LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/arch/arm64 - arm_mmu.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 61 0.0 %
Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright 2019 Broadcom
       3             :  * The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
       4             :  *
       5             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       6             :  */
       7             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_ARCH_ARM64_ARM_MMU_H_
       8             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_ARCH_ARM64_ARM_MMU_H_
       9             : 
      10             : #ifndef _ASMLANGUAGE
      11             : #include <stdint.h>
      12             : #include <stdlib.h>
      13             : #endif
      14             : 
      15             : /* Following Memory types supported through MAIR encodings can be passed
      16             :  * by user through "attrs"(attributes) field of specified memory region.
      17             :  * As MAIR supports such 8 encodings, we will reserve attrs[2:0];
      18             :  * so that we can provide encodings upto 7 if needed in future.
      19             :  */
      20           0 : #define MT_TYPE_MASK            0x7U
      21           0 : #define MT_TYPE(attr)           (attr & MT_TYPE_MASK)
      22           0 : #define MT_DEVICE_nGnRnE        0U
      23           0 : #define MT_DEVICE_nGnRE         1U
      24           0 : #define MT_DEVICE_GRE           2U
      25           0 : #define MT_NORMAL_NC            3U
      26           0 : #define MT_NORMAL               4U
      27           0 : #define MT_NORMAL_WT            5U
      28             : 
      29           0 : #define MEMORY_ATTRIBUTES       ((0x00 << (MT_DEVICE_nGnRnE * 8)) |       \
      30             :                                 (0x04 << (MT_DEVICE_nGnRE * 8))   |       \
      31             :                                 (0x0c << (MT_DEVICE_GRE * 8))     |       \
      32             :                                 (0x44 << (MT_NORMAL_NC * 8))      |       \
      33             :                                 (0xffUL << (MT_NORMAL * 8))         |     \
      34             :                                 (0xbbUL << (MT_NORMAL_WT * 8)))
      35             : 
      36             : /* More flags from user's perspective are supported using remaining bits
      37             :  * of "attrs" field, i.e. attrs[31:3], underlying code will take care
      38             :  * of setting PTE fields correctly.
      39             :  *
      40             :  * current usage of attrs[31:3] is:
      41             :  * attrs[3] : Access Permissions
      42             :  * attrs[4] : Memory access from secure/ns state
      43             :  * attrs[5] : Execute Permissions privileged mode (PXN)
      44             :  * attrs[6] : Execute Permissions unprivileged mode (UXN)
      45             :  * attrs[7] : Mirror RO/RW permissions to EL0
      46             :  * attrs[8] : Overwrite existing mapping if any
      47             :  * attrs[9] : non-Global mapping (nG)
      48             :  * attrs[10]: Paged-out mapping
      49             :  *
      50             :  */
      51           0 : #define MT_PERM_SHIFT           3U
      52           0 : #define MT_SEC_SHIFT            4U
      53           0 : #define MT_P_EXECUTE_SHIFT      5U
      54           0 : #define MT_U_EXECUTE_SHIFT      6U
      55           0 : #define MT_RW_AP_SHIFT          7U
      56           0 : #define MT_NO_OVERWRITE_SHIFT   8U
      57           0 : #define MT_NON_GLOBAL_SHIFT     9U
      58           0 : #define MT_PAGED_OUT_SHIFT      10U
      59             : 
      60           0 : #define MT_RO                   (0U << MT_PERM_SHIFT)
      61           0 : #define MT_RW                   (1U << MT_PERM_SHIFT)
      62             : 
      63           0 : #define MT_RW_AP_ELx            (1U << MT_RW_AP_SHIFT)
      64           0 : #define MT_RW_AP_EL_HIGHER      (0U << MT_RW_AP_SHIFT)
      65             : 
      66           0 : #define MT_SECURE               (0U << MT_SEC_SHIFT)
      67           0 : #define MT_NS                   (1U << MT_SEC_SHIFT)
      68             : 
      69           0 : #define MT_P_EXECUTE            (0U << MT_P_EXECUTE_SHIFT)
      70           0 : #define MT_P_EXECUTE_NEVER      (1U << MT_P_EXECUTE_SHIFT)
      71             : 
      72           0 : #define MT_U_EXECUTE            (0U << MT_U_EXECUTE_SHIFT)
      73           0 : #define MT_U_EXECUTE_NEVER      (1U << MT_U_EXECUTE_SHIFT)
      74             : 
      75           0 : #define MT_NO_OVERWRITE         (1U << MT_NO_OVERWRITE_SHIFT)
      76             : 
      77           0 : #define MT_G                    (0U << MT_NON_GLOBAL_SHIFT)
      78           0 : #define MT_NG                   (1U << MT_NON_GLOBAL_SHIFT)
      79             : 
      80           0 : #define MT_PAGED_OUT            (1U << MT_PAGED_OUT_SHIFT)
      81             : 
      82           0 : #define MT_P_RW_U_RW            (MT_RW | MT_RW_AP_ELx | MT_P_EXECUTE_NEVER | MT_U_EXECUTE_NEVER)
      83           0 : #define MT_P_RW_U_NA            (MT_RW | MT_RW_AP_EL_HIGHER  | MT_P_EXECUTE_NEVER | MT_U_EXECUTE_NEVER)
      84           0 : #define MT_P_RO_U_RO            (MT_RO | MT_RW_AP_ELx | MT_P_EXECUTE_NEVER | MT_U_EXECUTE_NEVER)
      85           0 : #define MT_P_RO_U_NA            (MT_RO | MT_RW_AP_EL_HIGHER  | MT_P_EXECUTE_NEVER | MT_U_EXECUTE_NEVER)
      86           0 : #define MT_P_RO_U_RX            (MT_RO | MT_RW_AP_ELx | MT_P_EXECUTE_NEVER | MT_U_EXECUTE)
      87           0 : #define MT_P_RX_U_RX            (MT_RO | MT_RW_AP_ELx | MT_P_EXECUTE | MT_U_EXECUTE)
      88           0 : #define MT_P_RX_U_NA            (MT_RO | MT_RW_AP_EL_HIGHER  | MT_P_EXECUTE | MT_U_EXECUTE_NEVER)
      89             : 
      90             : #ifdef CONFIG_ARMV8_A_NS
      91             : #define MT_DEFAULT_SECURE_STATE MT_NS
      92             : #else
      93           0 : #define MT_DEFAULT_SECURE_STATE MT_SECURE
      94             : #endif
      95             : 
      96             : /* Definitions used by arch_page_info_get() */
      97           0 : #define ARCH_DATA_PAGE_LOADED           BIT(0)
      98           0 : #define ARCH_DATA_PAGE_ACCESSED         BIT(1)
      99           0 : #define ARCH_DATA_PAGE_DIRTY            BIT(2)
     100           0 : #define ARCH_DATA_PAGE_NOT_MAPPED       BIT(3)
     101             : 
     102             : /*
     103             :  * Special unpaged "location" tags (highest possible descriptor physical
     104             :  * address values unlikely to conflict with backing store locations)
     105             :  */
     106           0 : #define ARCH_UNPAGED_ANON_ZERO          0x0000fffffffff000
     107           0 : #define ARCH_UNPAGED_ANON_UNINIT        0x0000ffffffffe000
     108             : 
     109             : #ifndef _ASMLANGUAGE
     110             : 
     111             : /* Region definition data structure */
     112             : struct arm_mmu_region {
     113             :         /* Region Base Physical Address */
     114             :         uintptr_t base_pa;
     115             :         /* Region Base Virtual Address */
     116             :         uintptr_t base_va;
     117             :         /* Region size */
     118             :         size_t size;
     119             :         /* Region Name */
     120             :         const char *name;
     121             :         /* Region Attributes */
     122             :         uint32_t attrs;
     123             : };
     124             : 
     125             : /* MMU configuration data structure */
     126             : struct arm_mmu_config {
     127             :         /* Number of regions */
     128           0 :         unsigned int num_regions;
     129             :         /* Regions */
     130             :         const struct arm_mmu_region *mmu_regions;
     131             : };
     132             : 
     133           0 : struct arm_mmu_ptables {
     134           0 :         uint64_t *base_xlat_table;
     135           0 :         uint64_t ttbr0;
     136             : };
     137             : 
     138             : /* Convenience macros to represent the ARMv8-A-specific
     139             :  * configuration for memory access permission and
     140             :  * cache-ability attribution.
     141             :  */
     142             : 
     143           0 : #define MMU_REGION_ENTRY(_name, _base_pa, _base_va, _size, _attrs) \
     144             :         {\
     145             :                 .name = _name, \
     146             :                 .base_pa = _base_pa, \
     147             :                 .base_va = _base_va, \
     148             :                 .size = _size, \
     149             :                 .attrs = _attrs, \
     150             :         }
     151             : 
     152           0 : #define MMU_REGION_FLAT_ENTRY(name, adr, sz, attrs) \
     153             :         MMU_REGION_ENTRY(name, adr, adr, sz, attrs)
     154             : 
     155             : /*
     156             :  * @brief Auto generate mmu region entry for node_id
     157             :  *
     158             :  * Example usage:
     159             :  *
     160             :  * @code{.c}
     161             :  *      DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(nxp_imx_gpio,
     162             :  *                                MMU_REGION_DT_FLAT_ENTRY,
     163             :  *                               (MT_DEVICE_nGnRnE | MT_P_RW_U_NA | MT_NS))
     164             :  * @endcode
     165             :  *
     166             :  * @note  Since devicetree_generated.h does not include
     167             :  *        node_id##_P_reg_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM* definitions,
     168             :  *        we can't automate dts node with multiple reg
     169             :  *        entries.
     170             :  */
     171           0 : #define MMU_REGION_DT_FLAT_ENTRY(node_id, attrs)  \
     172             :         MMU_REGION_FLAT_ENTRY(DT_NODE_FULL_NAME(node_id), \
     173             :                                   DT_REG_ADDR(node_id), \
     174             :                                   DT_REG_SIZE(node_id), \
     175             :                                   attrs),
     176             : 
     177             : /*
     178             :  * @brief Auto generate mmu region entry for status = "okay"
     179             :  *        nodes compatible to a driver
     180             :  *
     181             :  * Example usage:
     182             :  *
     183             :  * @code{.c}
     184             :  *      MMU_REGION_DT_COMPAT_FOREACH_FLAT_ENTRY(nxp_imx_gpio,
     185             :  *                               (MT_DEVICE_nGnRnE | MT_P_RW_U_NA | MT_NS))
     186             :  * @endcode
     187             :  *
     188             :  * @note  This is a wrapper of @ref MMU_REGION_DT_FLAT_ENTRY
     189             :  */
     190           0 : #define MMU_REGION_DT_COMPAT_FOREACH_FLAT_ENTRY(compat, attr) \
     191             :         DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS(compat, \
     192             :         MMU_REGION_DT_FLAT_ENTRY, attr)
     193             : 
     194             : /* Kernel macros for memory attribution
     195             :  * (access permissions and cache-ability).
     196             :  *
     197             :  * The macros are to be stored in k_mem_partition_attr_t
     198             :  * objects. The format of a k_mem_partition_attr_t object
     199             :  * is an uint32_t composed by permission and attribute flags
     200             :  * located in include/arch/arm64/arm_mmu.h
     201             :  */
     202             : 
     203             : /* Read-Write access permission attributes */
     204           0 : #define K_MEM_PARTITION_P_RW_U_RW ((k_mem_partition_attr_t) \
     205             :                         {MT_P_RW_U_RW})
     206           0 : #define K_MEM_PARTITION_P_RW_U_NA ((k_mem_partition_attr_t) \
     207             :                         {MT_P_RW_U_NA})
     208           0 : #define K_MEM_PARTITION_P_RO_U_RO ((k_mem_partition_attr_t) \
     209             :                         {MT_P_RO_U_RO})
     210           0 : #define K_MEM_PARTITION_P_RO_U_NA ((k_mem_partition_attr_t) \
     211             :                         {MT_P_RO_U_NA})
     212             : /* Execution-allowed attributes */
     213           0 : #define K_MEM_PARTITION_P_RX_U_RX ((k_mem_partition_attr_t) \
     214             :                         {MT_P_RX_U_RX})
     215             : /* Typedef for the k_mem_partition attribute */
     216           0 : typedef struct { uint32_t attrs; } k_mem_partition_attr_t;
     217             : 
     218             : /* Reference to the MMU configuration.
     219             :  *
     220             :  * This struct is defined and populated for each SoC (in the SoC definition),
     221             :  * and holds the build-time configuration information for the fixed MMU
     222             :  * regions enabled during kernel initialization.
     223             :  */
     224           0 : extern const struct arm_mmu_config mmu_config;
     225             : 
     226             : #endif /* _ASMLANGUAGE */
     227             : 
     228             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_ARCH_ARM64_ARM_MMU_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14