Line data Source code
1 1 : /** @file
2 : * @brief Service Discovery Protocol handling.
3 : */
4 :
5 : /*
6 : * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
7 : *
8 : * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
9 : */
12 :
13 : /**
14 : * @file
15 : * @brief Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)
16 : * @defgroup bt_sdp Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)
17 : * @ingroup bluetooth
18 : * @{
19 : */
20 :
21 : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/uuid.h>
22 : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/conn.h>
23 :
24 : #ifdef __cplusplus
25 : extern "C" {
26 : #endif
27 :
28 : /*
29 : * All definitions are based on Bluetooth Assigned Numbers
30 : * of the Bluetooth Specification
31 : */
32 :
33 : /**
34 : * @name Service class identifiers of standard services and service groups
35 : * @{
36 : */
37 1 : #define BT_SDP_SDP_SERVER_SVCLASS 0x1000 /**< Service Discovery Server */
38 1 : #define BT_SDP_BROWSE_GRP_DESC_SVCLASS 0x1001 /**< Browse Group Descriptor */
39 1 : #define BT_SDP_PUBLIC_BROWSE_GROUP 0x1002 /**< Public Browse Group */
40 1 : #define BT_SDP_SERIAL_PORT_SVCLASS 0x1101 /**< Serial Port */
41 1 : #define BT_SDP_LAN_ACCESS_SVCLASS 0x1102 /**< LAN Access Using PPP */
42 1 : #define BT_SDP_DIALUP_NET_SVCLASS 0x1103 /**< Dialup Networking */
43 1 : #define BT_SDP_IRMC_SYNC_SVCLASS 0x1104 /**< IrMC Sync */
44 1 : #define BT_SDP_OBEX_OBJPUSH_SVCLASS 0x1105 /**< OBEX Object Push */
45 1 : #define BT_SDP_OBEX_FILETRANS_SVCLASS 0x1106 /**< OBEX File Transfer */
46 1 : #define BT_SDP_IRMC_SYNC_CMD_SVCLASS 0x1107 /**< IrMC Sync Command */
47 1 : #define BT_SDP_HEADSET_SVCLASS 0x1108 /**< Headset */
48 1 : #define BT_SDP_CORDLESS_TELEPHONY_SVCLASS 0x1109 /**< Cordless Telephony */
49 1 : #define BT_SDP_AUDIO_SOURCE_SVCLASS 0x110a /**< Audio Source */
50 1 : #define BT_SDP_AUDIO_SINK_SVCLASS 0x110b /**< Audio Sink */
51 1 : #define BT_SDP_AV_REMOTE_TARGET_SVCLASS 0x110c /**< A/V Remote Control Target */
52 1 : #define BT_SDP_ADVANCED_AUDIO_SVCLASS 0x110d /**< Advanced Audio Distribution */
53 1 : #define BT_SDP_AV_REMOTE_SVCLASS 0x110e /**< A/V Remote Control */
54 1 : #define BT_SDP_AV_REMOTE_CONTROLLER_SVCLASS 0x110f /**< A/V Remote Control Controller */
55 1 : #define BT_SDP_INTERCOM_SVCLASS 0x1110 /**< Intercom */
56 1 : #define BT_SDP_FAX_SVCLASS 0x1111 /**< Fax */
57 1 : #define BT_SDP_HEADSET_AGW_SVCLASS 0x1112 /**< Headset AG */
58 1 : #define BT_SDP_WAP_SVCLASS 0x1113 /**< WAP */
59 1 : #define BT_SDP_WAP_CLIENT_SVCLASS 0x1114 /**< WAP Client */
60 1 : #define BT_SDP_PANU_SVCLASS 0x1115 /**< Personal Area Networking User */
61 1 : #define BT_SDP_NAP_SVCLASS 0x1116 /**< Network Access Point */
62 1 : #define BT_SDP_GN_SVCLASS 0x1117 /**< Group Network */
63 1 : #define BT_SDP_DIRECT_PRINTING_SVCLASS 0x1118 /**< Direct Printing */
64 1 : #define BT_SDP_REFERENCE_PRINTING_SVCLASS 0x1119 /**< Reference Printing */
65 1 : #define BT_SDP_IMAGING_SVCLASS 0x111a /**< Basic Imaging Profile */
66 1 : #define BT_SDP_IMAGING_RESPONDER_SVCLASS 0x111b /**< Imaging Responder */
67 1 : #define BT_SDP_IMAGING_ARCHIVE_SVCLASS 0x111c /**< Imaging Automatic Archive */
68 1 : #define BT_SDP_IMAGING_REFOBJS_SVCLASS 0x111d /**< Imaging Referenced Objects */
69 1 : #define BT_SDP_HANDSFREE_SVCLASS 0x111e /**< Handsfree */
70 1 : #define BT_SDP_HANDSFREE_AGW_SVCLASS 0x111f /**< Handsfree Audio Gateway */
71 1 : #define BT_SDP_DIRECT_PRT_REFOBJS_SVCLASS 0x1120 /**< Direct Printing Reference Objects Service */
72 1 : #define BT_SDP_REFLECTED_UI_SVCLASS 0x1121 /**< Reflected UI */
73 1 : #define BT_SDP_BASIC_PRINTING_SVCLASS 0x1122 /**< Basic Printing */
74 1 : #define BT_SDP_PRINTING_STATUS_SVCLASS 0x1123 /**< Printing Status */
75 1 : #define BT_SDP_HID_SVCLASS 0x1124 /**< Human Interface Device Service */
76 1 : #define BT_SDP_HCR_SVCLASS 0x1125 /**< Hardcopy Cable Replacement */
77 1 : #define BT_SDP_HCR_PRINT_SVCLASS 0x1126 /**< HCR Print */
78 1 : #define BT_SDP_HCR_SCAN_SVCLASS 0x1127 /**< HCR Scan */
79 1 : #define BT_SDP_CIP_SVCLASS 0x1128 /**< Common ISDN Access */
80 1 : #define BT_SDP_VIDEO_CONF_GW_SVCLASS 0x1129 /**< Video Conferencing Gateway */
81 1 : #define BT_SDP_UDI_MT_SVCLASS 0x112a /**< UDI MT */
82 1 : #define BT_SDP_UDI_TA_SVCLASS 0x112b /**< UDI TA */
83 1 : #define BT_SDP_AV_SVCLASS 0x112c /**< Audio/Video */
84 1 : #define BT_SDP_SAP_SVCLASS 0x112d /**< SIM Access */
85 1 : #define BT_SDP_PBAP_PCE_SVCLASS 0x112e /**< Phonebook Access Client */
86 1 : #define BT_SDP_PBAP_PSE_SVCLASS 0x112f /**< Phonebook Access Server */
87 1 : #define BT_SDP_PBAP_SVCLASS 0x1130 /**< Phonebook Access */
88 1 : #define BT_SDP_MAP_MSE_SVCLASS 0x1132 /**< Message Access Server */
89 1 : #define BT_SDP_MAP_MCE_SVCLASS 0x1133 /**< Message Notification Server */
90 1 : #define BT_SDP_MAP_SVCLASS 0x1134 /**< Message Access Profile */
91 1 : #define BT_SDP_GNSS_SVCLASS 0x1135 /**< GNSS */
92 1 : #define BT_SDP_GNSS_SERVER_SVCLASS 0x1136 /**< GNSS Server */
93 1 : #define BT_SDP_MPS_SC_SVCLASS 0x113a /**< MPS SC */
94 1 : #define BT_SDP_MPS_SVCLASS 0x113b /**< MPS */
95 1 : #define BT_SDP_PNP_INFO_SVCLASS 0x1200 /**< PnP Information */
96 1 : #define BT_SDP_GENERIC_NETWORKING_SVCLASS 0x1201 /**< Generic Networking */
97 1 : #define BT_SDP_GENERIC_FILETRANS_SVCLASS 0x1202 /**< Generic File Transfer */
98 1 : #define BT_SDP_GENERIC_AUDIO_SVCLASS 0x1203 /**< Generic Audio */
99 1 : #define BT_SDP_GENERIC_TELEPHONY_SVCLASS 0x1204 /**< Generic Telephony */
100 1 : #define BT_SDP_UPNP_SVCLASS 0x1205 /**< UPnP Service */
101 1 : #define BT_SDP_UPNP_IP_SVCLASS 0x1206 /**< UPnP IP Service */
102 1 : #define BT_SDP_UPNP_PAN_SVCLASS 0x1300 /**< UPnP IP PAN */
103 1 : #define BT_SDP_UPNP_LAP_SVCLASS 0x1301 /**< UPnP IP LAP */
104 1 : #define BT_SDP_UPNP_L2CAP_SVCLASS 0x1302 /**< UPnP IP L2CAP */
105 1 : #define BT_SDP_VIDEO_SOURCE_SVCLASS 0x1303 /**< Video Source */
106 1 : #define BT_SDP_VIDEO_SINK_SVCLASS 0x1304 /**< Video Sink */
107 1 : #define BT_SDP_VIDEO_DISTRIBUTION_SVCLASS 0x1305 /**< Video Distribution */
108 1 : #define BT_SDP_HDP_SVCLASS 0x1400 /**< HDP */
109 1 : #define BT_SDP_HDP_SOURCE_SVCLASS 0x1401 /**< HDP Source */
110 1 : #define BT_SDP_HDP_SINK_SVCLASS 0x1402 /**< HDP Sink */
111 1 : #define BT_SDP_GENERIC_ACCESS_SVCLASS 0x1800 /**< Generic Access Profile */
112 1 : #define BT_SDP_GENERIC_ATTRIB_SVCLASS 0x1801 /**< Generic Attribute Profile */
113 1 : #define BT_SDP_APPLE_AGENT_SVCLASS 0x2112 /**< Apple Agent */
114 : /**
115 : * @}
116 : */
117 :
118 0 : #define BT_SDP_SERVER_RECORD_HANDLE 0x0000
119 :
120 : /**
121 : * @name Attribute identifier codes
122 : *
123 : * Possible values for attribute-id are listed below.
124 : * See SDP Spec, section "Service Attribute Definitions" for more details.
125 : *
126 : * @{
127 : */
128 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_RECORD_HANDLE 0x0000 /**< Service Record Handle */
129 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SVCLASS_ID_LIST 0x0001 /**< Service Class ID List */
130 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_RECORD_STATE 0x0002 /**< Service Record State */
131 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SERVICE_ID 0x0003 /**< Service ID */
132 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_PROTO_DESC_LIST 0x0004 /**< Protocol Descriptor List */
133 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_BROWSE_GRP_LIST 0x0005 /**< Browse Group List */
134 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_LANG_BASE_ATTR_ID_LIST 0x0006 /**< Language Base Attribute ID List */
135 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SVCINFO_TTL 0x0007 /**< Service Info Time to Live */
136 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SERVICE_AVAILABILITY 0x0008 /**< Service Availability */
137 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_PROFILE_DESC_LIST 0x0009 /**< Bluetooth Profile Descriptor List */
138 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_DOC_URL 0x000a /**< Documentation URL */
139 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_CLNT_EXEC_URL 0x000b /**< Client Executable URL */
140 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_ICON_URL 0x000c /**< Icon URL */
141 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_ADD_PROTO_DESC_LIST 0x000d /**< Additional Protocol Descriptor List */
142 :
143 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_GROUP_ID 0x0200 /**< Group ID */
144 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_IP_SUBNET 0x0200 /**< IP Subnet */
145 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_VERSION_NUM_LIST 0x0200 /**< Version Number List */
146 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES_LIST 0x0200 /**< Supported Features List */
147 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_GOEP_L2CAP_PSM 0x0200 /**< GOEP L2CAP PSM */
148 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SVCDB_STATE 0x0201 /**< Service Database State */
149 :
150 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_MPSD_SCENARIOS 0x0200 /**< MPSD Scenarios */
151 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_MPMD_SCENARIOS 0x0201 /**< MPMD Scenarios */
152 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_MPS_DEPENDENCIES 0x0202 /**< Supported Profiles & Protocols */
153 :
154 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SERVICE_VERSION 0x0300 /**< Service Version */
155 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_EXTERNAL_NETWORK 0x0301 /**< External Network */
156 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_DATA_STORES_LIST 0x0301 /**< Supported Data Stores List */
157 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_DATA_EXCHANGE_SPEC 0x0301 /**< Data Exchange Specification */
158 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_NETWORK 0x0301 /**< Network */
159 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_FAX_CLASS1_SUPPORT 0x0302 /**< Fax Class 1 Support */
160 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_REMOTE_AUDIO_VOLUME_CONTROL 0x0302 /**< Remote Audio Volume Control */
161 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_MCAP_SUPPORTED_PROCEDURES 0x0302 /**< MCAP Supported Procedures */
162 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_FAX_CLASS20_SUPPORT 0x0303 /**< Fax Class 2.0 Support */
163 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_FORMATS_LIST 0x0303 /**< Supported Formats List */
164 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_FAX_CLASS2_SUPPORT 0x0304 /**< Fax Class 2 Support (vendor-specific)*/
165 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_AUDIO_FEEDBACK_SUPPORT 0x0305 /**< Audio Feedback Support */
166 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_NETWORK_ADDRESS 0x0306 /**< Network Address */
167 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_WAP_GATEWAY 0x0307 /**< WAP Gateway */
168 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HOMEPAGE_URL 0x0308 /**< Homepage URL */
169 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_WAP_STACK_TYPE 0x0309 /**< WAP Stack Type */
170 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SECURITY_DESC 0x030a /**< Security Description */
171 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_NET_ACCESS_TYPE 0x030b /**< Net Access Type */
172 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_MAX_NET_ACCESSRATE 0x030c /**< Max Net Access Rate */
173 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_IP4_SUBNET 0x030d /**< IPv4 Subnet */
174 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_IP6_SUBNET 0x030e /**< IPv6 Subnet */
175 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITIES 0x0310 /**< BIP Supported Capabilities */
176 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_FEATURES 0x0311 /**< BIP Supported Features */
177 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS 0x0312 /**< BIP Supported Functions */
178 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_TOTAL_IMAGING_DATA_CAPACITY 0x0313 /**< BIP Total Imaging Data Capacity */
179 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_REPOSITORIES 0x0314 /**< Supported Repositories */
180 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_MAS_INSTANCE_ID 0x0315 /**< MAS Instance ID */
181 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE_TYPES 0x0316 /**< Supported Message Types */
182 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_PBAP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES 0x0317 /**< PBAP Supported Features */
183 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_MAP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES 0x0317 /**< MAP Supported Features */
184 :
185 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_SPECIFICATION_ID 0x0200 /**< Specification ID */
186 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_VENDOR_ID 0x0201 /**< Vendor ID */
187 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_PRODUCT_ID 0x0202 /**< Product ID */
188 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_VERSION 0x0203 /**< Version */
189 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_PRIMARY_RECORD 0x0204 /**< Primary Record */
190 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_VENDOR_ID_SOURCE 0x0205 /**< Vendor ID Source */
191 :
192 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_DEVICE_RELEASE_NUMBER 0x0200 /**< HID Device Release Number */
193 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_PARSER_VERSION 0x0201 /**< HID Parser Version */
194 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_DEVICE_SUBCLASS 0x0202 /**< HID Device Subclass */
195 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_COUNTRY_CODE 0x0203 /**< HID Country Code */
196 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_VIRTUAL_CABLE 0x0204 /**< HID Virtual Cable */
197 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_RECONNECT_INITIATE 0x0205 /**< HID Reconnect Initiate */
198 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_DESCRIPTOR_LIST 0x0206 /**< HID Descriptor List */
199 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_LANG_ID_BASE_LIST 0x0207 /**< HID Language ID Base List */
200 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_SDP_DISABLE 0x0208 /**< HID SDP Disable */
201 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_BATTERY_POWER 0x0209 /**< HID Battery Power */
202 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_REMOTE_WAKEUP 0x020a /**< HID Remote Wakeup */
203 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_PROFILE_VERSION 0x020b /**< HID Profile Version */
204 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_SUPERVISION_TIMEOUT 0x020c /**< HID Supervision Timeout */
205 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_NORMALLY_CONNECTABLE 0x020d /**< HID Normally Connectable */
206 1 : #define BT_SDP_ATTR_HID_BOOT_DEVICE 0x020e /**< HID Boot Device */
207 : /**
208 : * @}
209 : */
210 :
211 : /*
212 : * These identifiers are based on the SDP spec stating that
213 : * "base attribute id of the primary (universal) language must be 0x0100"
214 : *
215 : * Other languages should have their own offset; e.g.:
216 : * #define XXXLangBase yyyy
217 : * #define AttrServiceName_XXX 0x0000+XXXLangBase
218 : */
219 0 : #define BT_SDP_PRIMARY_LANG_BASE 0x0100
220 :
224 :
225 : /**
226 : * @name The Data representation in SDP PDUs (pps 339, 340 of BT SDP Spec)
227 : *
228 : * These are the exact data type+size descriptor values
229 : * that go into the PDU buffer.
230 : *
231 : * The datatype (leading 5bits) + size descriptor (last 3 bits)
232 : * is 8 bits. The size descriptor is critical to extract the
233 : * right number of bytes for the data value from the PDU.
234 : *
235 : * For most basic types, the datatype+size descriptor is
236 : * straightforward. However for constructed types and strings,
237 : * the size of the data is in the next "n" bytes following the
238 : * 8 bits (datatype+size) descriptor. Exactly what the "n" is
239 : * specified in the 3 bits of the data size descriptor.
240 : *
241 : * TextString and URLString can be of size 2^{8, 16, 32} bytes
242 : * DataSequence and DataSequenceAlternates can be of size 2^{8, 16, 32}
243 : * The size are computed post-facto in the API and are not known apriori.
244 : * @{
245 : */
246 1 : #define BT_SDP_DATA_NIL 0x00 /**< Nil, the null type */
247 1 : #define BT_SDP_UINT8 0x08 /**< Unsigned 8-bit integer */
248 1 : #define BT_SDP_UINT16 0x09 /**< Unsigned 16-bit integer */
249 1 : #define BT_SDP_UINT32 0x0a /**< Unsigned 32-bit integer */
250 1 : #define BT_SDP_UINT64 0x0b /**< Unsigned 64-bit integer */
251 1 : #define BT_SDP_UINT128 0x0c /**< Unsigned 128-bit integer */
252 1 : #define BT_SDP_INT8 0x10 /**< Signed 8-bit integer */
253 1 : #define BT_SDP_INT16 0x11 /**< Signed 16-bit integer */
254 1 : #define BT_SDP_INT32 0x12 /**< Signed 32-bit integer */
255 1 : #define BT_SDP_INT64 0x13 /**< Signed 64-bit integer */
256 1 : #define BT_SDP_INT128 0x14 /**< Signed 128-bit integer */
257 1 : #define BT_SDP_UUID_UNSPEC 0x18 /**< UUID, unspecified size */
258 1 : #define BT_SDP_UUID16 0x19 /**< UUID, 16-bit */
259 1 : #define BT_SDP_UUID32 0x1a /**< UUID, 32-bit */
260 1 : #define BT_SDP_UUID128 0x1c /**< UUID, 128-bit */
261 1 : #define BT_SDP_TEXT_STR_UNSPEC 0x20 /**< Text string, unspecified size */
262 1 : #define BT_SDP_TEXT_STR8 0x25 /**< Text string, 8-bit length */
263 1 : #define BT_SDP_TEXT_STR16 0x26 /**< Text string, 16-bit length */
264 1 : #define BT_SDP_TEXT_STR32 0x27 /**< Text string, 32-bit length */
265 1 : #define BT_SDP_BOOL 0x28 /**< Boolean */
266 1 : #define BT_SDP_SEQ_UNSPEC 0x30 /**< Data element sequence, unspecified size */
267 1 : #define BT_SDP_SEQ8 0x35 /**< Data element sequence, 8-bit length */
268 1 : #define BT_SDP_SEQ16 0x36 /**< Data element sequence, 16-bit length */
269 1 : #define BT_SDP_SEQ32 0x37 /**< Data element sequence, 32-bit length */
270 1 : #define BT_SDP_ALT_UNSPEC 0x38 /**< Data element alternative, unspecified size */
271 1 : #define BT_SDP_ALT8 0x3d /**< Data element alternative, 8-bit length */
272 1 : #define BT_SDP_ALT16 0x3e /**< Data element alternative, 16-bit length */
273 1 : #define BT_SDP_ALT32 0x3f /**< Data element alternative, 32-bit length */
274 1 : #define BT_SDP_URL_STR_UNSPEC 0x40 /**< URL string, unspecified size */
275 1 : #define BT_SDP_URL_STR8 0x45 /**< URL string, 8-bit length */
276 1 : #define BT_SDP_URL_STR16 0x46 /**< URL string, 16-bit length */
277 1 : #define BT_SDP_URL_STR32 0x47 /**< URL string, 32-bit length */
278 : /**
279 : * @}
280 : */
281 :
282 0 : #define BT_SDP_TYPE_DESC_MASK 0xf8
283 0 : #define BT_SDP_SIZE_DESC_MASK 0x07
284 0 : #define BT_SDP_SIZE_INDEX_OFFSET 5
285 :
286 : /** @brief SDP Generic Data Element Value. */
287 1 : struct bt_sdp_data_elem {
288 1 : uint8_t type; /**< Type of the data element */
289 1 : uint32_t data_size; /**< Size of the data element */
290 1 : uint32_t total_size; /**< Total size of the data element */
291 0 : const void *data;
292 : };
293 :
294 : /** @brief SDP Attribute Value. */
295 1 : struct bt_sdp_attribute {
296 1 : uint16_t id; /**< Attribute ID */
297 1 : struct bt_sdp_data_elem val; /**< Attribute data */
298 : };
299 :
300 : /** @brief SDP Service Record Value. */
301 1 : struct bt_sdp_record {
302 1 : uint32_t handle; /**< Redundant, for quick ref */
303 1 : struct bt_sdp_attribute *attrs; /**< Base addr of attr array */
304 1 : size_t attr_count; /**< Number of attributes */
305 1 : uint8_t index; /**< Index of the record in LL */
306 1 : struct bt_sdp_record *next; /**< Next service record */
307 : };
308 :
309 : /*
310 : * --------------------------------------------------- ------------------
311 : * | Service Hdl | Attr list ptr | Attr count | Next | -> | Service Hdl | ...
312 : * --------------------------------------------------- ------------------
313 : */
314 :
315 : /**
316 : * @brief Declare an array of 8-bit elements in an attribute.
317 : */
318 1 : #define BT_SDP_ARRAY_8(...) ((uint8_t[]) {__VA_ARGS__})
319 :
320 : /**
321 : * @brief Declare an array of 16-bit elements in an attribute.
322 : */
323 1 : #define BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(...) ((uint16_t[]) {__VA_ARGS__})
324 :
325 : /**
326 : * @brief Declare an array of 32-bit elements in an attribute.
327 : */
328 1 : #define BT_SDP_ARRAY_32(...) ((uint32_t[]) {__VA_ARGS__})
329 :
330 : /**
331 : * @brief Declare a fixed-size data element header.
332 : *
333 : * @param _type Data element header containing type and size descriptors.
334 : */
335 1 : #define BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(_type) .type = _type, \
336 : .data_size = BIT(_type & BT_SDP_SIZE_DESC_MASK), \
337 : .total_size = BIT(_type & BT_SDP_SIZE_DESC_MASK) + 1
338 :
339 : /**
340 : * @brief Declare a variable-size data element header.
341 : *
342 : * @param _type Data element header containing type and size descriptors.
343 : * @param _size The actual size of the data.
344 : */
345 1 : #define BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(_type, _size) .type = _type, \
346 : .data_size = _size, \
347 : .total_size = BIT((_type & BT_SDP_SIZE_DESC_MASK) - \
348 : BT_SDP_SIZE_INDEX_OFFSET) + _size + 1
349 :
350 : /**
351 : * @brief Declare a list of data elements.
352 : */
353 1 : #define BT_SDP_DATA_ELEM_LIST(...) ((struct bt_sdp_data_elem[]) {__VA_ARGS__})
354 :
355 :
356 : /**
357 : * @brief SDP New Service Record Declaration Macro.
358 : *
359 : * Helper macro to declare a new service record.
360 : * Default attributes: Record Handle, Record State,
361 : * Language Base, Root Browse Group
362 : *
363 : */
364 1 : #define BT_SDP_NEW_SERVICE \
365 : { \
368 : }, \
369 : { \
372 : }, \
373 : { \
377 : { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_8('n', 'e') }, \
378 : { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(106) }, \
381 : ), \
382 : } \
383 : }, \
384 : { \
390 : ), \
391 : } \
392 : }
393 :
394 :
395 : /**
396 : * @brief Generic SDP List Attribute Declaration Macro.
397 : *
398 : * Helper macro to declare a list attribute.
399 : *
400 : * @param _att_id List Attribute ID.
401 : * @param _data_elem_seq Data element sequence for the list.
402 : * @param _type_size SDP type and size descriptor.
403 : */
404 1 : #define BT_SDP_LIST(_att_id, _type_size, _data_elem_seq) \
405 : { \
406 : _att_id, { _type_size, _data_elem_seq } \
407 : }
408 :
409 : /**
410 : * @brief SDP Service ID Attribute Declaration Macro.
411 : *
412 : * Helper macro to declare a service ID attribute.
413 : *
414 : * @param _uuid Service ID 16bit UUID.
415 : */
416 1 : #define BT_SDP_SERVICE_ID(_uuid) \
417 : { \
419 : { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UUID16), &((struct bt_uuid_16) _uuid) } \
420 : }
421 :
422 : /**
423 : * @brief SDP Name Attribute Declaration Macro.
424 : *
425 : * Helper macro to declare a service name attribute.
426 : *
427 : * @param _name Service name as a string (up to 256 chars).
428 : */
429 1 : #define BT_SDP_SERVICE_NAME(_name) \
430 : { \
432 : { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE_VAR(BT_SDP_TEXT_STR8, (sizeof(_name)-1)), _name } \
433 : }
434 :
435 : /**
436 : * @brief SDP Supported Features Attribute Declaration Macro.
437 : *
438 : * Helper macro to declare supported features of a profile/protocol.
439 : *
440 : * @param _features Feature mask as 16bit unsigned integer.
441 : */
442 1 : #define BT_SDP_SUPPORTED_FEATURES(_features) \
443 : { \
445 : { BT_SDP_TYPE_SIZE(BT_SDP_UINT16), BT_SDP_ARRAY_16(_features) } \
446 : }
447 :
448 : /**
449 : * @brief SDP Service Declaration Macro.
450 : *
451 : * Helper macro to declare a service.
452 : *
453 : * @param _attrs List of attributes for the service record.
454 : */
455 1 : #define BT_SDP_RECORD(_attrs) \
456 : { \
457 : .attrs = _attrs, \
458 : .attr_count = ARRAY_SIZE((_attrs)), \
459 : }
460 :
461 : /* Server API */
462 :
463 : /** @brief Register a Service Record.
464 : *
465 : * Register a Service Record. Applications can make use of
466 : * macros such as BT_SDP_DECLARE_SERVICE, BT_SDP_LIST,
468 : * A service declaration must start with BT_SDP_NEW_SERVICE.
469 : *
470 : * @param service Service record declared using BT_SDP_DECLARE_SERVICE.
471 : *
472 : * @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
473 : */
474 1 : int bt_sdp_register_service(struct bt_sdp_record *service);
475 :
476 : /* Client API */
477 :
478 : /** @brief Generic SDP Client Query Result data holder */
479 1 : struct bt_sdp_client_result {
480 : /** buffer containing unparsed SDP record result for given UUID */
481 1 : struct net_buf *resp_buf;
482 : /** flag pointing that there are more result chunks for given UUID */
483 1 : bool next_record_hint;
484 : };
485 :
486 : /** @brief Helper enum to be used as return value of bt_sdp_discover_func_t.
487 : * The value informs the caller to perform further pending actions or stop them.
488 : */
489 0 : enum {
492 : };
493 :
494 : struct bt_sdp_discover_params;
495 :
496 : /** @typedef bt_sdp_discover_func_t
497 : *
498 : * @brief Callback type reporting to user that there is a resolved result
499 : * on remote for given UUID and the result record buffer can be used by user
500 : * for further inspection.
501 : *
502 : * A function of this type is given by the user to the bt_sdp_discover_params
503 : * object. It'll be called on each valid record discovery completion for given
504 : * UUID. When UUID resolution gives back no records then NULL is passed
505 : * to the user. Otherwise user can get valid record(s) and then the internal
506 : * hint 'next record' is set to false saying the UUID resolution is complete or
507 : * the hint can be set by caller to true meaning that next record is available
508 : * for given UUID.
509 : * The returned function value allows the user to control retrieving follow-up
510 : * resolved records if any. If the user doesn't want to read more resolved
511 : * records for given UUID since current record data fulfills its requirements
512 : * then should return BT_SDP_DISCOVER_UUID_STOP. Otherwise returned value means
513 : * more subcall iterations are allowable.
514 : *
515 : * @param conn Connection object identifying connection to queried remote.
516 : * @param result Object pointing to logical unparsed SDP record collected on
517 : * base of response driven by given discover params.
518 : * @param params Discover parameters.
519 : *
520 : * @return BT_SDP_DISCOVER_UUID_STOP in case of no more need to read next
521 : * record data and continue discovery for given UUID. By returning
522 : * @return BT_SDP_DISCOVER_UUID_CONTINUE user allows this discovery continuation.
523 : */
524 1 : typedef uint8_t (*bt_sdp_discover_func_t)(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_sdp_client_result *result,
525 : const struct bt_sdp_discover_params *params);
526 :
527 : /** SDP Discover types */
528 1 : enum {
529 : /** Discover Service Search. */
531 : /** Discover Service Attribute. */
533 : /** Discover Service Search Attribute. */
535 : };
536 :
537 : /** @brief Main user structure used in SDP discovery of remote. */
538 1 : struct bt_sdp_discover_params {
539 : sys_snode_t _node;
540 : union {
541 : /** UUID (service) to be discovered on remote SDP entity */
542 1 : const struct bt_uuid *uuid;
543 : /** Service record handle */
544 1 : uint32_t handle;
545 0 : };
546 : /** Discover callback to be called on resolved SDP record */
547 1 : bt_sdp_discover_func_t func;
548 : /** Memory buffer enabled by user for SDP query results */
549 1 : struct net_buf_pool *pool;
550 : /** Discover type */
551 1 : uint8_t type;
552 : };
553 :
554 : /** @brief Allows user to start SDP discovery session.
555 : *
556 : * The function performs SDP service discovery on remote server driven by user
557 : * delivered discovery parameters. Discovery session is made as soon as
558 : * no SDP transaction is ongoing between peers and if any then this one
559 : * is queued to be processed at discovery completion of previous one.
560 : * On the service discovery completion the callback function will be
561 : * called to get feedback to user about findings.
562 : *
563 : * Service Search: The SDP Client generates an
564 : * SDP_SERVICE_SEARCH_REQ to locate service
565 : * records that match the service search
566 : * pattern (`params->uuid`) given as the first
567 : * parameter of the PDU.
568 : * Service Attribute: The SDP Client generates an
569 : * SDP_SERVICE_ATTR_REQ to retrieve specified
570 : * attribute values from a specific service
571 : * record (`params->handle`).
572 : * Service Search Attribute: The SDP Client generates an
573 : * SDP_SERVICE_SEARCH_ATTR_REQ to retrieve
574 : * specified attribute values that match the
575 : * service search pattern (`params->uuid`)
576 : * given as the first parameter of the PDU.
577 : *
578 : * @param conn Object identifying connection to remote.
579 : * @param params SDP discovery parameters.
580 : *
581 : * @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
582 : */
583 :
584 1 : int bt_sdp_discover(struct bt_conn *conn,
585 : const struct bt_sdp_discover_params *params);
586 :
587 : /** @brief Release waiting SDP discovery request.
588 : *
589 : * It can cancel valid waiting SDP client request identified by SDP discovery
590 : * parameters object.
591 : *
592 : * @param conn Object identifying connection to remote.
593 : * @param params SDP discovery parameters.
594 : *
595 : * @return 0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.
596 : */
597 1 : int bt_sdp_discover_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn,
598 : const struct bt_sdp_discover_params *params);
599 :
600 :
601 : /* Helper types & functions for SDP client to get essential data from server */
602 :
603 : /** @brief Protocols to be asked about specific parameters */
604 0 : enum bt_sdp_proto {
605 : BT_SDP_PROTO_RFCOMM = 0x0003,
606 : BT_SDP_PROTO_L2CAP = 0x0100,
607 : };
608 :
609 : /** @brief Give to user parameter value related to given stacked protocol UUID.
610 : *
611 : * API extracts specific parameter associated with given protocol UUID
612 : * available in Protocol Descriptor List attribute.
613 : *
614 : * @param buf Original buffered raw record data.
615 : * @param proto Known protocol to be checked like RFCOMM or L2CAP.
616 : * @param param On success populated by found parameter value.
617 : *
618 : * @return 0 on success when specific parameter associated with given protocol
619 : * value is found, or negative if error occurred during processing.
620 : */
621 1 : int bt_sdp_get_proto_param(const struct net_buf *buf, enum bt_sdp_proto proto,
622 : uint16_t *param);
623 :
624 : /** @brief Get additional parameter value related to given stacked protocol UUID.
625 : *
626 : * API extracts specific parameter associated with given protocol UUID
627 : * available in Additional Protocol Descriptor List attribute.
628 : *
629 : * @param buf Original buffered raw record data.
630 : * @param proto Known protocol to be checked like RFCOMM or L2CAP.
631 : * @param param_index There may be more than one parameter related to the
632 : * given protocol UUID. This function returns the result that is
633 : * indexed by this parameter. It's value is from 0, 0 means the
634 : * first matched result, 1 means the second matched result.
635 : * @param[out] param On success populated by found parameter value.
636 : *
637 : * @return 0 on success when a specific parameter associated with a given protocol
638 : * value is found, or negative if error occurred during processing.
639 : */
640 1 : int bt_sdp_get_addl_proto_param(const struct net_buf *buf, enum bt_sdp_proto proto,
641 : uint8_t param_index, uint16_t *param);
642 :
643 : /** @brief Get profile version.
644 : *
645 : * Helper API extracting remote profile version number. To get it proper
646 : * generic profile parameter needs to be selected usually listed in SDP
647 : * Interoperability Requirements section for given profile specification.
648 : *
649 : * @param buf Original buffered raw record data.
650 : * @param profile Profile family identifier the profile belongs.
651 : * @param version On success populated by found version number.
652 : *
653 : * @return 0 on success, negative value if error occurred during processing.
654 : */
655 1 : int bt_sdp_get_profile_version(const struct net_buf *buf, uint16_t profile,
656 : uint16_t *version);
657 :
658 : /** @brief Get SupportedFeatures attribute value
659 : *
660 : * Allows if exposed by remote retrieve SupportedFeature attribute.
661 : *
662 : * @param buf Buffer holding original raw record data from remote.
663 : * @param features On success object to be populated with SupportedFeature
664 : * mask.
665 : *
666 : * @return 0 on success if feature found and valid, negative in case any error
667 : */
668 1 : int bt_sdp_get_features(const struct net_buf *buf, uint16_t *features);
669 :
670 : #ifdef __cplusplus
671 : }
672 : #endif
673 :
674 : /**
675 : * @}
676 : */
677 :