LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/drivers/sip_svc - sip_svc_proto.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 7 44 15.9 %
Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation.
       3             :  *
       4             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       5             :  */
       6             : 
       7             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SIP_SVC_PROTO_H_
       8             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SIP_SVC_PROTO_H_
       9             : 
      10             : /**
      11             :  * @file
      12             :  * @brief Arm SiP services communication protocol
      13             :  *        between service provider and client.
      14             :  *
      15             :  * Client to fill in the input data in struct sip_svc_request format
      16             :  * when requesting SMC/HVC service via 'send' function.
      17             :  *
      18             :  * Service to fill in the SMC/HVC return value in struct sip_svc_response
      19             :  * format and pass to client via Callback.
      20             :  */
      21             : 
      22             : /**
      23             :  *  @brief Invalid id value
      24             :  */
      25           1 : #define SIP_SVC_ID_INVALID 0xFFFFFFFF
      26             : 
      27             : /** @brief Header format
      28             :  */
      29             : 
      30           1 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_VER 0x0
      31             : 
      32           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_CODE_OFFSET 0
      33           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_CODE_MASK   0xFFFF
      34             : 
      35           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_OFFSET 16
      36           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_MASK   0xFF
      37             : 
      38           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_VER_OFFSET 30
      39           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_VER_MASK   0x3
      40             : 
      41           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER(code, trans_id)                                                       \
      42             :         ((((code)&SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_CODE_MASK) << SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_CODE_OFFSET) |           \
      43             :          (((trans_id)&SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_MASK)                                          \
      44             :           << SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_OFFSET) |                                               \
      46             : 
      47           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_GET_CODE(header)                                                      \
      48             :         (((header) >> SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_CODE_OFFSET) & SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_CODE_MASK)
      49             : 
      50           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_GET_TRANS_ID(header)                                                  \
      51             :         (((header) >> SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_OFFSET) & SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_MASK)
      52             : 
      53           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_SET_TRANS_ID(header, trans_id)                                        \
      54             :         (header) &= ~(SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_MASK << SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_OFFSET); \
      55             :         (header) |= (((trans_id)&SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_MASK)                               \
      56             :                      << SIP_SVC_PROTO_HEADER_TRANS_ID_OFFSET);
      57             : 
      58             : /** @brief Arm SiP services command code in request header
      59             :  *
      60             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_CMD_SYNC
      61             :  *     - Typical flow, synchronous request. Service expects EL3/EL2 firmware to
      62             :  *       return the result immediately during SMC/HVC call.
      63             :  *
      64             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_CMD_ASYNC
      65             :  *     - Asynchronous request. Service is required to poll the response via a
      66             :  *       separate SMC/HVC call. Use this method if the request requires longer
      67             :  *       processing in EL3/EL2.
      68             :  */
      69             : 
      70           1 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_CMD_SYNC  0x0
      71           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_CMD_ASYNC 0x1
      72           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_CMD_MAX   SIP_SVC_PROTO_CMD_ASYNC
      73             : 
      74             : /** @brief Error code in response header
      75             :  *
      76             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_OK
      77             :  *     - Successfully execute the request.
      78             :  *
      79             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_UNKNOWN
      80             :  *     - Unrecognized SMC/HVC Function ID.
      81             :  *
      82             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_BUSY
      83             :  *     - The request is still in progress. Please try again.
      84             :  *
      85             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_REJECT
      86             :  *     - The request have been rejected due to improper input data.
      87             :  *
      88             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_NO_RESPONSE
      89             :  *     - No response from target hardware yet.
      90             :  *
      91             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_ERROR
      92             :  *     - Error occurred when executing the request.
      93             :  *
      94             :  * SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT
      95             :  *     - Unsupported Arm SiP services command code
      96             :  */
      97             : 
      98           1 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_OK          0x0
      99           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_UNKNOWN     0xFFFF
     100           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_BUSY        0x1
     101           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_REJECT      0x2
     102           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_NO_RESPONSE 0x3
     103           0 : #define SIP_SVC_PROTO_STATUS_ERROR       0x4
     104             : 
     105             : /** @brief SiP Service communication protocol
     106             :  *         request format.
     107             :  *
     108             :  * request header
     109             :  *     - bits [15: 0] Arm SiP services command code
     110             :  *     - bits [23:16] Transaction ID (Filled in by sip_svc service)
     111             :  *     - bits [29:24] Unused. Reserved.
     112             :  *     - bits [31:30] Arm SiP services communication protocol version
     113             :  *
     114             :  * a0 - a7
     115             :  *     - User input data to be filled into a0-a7 registers when trigger
     116             :  *       SMC/HVC
     117             :  *
     118             :  * resp_data_addr
     119             :  *     - This parameter only used by asynchronous command.
     120             :  *     - Dynamic memory address for service to put the asynchronous response
     121             :  *       data. The service will free this memory space if the client has
     122             :  *       cancelled the transaction.
     123             :  *
     124             :  * resp_data_size
     125             :  *     - This parameter only used by asynchronous command.
     126             :  *     - Maximum memory size in bytes of resp_data_addr
     127             :  *
     128             :  * priv_data
     129             :  *     - Memory address to client context. Service will pass this address back
     130             :  *       to client in response format via callback.
     131             :  */
     132             : 
     133           1 : struct sip_svc_request {
     134           0 :         uint32_t header;
     135           0 :         unsigned long a0;
     136           0 :         unsigned long a1;
     137           0 :         unsigned long a2;
     138           0 :         unsigned long a3;
     139           0 :         unsigned long a4;
     140           0 :         unsigned long a5;
     141           0 :         unsigned long a6;
     142           0 :         unsigned long a7;
     143           0 :         uint64_t resp_data_addr;
     144           0 :         uint32_t resp_data_size;
     145           0 :         void *priv_data;
     146             : };
     147             : 
     148             : /** @brief SiP Services service communication protocol
     149             :  *         response format.
     150             :  *
     151             :  * response header
     152             :  *     - bits [15: 0] Error code
     153             :  *     - bits [23:16] Transaction ID
     154             :  *     - bits [29:24] Unused. Reserved.
     155             :  *     - bits [31:30] Arm SiP services communication protocol version
     156             :  *
     157             :  * a0 - a3
     158             :  *     - SMC/HVC return value
     159             :  *
     160             :  * resp_data_addr
     161             :  *     - This parameter only used by asynchronous command.
     162             :  *     - Dynamic memory address that put the asynchronous response data.
     163             :  *       This address is provided by client during request. Client is responsible
     164             :  *       to free the memory space when receive the callback of a asynchronous
     165             :  *       command transaction.The memory needs to be dynamically allocated,
     166             :  *       the framework will free the allocated memory if the channel is in ABORT
     167             :  *       state.
     168             :  *
     169             :  * resp_data_size
     170             :  *     - This parameter only used by asynchronous command.
     171             :  *     - Valid data size in bytes of resp_data_addr
     172             :  *
     173             :  * priv_data
     174             :  *     - Memory address to client context which given during request.
     175             :  */
     176             : 
     177           1 : struct sip_svc_response {
     178           0 :         uint32_t header;
     179           0 :         unsigned long a0;
     180           0 :         unsigned long a1;
     181           0 :         unsigned long a2;
     182           0 :         unsigned long a3;
     183           0 :         uint64_t resp_data_addr;
     184           0 :         uint32_t resp_data_size;
     185           0 :         void *priv_data;
     186             : };
     187             : 
     188             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SIP_SVC_PROTO_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14