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Current view: top level - zephyr/bluetooth/audio - pbp.h Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /**
       2             :  * @file
       3             :  * @brief Public Broadcast Profile (PBP) APIs.
       4             :  */
       5             : /*
       6             :  * Copyright 2023 NXP
       7             :  * Copyright (c) 2024 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
       8             :  *
       9             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
      10             :  */
      11             : 
      12             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO_PBP_
      13             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO_PBP_
      14             : 
      15             : /**
      16             :  * @brief Public Broadcast Profile (PBP)
      17             :  *
      18             :  * @defgroup bt_pbp Public Broadcast Profile (PBP)
      19             :  *
      20             :  * @since 3.5
      21             :  * @version 0.8.0
      22             :  *
      23             :  * @ingroup bluetooth
      24             :  * @{
      25             :  *
      26             :  * The Public Broadcast Profile (PBP) is used for public broadcasts by providing additional
      27             :  * information in the advertising data.
      28             :  */
      29             : 
      30             : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/audio/audio.h>
      31             : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
      32             : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/uuid.h>
      33             : #include <zephyr/net_buf.h>
      34             : #include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
      35             : #include <zephyr/sys/util_macro.h>
      36             : 
      37             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      38             : extern "C" {
      39             : #endif
      40             : 
      41             : /**
      42             :  * @brief Minimum size of the Public Broadcast Announcement
      43             :  *
      44             :  * It contains the Public Broadcast Announcement UUID (2), the Public Broadcast Announcement
      45             :  * features (1) and the metadata length (1)
      46             :  */
      47           1 : #define BT_PBP_MIN_PBA_SIZE             (BT_UUID_SIZE_16 + 1 + 1)
      48             : 
      49             : /** Public Broadcast Announcement features */
      50           1 : enum bt_pbp_announcement_feature {
      51             :         /** Broadcast Streams encryption status */
      52             :         BT_PBP_ANNOUNCEMENT_FEATURE_ENCRYPTION = BIT(0),
      53             :         /** Standard Quality Public Broadcast Audio configuration */
      54             :         BT_PBP_ANNOUNCEMENT_FEATURE_STANDARD_QUALITY = BIT(1),
      55             :         /** High Quality Public Broadcast Audio configuration */
      56             :         BT_PBP_ANNOUNCEMENT_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY = BIT(2),
      57             : };
      58             : 
      59             : /**
      60             :  * @brief Creates a Public Broadcast Announcement based on the information received
      61             :  * in the features parameter.
      62             :  *
      63             :  * @param meta          Metadata to be included in the advertising data
      64             :  * @param meta_len      Size of the metadata fields to be included in the advertising data
      65             :  * @param features      Public Broadcast Announcement features
      66             :  * @param pba_data_buf  Pointer to store the PBA advertising data. Buffer size needs to be
      67             :  *                      meta_len + @ref BT_PBP_MIN_PBA_SIZE.
      68             :  *
      69             :  * @return 0 on success or an appropriate error code.
      70             :  */
      71           1 : int bt_pbp_get_announcement(const uint8_t meta[], size_t meta_len,
      72             :                             enum bt_pbp_announcement_feature features,
      73             :                             struct net_buf_simple *pba_data_buf);
      74             : 
      75             : /**
      76             :  * @brief Parses the received advertising data corresponding to a Public Broadcast
      77             :  * Announcement. Returns the advertised Public Broadcast Announcement features and metadata.
      78             :  *
      79             :  * @param[in]  data     Advertising data to be checked
      80             :  * @param[out] features Pointer to public broadcast source features to store the parsed features in
      81             :  * @param[out] meta     Pointer to the metadata present in the advertising data
      82             :  *
      83             :  * @return parsed metadata length on success.
      84             :  * @retval -EINVAL if @p data, @p features or @p meta are NULL.
      85             :  * @retval -ENOENT if @p data is not of type @ref BT_DATA_SVC_DATA16 or if the UUID in the service
      86             :  * data is not @ref BT_UUID_PBA.
      87             :  * @retval -EMSGSIZE if @p data is not large enough to contain a PBP announcement.
      88             :  * @retval -EBADMSG if the @p data contains invalid data.
      89             :  */
      90           1 : int bt_pbp_parse_announcement(struct bt_data *data, enum bt_pbp_announcement_feature *features,
      91             :                               uint8_t **meta);
      92             : 
      93             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      94             : }
      95             : #endif
      96             : 
      97             : /**
      98             :  * @}
      99             :  */
     100             : 
     101             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_AUDIO_PBP_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14