read. If data is NULL and max_data_len is 0 the number of bytes available for read should be returned.
0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

◆ usb_ep_set_stall()

int usb_ep_set_stall ( uint8_t ep)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Set STALL condition on the specified endpoint.

This function is called by USB device class handler code to set stall condition on endpoint.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
0 on success, negative errno code on fail

◆ usb_get_remote_wakeup_status()

bool usb_get_remote_wakeup_status ( void )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Get status of the USB remote wakeup feature.

true if remote wakeup has been enabled by the host, false otherwise.

◆ usb_read()

int usb_read ( uint8_t ep,
uint8_t * data,
uint32_t max_data_len,
uint32_t * ret_bytes )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Read data from the specified endpoint.

This function is called by the Endpoint handler function, after an OUT interrupt has been received for that EP. The application must only call this function through the supplied usb_ep_callback function.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
[in]dataPointer to data buffer to write to
[in]max_data_lenMax length of data to read
[out]ret_bytesNumber of bytes read. If data is NULL and max_data_len is 0 the number of bytes available for read is returned.
0 on success, negative errno code on fail

◆ usb_set_config()

int usb_set_config ( const uint8_t * usb_descriptor)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Configure USB controller.

Function to configure USB controller. Configuration parameters must be valid or an error is returned

[in]usb_descriptorUSB descriptor table
0 on success, negative errno code on fail

◆ usb_transfer()

int usb_transfer ( uint8_t ep,
uint8_t * data,
size_t dlen,
unsigned int flags,
usb_transfer_callback cb,
void * priv )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Start a transfer.

Start a usb transfer to/from the data buffer. This function is asynchronous and can be executed in IRQ context. The provided callback will be called on transfer completion (or error) in thread context.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
[in]dataPointer to data buffer to write-to/read-from
[in]dlenSize of data buffer
[in]flagsTransfer flags (USB_TRANS_READ, USB_TRANS_WRITE...)
[in]cbFunction called on transfer completion/failure
[in]privData passed back to the transfer completion callback
0 on success, negative errno code on fail.

◆ usb_transfer_ep_callback()

void usb_transfer_ep_callback ( uint8_t ep,
enum usb_dc_ep_cb_status_code )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Transfer management endpoint callback.

If a USB class driver wants to use high-level transfer functions, driver needs to register this callback as usb endpoint callback.

◆ usb_transfer_is_busy()

bool usb_transfer_is_busy ( uint8_t ep)

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Check that transfer is ongoing for the endpoint.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
true if transfer is ongoing, false otherwise.

◆ usb_transfer_sync()

int usb_transfer_sync ( uint8_t ep,
uint8_t * data,
size_t dlen,
unsigned int flags )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Start a transfer and block-wait for completion.

Synchronous version of usb_transfer, wait for transfer completion before returning. A return value of zero can also mean that transfer was cancelled or that the endpoint is not ready. This is due to the design of transfers and usb_dc API.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
[in]dataPointer to data buffer to write-to/read-from
[in]dlenSize of data buffer
[in]flagsTransfer flags
number of bytes transferred on success, negative errno code on fail.

◆ usb_wakeup_request()

int usb_wakeup_request ( void )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Start the USB remote wakeup procedure.

Function to request a remote wakeup. This feature must be enabled in configuration, otherwise it will always return -ENOTSUP error.

0 on success, negative errno code on fail, i.e. when the bus is already active.

◆ usb_write()

int usb_write ( uint8_t ep,
const uint8_t * data,
uint32_t data_len,
uint32_t * bytes_ret )

#include <zephyr/usb/usb_device.h>

Write data to the specified endpoint.

Function to write data to the specified endpoint. The supplied usb_ep_callback will be called when transmission is done.

[in]epEndpoint address corresponding to the one listed in the device configuration table
[in]dataPointer to data to write
[in]data_lenLength of data requested to write. This may be zero for a zero length status packet.
[out]bytes_retBytes written to the EP FIFO. This value may be NULL if the application expects all bytes to be written
0 on success, negative errno code on fail