LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/bluetooth - cs.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 93 133 69.9 %
Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /** @file
       2             :  *  @brief Bluetooth Channel Sounding handling
       3             :  */
       4             : 
       5             : /*
       6             :  * Copyright (c) 2024 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
       7             :  *
       8             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       9             :  */
      10             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_CS_H_
      11             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_CS_H_
      12             : 
      13             : /**
      14             :  * @brief LE Channel Sounding (CS)
      15             :  * @defgroup bt_le_cs Channel Sounding (CS)
      16             :  * @ingroup bluetooth
      17             :  * @{
      18             :  */
      19             : 
      20             : #include <stdint.h>
      21             : #include <stdbool.h>
      22             : 
      23             : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/hci_types.h>
      24             : #include <zephyr/bluetooth/conn.h>
      25             : 
      26             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      27             : extern "C" {
      28             : #endif
      29             : 
      30             : /**
      31             :  * @brief Macro for getting a specific channel bit in CS channel map
      32             :  *
      33             :  * @param[in] chmap Channel map array
      34             :  * @param[in] bit   Bit number to be accessed
      35             :  *
      36             :  * @return Bit value, either 1 or 0
      37             :  */
      38           1 : #define BT_LE_CS_CHANNEL_BIT_GET(chmap, bit) (((chmap)[(bit) / 8] >> ((bit) % 8)) & 1)
      39             : 
      40             : /**
      41             :  * @brief Macro for setting a specific channel bit value in CS channel map
      42             :  *
      43             :  * @param[in] chmap Channel map array
      44             :  * @param[in] bit   Bit number to be accessed
      45             :  * @param[in] val   Bit value to be set, either 1 or 0
      46             :  */
      47           1 : #define BT_LE_CS_CHANNEL_BIT_SET_VAL(chmap, bit, val)                                              \
      48             :         ((chmap)[(bit) / 8] = ((chmap)[(bit) / 8] & ~BIT((bit) % 8)) | ((val) << ((bit) % 8)))
      49             : 
      50           0 : enum bt_le_cs_sync_antenna_selection_opt {
      51             :         /** Use antenna identifier 1 for CS_SYNC packets. */
      53             :         /** Use antenna identifier 2 for CS_SYNC packets. */
      55             :         /** Use antenna identifier 3 for CS_SYNC packets. */
      57             :         /** Use antenna identifier 4 for CS_SYNC packets. */
      59             :         /** Use antennas in repetitive order from 1 to 4 for CS_SYNC packets. */
      61             :         /** No recommendation for local controller antenna selection. */
      63             : };
      64             : 
      65             : /** Default CS settings in the local Controller */
      66           1 : struct bt_le_cs_set_default_settings_param {
      67             :         /** Enable CS initiator role. */
      68           1 :         bool enable_initiator_role;
      69             :         /** Enable CS reflector role. */
      70           1 :         bool enable_reflector_role;
      71             :         /** Antenna identifier to be used for CS_SYNC packets by the local controller.
      72             :          */
      73           1 :         enum bt_le_cs_sync_antenna_selection_opt cs_sync_antenna_selection;
      74             :         /** Maximum output power (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) to be used
      75             :          *  for all CS transmissions.
      76             :          *
      77             :          *  Value range is @ref BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_MIN_MAX_TX_POWER to
      78             :          *  @ref BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_MAX_MAX_TX_POWER.
      79             :          */
      80           1 :         int8_t max_tx_power;
      81             : };
      82             : 
      83             : /** CS Test CS_SYNC Antenna Identifier */
      84           0 : enum bt_le_cs_test_cs_sync_antenna_selection {
      89             : };
      90             : 
      91             : /** CS SNR control options */
      92           0 : enum bt_le_cs_snr_control {
      93             :         BT_LE_CS_SNR_CONTROL_18dB = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_SNR_18,
      94             :         BT_LE_CS_SNR_CONTROL_21dB = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_SNR_21,
      95             :         BT_LE_CS_SNR_CONTROL_24dB = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_SNR_24,
      96             :         BT_LE_CS_SNR_CONTROL_27dB = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_SNR_27,
      97             :         BT_LE_CS_SNR_CONTROL_30dB = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_SNR_30,
      98             :         BT_LE_CS_SNR_CONTROL_NOT_USED = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_SNR_NOT_USED,
      99             : };
     100             : 
     101             : /** CS Test Override 3 T_PM Tone Extension */
     102           1 : enum bt_le_cs_test_override_3_pm_tone_ext {
     103             :         /** Initiator and reflector tones sent without tone extension */
     105             :         /** Initiator tone sent with extension, reflector tone sent without tone extension */
     107             :         /** Initiator tone sent without extension, reflector tone sent with tone extension */
     109             :         /** Initiator and reflector tones sent with tone extension */
     111             :                 BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_TONE_EXT_BOTH,
     112             :         /** Applicable for mode-2 and mode-3 only:
     113             :          *
     114             :          *  Loop through:
     115             :          *   - @ref BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_3_NO_TONE_EXT
     116             :          *   - @ref BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_3_INITIATOR_TONE_EXT_ONLY
     117             :          *   - @ref BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_3_REFLECTOR_TONE_EXT_ONLY
     118             :          *   - @ref BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_3_INITIATOR_AND_REFLECTOR_TONE_EXT
     119             :          */
     121             : };
     122             : 
     123             : /** CS Test Override 4 Tone Antenna Permutation.
     124             :  *
     125             :  *  These values represent indices in an antenna path permutation table.
     126             :  *
     127             :  *  Which table is applicable (and which indices are valid)
     128             :  *  depends on the maximum number of antenna paths (N_AP).
     129             :  *
     130             :  *  If N_AP = 2, the permutation table is:
     131             :  *
     132             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     133             :  * | Antenna Path Permutation Index | Antenna Path Positions After Permutation |
     134             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     135             :  * | 0                              | A1 A2                                    |
     136             :  * | 1                              | A2 A1                                    |
     137             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     138             :  *
     139             :  * If N_AP = 3, the permutation table is:
     140             :  *
     141             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     142             :  * | Antenna Path Permutation Index | Antenna Path Positions After Permutation |
     143             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     144             :  * | 0                              | A1 A2 A3                                 |
     145             :  * | 1                              | A2 A1 A3                                 |
     146             :  * | 2                              | A1 A3 A2                                 |
     147             :  * | 3                              | A3 A1 A2                                 |
     148             :  * | 4                              | A3 A2 A1                                 |
     149             :  * | 5                              | A2 A3 A1                                 |
     150             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     151             :  *
     152             :  * If N_AP = 4, the permutation table is:
     153             :  *
     154             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     155             :  * | Antenna Path Permutation Index | Antenna Path Positions After Permutation |
     156             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     157             :  * | 0                              | A1 A2 A3 A4                              |
     158             :  * | 1                              | A2 A1 A3 A4                              |
     159             :  * | 2                              | A1 A3 A2 A4                              |
     160             :  * | 3                              | A3 A1 A2 A4                              |
     161             :  * | 4                              | A3 A2 A1 A4                              |
     162             :  * | 5                              | A2 A3 A1 A4                              |
     163             :  * | 6                              | A1 A2 A4 A3                              |
     164             :  * | 7                              | A2 A1 A4 A3                              |
     165             :  * | 8                              | A1 A4 A2 A3                              |
     166             :  * | 9                              | A4 A1 A2 A3                              |
     167             :  * | 10                             | A4 A2 A1 A3                              |
     168             :  * | 11                             | A2 A4 A1 A3                              |
     169             :  * | 12                             | A1 A4 A3 A2                              |
     170             :  * | 13                             | A4 A1 A3 A2                              |
     171             :  * | 14                             | A1 A3 A4 A2                              |
     172             :  * | 15                             | A3 A1 A4 A2                              |
     173             :  * | 16                             | A3 A4 A1 A2                              |
     174             :  * | 17                             | A4 A3 A1 A2                              |
     175             :  * | 18                             | A4 A2 A3 A1                              |
     176             :  * | 19                             | A2 A4 A3 A1                              |
     177             :  * | 20                             | A4 A3 A2 A1                              |
     178             :  * | 21                             | A3 A4 A2 A1                              |
     179             :  * | 22                             | A3 A2 A4 A1                              |
     180             :  * | 23                             | A2 A3 A4 A1                              |
     181             :  * +--------------------------------+------------------------------------------+
     182             :  */
     183           0 : enum bt_le_cs_test_override_4_tone_antenna_permutation {
     208             :         /** Loop through all valid Antenna Permutation Indices starting
     209             :          *  from the lowest index.
     210             :          */
     212             :                 BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_AP_INDEX_LOOP,
     213             : };
     214             : 
     215             : /** CS Test Override 7 Sounding Sequence Marker Value */
     216           0 : enum bt_le_cs_test_override_7_ss_marker_value {
     217             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_7_SS_MARKER_VAL_0011 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_SS_MARKER_VAL_0011,
     218             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_7_SS_MARKER_VAL_1100 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_SS_MARKER_VAL_1100,
     219             :         /** Loop through pattern '0011' and '1100' (in transmission order) */
     221             : };
     222             : 
     223             : /** CS Test Override 8 CS_SYNC Payload Pattern */
     224           1 : enum bt_le_cs_test_override_8_cs_sync_payload_pattern {
     225             :         /** PRBS9 payload sequence. */
     227             :         /** Repeated '11110000' payload sequence. */
     228             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_8_PAYLOAD_PATTERN_11110000 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_PAYLOAD_11110000,
     229             :         /** Repeated '10101010' payload sequence. */
     230             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_8_PAYLOAD_PATTERN_10101010 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_PAYLOAD_10101010,
     231             :         /** PRBS15 payload sequence. */
     233             :         /** Repeated '11111111' payload sequence. */
     234             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_8_PAYLOAD_PATTERN_11111111 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_PAYLOAD_11111111,
     235             :         /** Repeated '00000000' payload sequence. */
     236             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_8_PAYLOAD_PATTERN_00000000 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_PAYLOAD_00000000,
     237             :         /** Repeated '00001111' payload sequence. */
     238             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_8_PAYLOAD_PATTERN_00001111 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_PAYLOAD_00001111,
     239             :         /** Repeated '01010101' payload sequence. */
     240             :         BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_8_PAYLOAD_PATTERN_01010101 = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_PAYLOAD_01010101,
     241             :         /** Custom payload provided by the user. */
     243             : };
     244             : 
     245             : /** CS Test parameters */
     246           1 : struct bt_le_cs_test_param {
     247             :         /** CS mode to be used during the CS procedure. */
     248           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_main_mode main_mode;
     249             :         /** CS sub-mode to be used during the CS procedure. */
     250           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_sub_mode sub_mode;
     251             :         /** Number of main mode steps taken from the end of the last CS subevent
     252             :          * to be repeated at the beginning of the current CS subevent directly
     253             :          * after the last mode-0 step of that event.
     254             :          */
     255           1 :         uint8_t main_mode_repetition;
     256             :         /** Number of CS mode-0 steps at the beginning of the test CS subevent. */
     257           1 :         uint8_t mode_0_steps;
     258             :         /** CS Test role */
     259           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_role role;
     260             :         /** RTT variant */
     261           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_rtt_type rtt_type;
     262             :         /** CS_SYNC PHY */
     263           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_sync_phy cs_sync_phy;
     264             :         /** Antenna identifier to be used for CS_SYNC packets. */
     265           1 :         enum bt_le_cs_test_cs_sync_antenna_selection cs_sync_antenna_selection;
     266             :         /** CS subevent length in microseconds.
     267             :          *
     268             :          *  Range: 1250us to 4s
     269             :          */
     270           1 :         uint32_t subevent_len;
     271             :         /** Gap between the start of two consecutive CS subevents (N * 0.625 ms)
     272             :          *
     273             :          *  A value of 0 means that there is only one CS subevent.
     274             :          */
     275           1 :         uint16_t subevent_interval;
     276             :         /** Maximum allowed number of subevents in the procedure.
     277             :          *
     278             :          *  A value of 0 means that this parameter is ignored.
     279             :          */
     280           1 :         uint8_t max_num_subevents;
     281             :         /** Desired TX power level for the CS procedure.
     282             :          *
     283             :          *  Value range is @ref BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_MIN_MAX_TX_POWER to
     284             :          *  @ref BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_MAX_MAX_TX_POWER.
     285             :          *
     286             :          *  Special values:
     287             :          *    - @ref BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_MAXIMIZE_TX_POWER tells the controller
     288             :          *      it should use as high a transmit power as possible
     289             :          *    - @ref BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_MINIMIZE_TX_POWER tells the controller
     290             :          *      it should use as low a transmit power as possible
     291             :          */
     292           1 :         uint8_t transmit_power_level;
     293             :         /** Interlude time in microseconds between the RTT packets.
     294             :          *
     295             :          *  Valid options are:
     296             :          *    - 10 us
     297             :          *    - 20 us
     298             :          *    - 30 us
     299             :          *    - 40 us
     300             :          *    - 50 us
     301             :          *    - 60 us
     302             :          *    - 80 us
     303             :          *    - 145 us
     304             :          */
     305           1 :         uint8_t t_ip1_time;
     306             :         /** Interlude time in microseconds between the CS tones.
     307             :          *
     308             :          *  Valid options are:
     309             :          *    - 10 us
     310             :          *    - 20 us
     311             :          *    - 30 us
     312             :          *    - 40 us
     313             :          *    - 50 us
     314             :          *    - 60 us
     315             :          *    - 80 us
     316             :          *    - 145 us
     317             :          */
     318           1 :         uint8_t t_ip2_time;
     319             :         /** Time in microseconds for frequency changes.
     320             :          *
     321             :          *  Valid options are:
     322             :          *    - 15 us
     323             :          *    - 20 us
     324             :          *    - 30 us
     325             :          *    - 40 us
     326             :          *    - 50 us
     327             :          *    - 60 us
     328             :          *    - 80 us
     329             :          *    - 100 us
     330             :          *    - 120 us
     331             :          *    - 150 us
     332             :          */
     333           1 :         uint8_t t_fcs_time;
     334             :         /** Time in microseconds for the phase measurement period of the CS tones.
     335             :          *
     336             :          *  Valid options are:
     337             :          *    - 10 us
     338             :          *    - 20 us
     339             :          *    - 40 us
     340             :          */
     341           1 :         uint8_t t_pm_time;
     342             :         /** Time in microseconds for the antenna switch period of the CS tones.
     343             :          *
     344             :          *  Valid options are:
     345             :          *    - 0 us
     346             :          *    - 1 us
     347             :          *    - 2 us
     348             :          *    - 4 us
     349             :          *    - 10 us
     350             :          */
     351           1 :         uint8_t t_sw_time;
     352             :         /** Antenna Configuration Index used during antenna switching during
     353             :          *  the tone phases of CS steps.
     354             :          */
     355           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_tone_antenna_config_selection tone_antenna_config_selection;
     356             :         /** Initiator SNR control options */
     357           1 :         enum bt_le_cs_snr_control initiator_snr_control;
     358             :         /** Reflector SNR control options */
     359           1 :         enum bt_le_cs_snr_control reflector_snr_control;
     360             :         /** Determines octets 14 and 15 of the initial value of the DRBG nonce. */
     361           1 :         uint16_t drbg_nonce;
     362             : 
     363             :         /** Override configuration.
     364             :          *
     365             :          *  This parameter is used to override CS parameters from the DRBG.
     366             :          *  Each bit configures a different set of parameters.
     367             :          *
     368             :          *  All overrides are optional, except for those configured by bit 0.
     369             :          *
     370             :          *  These are:
     371             :          *    - Bit 0 set: Override using list of channels
     372             :          *    - Bit 0 not set: Override using channel map
     373             :          *    - Bit 2 set: Override main mode steps
     374             :          *    - Bit 3 set: Override T_PM_Tone_Ext
     375             :          *    - Bit 4 set: Override tone antenna permutation
     376             :          *    - Bit 5 set: Override CS_SYNC AA
     377             :          *    - Bit 6 set: Override SS marker positions
     378             :          *    - Bit 7 set: Override SS marker value
     379             :          *    - Bit 8 set: Override CS_SYNC payload pattern and user payload
     380             :          *    - Bit 10 set: Procedure is replaced with a stable phase test
     381             :          */
     382           1 :         uint16_t override_config;
     383             : 
     384             :         /** override config bit 0. */
     385             :         struct {
     386             :                 /** Number of times the channels indicated by the channel map or channel field
     387             :                  *  are cycled through for non-mode-0 steps within a CS procedure.
     388             :                  */
     389           1 :                 uint8_t channel_map_repetition;
     390             :                 union {
     391             :                         struct {
     392           0 :                                 uint8_t num_channels;
     393           0 :                                 uint8_t *channels;
     394           0 :                         } set;
     395             :                         struct {
     396           0 :                                 uint8_t channel_map[10];
     397           0 :                                 enum bt_conn_le_cs_chsel_type channel_selection_type;
     398           0 :                                 enum bt_conn_le_cs_ch3c_shape ch3c_shape;
     399           0 :                                 uint8_t ch3c_jump;
     400           0 :                         } not_set;
     401             :                 };
     402           1 :         } override_config_0;
     403             : 
     404             :         /** Override config bit 2. These parameters are ignored if the bit is not set. */
     405             :         struct {
     406           0 :                 uint8_t main_mode_steps;
     407           1 :         } override_config_2;
     408             : 
     409             :         /** Override config bit 3. These parameters are ignored if the bit is not set.  */
     410             :         struct {
     411           0 :                 enum bt_le_cs_test_override_3_pm_tone_ext t_pm_tone_ext;
     412           1 :         } override_config_3;
     413             : 
     414             :         /** Override config bit 4. These parameters are ignored if the bit is not set. */
     415             :         struct {
     416           0 :                 enum bt_le_cs_test_override_4_tone_antenna_permutation tone_antenna_permutation;
     417           1 :         } override_config_4;
     418             : 
     419             :         /** Override config bit 5. These parameters are ignored if the bit is not set.  */
     420             :         struct {
     421             :                 /** Access Address used in CS_SYNC packets sent by the initiator. */
     422           1 :                 uint32_t cs_sync_aa_initiator;
     423             :                 /** Access Address used in CS_SYNC packets sent by the reflector. */
     424           1 :                 uint32_t cs_sync_aa_reflector;
     425           1 :         } override_config_5;
     426             : 
     427             :         /** Override config bit 6. These parameters are ignored if the bit is not set. */
     428             :         struct {
     429             :                 /** Bit number where the first marker in the channel sounding sequence starts.
     430             :                  *
     431             :                  *  Must be between 0 and 28 when using @ref BT_CONN_LE_CS_RTT_TYPE_32_BIT_SOUNDING.
     432             :                  */
     433           1 :                 uint8_t ss_marker1_position;
     434             :                 /** Bit number where the second marker in the channel sounding sequence starts.
     435             :                  *
     436             :                  *  Must be between 67 and 92 when using @ref
     437             :                  * BT_CONN_LE_CS_RTT_TYPE_96_BIT_SOUNDING.
     438             :                  *
     439             :                  *  A value of @ref BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_TEST_SS_MARKER_2_POSITION_NOT_PRESENT
     440             :                  *  indicates that this sounding sequence or marker is not present.
     441             :                  */
     442           1 :                 uint8_t ss_marker2_position;
     443           1 :         } override_config_6;
     444             : 
     445             :         /** Override config bit 7. These parameters are ignored if the bit is not set. */
     446             :         struct {
     447             :                 /** Value of the Sounding Sequence marker. */
     448           1 :                 enum bt_le_cs_test_override_7_ss_marker_value ss_marker_value;
     449           1 :         } override_config_7;
     450             : 
     451             :         /** Override config bit 8. These parameters are ignored if the bit is not set.  */
     452             :         struct {
     453             :                 /** CS_SYNC payload pattern selection. */
     454           1 :                 enum bt_le_cs_test_override_8_cs_sync_payload_pattern cs_sync_payload_pattern;
     455             :                 /** User payload for CS_SYNC packets.
     456             :                  *
     457             :                  *  This parameter is only used when using
     458             :                  *  @ref BT_LE_CS_TEST_OVERRIDE_8_PAYLOAD_PATTERN_USER
     459             :                  *
     460             :                  *  The least significant bit corresponds to the most significant bit
     461             :                  *  of the CS payload. When the sequence is less than 16 octets,
     462             :                  *  the least significant octets shall be padded with zeros.
     463             :                  */
     464           1 :                 uint8_t cs_sync_user_payload[16];
     465           1 :         } override_config_8;
     466             : };
     467             : 
     468             : /** CS config creation context */
     469           1 : enum bt_le_cs_create_config_context {
     470             :         /** Write CS configuration in local Controller only  */
     471             :         BT_LE_CS_CREATE_CONFIG_CONTEXT_LOCAL_ONLY,
     472             :         /** Write CS configuration in both local and remote Controller using Channel Sounding
     473             :          * Configuration procedure
     474             :          */
     475             :         BT_LE_CS_CREATE_CONFIG_CONTEXT_LOCAL_AND_REMOTE
     476             : };
     477             : 
     478             : /** CS Create Config params */
     479           1 : struct bt_le_cs_create_config_params {
     480             :         /** CS configuration ID */
     481           1 :         uint8_t id;
     482             :         /** Main CS mode type */
     483           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_main_mode main_mode_type;
     484             :         /** Sub CS mode type */
     485           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_sub_mode sub_mode_type;
     486             :         /** Minimum number of CS main mode steps to be executed before a submode step is executed */
     487           1 :         uint8_t min_main_mode_steps;
     488             :         /** Maximum number of CS main mode steps to be executed before a submode step is executed */
     489           1 :         uint8_t max_main_mode_steps;
     490             :         /** Number of main mode steps taken from the end of the last CS subevent to be repeated
     491             :          * at the beginning of the current CS subevent directly after the last mode-0 step of that
     492             :          * event
     493             :          */
     494           1 :         uint8_t main_mode_repetition;
     495             :         /** Number of CS mode-0 steps to be included at the beginning of each CS subevent */
     496           1 :         uint8_t mode_0_steps;
     497             :         /** CS role */
     498           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_role role;
     499             :         /** RTT type */
     500           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_rtt_type rtt_type;
     501             :         /** CS Sync PHY */
     502           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_sync_phy cs_sync_phy;
     503             :         /** The number of times the Channel_Map field will be cycled through for non-mode-0 steps
     504             :          * within a CS procedure
     505             :          */
     506           1 :         uint8_t channel_map_repetition;
     507             :         /** Channel selection type */
     508           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_chsel_type channel_selection_type;
     509             :         /** User-specified channel sequence shape */
     510           1 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_ch3c_shape ch3c_shape;
     511             :         /** Number of channels skipped in each rising and falling sequence  */
     512           1 :         uint8_t ch3c_jump;
     513             :         /** Channel map used for CS procedure
     514             :          *  Channels n = 0, 1, 23, 24, 25, 77, and 78 are not allowed and shall be set to zero.
     515             :          *  Channel 79 is reserved for future use and shall be set to zero.
     516             :          *  At least 15 channels shall be enabled.
     517             :          */
     518           1 :         uint8_t channel_map[10];
     519             : };
     520             : 
     521             : /** Callbacks for CS Test */
     522           1 : struct bt_le_cs_test_cb {
     523             :         /**@brief CS Test Subevent data.
     524             :          *
     525             :          * @param[in] Subevent results.
     526             :          */
     527           1 :         void (*le_cs_test_subevent_data_available)(struct bt_conn_le_cs_subevent_result *data);
     528             :         /**@brief CS Test End Complete. */
     529           1 :         void (*le_cs_test_end_complete)(void);
     530             : };
     531             : 
     532             : /** Subevent result step */
     533           1 : struct bt_le_cs_subevent_step {
     534             :         /** CS step mode. */
     535           1 :         uint8_t mode;
     536             :         /** CS step channel index. */
     537           1 :         uint8_t channel;
     538             :         /** Length of role- and mode-specific information being reported. */
     539           1 :         uint8_t data_len;
     540             :         /** Pointer to role- and mode-specific information. */
     541           1 :         const uint8_t *data;
     542             : };
     543             : 
     544             : /** Sign-extended IQ value extracted from step data. */
     545           1 : struct bt_le_cs_iq_sample {
     546           0 :         int16_t i;
     547           0 :         int16_t q;
     548             : };
     549             : 
     550             : /** @brief Extract in-phase and quadrature terms from HCI-formatted PCT.
     551             :  *
     552             :  * Convenience function for processing 24-bit phase correction terms found
     553             :  * in CS step data. The 12-bit signed real and imaginary components are
     554             :  * converted to host endianness and sign-extended.
     555             :  *
     556             :  * @param pct 24-bit little-endian phase correction term.
     557             :  *
     558             :  * @return struct bt_le_cs_iq_sample containing real and imaginary terms as int16_t
     559             :  */
     560           1 : struct bt_le_cs_iq_sample bt_le_cs_parse_pct(const uint8_t pct[3]);
     561             : 
     562             : /** @brief Set all valid channel map bits
     563             :  *
     564             :  * This command is used to enable all valid channels in a
     565             :  * given CS channel map
     566             :  *
     567             :  * @param channel_map  Chanel map
     568             :  */
     569           1 : void bt_le_cs_set_valid_chmap_bits(uint8_t channel_map[10]);
     570             : 
     571             : /** @brief Read Remote Supported Capabilities
     572             :  *
     573             :  * This command is used to query the CS capabilities that are supported
     574             :  * by the remote controller.
     575             :  *
     576             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     577             :  *
     578             :  * @param conn   Connection Object.
     579             :  *
     580             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     581             :  */
     582           1 : int bt_le_cs_read_remote_supported_capabilities(struct bt_conn *conn);
     583             : 
     584             : /** @brief Set Channel Sounding default settings.
     585             :  *
     586             :  * This command is used to set default Channel Sounding settings for this
     587             :  * connection.
     588             :  *
     589             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     590             :  *
     591             :  * @param conn   Connection Object.
     592             :  * @param params Channel sounding default settings parameters.
     593             :  *
     594             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     595             :  */
     596           1 : int bt_le_cs_set_default_settings(struct bt_conn *conn,
     597             :                                   const struct bt_le_cs_set_default_settings_param *params);
     598             : 
     599             : /** @brief Read Remote FAE Table
     600             :  *
     601             :  * This command is used to read the per-channel mode-0 Frequency Actuation Error
     602             :  * table of the remote Controller.
     603             :  *
     604             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     605             :  *
     606             :  * @param conn   Connection Object.
     607             :  *
     608             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     609             :  */
     610           1 : int bt_le_cs_read_remote_fae_table(struct bt_conn *conn);
     611             : 
     612             : /** @brief Register callbacks for the CS Test mode.
     613             :  *
     614             :  * Existing callbacks can be unregistered by providing NULL function
     615             :  * pointers.
     616             :  *
     617             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING_TEST} must be set.
     618             :  *
     619             :  * @param cs_test_cb Set of callbacks to be used with CS Test
     620             :  *
     621             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     622             :  */
     623           1 : int bt_le_cs_test_cb_register(struct bt_le_cs_test_cb cs_test_cb);
     624             : 
     625             : /** @brief Start a CS test
     626             :  *
     627             :  * This command is used to start a CS test where the IUT is placed in the role
     628             :  * of either the initiator or reflector.
     629             :  *
     630             :  * The first mode-0 channel in the list is used as the starting channel for
     631             :  * the test. At the beginning of any test, the IUT in the reflector role shall
     632             :  * listen on the first mode-0 channel until it receives the first transmission
     633             :  * from the initiator. Similarly, with the IUT in the initiator role, the tester
     634             :  * will start by listening on the first mode-0 channel and the IUT shall transmit
     635             :  * on that channel for the first half of the first CS step. Thereafter, the
     636             :  * parameters of this command describe the required transmit and receive behavior
     637             :  * for the CS test.
     638             :  *
     639             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING_TEST} must be set.
     640             :  *
     641             :  * @param params CS Test parameters
     642             :  *
     643             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     644             :  */
     645           1 : int bt_le_cs_start_test(const struct bt_le_cs_test_param *params);
     646             : 
     647             : /** @brief Create CS configuration
     648             :  *
     649             :  * This command is used to create a new CS configuration or update an
     650             :  * existing one with the config id specified.
     651             :  *
     652             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     653             :  *
     654             :  * @param conn    Connection Object.
     655             :  * @param params  CS Create Config parameters
     656             :  * @param context Controls whether the configuration is written to the local controller or
     657             :  *                both the local and the remote controller
     658             :  *
     659             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     660             :  */
     661           1 : int bt_le_cs_create_config(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_le_cs_create_config_params *params,
     662             :                            enum bt_le_cs_create_config_context context);
     663             : 
     664             : /** @brief Create CS configuration
     665             :  *
     666             :  * This command is used to remove a CS configuration from the local controller
     667             :  * identified by the config_id
     668             :  *
     669             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     670             :  *
     671             :  * @param conn      Connection Object.
     672             :  * @param config_id CS Config ID
     673             :  *
     674             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     675             :  */
     676           1 : int bt_le_cs_remove_config(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t config_id);
     677             : 
     678             : /** @brief Stop ongoing CS Test
     679             :  *
     680             :  * This command is used to stop any CS test that is in progress.
     681             :  *
     682             :  * The controller is expected to finish reporting any subevent results
     683             :  * before completing this termination.
     684             :  *
     685             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING_TEST} must be set.
     686             :  *
     687             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     688             :  */
     689           1 : int bt_le_cs_stop_test(void);
     690             : 
     691             : /** @brief Parse CS Subevent Step Data
     692             :  *
     693             :  * A helper for parsing HCI-formatted step data found in channel sounding subevent results.
     694             :  *
     695             :  * A typical use-case is filtering out data which does not meet certain packet quality or NADM
     696             :  * requirements.
     697             :  *
     698             :  * @warning This function will consume the data when parsing.
     699             :  *
     700             :  * @param step_data_buf Pointer to a buffer containing the step data.
     701             :  * @param func Callback function which will be called for each step data found.
     702             :  *             The callback should return true to continue parsing, or false to stop.
     703             :  * @param user_data User data to be passed to the callback.
     704             :  */
     705           1 : void bt_le_cs_step_data_parse(struct net_buf_simple *step_data_buf,
     706             :                               bool (*func)(struct bt_le_cs_subevent_step *step, void *user_data),
     707             :                               void *user_data);
     708             : 
     709             : /** @brief CS Security Enable
     710             :  *
     711             :  * This command is used to start or restart the Channel Sounding Security
     712             :  * Start procedure in the local Controller for the ACL connection identified
     713             :  * in the conn parameter.
     714             :  *
     715             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     716             :  *
     717             :  * @param conn   Connection Object.
     718             :  *
     719             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     720             :  */
     721           1 : int bt_le_cs_security_enable(struct bt_conn *conn);
     722             : 
     723           0 : struct bt_le_cs_procedure_enable_param {
     724           0 :         uint8_t config_id;
     725           0 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_procedure_enable_state enable;
     726             : };
     727             : 
     728             : /** @brief CS Procedure Enable
     729             :  *
     730             :  *  This command is used to enable or disable the scheduling of CS procedures
     731             :  *  by the local Controller, with the remote device identified in the conn
     732             :  *  parameter.
     733             :  *
     734             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     735             :  *
     736             :  * @param conn   Connection Object.
     737             :  * @param params Parameters for the CS Procedure Enable command.
     738             :  *
     739             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     740             :  */
     741           1 : int bt_le_cs_procedure_enable(struct bt_conn *conn,
     742             :                               const struct bt_le_cs_procedure_enable_param *params);
     743             : 
     744           0 : enum bt_le_cs_procedure_phy {
     745             :         BT_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PHY_1M = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PHY_1M,
     746             :         BT_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PHY_2M = BT_HCI_OP_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PHY_2M,
     749             : };
     750             : 
     751           0 : #define BT_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PREFERRED_PEER_ANTENNA_1 BIT(0)
     752           0 : #define BT_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PREFERRED_PEER_ANTENNA_2 BIT(1)
     753           0 : #define BT_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PREFERRED_PEER_ANTENNA_3 BIT(2)
     754           0 : #define BT_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PREFERRED_PEER_ANTENNA_4 BIT(3)
     755             : 
     756           0 : struct bt_le_cs_set_procedure_parameters_param {
     757             :         /* The ID associated with the desired configuration (0 to 3) */
     758           0 :         uint8_t config_id;
     759             : 
     760             :         /* Max. duration for each CS procedure, where T = N * 0.625 ms (0x0001 to 0xFFFF) */
     761           0 :         uint16_t max_procedure_len;
     762             : 
     763             :         /* Min. number of connection events between consecutive CS procedures (0x0001 to 0xFFFF) */
     764           0 :         uint16_t min_procedure_interval;
     765             : 
     766             :         /* Max. number of connection events between consecutive CS procedures (0x0001 to 0xFFFF) */
     767           0 :         uint16_t max_procedure_interval;
     768             : 
     769             :         /* Max. number of procedures to be scheduled (0x0000 for no limit; otherwise 0x0001
     770             :          * to 0xFFFF)
     771             :          */
     772           0 :         uint16_t max_procedure_count;
     773             : 
     774             :         /* Min. suggested duration for each CS subevent in microseconds (1250 us to 4 s) */
     775           0 :         uint32_t min_subevent_len;
     776             : 
     777             :         /* Max. suggested duration for each CS subevent in microseconds (1250 us to 4 s) */
     778           0 :         uint32_t max_subevent_len;
     779             : 
     780             :         /* Antenna configuration index */
     781           0 :         enum bt_conn_le_cs_tone_antenna_config_selection tone_antenna_config_selection;
     782             : 
     783             :         /* Phy */
     784           0 :         enum bt_le_cs_procedure_phy phy;
     785             : 
     786             :         /* Transmit power delta, in signed dB, to indicate the recommended difference between the
     787             :          * remote device's power level for the CS tones and RTT packets and the existing power
     788             :          * level for the Phy indicated by the Phy parameter (0x80 for no recommendation)
     789             :          */
     790           0 :         int8_t tx_power_delta;
     791             : 
     792             :         /* Preferred peer antenna (Bitmask of BT_LE_CS_PROCEDURE_PREFERRED_PEER_ANTENNA_*) */
     793           0 :         uint8_t preferred_peer_antenna;
     794             : 
     795             :         /* Initiator SNR control adjustment */
     796           0 :         enum bt_le_cs_snr_control snr_control_initiator;
     797             : 
     798             :         /* Reflector SNR control adjustment */
     799           0 :         enum bt_le_cs_snr_control snr_control_reflector;
     800             : };
     801             : 
     802             : /** @brief CS Set Procedure Parameters
     803             :  *
     804             :  * This command is used to set the parameters for the scheduling of one
     805             :  * or more CS procedures by the local controller.
     806             :  *
     807             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     808             :  *
     809             :  * @param conn Connection Object.
     810             :  * @param params Parameters for the CS Set Procedure Parameters command.
     811             :  *
     812             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     813             :  */
     814           1 : int bt_le_cs_set_procedure_parameters(struct bt_conn *conn,
     815             :                                       const struct bt_le_cs_set_procedure_parameters_param *params);
     816             : 
     817             : /** @brief CS Set Channel Classification
     818             :  *
     819             :  * This command is used to update the channel classification based on
     820             :  * its local information.
     821             :  *
     822             :  * The nth bitfield (in the range 0 to 78) contains the value for the CS
     823             :  * channel index n. Channel Enabled = 1; Channel Disabled = 0.
     824             :  *
     825             :  * Channels n = 0, 1, 23, 24, 25, 77, and 78 shall be reserved for future
     826             :  * use and shall be set to zero. At least 15 channels shall be enabled.
     827             :  *
     828             :  * The most significant bit (bit 79) is reserved for future use.
     829             :  *
     830             :  * @note To use this API, @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     831             :  *
     832             :  * @param channel_classification Bit fields
     833             :  *
     834             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     835             :  */
     836           1 : int bt_le_cs_set_channel_classification(uint8_t channel_classification[10]);
     837             : 
     838             : /** @brief CS Read Local Supported Capabilities
     839             :  *
     840             :  *  This command is used to read the CS capabilities that are supported
     841             :  *  by the local Controller.
     842             :  *
     843             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     844             :  *
     845             :  * @param ret Return values for the CS Procedure Enable command.
     846             :  *
     847             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     848             :  */
     849           1 : int bt_le_cs_read_local_supported_capabilities(struct bt_conn_le_cs_capabilities *ret);
     850             : 
     851             : /** @brief CS Write Cached Remote Supported Capabilities
     852             :  *
     853             :  *  This command is used to write the cached copy of the CS capabilities
     854             :  *  that are supported by the remote Controller for the connection
     855             :  *  identified.
     856             :  *
     857             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     858             :  *
     859             :  * @param conn   Connection Object.
     860             :  * @param params Parameters for the CS Write Cached Remote Supported Capabilities command.
     861             :  *
     862             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     863             :  */
     864           1 : int bt_le_cs_write_cached_remote_supported_capabilities(
     865             :         struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_conn_le_cs_capabilities *params);
     866             : 
     867             : /** @brief CS Write Cached Remote FAE Table
     868             :  *
     869             :  *  This command is used to write a cached copy of the per-channel mode-0
     870             :  *  Frequency Actuation Error table of the remote device in the local Controller.
     871             :  *
     872             :  * @note To use this API @kconfig{CONFIG_BT_CHANNEL_SOUNDING} must be set.
     873             :  *
     874             :  * @param conn   Connection Object.
     875             :  * @param remote_fae_table Per-channel mode-0 FAE table of the local Controller
     876             :  *
     877             :  * @return Zero on success or (negative) error code on failure.
     878             :  */
     879           1 : int bt_le_cs_write_cached_remote_fae_table(struct bt_conn *conn, int8_t remote_fae_table[72]);
     880             : 
     881             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     882             : }
     883             : #endif
     884             : 
     885             : /**
     886             :  * @}
     887             :  */
     888             : 
     889             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_BLUETOOTH_CS_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14