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Flash Circular Buffer (FCB)

Flash circular buffer provides an abstraction through which you can treat flash like a FIFO. You append entries to the end, and read data from the beginning.


As of Zephyr release 2.1 the NVS storage API is recommended over FCB for use as a back-end for the settings API.


Entries in the flash contain the length of the entry, the data within the entry, and checksum over the entry contents.

Storage of entries in flash is done in a FIFO fashion. When you request space for the next entry, space is located at the end of the used area. When you start reading, the first entry served is the oldest entry in flash.

Entries can be appended to the end of the area until storage space is exhausted. You have control over what happens next; either erase oldest block of data, thereby freeing up some space, or stop writing new data until existing data has been collected. FCB treats underlying storage as an array of flash sectors; when it erases old data, it does this a sector at a time.

Entries in the flash are checksummed. That is how FCB detects whether writing entry to flash completed ok. It will skip over entries which don’t have a valid checksum.


To add an entry to circular buffer:

  • Call to get the location where data can be written. If this fails due to lack of space, you can call to erase the oldest sector which will make the space. And then call again.

  • Use to write entry contents.

  • Call when done. This completes the writing of the entry by calculating the checksum.

To read contents of the circular buffer:

  • Call with a pointer to your callback function.

  • Within callback function copy in data from the entry using . You can tell when all data from within a sector has been read by monitoring the returned entry’s area pointer. Then you can call , if you’re done with that data.


API Reference

The FCB subsystem APIs are provided by fcb.h:

Data structures

Flash Circular Buffer Data Structures

API functions

fcb API