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X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 shield SHUB1 (Mode 3) sample


This sample is provided as an example to test the X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 shield configured in SHUB1 (Mode 3). Please refer to Mode 3: LSM6DSV16X SensorHub Mode (SHUB1) for more info on this configuration.

This sample enables LSM6DSV16X IMU in sensorhub mode with LIS2MDL magnetometer and LPS22DF pressure and temperature sensor.

Then sensor data are displayed periodically

  • LSM6DSV16X 6-Axis acceleration and angular velocity

  • LSM6DSV16X (from LIS2MDL) 3-Axis magnetic field intensity

  • LSM6DSV16X (from LPS22DF) ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure


This sample communicates over I2C with the X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 shield stacked on a board with an Arduino connector, e.g. the Nucleo F411RE board.

Building and Running

This sample runs with X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1 stacked on any board with a matching Arduino connector. For this example, we use a Nucleo F411RE board.

west build -b nucleo_f411re samples/shields/x_nucleo_iks4a1/sensorhub1/
west flash

Sample Output

X-NUCLEO-IKS01A4 sensor dashboard

LSM6DSV16X: Accel (m.s-2): x: 0.081, y: -0.177, z: 9.945
LSM6DSV16X: GYro (dps): x: 0.001, y: -0.000, z: 0.004
LSM6DSV16X: Magn (gauss): x: 0.217, y: 0.015, z: -0.415
LSM6DSV16X: Temperature: 19.8 C
LSM6DSV16X: Pressure:99.655 kpa
16:: lsm6dso16is acc trig 6432

<updated endlessly every 2 seconds>


X-NUCLEO-IKS4A1: MEMS Inertial and Environmental Multi sensor shield