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Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /**
       2             :  * @file drivers/sensor.h
       3             :  *
       4             :  * @brief Public APIs for the sensor driver.
       5             :  */
       6             : 
       7             : /*
       8             :  * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
       9             :  *
      10             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
      11             :  */
      12             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_DRIVERS_SENSOR_H_
      13             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_DRIVERS_SENSOR_H_
      14             : 
      15             : /**
      16             :  * @brief Sensor Interface
      17             :  * @defgroup sensor_interface Sensor Interface
      18             :  * @since 1.2
      19             :  * @version 1.0.0
      20             :  * @ingroup io_interfaces
      21             :  * @{
      22             :  */
      23             : 
      24             : #include <errno.h>
      25             : #include <stdlib.h>
      26             : 
      27             : #include <zephyr/device.h>
      28             : #include <zephyr/drivers/sensor_data_types.h>
      29             : #include <zephyr/dsp/types.h>
      30             : #include <zephyr/rtio/rtio.h>
      31             : #include <zephyr/sys/iterable_sections.h>
      32             : #include <zephyr/types.h>
      33             : 
      34             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      35             : extern "C" {
      36             : #endif
      37             : 
      38             : /**
      39             :  * @brief Representation of a sensor readout value.
      40             :  *
      41             :  * The value is represented as having an integer and a fractional part,
      42             :  * and can be obtained using the formula val1 + val2 * 10^(-6). Negative
      43             :  * values also adhere to the above formula, but may need special attention.
      44             :  * Here are some examples of the value representation:
      45             :  *
      46             :  *      0.5: val1 =  0, val2 =  500000
      47             :  *     -0.5: val1 =  0, val2 = -500000
      48             :  *     -1.0: val1 = -1, val2 =  0
      49             :  *     -1.5: val1 = -1, val2 = -500000
      50             :  */
      51           1 : struct sensor_value {
      52             :         /** Integer part of the value. */
      53           1 :         int32_t val1;
      54             :         /** Fractional part of the value (in one-millionth parts). */
      55           1 :         int32_t val2;
      56             : };
      57             : 
      58             : /**
      59             :  * @brief Sensor channels.
      60             :  */
      61           1 : enum sensor_channel {
      62             :         /** Acceleration on the X axis, in m/s^2. */
      63             :         SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_X,
      64             :         /** Acceleration on the Y axis, in m/s^2. */
      65             :         SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_Y,
      66             :         /** Acceleration on the Z axis, in m/s^2. */
      67             :         SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_Z,
      68             :         /** Acceleration on the X, Y and Z axes. */
      69             :         SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ,
      70             :         /** Angular velocity around the X axis, in radians/s. */
      71             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_X,
      72             :         /** Angular velocity around the Y axis, in radians/s. */
      73             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_Y,
      74             :         /** Angular velocity around the Z axis, in radians/s. */
      75             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_Z,
      76             :         /** Angular velocity around the X, Y and Z axes. */
      77             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_XYZ,
      78             :         /** Magnetic field on the X axis, in Gauss. */
      79             :         SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_X,
      80             :         /** Magnetic field on the Y axis, in Gauss. */
      81             :         SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_Y,
      82             :         /** Magnetic field on the Z axis, in Gauss. */
      83             :         SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_Z,
      84             :         /** Magnetic field on the X, Y and Z axes. */
      85             :         SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_XYZ,
      86             :         /** Device die temperature in degrees Celsius. */
      87             :         SENSOR_CHAN_DIE_TEMP,
      88             :         /** Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius. */
      89             :         SENSOR_CHAN_AMBIENT_TEMP,
      90             :         /** Pressure in kilopascal. */
      91             :         SENSOR_CHAN_PRESS,
      92             :         /**
      93             :          * Proximity.  Adimensional.  A value of 1 indicates that an
      94             :          * object is close.
      95             :          */
      96             :         SENSOR_CHAN_PROX,
      97             :         /** Humidity, in percent. */
      98             :         SENSOR_CHAN_HUMIDITY,
      99             :         /** Illuminance in visible spectrum, in lux. */
     100             :         SENSOR_CHAN_LIGHT,
     101             :         /** Illuminance in infra-red spectrum, in lux. */
     102             :         SENSOR_CHAN_IR,
     103             :         /** Illuminance in red spectrum, in lux. */
     104             :         SENSOR_CHAN_RED,
     105             :         /** Illuminance in green spectrum, in lux. */
     106             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GREEN,
     107             :         /** Illuminance in blue spectrum, in lux. */
     108             :         SENSOR_CHAN_BLUE,
     109             :         /** Altitude, in meters */
     110             :         SENSOR_CHAN_ALTITUDE,
     111             : 
     112             :         /** 1.0 micro-meters Particulate Matter, in ug/m^3 */
     113             :         SENSOR_CHAN_PM_1_0,
     114             :         /** 2.5 micro-meters Particulate Matter, in ug/m^3 */
     115             :         SENSOR_CHAN_PM_2_5,
     116             :         /** 10 micro-meters Particulate Matter, in ug/m^3 */
     117             :         SENSOR_CHAN_PM_10,
     118             :         /** Distance. From sensor to target, in meters */
     119             :         SENSOR_CHAN_DISTANCE,
     120             : 
     121             :         /** CO2 level, in parts per million (ppm) **/
     122             :         SENSOR_CHAN_CO2,
     123             :         /** O2 level, in parts per million (ppm) **/
     124             :         SENSOR_CHAN_O2,
     125             :         /** VOC level, in parts per billion (ppb) **/
     126             :         SENSOR_CHAN_VOC,
     127             :         /** Gas sensor resistance in ohms. */
     128             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAS_RES,
     129             : 
     130             :         /** Voltage, in volts **/
     131             :         SENSOR_CHAN_VOLTAGE,
     132             : 
     133             :         /** Current Shunt Voltage in milli-volts **/
     134             :         SENSOR_CHAN_VSHUNT,
     135             : 
     136             :         /** Current, in amps **/
     137             :         SENSOR_CHAN_CURRENT,
     138             :         /** Power in watts **/
     139             :         SENSOR_CHAN_POWER,
     140             : 
     141             :         /** Resistance , in Ohm **/
     142             :         SENSOR_CHAN_RESISTANCE,
     143             : 
     144             :         /** Angular rotation, in degrees */
     145             :         SENSOR_CHAN_ROTATION,
     146             : 
     147             :         /** Position change on the X axis, in points. */
     148             :         SENSOR_CHAN_POS_DX,
     149             :         /** Position change on the Y axis, in points. */
     150             :         SENSOR_CHAN_POS_DY,
     151             :         /** Position change on the Z axis, in points. */
     152             :         SENSOR_CHAN_POS_DZ,
     153             :         /** Position change on the X, Y and Z axis, in points. */
     154             :         SENSOR_CHAN_POS_DXYZ,
     155             : 
     156             :         /** Revolutions per minute, in RPM. */
     157             :         SENSOR_CHAN_RPM,
     158             : 
     159             :         /** Voltage, in volts **/
     160             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_VOLTAGE,
     161             :         /** Average current, in amps **/
     162             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_AVG_CURRENT,
     163             :         /** Standby current, in amps **/
     164             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_STDBY_CURRENT,
     165             :         /** Max load current, in amps **/
     166             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_MAX_LOAD_CURRENT,
     167             :         /** Gauge temperature  **/
     168             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_TEMP,
     169             :         /** State of charge measurement in % **/
     170             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_STATE_OF_CHARGE,
     171             :         /** Full Charge Capacity in mAh **/
     172             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_FULL_CHARGE_CAPACITY,
     173             :         /** Remaining Charge Capacity in mAh **/
     175             :         /** Nominal Available Capacity in mAh **/
     176             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_NOM_AVAIL_CAPACITY,
     177             :         /** Full Available Capacity in mAh **/
     178             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_FULL_AVAIL_CAPACITY,
     179             :         /** Average power in mW **/
     180             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_AVG_POWER,
     181             :         /** State of health measurement in % **/
     182             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_STATE_OF_HEALTH,
     183             :         /** Time to empty in minutes **/
     184             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_TIME_TO_EMPTY,
     185             :         /** Time to full in minutes **/
     186             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_TIME_TO_FULL,
     187             :         /** Cycle count (total number of charge/discharge cycles) **/
     188             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_CYCLE_COUNT,
     189             :         /** Design voltage of cell in V (max voltage)*/
     190             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_DESIGN_VOLTAGE,
     191             :         /** Desired voltage of cell in V (nominal voltage) */
     192             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_DESIRED_VOLTAGE,
     193             :         /** Desired charging current in mA */
     194             :         SENSOR_CHAN_GAUGE_DESIRED_CHARGING_CURRENT,
     195             : 
     196             :         /** All channels. */
     197             :         SENSOR_CHAN_ALL,
     198             : 
     199             :         /**
     200             :          * Number of all common sensor channels.
     201             :          */
     202             :         SENSOR_CHAN_COMMON_COUNT,
     203             : 
     204             :         /**
     205             :          * This and higher values are sensor specific.
     206             :          * Refer to the sensor header file.
     207             :          */
     208             :         SENSOR_CHAN_PRIV_START = SENSOR_CHAN_COMMON_COUNT,
     209             : 
     210             :         /**
     211             :          * Maximum value describing a sensor channel type.
     212             :          */
     213             :         SENSOR_CHAN_MAX = INT16_MAX,
     214             : };
     215             : 
     216             : /**
     217             :  * @brief Sensor trigger types.
     218             :  */
     219           1 : enum sensor_trigger_type {
     220             :         /**
     221             :          * Timer-based trigger, useful when the sensor does not have an
     222             :          * interrupt line.
     223             :          */
     224             :         SENSOR_TRIG_TIMER,
     225             :         /** Trigger fires whenever new data is ready. */
     226             :         SENSOR_TRIG_DATA_READY,
     227             :         /**
     228             :          * Trigger fires when the selected channel varies significantly.
     229             :          * This includes any-motion detection when the channel is
     230             :          * acceleration or gyro. If detection is based on slope between
     231             :          * successive channel readings, the slope threshold is configured
     232             :          * via the @ref SENSOR_ATTR_SLOPE_TH and @ref SENSOR_ATTR_SLOPE_DUR
     233             :          * attributes.
     234             :          */
     235             :         SENSOR_TRIG_DELTA,
     236             :         /** Trigger fires when a near/far event is detected. */
     237             :         SENSOR_TRIG_NEAR_FAR,
     238             :         /**
     239             :          * Trigger fires when channel reading transitions configured
     240             :          * thresholds.  The thresholds are configured via the @ref
     241             :          * SENSOR_ATTR_LOWER_THRESH, @ref SENSOR_ATTR_UPPER_THRESH, and
     242             :          * @ref SENSOR_ATTR_HYSTERESIS attributes.
     243             :          */
     244             :         SENSOR_TRIG_THRESHOLD,
     245             : 
     246             :         /** Trigger fires when a single tap is detected. */
     247             :         SENSOR_TRIG_TAP,
     248             : 
     249             :         /** Trigger fires when a double tap is detected. */
     250             :         SENSOR_TRIG_DOUBLE_TAP,
     251             : 
     252             :         /** Trigger fires when a free fall is detected. */
     253             :         SENSOR_TRIG_FREEFALL,
     254             : 
     255             :         /** Trigger fires when motion is detected. */
     256             :         SENSOR_TRIG_MOTION,
     257             : 
     258             :         /** Trigger fires when no motion has been detected for a while. */
     259             :         SENSOR_TRIG_STATIONARY,
     260             : 
     261             :         /** Trigger fires when the FIFO watermark has been reached. */
     262             :         SENSOR_TRIG_FIFO_WATERMARK,
     263             : 
     264             :         /** Trigger fires when the FIFO becomes full. */
     265             :         SENSOR_TRIG_FIFO_FULL,
     266             :         /**
     267             :          * Number of all common sensor triggers.
     268             :          */
     269             :         SENSOR_TRIG_COMMON_COUNT,
     270             : 
     271             :         /**
     272             :          * This and higher values are sensor specific.
     273             :          * Refer to the sensor header file.
     274             :          */
     275             :         SENSOR_TRIG_PRIV_START = SENSOR_TRIG_COMMON_COUNT,
     276             : 
     277             :         /**
     278             :          * Maximum value describing a sensor trigger type.
     279             :          */
     280             :         SENSOR_TRIG_MAX = INT16_MAX,
     281             : };
     282             : 
     283             : /**
     284             :  * @brief Sensor trigger spec.
     285             :  */
     286           1 : struct sensor_trigger {
     287             :         /** Trigger type. */
     288           1 :         enum sensor_trigger_type type;
     289             :         /** Channel the trigger is set on. */
     290           1 :         enum sensor_channel chan;
     291             : };
     292             : 
     293             : /**
     294             :  * @brief Sensor attribute types.
     295             :  */
     296           0 : enum sensor_attribute {
     297             :         /**
     298             :          * Sensor sampling frequency, i.e. how many times a second the
     299             :          * sensor takes a measurement.
     300             :          */
     301             :         SENSOR_ATTR_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY,
     302             :         /** Lower threshold for trigger. */
     303             :         SENSOR_ATTR_LOWER_THRESH,
     304             :         /** Upper threshold for trigger. */
     305             :         SENSOR_ATTR_UPPER_THRESH,
     306             :         /** Threshold for any-motion (slope) trigger. */
     307             :         SENSOR_ATTR_SLOPE_TH,
     308             :         /**
     309             :          * Duration for which the slope values needs to be
     310             :          * outside the threshold for the trigger to fire.
     311             :          */
     312             :         SENSOR_ATTR_SLOPE_DUR,
     313             :         /* Hysteresis for trigger thresholds. */
     314             :         SENSOR_ATTR_HYSTERESIS,
     315             :         /** Oversampling factor */
     316             :         SENSOR_ATTR_OVERSAMPLING,
     317             :         /** Sensor range, in SI units. */
     318             :         SENSOR_ATTR_FULL_SCALE,
     319             :         /**
     320             :          * The sensor value returned will be altered by the amount indicated by
     321             :          * offset: final_value = sensor_value + offset.
     322             :          */
     323             :         SENSOR_ATTR_OFFSET,
     324             :         /**
     325             :          * Calibration target. This will be used by the internal chip's
     326             :          * algorithms to calibrate itself on a certain axis, or all of them.
     327             :          */
     328             :         SENSOR_ATTR_CALIB_TARGET,
     329             :         /** Configure the operating modes of a sensor. */
     330             :         SENSOR_ATTR_CONFIGURATION,
     331             :         /** Set a calibration value needed by a sensor. */
     332             :         SENSOR_ATTR_CALIBRATION,
     333             :         /** Enable/disable sensor features */
     334             :         SENSOR_ATTR_FEATURE_MASK,
     335             :         /** Alert threshold or alert enable/disable */
     336             :         SENSOR_ATTR_ALERT,
     337             :         /** Free-fall duration represented in milliseconds.
     338             :          *  If the sampling frequency is changed during runtime,
     339             :          *  this attribute should be set to adjust freefall duration
     340             :          *  to the new sampling frequency.
     341             :          */
     342             :         SENSOR_ATTR_FF_DUR,
     343             : 
     344             :         /** Hardware batch duration in ticks */
     345             :         SENSOR_ATTR_BATCH_DURATION,
     346             :         /* Configure the gain of a sensor. */
     347             :         SENSOR_ATTR_GAIN,
     348             :         /* Configure the resolution of a sensor. */
     349             :         SENSOR_ATTR_RESOLUTION,
     350             :         /**
     351             :          * Number of all common sensor attributes.
     352             :          */
     353             :         SENSOR_ATTR_COMMON_COUNT,
     354             : 
     355             :         /**
     356             :          * This and higher values are sensor specific.
     357             :          * Refer to the sensor header file.
     358             :          */
     359             :         SENSOR_ATTR_PRIV_START = SENSOR_ATTR_COMMON_COUNT,
     360             : 
     361             :         /**
     362             :          * Maximum value describing a sensor attribute type.
     363             :          */
     364             :         SENSOR_ATTR_MAX = INT16_MAX,
     365             : };
     366             : 
     367             : /**
     368             :  * @typedef sensor_trigger_handler_t
     369             :  * @brief Callback API upon firing of a trigger
     370             :  *
     371             :  * @param dev Pointer to the sensor device
     372             :  * @param trigger The trigger
     373             :  */
     374           1 : typedef void (*sensor_trigger_handler_t)(const struct device *dev,
     375             :                                          const struct sensor_trigger *trigger);
     376             : 
     377             : /**
     378             :  * @typedef sensor_attr_set_t
     379             :  * @brief Callback API upon setting a sensor's attributes
     380             :  *
     381             :  * See sensor_attr_set() for argument description
     382             :  */
     383           1 : typedef int (*sensor_attr_set_t)(const struct device *dev,
     384             :                                  enum sensor_channel chan,
     385             :                                  enum sensor_attribute attr,
     386             :                                  const struct sensor_value *val);
     387             : 
     388             : /**
     389             :  * @typedef sensor_attr_get_t
     390             :  * @brief Callback API upon getting a sensor's attributes
     391             :  *
     392             :  * See sensor_attr_get() for argument description
     393             :  */
     394           1 : typedef int (*sensor_attr_get_t)(const struct device *dev,
     395             :                                  enum sensor_channel chan,
     396             :                                  enum sensor_attribute attr,
     397             :                                  struct sensor_value *val);
     398             : 
     399             : /**
     400             :  * @typedef sensor_trigger_set_t
     401             :  * @brief Callback API for setting a sensor's trigger and handler
     402             :  *
     403             :  * See sensor_trigger_set() for argument description
     404             :  */
     405           1 : typedef int (*sensor_trigger_set_t)(const struct device *dev,
     406             :                                     const struct sensor_trigger *trig,
     407             :                                     sensor_trigger_handler_t handler);
     408             : /**
     409             :  * @typedef sensor_sample_fetch_t
     410             :  * @brief Callback API for fetching data from a sensor
     411             :  *
     412             :  * See sensor_sample_fetch() for argument description
     413             :  */
     414           1 : typedef int (*sensor_sample_fetch_t)(const struct device *dev,
     415             :                                      enum sensor_channel chan);
     416             : /**
     417             :  * @typedef sensor_channel_get_t
     418             :  * @brief Callback API for getting a reading from a sensor
     419             :  *
     420             :  * See sensor_channel_get() for argument description
     421             :  */
     422           1 : typedef int (*sensor_channel_get_t)(const struct device *dev,
     423             :                                     enum sensor_channel chan,
     424             :                                     struct sensor_value *val);
     425             : 
     426             : /**
     427             :  * @brief Sensor Channel Specification
     428             :  *
     429             :  * A sensor channel specification is a unique identifier per sensor device describing
     430             :  * a measurement channel.
     431             :  *
     432             :  * @note Typically passed by value as the size of a sensor_chan_spec is a single word.
     433             :  */
     434           1 : struct sensor_chan_spec {
     435           1 :         uint16_t chan_type; /**< A sensor channel type */
     436           1 :         uint16_t chan_idx;  /**< A sensor channel index */
     437             : };
     438             : 
     439             : /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
     440             : /* Ensure sensor_chan_spec is sensibly sized to pass by value */
     441             : BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof(struct sensor_chan_spec) <= sizeof(uintptr_t),
     442             :              "sensor_chan_spec size should be equal or less than the size of a machine word");
     443             : /** @endcond */
     444             : 
     445             : /**
     446             :  * @brief Check if channel specs are equivalent
     447             :  *
     448             :  * @param chan_spec0 First chan spec
     449             :  * @param chan_spec1 Second chan spec
     450             :  * @retval true If equivalent
     451             :  * @retval false If not equivalent
     452             :  */
     453           1 : static inline bool sensor_chan_spec_eq(struct sensor_chan_spec chan_spec0,
     454             :                                        struct sensor_chan_spec chan_spec1)
     455             : {
     456             :         return chan_spec0.chan_type == chan_spec1.chan_type &&
     457             :                 chan_spec0.chan_idx == chan_spec1.chan_idx;
     458             : }
     459             : 
     460             : /**
     461             :  * @brief Decodes a single raw data buffer
     462             :  *
     463             :  * Data buffers are provided on the @ref rtio context that's supplied to
     464             :  * @ref sensor_read.
     465             :  */
     466           1 : struct sensor_decoder_api {
     467             :         /**
     468             :          * @brief Get the number of frames in the current buffer.
     469             :          *
     470             :          * @param[in]  buffer The buffer provided on the @ref rtio context.
     471             :          * @param[in]  channel The channel to get the count for
     472             :          * @param[out] frame_count The number of frames on the buffer (at least 1)
     473             :          * @return 0 on success
     474             :          * @return -ENOTSUP if the channel/channel_idx aren't found
     475             :          */
     476           1 :         int (*get_frame_count)(const uint8_t *buffer, struct sensor_chan_spec channel,
     477             :                                uint16_t *frame_count);
     478             : 
     479             :         /**
     480             :          * @brief Get the size required to decode a given channel
     481             :          *
     482             :          * When decoding a single frame, use @p base_size. For every additional frame, add another
     483             :          * @p frame_size. As an example, to decode 3 frames use: 'base_size + 2 * frame_size'.
     484             :          *
     485             :          * @param[in]  channel The channel to query
     486             :          * @param[out] base_size The size of decoding the first frame
     487             :          * @param[out] frame_size The additional size of every additional frame
     488             :          * @return 0 on success
     489             :          * @return -ENOTSUP if the channel is not supported
     490             :          */
     491           1 :         int (*get_size_info)(struct sensor_chan_spec channel, size_t *base_size,
     492             :                              size_t *frame_size);
     493             : 
     494             :         /**
     495             :          * @brief Decode up to @p max_count samples from the buffer
     496             :          *
     497             :          * Decode samples of channel @ref sensor_channel across multiple frames. If there exist
     498             :          * multiple instances of the same channel, @p channel_index is used to differentiate them.
     499             :          * As an example, assume a sensor provides 2 distance measurements:
     500             :          *
     501             :          * @code{.c}
     502             :          * // Decode the first channel instance of 'distance'
     503             :          * decoder->decode(buffer, SENSOR_CHAN_DISTANCE, 0, &fit, 5, out);
     504             :          * ...
     505             :          *
     506             :          * // Decode the second channel instance of 'distance'
     507             :          * decoder->decode(buffer, SENSOR_CHAN_DISTANCE, 1, &fit, 5, out);
     508             :          * @endcode
     509             :          *
     510             :          * @param[in]     buffer The buffer provided on the @ref rtio context
     511             :          * @param[in]     channel The channel to decode
     512             :          * @param[in,out] fit The current frame iterator
     513             :          * @param[in]     max_count The maximum number of channels to decode.
     514             :          * @param[out]    data_out The decoded data
     515             :          * @return 0 no more samples to decode
     516             :          * @return >0 the number of decoded frames
     517             :          * @return <0 on error
     518             :          */
     519           1 :         int (*decode)(const uint8_t *buffer, struct sensor_chan_spec channel, uint32_t *fit,
     520             :                       uint16_t max_count, void *data_out);
     521             : 
     522             :         /**
     523             :          * @brief Check if the given trigger type is present
     524             :          *
     525             :          * @param[in] buffer The buffer provided on the @ref rtio context
     526             :          * @param[in] trigger The trigger type in question
     527             :          * @return Whether the trigger is present in the buffer
     528             :          */
     529           1 :         bool (*has_trigger)(const uint8_t *buffer, enum sensor_trigger_type trigger);
     530             : };
     531             : 
     532             : /**
     533             :  * @brief Used for iterating over the data frames via the sensor_decoder_api.
     534             :  *
     535             :  * Example usage:
     536             :  *
     537             :  * @code(.c)
     538             :  *     struct sensor_decode_context ctx = SENSOR_DECODE_CONTEXT_INIT(
     539             :  *         decoder, buffer, SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ, 0);
     540             :  *
     541             :  *     while (true) {
     542             :  *       struct sensor_three_axis_data accel_out_data;
     543             :  *
     544             :  *       num_decoded_channels = sensor_decode(ctx, &accel_out_data, 1);
     545             :  *
     546             :  *       if (num_decoded_channels <= 0) {
     547             :  *         printk("Done decoding buffer\n");
     548             :  *         break;
     549             :  *       }
     550             :  *
     551             :  *       printk("Decoded (%" PRId32 ", %" PRId32 ", %" PRId32 ")\n", accel_out_data.readings[0].x,
     552             :  *           accel_out_data.readings[0].y, accel_out_data.readings[0].z);
     553             :  *     }
     554             :  * @endcode
     555             :  */
     556           1 : struct sensor_decode_context {
     557           0 :         const struct sensor_decoder_api *decoder;
     558           0 :         const uint8_t *buffer;
     559           0 :         struct sensor_chan_spec channel;
     560           0 :         uint32_t fit;
     561             : };
     562             : 
     563             : /**
     564             :  * @brief Initialize a sensor_decode_context
     565             :  */
     566           1 : #define SENSOR_DECODE_CONTEXT_INIT(decoder_, buffer_, channel_type_, channel_index_)               \
     567             :         {                                                                                          \
     568             :                 .decoder = (decoder_),                                                             \
     569             :                 .buffer = (buffer_),                                                               \
     570             :                 .channel = {.chan_type = (channel_type_), .chan_idx = (channel_index_)},           \
     571             :                 .fit = 0,                                                                          \
     572             :         }
     573             : 
     574             : /**
     575             :  * @brief Decode N frames using a sensor_decode_context
     576             :  *
     577             :  * @param[in,out] ctx The context to use for decoding
     578             :  * @param[out]    out The output buffer
     579             :  * @param[in]     max_count Maximum number of frames to decode
     580             :  * @return The decode result from sensor_decoder_api's decode function
     581             :  */
     582           1 : static inline int sensor_decode(struct sensor_decode_context *ctx, void *out, uint16_t max_count)
     583             : {
     584             :         return ctx->decoder->decode(ctx->buffer, ctx->channel, &ctx->fit, max_count, out);
     585             : }
     586             : 
     587           0 : int sensor_natively_supported_channel_size_info(struct sensor_chan_spec channel, size_t *base_size,
     588             :                                                 size_t *frame_size);
     589             : 
     590             : /**
     591             :  * @typedef sensor_get_decoder_t
     592             :  * @brief Get the decoder associate with the given device
     593             :  *
     594             :  * @see sensor_get_decoder for more details
     595             :  */
     596           1 : typedef int (*sensor_get_decoder_t)(const struct device *dev,
     597             :                                     const struct sensor_decoder_api **api);
     598             : 
     599             : /**
     600             :  * @brief Options for what to do with the associated data when a trigger is consumed
     601             :  */
     602           1 : enum sensor_stream_data_opt {
     603             :         /** @brief Include whatever data is associated with the trigger */
     604             :         SENSOR_STREAM_DATA_INCLUDE = 0,
     605             :         /** @brief Do nothing with the associated trigger data, it may be consumed later */
     606             :         SENSOR_STREAM_DATA_NOP = 1,
     607             :         /** @brief Flush/clear whatever data is associated with the trigger */
     608             :         SENSOR_STREAM_DATA_DROP = 2,
     609             : };
     610             : 
     611           0 : struct sensor_stream_trigger {
     612           0 :         enum sensor_trigger_type trigger;
     613           0 :         enum sensor_stream_data_opt opt;
     614             : };
     615             : 
     616           0 : #define SENSOR_STREAM_TRIGGER_PREP(_trigger, _opt)                                                 \
     617             :         {                                                                                          \
     618             :                 .trigger = (_trigger), .opt = (_opt),                                              \
     619             :         }
     620             : 
     621             : /*
     622             :  * Internal data structure used to store information about the IODevice for async reading and
     623             :  * streaming sensor data.
     624             :  */
     625           0 : struct sensor_read_config {
     626           0 :         const struct device *sensor;
     627           0 :         const bool is_streaming;
     628             :         union {
     629           0 :                 struct sensor_chan_spec *const channels;
     630           0 :                 struct sensor_stream_trigger *const triggers;
     631           0 :         };
     632           0 :         size_t count;
     633           0 :         const size_t max;
     634             : };
     635             : 
     636             : /**
     637             :  * @brief Define a reading instance of a sensor
     638             :  *
     639             :  * Use this macro to generate a @ref rtio_iodev for reading specific channels. Example:
     640             :  *
     641             :  * @code(.c)
     642             :  * SENSOR_DT_READ_IODEV(icm42688_accelgyro, DT_NODELABEL(icm42688),
     643             :  *     { SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ, 0 },
     644             :  *     { SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_XYZ, 0 });
     645             :  *
     646             :  * int main(void) {
     647             :  *   sensor_read_async_mempool(&icm42688_accelgyro, &rtio);
     648             :  * }
     649             :  * @endcode
     650             :  */
     651           1 : #define SENSOR_DT_READ_IODEV(name, dt_node, ...)                                                   \
     652             :         static struct sensor_chan_spec _CONCAT(__channel_array_, name)[] = {__VA_ARGS__};          \
     653             :         static struct sensor_read_config _CONCAT(__sensor_read_config_, name) = {                  \
     654             :                 .sensor = DEVICE_DT_GET(dt_node),                                                  \
     655             :                 .is_streaming = false,                                                             \
     656             :                 .channels = _CONCAT(__channel_array_, name),                                       \
     657             :                 .count = ARRAY_SIZE(_CONCAT(__channel_array_, name)),                              \
     658             :                 .max = ARRAY_SIZE(_CONCAT(__channel_array_, name)),                                \
     659             :         };                                                                                         \
     660             :         RTIO_IODEV_DEFINE(name, &__sensor_iodev_api, _CONCAT(&__sensor_read_config_, name))
     661             : 
     662             : /**
     663             :  * @brief Define a stream instance of a sensor
     664             :  *
     665             :  * Use this macro to generate a @ref rtio_iodev for starting a stream that's triggered by specific
     666             :  * interrupts. Example:
     667             :  *
     668             :  * @code(.c)
     669             :  * SENSOR_DT_STREAM_IODEV(imu_stream, DT_ALIAS(imu),
     671             :  *     {SENSOR_TRIG_FIFO_FULL, SENSOR_STREAM_DATA_NOP});
     672             :  *
     673             :  * int main(void) {
     674             :  *   struct rtio_sqe *handle;
     675             :  *   sensor_stream(&imu_stream, &rtio, NULL, &handle);
     676             :  *   k_msleep(1000);
     677             :  *   rtio_sqe_cancel(handle);
     678             :  * }
     679             :  * @endcode
     680             :  */
     681           1 : #define SENSOR_DT_STREAM_IODEV(name, dt_node, ...)                                                 \
     682             :         static struct sensor_stream_trigger _CONCAT(__trigger_array_, name)[] = {__VA_ARGS__};     \
     683             :         static struct sensor_read_config _CONCAT(__sensor_read_config_, name) = {                  \
     684             :                 .sensor = DEVICE_DT_GET(dt_node),                                                  \
     685             :                 .is_streaming = true,                                                              \
     686             :                 .triggers = _CONCAT(__trigger_array_, name),                                       \
     687             :                 .count = ARRAY_SIZE(_CONCAT(__trigger_array_, name)),                              \
     688             :                 .max = ARRAY_SIZE(_CONCAT(__trigger_array_, name)),                                \
     689             :         };                                                                                         \
     690             :         RTIO_IODEV_DEFINE(name, &__sensor_iodev_api, &_CONCAT(__sensor_read_config_, name))
     691             : 
     692             : /* Used to submit an RTIO sqe to the sensor's iodev */
     693           0 : typedef void (*sensor_submit_t)(const struct device *sensor, struct rtio_iodev_sqe *sqe);
     694             : 
     695             : /* The default decoder API */
     696             : extern const struct sensor_decoder_api __sensor_default_decoder;
     697             : 
     698             : /* The default sensor iodev API */
     699             : extern const struct rtio_iodev_api __sensor_iodev_api;
     700             : 
     701           0 : __subsystem struct sensor_driver_api {
     702           0 :         sensor_attr_set_t attr_set;
     703           0 :         sensor_attr_get_t attr_get;
     704           0 :         sensor_trigger_set_t trigger_set;
     705           0 :         sensor_sample_fetch_t sample_fetch;
     706           0 :         sensor_channel_get_t channel_get;
     707           0 :         sensor_get_decoder_t get_decoder;
     708           0 :         sensor_submit_t submit;
     709             : };
     710             : 
     711             : /**
     712             :  * @brief Set an attribute for a sensor
     713             :  *
     714             :  * @param dev Pointer to the sensor device
     715             :  * @param chan The channel the attribute belongs to, if any.  Some
     716             :  * attributes may only be set for all channels of a device, depending on
     717             :  * device capabilities.
     718             :  * @param attr The attribute to set
     719             :  * @param val The value to set the attribute to
     720             :  *
     721             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
     722             :  */
     723           1 : __syscall int sensor_attr_set(const struct device *dev,
     724             :                               enum sensor_channel chan,
     725             :                               enum sensor_attribute attr,
     726             :                               const struct sensor_value *val);
     727             : 
     728             : static inline int z_impl_sensor_attr_set(const struct device *dev,
     729             :                                          enum sensor_channel chan,
     730             :                                          enum sensor_attribute attr,
     731             :                                          const struct sensor_value *val)
     732             : {
     733             :         const struct sensor_driver_api *api =
     734             :                 (const struct sensor_driver_api *)dev->api;
     735             : 
     736             :         if (api->attr_set == NULL) {
     737             :                 return -ENOSYS;
     738             :         }
     739             : 
     740             :         return api->attr_set(dev, chan, attr, val);
     741             : }
     742             : 
     743             : /**
     744             :  * @brief Get an attribute for a sensor
     745             :  *
     746             :  * @param dev Pointer to the sensor device
     747             :  * @param chan The channel the attribute belongs to, if any.  Some
     748             :  * attributes may only be set for all channels of a device, depending on
     749             :  * device capabilities.
     750             :  * @param attr The attribute to get
     751             :  * @param val Pointer to where to store the attribute
     752             :  *
     753             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
     754             :  */
     755           1 : __syscall int sensor_attr_get(const struct device *dev,
     756             :                               enum sensor_channel chan,
     757             :                               enum sensor_attribute attr,
     758             :                               struct sensor_value *val);
     759             : 
     760             : static inline int z_impl_sensor_attr_get(const struct device *dev,
     761             :                                          enum sensor_channel chan,
     762             :                                          enum sensor_attribute attr,
     763             :                                          struct sensor_value *val)
     764             : {
     765             :         const struct sensor_driver_api *api =
     766             :                 (const struct sensor_driver_api *)dev->api;
     767             : 
     768             :         if (api->attr_get == NULL) {
     769             :                 return -ENOSYS;
     770             :         }
     771             : 
     772             :         return api->attr_get(dev, chan, attr, val);
     773             : }
     774             : 
     775             : /**
     776             :  * @brief Activate a sensor's trigger and set the trigger handler
     777             :  *
     778             :  * The handler will be called from a thread, so I2C or SPI operations are
     779             :  * safe.  However, the thread's stack is limited and defined by the
     780             :  * driver.  It is currently up to the caller to ensure that the handler
     781             :  * does not overflow the stack.
     782             :  *
     783             :  * The user-allocated trigger will be stored by the driver as a pointer, rather
     784             :  * than a copy, and passed back to the handler. This enables the handler to use
     785             :  * CONTAINER_OF to retrieve a context pointer when the trigger is embedded in a
     786             :  * larger struct and requires that the trigger is not allocated on the stack.
     787             :  *
     788             :  * @funcprops \supervisor
     789             :  *
     790             :  * @param dev Pointer to the sensor device
     791             :  * @param trig The trigger to activate
     792             :  * @param handler The function that should be called when the trigger
     793             :  * fires
     794             :  *
     795             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
     796             :  */
     797           1 : static inline int sensor_trigger_set(const struct device *dev,
     798             :                                      const struct sensor_trigger *trig,
     799             :                                      sensor_trigger_handler_t handler)
     800             : {
     801             :         const struct sensor_driver_api *api =
     802             :                 (const struct sensor_driver_api *)dev->api;
     803             : 
     804             :         if (api->trigger_set == NULL) {
     805             :                 return -ENOSYS;
     806             :         }
     807             : 
     808             :         return api->trigger_set(dev, trig, handler);
     809             : }
     810             : 
     811             : /**
     812             :  * @brief Fetch a sample from the sensor and store it in an internal
     813             :  * driver buffer
     814             :  *
     815             :  * Read all of a sensor's active channels and, if necessary, perform any
     816             :  * additional operations necessary to make the values useful.  The user
     817             :  * may then get individual channel values by calling @ref
     818             :  * sensor_channel_get.
     819             :  *
     820             :  * The function blocks until the fetch operation is complete.
     821             :  *
     822             :  * Since the function communicates with the sensor device, it is unsafe
     823             :  * to call it in an ISR if the device is connected via I2C or SPI.
     824             :  *
     825             :  * @param dev Pointer to the sensor device
     826             :  *
     827             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
     828             :  */
     829           1 : __syscall int sensor_sample_fetch(const struct device *dev);
     830             : 
     831             : static inline int z_impl_sensor_sample_fetch(const struct device *dev)
     832             : {
     833             :         const struct sensor_driver_api *api =
     834             :                 (const struct sensor_driver_api *)dev->api;
     835             : 
     836             :         return api->sample_fetch(dev, SENSOR_CHAN_ALL);
     837             : }
     838             : 
     839             : /**
     840             :  * @brief Fetch a sample from the sensor and store it in an internal
     841             :  * driver buffer
     842             :  *
     843             :  * Read and compute compensation for one type of sensor data (magnetometer,
     844             :  * accelerometer, etc). The user may then get individual channel values by
     845             :  * calling @ref sensor_channel_get.
     846             :  *
     847             :  * This is mostly implemented by multi function devices enabling reading at
     848             :  * different sampling rates.
     849             :  *
     850             :  * The function blocks until the fetch operation is complete.
     851             :  *
     852             :  * Since the function communicates with the sensor device, it is unsafe
     853             :  * to call it in an ISR if the device is connected via I2C or SPI.
     854             :  *
     855             :  * @param dev Pointer to the sensor device
     856             :  * @param type The channel that needs updated
     857             :  *
     858             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
     859             :  */
     860           1 : __syscall int sensor_sample_fetch_chan(const struct device *dev,
     861             :                                        enum sensor_channel type);
     862             : 
     863             : static inline int z_impl_sensor_sample_fetch_chan(const struct device *dev,
     864             :                                                   enum sensor_channel type)
     865             : {
     866             :         const struct sensor_driver_api *api =
     867             :                 (const struct sensor_driver_api *)dev->api;
     868             : 
     869             :         return api->sample_fetch(dev, type);
     870             : }
     871             : 
     872             : /**
     873             :  * @brief Get a reading from a sensor device
     874             :  *
     875             :  * Return a useful value for a particular channel, from the driver's
     876             :  * internal data.  Before calling this function, a sample must be
     877             :  * obtained by calling @ref sensor_sample_fetch or
     878             :  * @ref sensor_sample_fetch_chan. It is guaranteed that two subsequent
     879             :  * calls of this function for the same channels will yield the same
     880             :  * value, if @ref sensor_sample_fetch or @ref sensor_sample_fetch_chan
     881             :  * has not been called in the meantime.
     882             :  *
     883             :  * For vectorial data samples you can request all axes in just one call
     884             :  * by passing the specific channel with _XYZ suffix. The sample will be
     885             :  * returned at val[0], val[1] and val[2] (X, Y and Z in that order).
     886             :  *
     887             :  * @param dev Pointer to the sensor device
     888             :  * @param chan The channel to read
     889             :  * @param val Where to store the value
     890             :  *
     891             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
     892             :  */
     893           1 : __syscall int sensor_channel_get(const struct device *dev,
     894             :                                  enum sensor_channel chan,
     895             :                                  struct sensor_value *val);
     896             : 
     897             : static inline int z_impl_sensor_channel_get(const struct device *dev,
     898             :                                             enum sensor_channel chan,
     899             :                                             struct sensor_value *val)
     900             : {
     901             :         const struct sensor_driver_api *api =
     902             :                 (const struct sensor_driver_api *)dev->api;
     903             : 
     904             :         return api->channel_get(dev, chan, val);
     905             : }
     906             : 
     907             : #if defined(CONFIG_SENSOR_ASYNC_API) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
     908             : 
     909             : /*
     910             :  * Generic data structure used for encoding the sample timestamp and number of channels sampled.
     911             :  */
     912           0 : struct __attribute__((__packed__)) sensor_data_generic_header {
     913             :         /* The timestamp at which the data was collected from the sensor */
     914           0 :         uint64_t timestamp_ns;
     915             : 
     916             :         /*
     917             :          * The number of channels present in the frame. This will be the true number of elements in
     918             :          * channel_info and in the q31 values that follow the header.
     919             :          */
     920           0 :         uint32_t num_channels;
     921             : 
     922             :         /* Shift value for all samples in the frame */
     923           0 :         int8_t shift;
     924             : 
     925             :         /* This padding is needed to make sure that the 'channels' field is aligned */
     926             :         int8_t _padding[sizeof(struct sensor_chan_spec) - 1];
     927             : 
     928             :         /* Channels present in the frame */
     929           0 :         struct sensor_chan_spec channels[0];
     930             : };
     931             : 
     932             : /**
     933             :  * @brief checks if a given channel is a 3-axis channel
     934             :  *
     935             :  * @param[in] chan The channel to check
     936             :  * @retval true if @p chan is any of @ref SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ, @ref SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_XYZ, or
     937             :  *         @ref SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_XYZ, or @ref SENSOR_CHAN_POS_DXYZ
     938             :  * @retval false otherwise
     939             :  */
     940           1 : #define SENSOR_CHANNEL_3_AXIS(chan)                                                                \
     941             :         ((chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ || (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_XYZ ||                      \
     942             :          (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_MAGN_XYZ || (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_POS_DXYZ)
     943             : 
     944             : /**
     945             :  * @brief checks if a given channel is an Accelerometer
     946             :  *
     947             :  * @param[in] chan The channel to check
     948             :  * @retval true if @p chan is any of @ref SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ, @ref SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_X, or
     949             :  *         @ref SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_Y, or @ref SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_Z
     950             :  * @retval false otherwise
     951             :  */
     952           1 : #define SENSOR_CHANNEL_IS_ACCEL(chan)                                          \
     953             :         ((chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_XYZ || (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_X ||   \
     954             :          (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_Y || (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_ACCEL_Z)
     955             : 
     956             : /**
     957             :  * @brief checks if a given channel is a Gyroscope
     958             :  *
     959             :  * @param[in] chan The channel to check
     960             :  * @retval true if @p chan is any of @ref SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_XYZ, @ref SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_X, or
     961             :  *         @ref SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_Y, or @ref SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_Z
     962             :  * @retval false otherwise
     963             :  */
     964           1 : #define SENSOR_CHANNEL_IS_GYRO(chan)                                           \
     965             :         ((chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_XYZ || (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_X ||     \
     966             :          (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_Y || (chan) == SENSOR_CHAN_GYRO_Z)
     967             : 
     968             : /**
     969             :  * @brief Get the sensor's decoder API
     970             :  *
     971             :  * @param[in] dev The sensor device
     972             :  * @param[in] decoder Pointer to the decoder which will be set upon success
     973             :  * @return 0 on success
     974             :  * @return < 0 on error
     975             :  */
     976           1 : __syscall int sensor_get_decoder(const struct device *dev,
     977             :                                  const struct sensor_decoder_api **decoder);
     978             : 
     979             : static inline int z_impl_sensor_get_decoder(const struct device *dev,
     980             :                                             const struct sensor_decoder_api **decoder)
     981             : {
     982             :         const struct sensor_driver_api *api = (const struct sensor_driver_api *)dev->api;
     983             : 
     984             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(api != NULL);
     985             : 
     986             :         if (api->get_decoder == NULL) {
     987             :                 *decoder = &__sensor_default_decoder;
     988             :                 return 0;
     989             :         }
     990             : 
     991             :         return api->get_decoder(dev, decoder);
     992             : }
     993             : 
     994             : /**
     995             :  * @brief Reconfigure a reading iodev
     996             :  *
     997             :  * Allows a reconfiguration of the iodev associated with reading a sample from a sensor.
     998             :  *
     999             :  * <b>Important</b>: If the iodev is currently servicing a read operation, the data will likely be
    1000             :  * invalid. Please be sure the flush or wait for all pending operations to complete before using the
    1001             :  * data after a configuration change.
    1002             :  *
    1003             :  * It is also important that the `data` field of the iodev is a @ref sensor_read_config.
    1004             :  *
    1005             :  * @param[in] iodev The iodev to reconfigure
    1006             :  * @param[in] sensor The sensor to read from
    1007             :  * @param[in] channels One or more channels to read
    1008             :  * @param[in] num_channels The number of channels in @p channels
    1009             :  * @return 0 on success
    1010             :  * @return < 0 on error
    1011             :  */
    1012           1 : __syscall int sensor_reconfigure_read_iodev(struct rtio_iodev *iodev, const struct device *sensor,
    1013             :                                             const struct sensor_chan_spec *channels,
    1014             :                                             size_t num_channels);
    1015             : 
    1016             : static inline int z_impl_sensor_reconfigure_read_iodev(struct rtio_iodev *iodev,
    1017             :                                                        const struct device *sensor,
    1018             :                                                        const struct sensor_chan_spec *channels,
    1019             :                                                        size_t num_channels)
    1020             : {
    1021             :         struct sensor_read_config *cfg = (struct sensor_read_config *)iodev->data;
    1022             : 
    1023             :         if (cfg->max < num_channels || cfg->is_streaming) {
    1024             :                 return -ENOMEM;
    1025             :         }
    1026             : 
    1027             :         cfg->sensor = sensor;
    1028             :         memcpy(cfg->channels, channels, num_channels * sizeof(struct sensor_chan_spec));
    1029             :         cfg->count = num_channels;
    1030             :         return 0;
    1031             : }
    1032             : 
    1033           0 : static inline int sensor_stream(struct rtio_iodev *iodev, struct rtio *ctx, void *userdata,
    1034             :                                 struct rtio_sqe **handle)
    1035             : {
    1036             :         if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_USERSPACE)) {
    1037             :                 struct rtio_sqe sqe;
    1038             : 
    1039             :                 rtio_sqe_prep_read_multishot(&sqe, iodev, RTIO_PRIO_NORM, userdata);
    1040             :                 rtio_sqe_copy_in_get_handles(ctx, &sqe, handle, 1);
    1041             :         } else {
    1042             :                 struct rtio_sqe *sqe = rtio_sqe_acquire(ctx);
    1043             : 
    1044             :                 if (sqe == NULL) {
    1045             :                         return -ENOMEM;
    1046             :                 }
    1047             :                 if (handle != NULL) {
    1048             :                         *handle = sqe;
    1049             :                 }
    1050             :                 rtio_sqe_prep_read_multishot(sqe, iodev, RTIO_PRIO_NORM, userdata);
    1051             :         }
    1052             :         rtio_submit(ctx, 0);
    1053             :         return 0;
    1054             : }
    1055             : 
    1056             : /**
    1057             :  * @brief Blocking one shot read of samples from a sensor into a buffer
    1058             :  *
    1059             :  * Using @p cfg, read data from the device by using the provided RTIO context
    1060             :  * @p ctx. This call will generate a @ref rtio_sqe that will be given the provided buffer. The call
    1061             :  * will wait for the read to complete before returning to the caller.
    1062             :  *
    1063             :  * @param[in] iodev The iodev created by @ref SENSOR_DT_READ_IODEV
    1064             :  * @param[in] ctx The RTIO context to service the read
    1065             :  * @param[in] buf Pointer to memory to read sample data into
    1066             :  * @param[in] buf_len Size in bytes of the given memory that are valid to read into
    1067             :  * @return 0 on success
    1068             :  * @return < 0 on error
    1069             :  */
    1070           1 : static inline int sensor_read(struct rtio_iodev *iodev, struct rtio *ctx, uint8_t *buf,
    1071             :                               size_t buf_len)
    1072             : {
    1073             :         if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_USERSPACE)) {
    1074             :                 struct rtio_sqe sqe;
    1075             : 
    1076             :                 rtio_sqe_prep_read(&sqe, iodev, RTIO_PRIO_NORM, buf, buf_len, buf);
    1077             :                 rtio_sqe_copy_in(ctx, &sqe, 1);
    1078             :         } else {
    1079             :                 struct rtio_sqe *sqe = rtio_sqe_acquire(ctx);
    1080             : 
    1081             :                 if (sqe == NULL) {
    1082             :                         return -ENOMEM;
    1083             :                 }
    1084             :                 rtio_sqe_prep_read(sqe, iodev, RTIO_PRIO_NORM, buf, buf_len, buf);
    1085             :         }
    1086             :         rtio_submit(ctx, 0);
    1087             : 
    1088             :         struct rtio_cqe *cqe = rtio_cqe_consume_block(ctx);
    1089             :         int res = cqe->result;
    1090             : 
    1091             :         __ASSERT(cqe->userdata == buf,
    1092             :                  "consumed non-matching completion for sensor read into buffer %p\n", buf);
    1093             : 
    1094             :         rtio_cqe_release(ctx, cqe);
    1095             : 
    1096             :         return res;
    1097             : }
    1098             : 
    1099             : /**
    1100             :  * @brief One shot non-blocking read with pool allocated buffer
    1101             :  *
    1102             :  * Using @p cfg, read one snapshot of data from the device by using the provided RTIO context
    1103             :  * @p ctx. This call will generate a @ref rtio_sqe that will leverage the RTIO's internal
    1104             :  * mempool when the time comes to service the read.
    1105             :  *
    1106             :  * @param[in] iodev The iodev created by @ref SENSOR_DT_READ_IODEV
    1107             :  * @param[in] ctx The RTIO context to service the read
    1108             :  * @param[in] userdata Optional userdata that will be available when the read is complete
    1109             :  * @return 0 on success
    1110             :  * @return < 0 on error
    1111             :  */
    1112           1 : static inline int sensor_read_async_mempool(struct rtio_iodev *iodev, struct rtio *ctx,
    1113             :                                             void *userdata)
    1114             : {
    1115             :         if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_USERSPACE)) {
    1116             :                 struct rtio_sqe sqe;
    1117             : 
    1118             :                 rtio_sqe_prep_read_with_pool(&sqe, iodev, RTIO_PRIO_NORM, userdata);
    1119             :                 rtio_sqe_copy_in(ctx, &sqe, 1);
    1120             :         } else {
    1121             :                 struct rtio_sqe *sqe = rtio_sqe_acquire(ctx);
    1122             : 
    1123             :                 if (sqe == NULL) {
    1124             :                         return -ENOMEM;
    1125             :                 }
    1126             :                 rtio_sqe_prep_read_with_pool(sqe, iodev, RTIO_PRIO_NORM, userdata);
    1127             :         }
    1128             :         rtio_submit(ctx, 0);
    1129             :         return 0;
    1130             : }
    1131             : 
    1132             : /**
    1133             :  * @typedef sensor_processing_callback_t
    1134             :  * @brief Callback function used with the helper processing function.
    1135             :  *
    1136             :  * @see sensor_processing_with_callback
    1137             :  *
    1138             :  * @param[in] result The result code of the read (0 being success)
    1139             :  * @param[in] buf The data buffer holding the sensor data
    1140             :  * @param[in] buf_len The length (in bytes) of the @p buf
    1141             :  * @param[in] userdata The optional userdata passed to sensor_read_async_mempool()
    1142             :  */
    1143           1 : typedef void (*sensor_processing_callback_t)(int result, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t buf_len,
    1144             :                                              void *userdata);
    1145             : 
    1146             : /**
    1147             :  * @brief Helper function for common processing of sensor data.
    1148             :  *
    1149             :  * This function can be called in a blocking manner after sensor_read() or in a standalone
    1150             :  * thread dedicated to processing. It will wait for a cqe from the RTIO context, once received, it
    1151             :  * will decode the userdata and call the @p cb. Once the @p cb returns, the buffer will be released
    1152             :  * back into @p ctx's mempool if available.
    1153             :  *
    1154             :  * @param[in] ctx The RTIO context to wait on
    1155             :  * @param[in] cb Callback to call when data is ready for processing
    1156             :  */
    1157           1 : void sensor_processing_with_callback(struct rtio *ctx, sensor_processing_callback_t cb);
    1158             : 
    1159             : #endif /* defined(CONFIG_SENSOR_ASYNC_API) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) */
    1160             : 
    1161             : /**
    1162             :  * @brief The value of gravitational constant in micro m/s^2.
    1163             :  */
    1164           1 : #define SENSOR_G                9806650LL
    1165             : 
    1166             : /**
    1167             :  * @brief The value of constant PI in micros.
    1168             :  */
    1169           1 : #define SENSOR_PI               3141592LL
    1170             : 
    1171             : /**
    1172             :  * @brief Helper function to convert acceleration from m/s^2 to Gs
    1173             :  *
    1174             :  * @param ms2 A pointer to a sensor_value struct holding the acceleration,
    1175             :  *            in m/s^2.
    1176             :  *
    1177             :  * @return The converted value, in Gs.
    1178             :  */
    1179           1 : static inline int32_t sensor_ms2_to_g(const struct sensor_value *ms2)
    1180             : {
    1181             :         int64_t micro_ms2 = ms2->val1 * 1000000LL + ms2->val2;
    1182             : 
    1183             :         if (micro_ms2 > 0) {
    1184             :                 return (micro_ms2 + SENSOR_G / 2) / SENSOR_G;
    1185             :         } else {
    1186             :                 return (micro_ms2 - SENSOR_G / 2) / SENSOR_G;
    1187             :         }
    1188             : }
    1189             : 
    1190             : /**
    1191             :  * @brief Helper function to convert acceleration from Gs to m/s^2
    1192             :  *
    1193             :  * @param g The G value to be converted.
    1194             :  * @param ms2 A pointer to a sensor_value struct, where the result is stored.
    1195             :  */
    1196           1 : static inline void sensor_g_to_ms2(int32_t g, struct sensor_value *ms2)
    1197             : {
    1198             :         ms2->val1 = ((int64_t)g * SENSOR_G) / 1000000LL;
    1199             :         ms2->val2 = ((int64_t)g * SENSOR_G) % 1000000LL;
    1200             : }
    1201             : 
    1202             : /**
    1203             :  * @brief Helper function to convert acceleration from m/s^2 to micro Gs
    1204             :  *
    1205             :  * @param ms2 A pointer to a sensor_value struct holding the acceleration,
    1206             :  *            in m/s^2.
    1207             :  *
    1208             :  * @return The converted value, in micro Gs.
    1209             :  */
    1210           1 : static inline int32_t sensor_ms2_to_ug(const struct sensor_value *ms2)
    1211             : {
    1212             :         int64_t micro_ms2 = (ms2->val1 * INT64_C(1000000)) + ms2->val2;
    1213             : 
    1214             :         return (micro_ms2 * 1000000LL) / SENSOR_G;
    1215             : }
    1216             : 
    1217             : /**
    1218             :  * @brief Helper function to convert acceleration from micro Gs to m/s^2
    1219             :  *
    1220             :  * @param ug The micro G value to be converted.
    1221             :  * @param ms2 A pointer to a sensor_value struct, where the result is stored.
    1222             :  */
    1223           1 : static inline void sensor_ug_to_ms2(int32_t ug, struct sensor_value *ms2)
    1224             : {
    1225             :         ms2->val1 = ((int64_t)ug * SENSOR_G / 1000000LL) / 1000000LL;
    1226             :         ms2->val2 = ((int64_t)ug * SENSOR_G / 1000000LL) % 1000000LL;
    1227             : }
    1228             : 
    1229             : /**
    1230             :  * @brief Helper function for converting radians to degrees.
    1231             :  *
    1232             :  * @param rad A pointer to a sensor_value struct, holding the value in radians.
    1233             :  *
    1234             :  * @return The converted value, in degrees.
    1235             :  */
    1236           1 : static inline int32_t sensor_rad_to_degrees(const struct sensor_value *rad)
    1237             : {
    1238             :         int64_t micro_rad_s = rad->val1 * 1000000LL + rad->val2;
    1239             : 
    1240             :         if (micro_rad_s > 0) {
    1241             :                 return (micro_rad_s * 180LL + SENSOR_PI / 2) / SENSOR_PI;
    1242             :         } else {
    1243             :                 return (micro_rad_s * 180LL - SENSOR_PI / 2) / SENSOR_PI;
    1244             :         }
    1245             : }
    1246             : 
    1247             : /**
    1248             :  * @brief Helper function for converting degrees to radians.
    1249             :  *
    1250             :  * @param d The value (in degrees) to be converted.
    1251             :  * @param rad A pointer to a sensor_value struct, where the result is stored.
    1252             :  */
    1253           1 : static inline void sensor_degrees_to_rad(int32_t d, struct sensor_value *rad)
    1254             : {
    1255             :         rad->val1 = ((int64_t)d * SENSOR_PI / 180LL) / 1000000LL;
    1256             :         rad->val2 = ((int64_t)d * SENSOR_PI / 180LL) % 1000000LL;
    1257             : }
    1258             : 
    1259             : /**
    1260             :  * @brief Helper function for converting radians to 10 micro degrees.
    1261             :  *
    1262             :  * When the unit is 1 micro degree, the range that the int32_t can represent is
    1263             :  * +/-2147.483 degrees. In order to increase this range, here we use 10 micro
    1264             :  * degrees as the unit.
    1265             :  *
    1266             :  * @param rad A pointer to a sensor_value struct, holding the value in radians.
    1267             :  *
    1268             :  * @return The converted value, in 10 micro degrees.
    1269             :  */
    1270           1 : static inline int32_t sensor_rad_to_10udegrees(const struct sensor_value *rad)
    1271             : {
    1272             :         int64_t micro_rad_s = rad->val1 * 1000000LL + rad->val2;
    1273             : 
    1274             :         return (micro_rad_s * 180LL * 100000LL) / SENSOR_PI;
    1275             : }
    1276             : 
    1277             : /**
    1278             :  * @brief Helper function for converting 10 micro degrees to radians.
    1279             :  *
    1280             :  * @param d The value (in 10 micro degrees) to be converted.
    1281             :  * @param rad A pointer to a sensor_value struct, where the result is stored.
    1282             :  */
    1283           1 : static inline void sensor_10udegrees_to_rad(int32_t d, struct sensor_value *rad)
    1284             : {
    1285             :         rad->val1 = ((int64_t)d * SENSOR_PI / 180LL / 100000LL) / 1000000LL;
    1286             :         rad->val2 = ((int64_t)d * SENSOR_PI / 180LL / 100000LL) % 1000000LL;
    1287             : }
    1288             : 
    1289             : /**
    1290             :  * @brief Helper function for converting struct sensor_value to double.
    1291             :  *
    1292             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1293             :  * @return The converted value.
    1294             :  */
    1295           1 : static inline double sensor_value_to_double(const struct sensor_value *val)
    1296             : {
    1297             :         return (double)val->val1 + (double)val->val2 / 1000000;
    1298             : }
    1299             : 
    1300             : /**
    1301             :  * @brief Helper function for converting struct sensor_value to float.
    1302             :  *
    1303             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1304             :  * @return The converted value.
    1305             :  */
    1306           1 : static inline float sensor_value_to_float(const struct sensor_value *val)
    1307             : {
    1308             :         return (float)val->val1 + (float)val->val2 / 1000000;
    1309             : }
    1310             : 
    1311             : /**
    1312             :  * @brief Helper function for converting double to struct sensor_value.
    1313             :  *
    1314             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1315             :  * @param inp The converted value.
    1316             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
    1317             :  */
    1318           1 : static inline int sensor_value_from_double(struct sensor_value *val, double inp)
    1319             : {
    1320             :         if (inp < INT32_MIN || inp > INT32_MAX) {
    1321             :                 return -ERANGE;
    1322             :         }
    1323             : 
    1324             :         double val2 = (inp - (int32_t)inp) * 1000000.0;
    1325             : 
    1326             :         if (val2 < INT32_MIN || val2 > INT32_MAX) {
    1327             :                 return -ERANGE;
    1328             :         }
    1329             : 
    1330             :         val->val1 = (int32_t)inp;
    1331             :         val->val2 = (int32_t)val2;
    1332             : 
    1333             :         return 0;
    1334             : }
    1335             : 
    1336             : /**
    1337             :  * @brief Helper function for converting float to struct sensor_value.
    1338             :  *
    1339             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1340             :  * @param inp The converted value.
    1341             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
    1342             :  */
    1343           1 : static inline int sensor_value_from_float(struct sensor_value *val, float inp)
    1344             : {
    1345             :         float val2 = (inp - (int32_t)inp) * 1000000.0f;
    1346             : 
    1347             :         if (val2 < INT32_MIN || val2 > (float)(INT32_MAX - 1)) {
    1348             :                 return -ERANGE;
    1349             :         }
    1350             : 
    1351             :         val->val1 = (int32_t)inp;
    1352             :         val->val2 = (int32_t)val2;
    1353             : 
    1354             :         return 0;
    1355             : }
    1356             : 
    1357             : #ifdef CONFIG_SENSOR_INFO
    1358             : 
    1359             : struct sensor_info {
    1360             :         const struct device *dev;
    1361             :         const char *vendor;
    1362             :         const char *model;
    1363             :         const char *friendly_name;
    1364             : };
    1365             : 
    1366             : #define SENSOR_INFO_INITIALIZER(_dev, _vendor, _model, _friendly_name)  \
    1367             :         {                                                               \
    1368             :                 .dev = _dev,                                            \
    1369             :                 .vendor = _vendor,                                      \
    1370             :                 .model = _model,                                        \
    1371             :                 .friendly_name = _friendly_name,                        \
    1372             :         }
    1373             : 
    1374             : #define SENSOR_INFO_DEFINE(name, ...)                                   \
    1375             :         static const STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(sensor_info, name) =       \
    1376             :                 SENSOR_INFO_INITIALIZER(__VA_ARGS__)
    1377             : 
    1378             : #define SENSOR_INFO_DT_NAME(node_id)                                    \
    1379             :         _CONCAT(__sensor_info, DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node_id))
    1380             : 
    1381             : #define SENSOR_INFO_DT_DEFINE(node_id)                                  \
    1382             :         SENSOR_INFO_DEFINE(SENSOR_INFO_DT_NAME(node_id),                \
    1383             :                            DEVICE_DT_GET(node_id),                      \
    1384             :                            DT_NODE_VENDOR_OR(node_id, NULL),            \
    1385             :                            DT_NODE_MODEL_OR(node_id, NULL),             \
    1386             :                            DT_PROP_OR(node_id, friendly_name, NULL))    \
    1387             : 
    1388             : #else
    1389             : 
    1390           0 : #define SENSOR_INFO_DEFINE(name, ...)
    1391           0 : #define SENSOR_INFO_DT_DEFINE(node_id)
    1392             : 
    1393             : #endif /* CONFIG_SENSOR_INFO */
    1394             : 
    1395             : /**
    1396             :  * @brief Like DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() with sensor specifics.
    1397             :  *
    1398             :  * @details Defines a device which implements the sensor API. May define an
    1399             :  * element in the sensor info iterable section used to enumerate all sensor
    1400             :  * devices.
    1401             :  *
    1402             :  * @param node_id The devicetree node identifier.
    1403             :  *
    1404             :  * @param init_fn Name of the init function of the driver.
    1405             :  *
    1406             :  * @param pm_device PM device resources reference (NULL if device does not use
    1407             :  * PM).
    1408             :  *
    1409             :  * @param data_ptr Pointer to the device's private data.
    1410             :  *
    1411             :  * @param cfg_ptr The address to the structure containing the configuration
    1412             :  * information for this instance of the driver.
    1413             :  *
    1414             :  * @param level The initialization level. See SYS_INIT() for details.
    1415             :  *
    1416             :  * @param prio Priority within the selected initialization level. See
    1417             :  * SYS_INIT() for details.
    1418             :  *
    1419             :  * @param api_ptr Provides an initial pointer to the API function struct used
    1420             :  * by the driver. Can be NULL.
    1421             :  */
    1422             : #define SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(node_id, init_fn, pm_device,            \
    1423             :                                 data_ptr, cfg_ptr, level, prio,         \
    1424           1 :                                 api_ptr, ...)                           \
    1425             :         DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(node_id, init_fn, pm_device,                   \
    1426             :                          data_ptr, cfg_ptr, level, prio,                \
    1427             :                          api_ptr, __VA_ARGS__);                         \
    1428             :                                                                         \
    1429             :         SENSOR_INFO_DT_DEFINE(node_id);
    1430             : 
    1431             : /**
    1432             :  * @brief Like SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT
    1433             :  * compatible
    1434             :  *
    1435             :  * @param inst instance number. This is replaced by
    1436             :  * <tt>DT_DRV_COMPAT(inst)</tt> in the call to SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE().
    1437             :  *
    1438             :  * @param ... other parameters as expected by SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE().
    1439             :  */
    1440           1 : #define SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, ...)                         \
    1441             :         SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(DT_DRV_INST(inst), __VA_ARGS__)
    1442             : 
    1443             : /**
    1444             :  * @brief Helper function for converting struct sensor_value to integer milli units.
    1445             :  *
    1446             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1447             :  * @return The converted value.
    1448             :  */
    1449           1 : static inline int64_t sensor_value_to_milli(const struct sensor_value *val)
    1450             : {
    1451             :         return ((int64_t)val->val1 * 1000) + val->val2 / 1000;
    1452             : }
    1453             : 
    1454             : /**
    1455             :  * @brief Helper function for converting struct sensor_value to integer micro units.
    1456             :  *
    1457             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1458             :  * @return The converted value.
    1459             :  */
    1460           1 : static inline int64_t sensor_value_to_micro(const struct sensor_value *val)
    1461             : {
    1462             :         return ((int64_t)val->val1 * 1000000) + val->val2;
    1463             : }
    1464             : 
    1465             : /**
    1466             :  * @brief Helper function for converting integer milli units to struct sensor_value.
    1467             :  *
    1468             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1469             :  * @param milli The converted value.
    1470             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
    1471             :  */
    1472           1 : static inline int sensor_value_from_milli(struct sensor_value *val, int64_t milli)
    1473             : {
    1474             :         if (milli < ((int64_t)INT32_MIN - 1) * 1000LL ||
    1475             :                         milli > ((int64_t)INT32_MAX + 1) * 1000LL) {
    1476             :                 return -ERANGE;
    1477             :         }
    1478             : 
    1479             :         val->val1 = (int32_t)(milli / 1000);
    1480             :         val->val2 = (int32_t)(milli % 1000) * 1000;
    1481             : 
    1482             :         return 0;
    1483             : }
    1484             : 
    1485             : /**
    1486             :  * @brief Helper function for converting integer micro units to struct sensor_value.
    1487             :  *
    1488             :  * @param val A pointer to a sensor_value struct.
    1489             :  * @param micro The converted value.
    1490             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code if failure.
    1491             :  */
    1492           1 : static inline int sensor_value_from_micro(struct sensor_value *val, int64_t micro)
    1493             : {
    1494             :         if (micro < ((int64_t)INT32_MIN - 1) * 1000000LL ||
    1495             :                         micro > ((int64_t)INT32_MAX + 1) * 1000000LL) {
    1496             :                 return -ERANGE;
    1497             :         }
    1498             : 
    1499             :         val->val1 = (int32_t)(micro / 1000000LL);
    1500             :         val->val2 = (int32_t)(micro % 1000000LL);
    1501             : 
    1502             :         return 0;
    1503             : }
    1504             : 
    1505             : /**
    1506             :  * @}
    1507             :  */
    1508             : 
    1509             : /**
    1510             :  * @brief Get the decoder name for the current driver
    1511             :  *
    1512             :  * This function depends on `DT_DRV_COMPAT` being defined.
    1513             :  */
    1514           1 : #define SENSOR_DECODER_NAME() UTIL_CAT(DT_DRV_COMPAT, __decoder_api)
    1515             : 
    1516             : /**
    1517             :  * @brief Statically get the decoder for a given node
    1518             :  *
    1519             :  * @code{.c}
    1520             :  * static const sensor_decoder_api *decoder = SENSOR_DECODER_DT_GET(DT_ALIAS(accel));
    1521             :  * @endcode
    1522             :  */
    1523           1 : #define SENSOR_DECODER_DT_GET(node_id)                                                             \
    1524             :         &UTIL_CAT(DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(node_id, compatible, 0), __decoder_api)
    1525             : 
    1526             : /**
    1527             :  * @brief Define a decoder API
    1528             :  *
    1529             :  * This macro should be created once per compatible string of a sensor and will create a statically
    1530             :  * referenceable decoder API.
    1531             :  *
    1532             :  * @code{.c}
    1533             :  * SENSOR_DECODER_API_DT_DEFINE() = {
    1534             :  *   .get_frame_count = my_driver_get_frame_count,
    1535             :  *   .get_timestamp = my_driver_get_timestamp,
    1536             :  *   .get_shift = my_driver_get_shift,
    1537             :  *   .decode = my_driver_decode,
    1538             :  * };
    1539             :  * @endcode
    1540             :  */
    1541           1 : #define SENSOR_DECODER_API_DT_DEFINE()                                                             \
    1542             :         COND_CODE_1(DT_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS_OKAY(DT_DRV_COMPAT), (), (static))                        \
    1543             :         const STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(sensor_decoder_api, SENSOR_DECODER_NAME())
    1544             : 
    1545             : #define Z_MAYBE_SENSOR_DECODER_DECLARE_INTERNAL_IDX(node_id, prop, idx)                            \
    1546             :         extern const struct sensor_decoder_api UTIL_CAT(                                           \
    1547             :                 DT_STRING_TOKEN_BY_IDX(node_id, prop, idx), __decoder_api);
    1548             : 
    1549             : #define Z_MAYBE_SENSOR_DECODER_DECLARE_INTERNAL(node_id)                                           \
    1550             :         COND_CODE_1(DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(node_id, compatible),                                         \
    1551             :                     (DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM(node_id, compatible,                                     \
    1552             :                                           Z_MAYBE_SENSOR_DECODER_DECLARE_INTERNAL_IDX)),           \
    1553             :                     ())
    1554             : 
    1556             : 
    1557             : #ifdef __cplusplus
    1558             : }
    1559             : #endif
    1560             : 
    1561             : #include <zephyr/syscalls/sensor.h>
    1562             : 
    1563             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_DRIVERS_SENSOR_H_ */

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