Line data Source code
1 0 : /*
2 : * Copyright (c) 2022 Vestas Wind Systems A/S
3 : *
4 : * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5 : */
6 :
9 :
10 : #include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>
11 : #include <zephyr/device.h>
12 :
13 : #ifdef __cplusplus
14 : extern "C" {
15 : #endif
16 :
17 : /**
18 : * @brief CAN Transceiver Driver APIs
19 : * @defgroup can_transceiver CAN Transceiver
20 : * @since 3.1
21 : * @version 0.1.0
22 : * @ingroup io_interfaces
23 : * @{
24 : */
25 :
26 : /**
27 : * @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN
28 : *
29 : * For internal driver use only, skip these in public documentation.
30 : */
31 :
32 : /**
33 : * @brief Callback API upon enabling CAN transceiver
34 : * See @a can_transceiver_enable() for argument description
35 : */
36 : typedef int (*can_transceiver_enable_t)(const struct device *dev, can_mode_t mode);
37 :
38 : /**
39 : * @brief Callback API upon disabling CAN transceiver
40 : * See @a can_transceiver_disable() for argument description
41 : */
42 : typedef int (*can_transceiver_disable_t)(const struct device *dev);
43 :
44 : __subsystem struct can_transceiver_driver_api {
45 : can_transceiver_enable_t enable;
46 : can_transceiver_disable_t disable;
47 : };
48 :
49 : /** @endcond */
50 :
51 : /**
52 : * @brief Enable CAN transceiver
53 : *
54 : * Enable the CAN transceiver.
55 : *
56 : * @note The CAN transceiver is controlled by the CAN controller driver and
57 : * should not normally be controlled by the application.
58 : *
59 : * @see can_start()
60 : *
61 : * @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
62 : * @param mode Operation mode.
63 : * @retval 0 If successful.
64 : * @retval -EIO General input/output error, failed to enable device.
65 : */
66 1 : static inline int can_transceiver_enable(const struct device *dev, can_mode_t mode)
67 : {
68 : return DEVICE_API_GET(can_transceiver, dev)->enable(dev, mode);
69 : }
70 :
71 : /**
72 : * @brief Disable CAN transceiver
73 : *
74 : * Disable the CAN transceiver.
75 :
76 : * @note The CAN transceiver is controlled by the CAN controller driver and
77 : * should not normally be controlled by the application.
78 : *
79 : * @see can_stop()
80 : *
81 : * @param dev Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
82 : * @retval 0 If successful.
83 : * @retval -EIO General input/output error, failed to disable device.
84 : */
85 1 : static inline int can_transceiver_disable(const struct device *dev)
86 : {
87 : return DEVICE_API_GET(can_transceiver, dev)->disable(dev);
88 : }
89 :
90 : /**
91 : * @}
92 : */
93 :
94 : #ifdef __cplusplus
95 : }
96 : #endif
97 :