LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/bluetooth/audio - gmap.h Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-12-21 18:13:37

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /**
       2             :  * @file
       3             :  * @brief Header for Bluetooth Gaming Audio Profile (GMAP).
       4             :  *
       5             :  * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
       6             :  *
       7             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       8             :  */
       9             : 
      10             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO_GMAP_
      11             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO_GMAP_
      12             : 
      13             : /**
      14             :  * @brief Bluetooth Gaming Audio Profile (GMAP)
      15             :  *
      16             :  * @defgroup bt_gmap Bluetooth Gaming Audio Profile
      17             :  *
      18             :  * @since 3.5
      19             :  * @version 0.8.0
      20             :  *
      21             :  * @ingroup bluetooth
      22             :  * @{
      23             :  */
      24             : 
      25             : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/conn.h>
      26             : #include <zephyr/sys/util_macro.h>
      27             : 
      28             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      29             : extern "C" {
      30             : #endif
      31             : 
      32             : /** Gaming Role bitfield */
      33           1 : enum bt_gmap_role {
      34             :         /**
      35             :          * @brief Gaming Role Unicast Game Gateway
      36             :          *
      37             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CAP_INITIATOR}, @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT} and
      38             :          * @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_VCP_VOL_CTLR} to be enabled.
      39             :          */
      40             :         BT_GMAP_ROLE_UGG = BIT(0),
      41             :         /**
      42             :          * @brief Gaming Role Unicast Game Terminal
      43             :          *
      44             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CAP_ACCEPTOR} and @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_SERVER} to
      45             :          * be enabled.
      46             :          */
      47             :         BT_GMAP_ROLE_UGT = BIT(1),
      48             :         /**
      49             :          * @brief Gaming Role Broadcast Game Sender
      50             :          *
      51             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CAP_INITIATOR} and @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_BROADCAST_SOURCE}
      52             :          * to be enabled.
      53             :          */
      54             :         BT_GMAP_ROLE_BGS = BIT(2),
      55             :         /**
      56             :          * @brief Gaming Role Broadcast Game Receiver
      57             :          *
      58             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CAP_ACCEPTOR}, @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_BROADCAST_SINK} and
      59             :          * @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_VCP_VOL_REND} to be enabled.
      60             :          */
      61             :         BT_GMAP_ROLE_BGR = BIT(3),
      62             : };
      63             : 
      64             : /** Unicast Game Gateway Feature bitfield */
      65           1 : enum bt_gmap_ugg_feat {
      66             :         /**
      67             :          * @brief Support transmitting multiple LC3 codec frames per block in an SDU
      68             :          *
      69             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT_ASE_SRC_COUNT} > 0
      70             :          */
      71             :         BT_GMAP_UGG_FEAT_MULTIPLEX = BIT(0),
      72             :         /**
      73             :          * @brief 96 kbps source support
      74             :          *
      75             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT_ASE_SRC_COUNT} > 0
      76             :          */
      77             :         BT_GMAP_UGG_FEAT_96KBPS_SOURCE = BIT(1),
      78             :         /**
      79             :          * @brief Support for receiving at least two channels of audio, each in a separate CIS
      80             :          *
      81             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT_ASE_SNK_COUNT} > 1 and
      82             :          * @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT_GROUP_STREAM_COUNT} > 1
      83             :          */
      84             :         BT_GMAP_UGG_FEAT_MULTISINK = BIT(2),
      85             : };
      86             : 
      87             : /** Unicast Game Terminal Feature bitfield */
      88           1 : enum bt_gmap_ugt_feat {
      89             :         /**
      90             :          * @brief Source support
      91             :          *
      92             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ASCS_MAX_ASE_SNK_COUNT} > 0
      93             :          */
      94             :         BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_SOURCE = BIT(0),
      95             :         /**
      96             :          * @brief 80 kbps source support
      97             :          *
      98             :          * Requires BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_SOURCE to be set as well
      99             :          */
     100             :         BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_80KBPS_SOURCE = BIT(1),
     101             :         /**
     102             :          * @brief Sink support
     103             :          *
     104             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ASCS_MAX_ASE_SNK_COUNT} > 0
     105             :          */
     106             :         BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_SINK = BIT(2),
     107             :         /**
     108             :          * @brief 64 kbps sink support
     109             :          *
     110             :          * Requires BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_SINK to be set as well
     111             :          */
     112             :         BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_64KBPS_SINK = BIT(3),
     113             :         /**
     114             :          * @brief Support for receiving multiple LC3 codec frames per block in an SDU
     115             :          *
     116             :          * Requires BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_SINK to be set as well
     117             :          */
     118             :         BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_MULTIPLEX = BIT(4),
     119             :         /**
     120             :          * @brief Support for receiving at least two audio channels, each in a separate CIS
     121             :          *
     122             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ASCS_MAX_ASE_SNK_COUNT} > 1 and
     123             :          * @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ASCS_MAX_ACTIVE_ASES} > 1, and BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_SINK to be set as well
     124             :          */
     125             :         BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_MULTISINK = BIT(5),
     126             :         /**
     127             :          * @brief Support for sending at least two audio channels, each in a separate CIS
     128             :          *
     129             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ASCS_MAX_ASE_SNK_COUNT} > 1 and
     130             :          * @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_ASCS_MAX_ACTIVE_ASES} > 1, and BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_SOURCE to be set
     131             :          * as well
     132             :          */
     133             :         BT_GMAP_UGT_FEAT_MULTISOURCE = BIT(6),
     134             : };
     135             : 
     136             : /** Broadcast Game Sender Feature bitfield */
     137           1 : enum bt_gmap_bgs_feat {
     138             :         /** 96 kbps support */
     139             :         BT_GMAP_BGS_FEAT_96KBPS = BIT(0),
     140             : };
     141             : 
     142             : /** Broadcast Game Receiver Feature bitfield */
     143           1 : enum bt_gmap_bgr_feat {
     144             :         /**
     145             :          * @brief Support for receiving at least two audio channels, each in a separate BIS
     146             :          *
     147             :          * Requires @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_BAP_BROADCAST_SNK_STREAM_COUNT} > 1
     148             :          */
     149             :         BT_GMAP_BGR_FEAT_MULTISINK = BIT(0),
     150             :         /** @brief Support for receiving multiple LC3 codec frames per block in an SDU */
     151             :         BT_GMAP_BGR_FEAT_MULTIPLEX = BIT(1),
     152             : };
     153             : 
     154             : /** Broadcast Game Receiver Feature bitfield */
     155           1 : struct bt_gmap_feat {
     156             :         /** Unicast Game Gateway features */
     157           1 :         enum bt_gmap_ugg_feat ugg_feat;
     158             :         /** Unicast Game Terminal features */
     159           1 :         enum bt_gmap_ugt_feat ugt_feat;
     160             :         /** Remote Broadcast Game Sender features */
     161           1 :         enum bt_gmap_bgs_feat bgs_feat;
     162             :         /** Remote Broadcast Game Receiver features */
     163           1 :         enum bt_gmap_bgr_feat bgr_feat;
     164             : };
     165             : 
     166             : /** @brief Hearing Access Service Client callback structure. */
     167           1 : struct bt_gmap_cb {
     168             :         /**
     169             :          * @brief Callback function for bt_has_discover.
     170             :          *
     171             :          * This callback is called when discovery procedure is complete.
     172             :          *
     173             :          * @param conn Bluetooth connection object.
     174             :          * @param err 0 on success, ATT error or negative errno otherwise.
     175             :          * @param role Role of remote device. 0 on failure.
     176             :          * @param features Remote features.
     177             :          */
     178           1 :         void (*discover)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err, enum bt_gmap_role role,
     179             :                          struct bt_gmap_feat features);
     180             : };
     181             : 
     182             : /**
     183             :  * @brief Registers the callbacks used by the Gaming Audio Profile.
     184             :  *
     185             :  * @param cb The callback structure.
     186             :  *
     187             :  * @retval -EINVAL if @p cb is NULL
     188             :  * @retval -EALREADY if callbacks have already be registered
     189             :  * @retval 0 on success
     190             :  */
     191           1 : int bt_gmap_cb_register(const struct bt_gmap_cb *cb);
     192             : 
     193             : /**
     194             :  * @brief Discover Gaming Service on a remote device.
     195             :  *
     196             :  * Procedure to find a Gaming Service on a server identified by @p conn.
     197             :  * The @ref callback is called when the discovery procedure completes of fails.
     198             :  * On discovery success the callback contains information about the remote device.
     199             :  *
     200             :  * @param conn Bluetooth connection object.
     201             :  *
     202             :  * @retval -EINVAL if @p conn is NULL
     203             :  * @retval -EBUSY if discovery is already in progress for @p conn
     204             :  * @retval -ENOEXEC if discovery failed to initiate
     205             :  * @retval 0 on success
     206             :  */
     207           1 : int bt_gmap_discover(struct bt_conn *conn);
     208             : 
     209             : /**
     210             :  * @brief Adds GMAS instance to database and sets the received Gaming Audio Profile role(s).
     211             :  *
     212             :  * @param role     Gaming Audio Profile role(s) of the device (one or multiple).
     213             :  * @param features Features of the roles. If a role is not in the @p role parameter, then the
     214             :  *                 feature value for that role is simply ignored.
     215             :  *
     216             :  * @retval -EINVAL on invalid arguments
     217             :  * @retval -ENOEXEC on service register failure
     218             :  * @retval 0 on success
     219             :  */
     220           1 : int bt_gmap_register(enum bt_gmap_role role, struct bt_gmap_feat features);
     221             : 
     222             : /**
     223             :  * @brief Set one or multiple Gaming Audio Profile roles and features dynamically.
     224             :  *
     225             :  * Previously registered value will be overwritten. If there is a role change, this will trigger
     226             :  * a Gaming Audio Service (GMAS) service change. If there is only a feature change, no service
     227             :  * change will happen.
     228             :  *
     229             :  * @param role     Gaming Audio Profile role(s).
     230             :  * @param features Features of the roles. If a role is not in the @p role parameter, then the
     231             :  *                 feature value for that role is simply ignored.
     232             :  *
     233             :  * @retval -ENOEXEC if the service has not yet been registered
     234             :  * @retval -EINVAL on invalid arguments
     235             :  * @retval -EALREADY if the @p role and @p features are the same as existing ones
     236             :  * @retval -ENOENT on service unregister failure
     237             :  * @retval -ECANCELED on service re-register failure
     238             :  * @retval 0 on success
     239             :  */
     240           1 : int bt_gmap_set_role(enum bt_gmap_role role, struct bt_gmap_feat features);
     241             : 
     242             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     243             : }
     244             : #endif
     245             : /** @} */ /* end of bt_gmap */
     246             : 
     247             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO_GMAP_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14