166#define MQTT_UTF8_LITERAL(literal) \
167 ((struct mqtt_utf8) {literal, sizeof(literal) - 1})
166#define MQTT_UTF8_LITERAL(literal) \ …
367 const char **alpn_protocol_name_list;
389#if defined(CONFIG_MQTT_LIB_TLS)
397#if defined(CONFIG_MQTT_LIB_TLS)
429#if defined(CONFIG_MQTT_LIB_TLS)
459 void *custom_transport_data;
462#if defined(CONFIG_SOCKS)
579#if defined(CONFIG_SOCKS)
592int mqtt_client_set_proxy(
struct mqtt_client *client,
size_t socklen_t
Length of a socket address.
Definition net_ip.h:171
MQTT Asynchronous Events notified to the application from the module through the callback registered ...
Definition mqtt.h:42
int mqtt_read_publish_payload_blocking(struct mqtt_client *client, void *buffer, size_t length)
Blocking version of mqtt_read_publish_payload function.
int mqtt_publish_qos2_complete(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_pubcomp_param *param)
API used by client to send acknowledgment on receiving QoS2 publish release message.
int mqtt_input(struct mqtt_client *client)
Receive an incoming MQTT packet.
int mqtt_readall_publish_payload(struct mqtt_client *client, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length)
Blocking version of mqtt_read_publish_payload function which runs until the required number of bytes ...
int mqtt_read_publish_payload(struct mqtt_client *client, void *buffer, size_t length)
Read the payload of the received PUBLISH message.
MQTT Quality of Service types.
Definition mqtt.h:91
int mqtt_subscribe(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_subscription_list *param)
API to request subscription of one or more topics on the connection.
int mqtt_unsubscribe(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_subscription_list *param)
API to request unsubscription of one or more topics on the connection.
int mqtt_publish(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_publish_param *param)
API to publish messages on topics.
int mqtt_publish_qos2_release(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_pubrel_param *param)
API used by client to request release of QoS2 publish message.
int mqtt_live(struct mqtt_client *client)
This API should be called periodically for the client to be able to keep the connection alive by send...
MQTT version protocol level.
Definition mqtt.h:85
int mqtt_keepalive_time_left(const struct mqtt_client *client)
Helper function to determine when next keep alive message should be sent.
MQTT CONNACK return codes.
Definition mqtt.h:110
void(* mqtt_evt_cb_t)(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_evt *evt)
Asynchronous event notification callback registered by the application.
Definition mqtt.h:340
MQTT SUBACK return codes.
Definition mqtt.h:137
int mqtt_publish_qos2_receive(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_pubrec_param *param)
API used by client to send acknowledgment on receiving QoS2 publish message.
void mqtt_client_init(struct mqtt_client *client)
Initializes the client instance.
int mqtt_ping(struct mqtt_client *client)
API to send MQTT ping.
int mqtt_disconnect(struct mqtt_client *client)
API to disconnect MQTT connection.
int mqtt_connect(struct mqtt_client *client)
API to request new MQTT client connection.
int mqtt_publish_qos1_ack(struct mqtt_client *client, const struct mqtt_puback_param *param)
API used by client to send acknowledgment on receiving QoS1 publish message.
int mqtt_abort(struct mqtt_client *client)
API to abort MQTT connection.
MQTT transport type.
Definition mqtt.h:385
Reception confirmation for published message with QoS 2.
Definition mqtt.h:66
Acknowledgment for published message with QoS 1.
Definition mqtt.h:63
Ping Response from server.
Definition mqtt.h:81
Acknowledgment to a subscribe request.
Definition mqtt.h:75
Disconnection Event.
Definition mqtt.h:51
Acknowledgment to a unsubscribe request.
Definition mqtt.h:78
Publish event received when message is published on a topic client is subscribed to.
Definition mqtt.h:60
Release of published message with QoS 2.
Definition mqtt.h:69
Acknowledgment of connection request.
Definition mqtt.h:46
Confirmation to a publish release message with QoS 2.
Definition mqtt.h:72
Lowest Quality of Service, no acknowledgment needed for published message.
Definition mqtt.h:95
Medium Quality of Service, if acknowledgment expected for published message, duplicate messages permi...
Definition mqtt.h:100
Highest Quality of Service, acknowledgment expected and message shall be published only once.
Definition mqtt.h:106
Protocol level for 3.1.0.
Definition mqtt.h:86
Protocol level for 3.1.1.
Definition mqtt.h:87
Connection accepted.
Definition mqtt.h:112
The Client is not authorized to connect.
Definition mqtt.h:133
The Server does not support the level of the MQTT protocol requested by the Client.
Definition mqtt.h:117
The data in the user name or password is malformed.
Definition mqtt.h:130
The Client identifier is correct UTF-8 but not allowed by the Server.
Definition mqtt.h:122
The Network Connection has been made but the MQTT service is unavailable.
Definition mqtt.h:127
Subscription for a topic failed.
Definition mqtt.h:148
Subscription with QoS 0 succeeded.
Definition mqtt.h:139
Subscription with QoS 2 succeeded.
Definition mqtt.h:145
Subscription with QoS 1 succeeded.
Definition mqtt.h:142
Shall not be used as a transport type.
Definition mqtt.h:410
Use non secure TCP transport for MQTT connection.
Definition mqtt.h:387
int sec_tag_t
Secure tag, a reference to TLS credential.
Definition tls_credentials.h:74
IPv6 and IPv4 definitions.
__UINT32_TYPE__ uint32_t
Definition stdint.h:90
__INT32_TYPE__ int32_t
Definition stdint.h:74
__UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t
Definition stdint.h:88
__UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t
Definition stdint.h:89
__INT8_TYPE__ int8_t
Definition stdint.h:72
Abstracts binary strings.
Definition mqtt.h:170
uint8_t * data
Pointer to binary stream.
Definition mqtt.h:171
uint32_t len
Length of binary stream.
Definition mqtt.h:172
MQTT Client definition to maintain information relevant to the client.
Definition mqtt.h:494
struct mqtt_internal internal
MQTT client internal state.
Definition mqtt.h:496
mqtt_evt_cb_t evt_cb
Application callback registered with the module to get MQTT events.
Definition mqtt.h:530
struct mqtt_topic * will_topic
Will topic and QoS.
Definition mqtt.h:521
uint32_t tx_buf_size
Size of transmit buffer.
Definition mqtt.h:542
uint8_t protocol_version
MQTT protocol version.
Definition mqtt.h:550
uint32_t rx_buf_size
Size of receive buffer.
Definition mqtt.h:536
int8_t unacked_ping
Unanswered PINGREQ count on this connection.
Definition mqtt.h:553
const void * broker
Broker details, for example, address, port.
Definition mqtt.h:507
struct mqtt_utf8 * will_message
Will message.
Definition mqtt.h:526
uint8_t * rx_buf
Receive buffer used for MQTT packet reception in RX path.
Definition mqtt.h:533
uint16_t keepalive
Keepalive interval for this client in seconds.
Definition mqtt.h:547
struct mqtt_utf8 client_id
Unique client identification to be used for the connection.
Definition mqtt.h:502
uint8_t clean_session
Clean session flag indicating a fresh (1) or a retained session (0).
Definition mqtt.h:562
struct mqtt_utf8 * user_name
User name (if any) to be used for the connection.
Definition mqtt.h:512
struct mqtt_transport transport
MQTT transport configuration and data.
Definition mqtt.h:499
uint8_t will_retain
Will retain flag, 1 if will message shall be retained persistently.
Definition mqtt.h:557
uint8_t * tx_buf
Transmit buffer used for creating MQTT packet in TX path.
Definition mqtt.h:539
struct mqtt_utf8 * password
Password (if any) to be used for the connection.
Definition mqtt.h:518
void * user_data
User specific opaque data.
Definition mqtt.h:565
Parameters for a connection acknowledgment (CONNACK).
Definition mqtt.h:195
enum mqtt_conn_return_code return_code
The appropriate non-zero Connect return code indicates if the Server is unable to process a connectio...
Definition mqtt.h:205
uint8_t session_present_flag
The Session Present flag enables a Client to establish whether the Client and Server have a consisten...
Definition mqtt.h:200
Defines MQTT asynchronous event notified to the application.
Definition mqtt.h:317
enum mqtt_evt_type type
Identifies the event.
Definition mqtt.h:319
int result
Event result.
Definition mqtt.h:327
union mqtt_evt_param param
Contains parameters (if any) accompanying the event.
Definition mqtt.h:322
MQTT internal state.
Definition mqtt.h:471
uint32_t rx_buf_datalen
Definition mqtt.h:484
uint32_t last_activity
Definition mqtt.h:478
uint32_t remaining_payload
Definition mqtt.h:487
uint32_t state
Definition mqtt.h:481
struct sys_mutex mutex
Definition mqtt.h:473
Parameters for MQTT publish acknowledgment (PUBACK).
Definition mqtt.h:209
uint16_t message_id
Message id of the PUBLISH message being acknowledged.
Definition mqtt.h:211
Parameters for MQTT publish complete (PUBCOMP).
Definition mqtt.h:227
uint16_t message_id
Message id of the PUBREL message being acknowledged.
Definition mqtt.h:229
Parameters for a publish message.
Definition mqtt.h:189
struct mqtt_binstr payload
Payload on the topic published.
Definition mqtt.h:191
struct mqtt_topic topic
Topic on which data was published.
Definition mqtt.h:190
Parameters for a publish message (PUBLISH).
Definition mqtt.h:249
uint8_t dup_flag
Duplicate flag.
Definition mqtt.h:261
struct mqtt_publish_message message
Messages including topic, QoS and its payload (if any) to be published.
Definition mqtt.h:253
uint8_t retain_flag
Retain flag.
Definition mqtt.h:266
uint16_t message_id
Message id used for the publish message.
Definition mqtt.h:256
Parameters for MQTT publish receive (PUBREC).
Definition mqtt.h:215
uint16_t message_id
Message id of the PUBLISH message being acknowledged.
Definition mqtt.h:217
Parameters for MQTT publish release (PUBREL).
Definition mqtt.h:221
uint16_t message_id
Message id of the PUBREC message being acknowledged.
Definition mqtt.h:223
TLS configuration for secure MQTT transports.
Definition mqtt.h:344
int peer_verify
Indicates the preference for peer verification.
Definition mqtt.h:346
const int * cipher_list
Indicates the list of ciphers to be used for the session.
Definition mqtt.h:354
uint32_t cipher_count
Indicates the number of entries in the cipher list.
Definition mqtt.h:349
int cert_nocopy
Indicates the preference for copying certificates to the heap.
Definition mqtt.h:381
uint32_t sec_tag_count
Indicates the number of entries in the sec tag list.
Definition mqtt.h:357
const sec_tag_t * sec_tag_list
Indicates the list of security tags to be used for the session.
Definition mqtt.h:360
const char * hostname
Peer hostname for ceritificate verification.
Definition mqtt.h:378
Parameters for MQTT subscription acknowledgment (SUBACK).
Definition mqtt.h:233
struct mqtt_binstr return_codes
Return codes indicating maximum QoS level granted for each topic in the subscription list.
Definition mqtt.h:239
uint16_t message_id
Message id of the SUBSCRIBE message being acknowledged.
Definition mqtt.h:235
List of topics in a subscription request.
Definition mqtt.h:270
uint16_t message_id
Message id used to identify subscription request.
Definition mqtt.h:278
uint16_t list_count
Number of topics in the subscription list.
Definition mqtt.h:275
struct mqtt_topic * list
Array containing topics along with QoS for each.
Definition mqtt.h:272
Abstracts MQTT UTF-8 encoded topic that can be subscribed to or published.
Definition mqtt.h:178
uint8_t qos
Quality of service requested for the subscription.
Definition mqtt.h:185
struct mqtt_utf8 topic
Topic on to be published or subscribed to.
Definition mqtt.h:180
MQTT transport specific data.
Definition mqtt.h:414
struct mqtt_transport::@380::@382 tcp
TCP socket transport for MQTT.
int sock
Socket descriptor.
Definition mqtt.h:426
enum mqtt_transport_type type
Transport type selection for client instance.
Definition mqtt.h:419
Parameters for MQTT unsubscribe acknowledgment (UNSUBACK).
Definition mqtt.h:243
uint16_t message_id
Message id of the UNSUBSCRIBE message being acknowledged.
Definition mqtt.h:245
Abstracts UTF-8 encoded strings.
Definition mqtt.h:152
uint32_t size
Size of UTF string, in bytes.
Definition mqtt.h:154
const uint8_t * utf8
Pointer to UTF-8 string.
Definition mqtt.h:153
Generic sockaddr struct.
Definition net_ip.h:388
Websocket client connection request.
Definition websocket.h:70
TLS credentials management.
Defines event parameters notified along with asynchronous events to the application.
Definition mqtt.h:285
struct mqtt_pubrel_param pubrel
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_PUBREL event.
Definition mqtt.h:304
struct mqtt_puback_param puback
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_PUBACK event.
Definition mqtt.h:298
struct mqtt_pubrec_param pubrec
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_PUBREC event.
Definition mqtt.h:301
struct mqtt_publish_param publish
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_PUBLISH event.
Definition mqtt.h:295
struct mqtt_connack_param connack
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_CONNACK event.
Definition mqtt.h:287
struct mqtt_pubcomp_param pubcomp
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_PUBCOMP event.
Definition mqtt.h:307
struct mqtt_unsuback_param unsuback
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_UNSUBACK event.
Definition mqtt.h:313
struct mqtt_suback_param suback
Parameters accompanying MQTT_EVT_SUBACK event.
Definition mqtt.h:310