Line data Source code
1 0 : /*
2 : * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Wind River Systems, Inc.
3 : *
4 : * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 : */
6 :
9 :
10 : #ifndef _ASMLANGUAGE
11 : #include <zephyr/types.h>
12 :
13 : #ifdef __cplusplus
14 : extern "C" {
15 : #endif
16 :
17 : /**
18 : * @brief Exception Stack Frame
19 : *
20 : * A pointer to an "exception stack frame" (ESF) is passed as an argument
21 : * to exception handlers registered via nanoCpuExcConnect(). As the system
22 : * always operates at ring 0, only the EIP, CS and EFLAGS registers are pushed
23 : * onto the stack when an exception occurs.
24 : *
25 : * The exception stack frame includes the volatile registers (EAX, ECX, and
26 : * EDX) as well as the 5 non-volatile registers (EDI, ESI, EBX, EBP and ESP).
27 : * Those registers are pushed onto the stack by _ExcEnt().
28 : */
29 :
30 : struct arch_esf {
31 : #ifdef CONFIG_GDBSTUB
32 0 : unsigned int ss;
33 0 : unsigned int gs;
34 0 : unsigned int fs;
35 0 : unsigned int es;
36 0 : unsigned int ds;
37 : #endif
38 0 : unsigned int esp;
39 0 : unsigned int ebp;
40 0 : unsigned int ebx;
41 0 : unsigned int esi;
42 0 : unsigned int edi;
43 0 : unsigned int edx;
44 0 : unsigned int eax;
45 0 : unsigned int ecx;
46 0 : unsigned int errorCode;
47 0 : unsigned int eip;
48 0 : unsigned int cs;
49 0 : unsigned int eflags;
50 : };
51 :
52 : extern unsigned int z_x86_exception_vector;
53 :
54 : struct _x86_syscall_stack_frame {
55 : uint32_t eip;
56 : uint32_t cs;
57 : uint32_t eflags;
58 :
59 : /* These are only present if cs = USER_CODE_SEG */
60 : uint32_t esp;
61 : uint32_t ss;
62 : };
63 :
64 : #ifdef __cplusplus
65 : }
66 : #endif
67 :
68 : #endif /* _ASMLANGUAGE */
69 :