LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/drivers/modem - hl7800.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 33 100 33.0 %
Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /** @file
       2             :  * @brief HL7800 modem public API header file.
       3             :  *
       4             :  * Allows an application to control the HL7800 modem.
       5             :  *
       6             :  * Copyright (c) 2020 Laird Connectivity
       7             :  *
       8             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       9             :  */
      10             : 
      11             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_DRIVERS_MODEM_HL7800_H_
      12             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_DRIVERS_MODEM_HL7800_H_
      13             : 
      14             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      15             : extern "C" {
      16             : #endif
      17             : 
      18             : #include <zephyr/types.h>
      19             : 
      20             : #include <time.h>
      21             : 
      22             : /* The size includes the NUL character, the strlen doesn't */
      23           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_REVISION_MAX_SIZE 29
      24           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_REVISION_MAX_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_REVISION_MAX_SIZE - 1)
      25             : 
      26           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_IMEI_SIZE 16
      27           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_IMEI_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_IMEI_SIZE - 1)
      28             : 
      29           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_ICCID_MAX_SIZE 21
      30           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_ICCID_MAX_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_ICCID_MAX_SIZE - 1)
      31             : 
      32           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE 15
      33           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_SERIAL_NUMBER_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_SERIAL_NUMBER_SIZE - 1)
      34             : 
      35           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_MAX_SIZE 64
      36           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_USERNAME_MAX_SIZE 65
      37           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_PASSWORD_MAX_SIZE 65
      38             : 
      39           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_MAX_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_APN_MAX_SIZE - 1)
      40           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_USERNAME_MAX_STRLEN                                     \
      41             :         (MDM_HL7800_APN_USERNAME_MAX_SIZE - 1)
      42           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_PASSWORD_MAX_STRLEN                                     \
      43             :         (MDM_HL7800_APN_PASSWORD_MAX_SIZE - 1)
      44             : 
      45           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_CMD_MAX_SIZE                                            \
      46             :         (32 + MDM_HL7800_APN_USERNAME_MAX_STRLEN +                             \
      47             :          MDM_HL7800_APN_PASSWORD_MAX_STRLEN)
      48             : 
      49           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_APN_CMD_MAX_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_APN_CMD_MAX_SIZE - 1)
      50             : 
      51           0 : struct mdm_hl7800_apn {
      52           0 :         char value[MDM_HL7800_APN_MAX_SIZE];
      53           0 :         char username[MDM_HL7800_APN_USERNAME_MAX_SIZE];
      54           0 :         char password[MDM_HL7800_APN_PASSWORD_MAX_SIZE];
      55             : };
      56             : 
      57           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_LTE_BAND_STR_SIZE 21
      58           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_LTE_BAND_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_LTE_BAND_STR_SIZE - 1)
      59             : 
      60           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_OPERATOR_INDEX_SIZE 3
      61           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_OPERATOR_INDEX_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_OPERATOR_INDEX_SIZE - 1)
      62             : 
      63           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_IMSI_MIN_STR_SIZE 15
      64           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_IMSI_MAX_STR_SIZE 16
      65           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_IMSI_MAX_STRLEN (MDM_HL7800_IMSI_MAX_STR_SIZE - 1)
      66             : 
      67           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_MODEM_FUNCTIONALITY_SIZE 2
      68           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_MODEM_FUNCTIONALITY_STRLEN                                  \
      69             :         (MDM_HL7800_MODEM_FUNCTIONALITY_SIZE - 1)
      70             : 
      71           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_MAX_GPS_STR_SIZE 33
      72             : 
      73           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_MAX_POLTE_USER_ID_SIZE 16
      74           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_MAX_POLTE_PASSWORD_SIZE 16
      75           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_MAX_POLTE_LOCATION_STR_SIZE 33
      76             : 
      77             : /* Assign the server error code (location response) to a value
      78             :  * that isn't used by locate response so that a single status
      79             :  * callback can be used.
      80             :  */
      81           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_POLTE_SERVER_ERROR 10
      82             : 
      83           0 : #define MDM_HL7800_SET_POLTE_USER_AND_PASSWORD_FMT_STR "AT%%POLTECMD=\"SERVERAUTH\",\"%s\",\"%s\""
      84             : 
      85           0 : struct mdm_hl7800_site_survey {
      86           0 :         uint32_t earfcn; /* EUTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number */
      87           0 :         uint32_t cell_id;
      88           0 :         int rsrp;
      89           0 :         int rsrq;
      90             : };
      91             : 
      92           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_radio_mode { MDM_RAT_CAT_M1 = 0, MDM_RAT_CAT_NB1 };
      93             : 
      94           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_event {
      95             :         HL7800_EVENT_RESERVED = 0,
      96             :         HL7800_EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE,
      97             :         HL7800_EVENT_APN_UPDATE,
      98             :         HL7800_EVENT_RSSI,
      99             :         HL7800_EVENT_SINR,
     100             :         HL7800_EVENT_STARTUP_STATE_CHANGE,
     101             :         HL7800_EVENT_SLEEP_STATE_CHANGE,
     102             :         HL7800_EVENT_RAT,
     103             :         HL7800_EVENT_BANDS,
     104             :         HL7800_EVENT_ACTIVE_BANDS,
     105             :         HL7800_EVENT_FOTA_STATE,
     106             :         HL7800_EVENT_FOTA_COUNT,
     107             :         HL7800_EVENT_REVISION,
     108             :         HL7800_EVENT_GPS,
     109             :         HL7800_EVENT_GPS_POSITION_STATUS,
     110             :         HL7800_EVENT_POLTE_REGISTRATION,
     111             :         HL7800_EVENT_POLTE_LOCATE_STATUS,
     112             :         HL7800_EVENT_POLTE,
     113             :         HL7800_EVENT_SITE_SURVEY,
     114             : };
     115             : 
     116           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_startup_state {
     117             :         HL7800_STARTUP_STATE_READY = 0,
     118             :         HL7800_STARTUP_STATE_WAITING_FOR_ACCESS_CODE,
     119             :         HL7800_STARTUP_STATE_SIM_NOT_PRESENT,
     120             :         HL7800_STARTUP_STATE_SIMLOCK,
     121             :         HL7800_STARTUP_STATE_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR,
     122             :         HL7800_STARTUP_STATE_UNKNOWN,
     123             :         HL7800_STARTUP_STATE_INACTIVE_SIM
     124             : };
     125             : 
     126           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_network_state {
     127             :         HL7800_NOT_REGISTERED = 0,
     128             :         HL7800_HOME_NETWORK,
     129             :         HL7800_SEARCHING,
     130             :         HL7800_REGISTRATION_DENIED,
     131             :         HL7800_OUT_OF_COVERAGE,
     132             :         HL7800_ROAMING,
     133             :         HL7800_EMERGENCY = 8,
     134             :         /* Laird defined states */
     135             :         HL7800_UNABLE_TO_CONFIGURE = 0xf0
     136             : };
     137             : 
     138           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_sleep {
     139             :         HL7800_SLEEP_UNINITIALIZED = 0,
     140             :         HL7800_SLEEP_HIBERNATE,
     141             :         HL7800_SLEEP_AWAKE,
     142             :         HL7800_SLEEP_LITE_HIBERNATE,
     143             :         HL7800_SLEEP_SLEEP,
     144             : };
     145             : 
     146           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_fota_state {
     147             :         HL7800_FOTA_IDLE,
     148             :         HL7800_FOTA_START,
     149             :         HL7800_FOTA_WIP,
     150             :         HL7800_FOTA_PAD,
     151             :         HL7800_FOTA_SEND_EOT,
     152             :         HL7800_FOTA_FILE_ERROR,
     153             :         HL7800_FOTA_INSTALL,
     154             :         HL7800_FOTA_REBOOT_AND_RECONFIGURE,
     155             :         HL7800_FOTA_COMPLETE,
     156             : };
     157             : 
     158           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_functionality {
     159             :         HL7800_FUNCTIONALITY_MINIMUM = 0,
     160             :         HL7800_FUNCTIONALITY_FULL = 1,
     161             :         HL7800_FUNCTIONALITY_AIRPLANE = 4
     162             : };
     163             : 
     164             : /* The modem reports state values as an enumeration and a string.
     165             :  * GPS values are reported with a type of value and string.
     166             :  */
     167           0 : struct mdm_hl7800_compound_event {
     168           0 :         uint8_t code;
     169           0 :         char *string;
     170             : };
     171             : 
     172           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_gnss_event {
     173             :         HL7800_GNSS_EVENT_INVALID = -1,
     174             :         HL7800_GNSS_EVENT_INIT,
     175             :         HL7800_GNSS_EVENT_START,
     176             :         HL7800_GNSS_EVENT_STOP,
     177             :         HL7800_GNSS_EVENT_POSITION,
     178             : };
     179             : 
     180           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_gnss_status {
     181             :         HL7800_GNSS_STATUS_INVALID = -1,
     182             :         HL7800_GNSS_STATUS_FAILURE,
     183             :         HL7800_GNSS_STATUS_SUCCESS,
     184             : };
     185             : 
     186           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_gnss_position_event {
     187             :         HL7800_GNSS_POSITION_EVENT_INVALID = -1,
     188             :         HL7800_GNSS_POSITION_EVENT_LOST_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE_YET,
     189             :         HL7800_GNSS_POSITION_EVENT_PREDICTION_AVAILABLE,
     190             :         HL7800_GNSS_POSITION_EVENT_2D_AVAILABLE,
     191             :         HL7800_GNSS_POSITION_EVENT_3D_AVAILABLE,
     192             :         HL7800_GNSS_POSITION_EVENT_FIXED_TO_INVALID,
     193             : };
     194             : 
     195           0 : enum mdm_hl7800_gps_string_types {
     196             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_LATITUDE,
     197             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_LONGITUDE,
     198             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_GPS_TIME,
     199             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_FIX_TYPE,
     200             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_HEPE,
     201             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_ALTITUDE,
     202             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_ALT_UNC,
     203             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_DIRECTION,
     204             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_HOR_SPEED,
     205             :         HL7800_GPS_STR_VER_SPEED
     206             : };
     207             : 
     208             : /* status: negative errno, 0 on success
     209             :  * user and password aren't valid if status is non-zero.
     210             :  */
     211           0 : struct mdm_hl7800_polte_registration_event_data {
     212           0 :         int status;
     213           0 :         char *user;
     214           0 :         char *password;
     215             : };
     216             : 
     217             : /* status: negative errno, 0 on success, non-zero error code
     218             :  * Data is not valid if status is non-zero.
     219             :  */
     220           0 : struct mdm_hl7800_polte_location_data {
     221           0 :         uint32_t timestamp;
     222           0 :         int status;
     223           0 :         char latitude[MDM_HL7800_MAX_POLTE_LOCATION_STR_SIZE];
     224           0 :         char longitude[MDM_HL7800_MAX_POLTE_LOCATION_STR_SIZE];
     225           0 :         char confidence_in_meters[MDM_HL7800_MAX_POLTE_LOCATION_STR_SIZE];
     226             : };
     227             : 
     228             : /**
     229             :  * event - The type of event
     230             :  * event_data - Pointer to event specific data structure
     231             :  * HL7800_EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE - compound event
     232             :  * HL7800_EVENT_APN_UPDATE - struct mdm_hl7800_apn
     233             :  * HL7800_EVENT_RSSI - int
     234             :  * HL7800_EVENT_SINR - int
     235             :  * HL7800_EVENT_STARTUP_STATE_CHANGE - compound event
     236             :  * HL7800_EVENT_SLEEP_STATE_CHANGE - compound event
     237             :  * HL7800_EVENT_RAT - int
     238             :  * HL7800_EVENT_BANDS - string
     239             :  * HL7800_EVENT_ACTIVE_BANDS - string
     240             :  * HL7800_EVENT_FOTA_STATE - compound event
     241             :  * HL7800_EVENT_FOTA_COUNT - uint32_t
     242             :  * HL7800_EVENT_REVISION - string
     243             :  * HL7800_EVENT_GPS - compound event
     244             :  * HL7800_EVENT_GPS_POSITION_STATUS int
     245             :  * HL7800_EVENT_POLTE_REGISTRATION mdm_hl7800_polte_registration_event_data
     246             :  * HL7800_EVENT_POLTE mdm_hl7800_polte_location_data
     247             :  * HL7800_EVENT_POLTE_LOCATE_STATUS int
     248             :  * HL7800_EVENT_SITE_SURVEY mdm_hl7800_site_survey
     249             :  */
     250           1 : typedef void (*mdm_hl7800_event_callback_t)(enum mdm_hl7800_event event,
     251             :                                             void *event_data);
     252             : 
     253           0 : struct mdm_hl7800_callback_agent {
     254           0 :         sys_snode_t node;
     255           0 :         mdm_hl7800_event_callback_t event_callback;
     256             : };
     257             : 
     258             : /**
     259             :  * @brief Power off the HL7800
     260             :  *
     261             :  * @return int32_t 0 for success
     262             :  */
     263           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_power_off(void);
     264             : 
     265             : /**
     266             :  * @brief Reset the HL7800 (and allow it to reconfigure).
     267             :  *
     268             :  * @return int32_t 0 for success
     269             :  */
     270           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_reset(void);
     271             : 
     272             : /**
     273             :  * @brief Control the wake signals to the HL7800.
     274             :  * @note this API should only be used for debug purposes.
     275             :  *
     276             :  * @param awake True to keep the HL7800 awake, False to allow sleep
     277             :  */
     278           1 : void mdm_hl7800_wakeup(bool awake);
     279             : 
     280             : /**
     281             :  * @brief Send an AT command to the HL7800.
     282             :  * @note this API should only be used for debug purposes.
     283             :  *
     284             :  * @param data AT command string
     285             :  * @return int32_t 0 for success
     286             :  */
     287           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_send_at_cmd(const uint8_t *data);
     288             : 
     289             : /**
     290             :  * @brief Get the signal quality of the HL7800.
     291             :  * If CONFIG_MODEM_HL7800_RSSI_RATE_SECONDS is non-zero, then
     292             :  * this function returns the value from the last periodic read.
     293             :  * If CONFIG_MODEM_HL7800_RSSI_RATE_SECONDS is 0, then this
     294             :  * may cause the modem to be woken so that the values can be queried.
     295             :  *
     296             :  * @param rsrp Reference Signals Received Power (dBm)
     297             :  *             Range = -140 dBm to -44 dBm
     298             :  * @param sinr Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (dB)
     299             :  *             Range = -128 dB to 40 dB
     300             :  */
     301           1 : void mdm_hl7800_get_signal_quality(int *rsrp, int *sinr);
     302             : 
     303             : /**
     304             :  * @brief Get the SIM card ICCID
     305             :  *
     306             :  */
     307           1 : char *mdm_hl7800_get_iccid(void);
     308             : 
     309             : /**
     310             :  * @brief Get the HL7800 serial number
     311             :  *
     312             :  */
     313           1 : char *mdm_hl7800_get_sn(void);
     314             : 
     315             : /**
     316             :  * @brief Get the HL7800 IMEI
     317             :  *
     318             :  */
     319           1 : char *mdm_hl7800_get_imei(void);
     320             : 
     321             : /**
     322             :  * @brief Get the HL7800 firmware version
     323             :  *
     324             :  */
     325           1 : char *mdm_hl7800_get_fw_version(void);
     326             : 
     327             : /**
     328             :  * @brief Get the IMSI
     329             :  *
     330             :  */
     331           1 : char *mdm_hl7800_get_imsi(void);
     332             : 
     333             : /**
     334             :  * @brief Update the Access Point Name in the modem.
     335             :  *
     336             :  * @retval 0 on success, negative on failure.
     337             :  */
     338           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_update_apn(char *access_point_name);
     339             : 
     340             : /**
     341             :  * @brief Update the Radio Access Technology (mode).
     342             :  *
     343             :  * @retval 0 on success, negative on failure.
     344             :  */
     345           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_update_rat(enum mdm_hl7800_radio_mode value);
     346             : 
     347             : /**
     348             :  * @retval true if RAT value is valid
     349             :  */
     350           1 : bool mdm_hl7800_valid_rat(uint8_t value);
     351             : 
     352             : /**
     353             :  * @brief Register a function that is called when a modem event occurs.
     354             :  * Multiple users registering for callbacks is supported.
     355             :  *
     356             :  * @param agent event callback agent
     357             :  *
     358             :  * @retval 0 on success, negative on failure
     359             :  */
     360           1 : int mdm_hl7800_register_event_callback(struct mdm_hl7800_callback_agent *agent);
     361             : 
     362             : /**
     363             :  * @brief Unregister a callback event function
     364             :  *
     365             :  * @param agent event callback agent
     366             :  *
     367             :  * @retval 0 on success, negative on failure
     368             :  */
     369           1 : int mdm_hl7800_unregister_event_callback(struct mdm_hl7800_callback_agent *agent);
     370             : 
     371             : /**
     372             :  * @brief Force modem module to generate status events.
     373             :  *
     374             :  * @note This can be used to get the current state when a module initializes
     375             :  * later than the modem.
     376             :  */
     377           1 : void mdm_hl7800_generate_status_events(void);
     378             : 
     379             : /**
     380             :  * @brief Get the local time from the modem's real time clock.
     381             :  *
     382             :  * @param tm time structure
     383             :  * @param offset The amount the local time is offset from GMT/UTC in seconds.
     384             :  * @return int32_t 0 if successful
     385             :  */
     386           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_get_local_time(struct tm *tm, int32_t *offset);
     387             : 
     388             : #ifdef CONFIG_MODEM_HL7800_FW_UPDATE
     389             : /**
     390             :  * @brief Update the HL7800 via XMODEM protocol.  During the firmware update
     391             :  * no other modem functions will be available.
     392             :  *
     393             :  * @param file_path Absolute path of the update file
     394             :  *
     395             :  * @param 0 if successful
     396             :  */
     397             : int32_t mdm_hl7800_update_fw(char *file_path);
     398             : #endif
     399             : 
     400             : /**
     401             :  * @brief Read the operator index from the modem.
     402             :  *
     403             :  * @retval negative error code, 0 on success
     404             :  */
     405           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_get_operator_index(void);
     406             : 
     407             : /**
     408             :  * @brief Get modem functionality
     409             :  *
     410             :  * @return int32_t negative errno on failure, else mdm_hl7800_functionality
     411             :  */
     412           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_get_functionality(void);
     413             : 
     414             : /**
     415             :  * @brief Set airplane, normal, or reduced functionality mode.
     416             :  * Airplane mode persists when reset.
     417             :  *
     418             :  * @note Boot functionality is also controlled by Kconfig
     419             :  * MODEM_HL7800_BOOT_IN_AIRPLANE_MODE.
     420             :  *
     421             :  * @param mode
     422             :  * @return int32_t negative errno, 0 on success
     423             :  */
     424           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_set_functionality(enum mdm_hl7800_functionality mode);
     425             : 
     426             : /**
     427             :  * @brief When rate is non-zero: Put modem into Airplane mode. Enable GPS and
     428             :  * generate HL7800_EVENT_GPS events.
     429             :  * When zero: Disable GPS and put modem into normal mode.
     430             :  *
     431             :  * @note Airplane mode isn't cleared when the modem is reset.
     432             :  *
     433             :  * @param rate in seconds to query location
     434             :  * @return int32_t negative errno, 0 on success
     435             :  */
     436           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_set_gps_rate(uint32_t rate);
     437             : 
     438             : /**
     439             :  * @brief Register modem/SIM with
     440             :  *
     441             :  * @note It takes around 30 seconds for HL7800_EVENT_POLTE_REGISTRATION to
     442             :  * be generated.  If the applications saves the user and password
     443             :  * information into non-volatile memory, then this command
     444             :  * only needs to be run once.
     445             :  *
     446             :  * @return int32_t negative errno, 0 on success
     447             :  */
     448           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_polte_register(void);
     449             : 
     450             : /**
     451             :  * @brief Enable PoLTE.
     452             :  *
     453             :  * @param user from or register command callback
     454             :  * @param password from register command callback
     455             :  * @return int32_t negative errno, 0 on success
     456             :  */
     457           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_polte_enable(char *user, char *password);
     458             : 
     459             : /**
     460             :  * @brief Locate device using PoLTE.
     461             :  *
     462             :  * @note The first HL7800_EVENT_POLTE_LOCATE_STATUS event indicates
     463             :  * the status of issuing the locate command. The second event
     464             :  * requires 20-120 seconds to be generated and it contains the
     465             :  * location information (or indicates server failure).
     466             :  *
     467             :  * @return int32_t negative errno, 0 on success
     468             :  */
     469           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_polte_locate(void);
     470             : 
     471             : /**
     472             :  * @brief Perform a site survey.  This command may return different values
     473             :  * each time it is run (depending on what is in range).
     474             :  *
     475             :  * HL7800_EVENT_SITE_SURVEY is generated for each response received from modem.
     476             :  *
     477             :  * @retval negative error code, 0 on success
     478             :  */
     479           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_perform_site_survey(void);
     480             : 
     481             : /**
     482             :  * @brief Set desired sleep level. Requires MODEM_HL7800_LOW_POWER_MODE
     483             :  *
     484             :  * @param level (sleep, lite hibernate, or hibernate)
     485             :  * @return int negative errno, 0 on success
     486             :  */
     487           1 : int mdm_hl7800_set_desired_sleep_level(enum mdm_hl7800_sleep level);
     488             : 
     489             : /**
     490             :  * @brief Allows mapping of WAKE_UP signal
     491             :  * to a user accessible test point on the development board.
     492             :  *
     493             :  * @param func to be called when application requests modem wake/sleep.
     494             :  * The state parameter of the callback is 1 when modem should stay awake,
     495             :  * 0 when modem can sleep
     496             :  */
     497           1 : void mdm_hl7800_register_wake_test_point_callback(void (*func)(int state));
     498             : 
     499             : /**
     500             :  * @brief Allows mapping of P1.12_GPIO6 signal
     501             :  * to a user accessible test point on the development board.
     502             :  *
     503             :  * @param func to be called when modem wakes/sleeps is sleep level is
     504             :  * hibernate or lite hibernate.
     505             :  * The state parameter of the callback follows gpio_pin_get definitions,
     506             :  * but will default high if there is an error reading pin
     507             :  */
     508           1 : void mdm_hl7800_register_gpio6_callback(void (*func)(int state));
     509             : 
     510             : /**
     511             :  * @brief Allows mapping of UART1_CTS signal
     512             :  * to a user accessible test point on the development board.
     513             :  *
     514             :  * @param func to be called when CTS state changes if sleep level is sleep.
     515             :  * The state parameter of the callback follows gpio_pin_get definitions,
     516             :  * but will default low if there is an error reading pin
     517             :  */
     518           1 : void mdm_hl7800_register_cts_callback(void (*func)(int state));
     519             : 
     520             : /**
     521             :  * @brief Set the bands available for the LTE connection.
     522             :  * NOTE: This will cause the modem to reboot. This call returns before the reboot.
     523             :  *
     524             :  * @param bands Band bitmap in hexadecimal format without the 0x prefix.
     525             :  * Leading 0's for the value can be omitted.
     526             :  *
     527             :  * @return int32_t negative errno, 0 on success
     528             :  */
     529           1 : int32_t mdm_hl7800_set_bands(const char *bands);
     530             : 
     531             : /**
     532             :  * @brief Set the log level for the modem.
     533             :  *
     534             :  * @note It cannot be set higher than CONFIG_MODEM_LOG_LEVEL.
     535             :  * If debug level is desired, then it must be compiled with that level.
     536             :  *
     537             :  * @param level 0 (None) - 4 (Debug)
     538             :  *
     539             :  * @retval new log level
     540             :  */
     541           1 : uint32_t mdm_hl7800_log_filter_set(uint32_t level);
     542             : 
     543             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     544             : }
     545             : #endif
     546             : 
     547             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_DRIVERS_MODEM_HL7800_H_ */

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