LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/fs - zms.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 22 23 95.7 %
Date: 2024-12-21 18:13:37

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : /* Copyright (c) 2024 BayLibre SAS
       2             :  *
       3             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       4             :  *
       5             :  * ZMS: Zephyr Memory Storage
       6             :  */
       7             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_FS_ZMS_H_
       8             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_FS_ZMS_H_
       9             : 
      10             : #include <sys/types.h>
      11             : #include <zephyr/drivers/flash.h>
      12             : #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
      13             : #include <zephyr/device.h>
      14             : #include <zephyr/toolchain.h>
      15             : 
      16             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      17             : extern "C" {
      18             : #endif
      19             : 
      20             : /**
      21             :  * @defgroup zms Zephyr Memory Storage (ZMS)
      22             :  * @ingroup file_system_storage
      23             :  * @{
      24             :  * @}
      25             :  */
      26             : 
      27             : /**
      28             :  * @defgroup zms_data_structures ZMS data structures
      29             :  * @ingroup zms
      30             :  * @{
      31             :  */
      32             : 
      33             : /** Zephyr Memory Storage file system structure */
      34           1 : struct zms_fs {
      35             :         /** File system offset in flash */
      36           1 :         off_t offset;
      37             :         /** Allocation Table Entry (ATE) write address.
      38             :          * Addresses are stored as `uint64_t`:
      39             :          * - high 4 bytes correspond to the sector
      40             :          * - low 4 bytes are the offset in the sector
      41             :          */
      42           1 :         uint64_t ate_wra;
      43             :         /** Data write address */
      44           1 :         uint64_t data_wra;
      45             :         /** Storage system is split into sectors. The sector size must be a multiple of
      46             :          *  `erase-block-size` if the device has erase capabilities
      47             :          */
      48           1 :         uint32_t sector_size;
      49             :         /** Number of sectors in the file system */
      50           1 :         uint32_t sector_count;
      51             :         /** Current cycle counter of the active sector (pointed to by `ate_wra`) */
      52           1 :         uint8_t sector_cycle;
      53             :         /** Flag indicating if the file system is initialized */
      54           1 :         bool ready;
      55             :         /** Mutex used to lock flash writes */
      56           1 :         struct k_mutex zms_lock;
      57             :         /** Flash device runtime structure */
      58           1 :         const struct device *flash_device;
      59             :         /** Flash memory parameters structure */
      60           1 :         const struct flash_parameters *flash_parameters;
      61             :         /** Size of an Allocation Table Entry */
      62           1 :         size_t ate_size;
      63             : #if CONFIG_ZMS_LOOKUP_CACHE
      64             :         /** Lookup table used to cache ATE addresses of written IDs */
      65             :         uint64_t lookup_cache[CONFIG_ZMS_LOOKUP_CACHE_SIZE];
      66             : #endif
      67             : };
      68             : 
      69             : /**
      70             :  * @}
      71             :  */
      72             : 
      73             : /**
      74             :  * @defgroup zms_high_level_api ZMS API
      75             :  * @ingroup zms
      76             :  * @{
      77             :  */
      78             : 
      79             : /**
      80             :  * @brief Mount a ZMS file system onto the device specified in `fs`.
      81             :  *
      82             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
      83             :  * @retval 0 Success
      84             :  * @retval -ERRNO Negative errno code on error
      85             :  */
      86           1 : int zms_mount(struct zms_fs *fs);
      87             : 
      88             : /**
      89             :  * @brief Clear the ZMS file system from device.
      90             :  *
      91             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
      92             :  * @retval 0 Success
      93             :  * @retval -ERRNO Negative errno code on error
      94             :  */
      95           1 : int zms_clear(struct zms_fs *fs);
      96             : 
      97             : /**
      98             :  * @brief Write an entry to the file system.
      99             :  *
     100             :  * @note  When the `len` parameter is equal to `0` the entry is effectively removed (it is
     101             :  * equivalent to calling @ref zms_delete()). It is not possible to distinguish between a deleted
     102             :  * entry and an entry with data of length 0.
     103             :  *
     104             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     105             :  * @param id ID of the entry to be written
     106             :  * @param data Pointer to the data to be written
     107             :  * @param len Number of bytes to be written (maximum 64 KiB)
     108             :  *
     109             :  * @return Number of bytes written. On success, it will be equal to the number of bytes requested
     110             :  * to be written or 0.
     111             :  * When a rewrite of the same data already stored is attempted, nothing is written to flash,
     112             :  * thus 0 is returned. On error, returns negative value of error codes defined in `errno.h`.
     113             :  */
     114           1 : ssize_t zms_write(struct zms_fs *fs, uint32_t id, const void *data, size_t len);
     115             : 
     116             : /**
     117             :  * @brief Delete an entry from the file system
     118             :  *
     119             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     120             :  * @param id ID of the entry to be deleted
     121             :  * @retval 0 Success
     122             :  * @retval -ERRNO Negative errno code on error
     123             :  */
     124           1 : int zms_delete(struct zms_fs *fs, uint32_t id);
     125             : 
     126             : /**
     127             :  * @brief Read an entry from the file system.
     128             :  *
     129             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     130             :  * @param id ID of the entry to be read
     131             :  * @param data Pointer to data buffer
     132             :  * @param len Number of bytes to read at most
     133             :  *
     134             :  * @return Number of bytes read. On success, it will be equal to the number of bytes requested
     135             :  * to be read or less than that if the stored data has a smaller size than the requested one.
     136             :  * On error, returns negative value of error codes defined in `errno.h`.
     137             :  */
     138           1 : ssize_t zms_read(struct zms_fs *fs, uint32_t id, void *data, size_t len);
     139             : 
     140             : /**
     141             :  * @brief Read a history entry from the file system.
     142             :  *
     143             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     144             :  * @param id ID of the entry to be read
     145             :  * @param data Pointer to data buffer
     146             :  * @param len Number of bytes to be read
     147             :  * @param cnt History counter: 0: latest entry, 1: one before latest ...
     148             :  *
     149             :  * @return Number of bytes read. On success, it will be equal to the number of bytes requested
     150             :  * to be read. When the return value is larger than the number of bytes requested to read this
     151             :  * indicates not all bytes were read, and more data is available. On error, returns negative
     152             :  * value of error codes defined in `errno.h`.
     153             :  */
     154           1 : ssize_t zms_read_hist(struct zms_fs *fs, uint32_t id, void *data, size_t len, uint32_t cnt);
     155             : 
     156             : /**
     157             :  * @brief Gets the length of the data that is stored in an entry with a given ID
     158             :  *
     159             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     160             :  * @param id ID of the entry whose data length to retrieve.
     161             :  *
     162             :  * @return Data length contained in the ATE. On success, it will be equal to the number of bytes
     163             :  * in the ATE. On error, returns negative value of error codes defined in `errno.h`.
     164             :  */
     165           1 : ssize_t zms_get_data_length(struct zms_fs *fs, uint32_t id);
     166             : 
     167             : /**
     168             :  * @brief Calculate the available free space in the file system.
     169             :  *
     170             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     171             :  *
     172             :  * @return Number of free bytes. On success, it will be equal to the number of bytes that can
     173             :  * still be written to the file system.
     174             :  * Calculating the free space is a time-consuming operation, especially on SPI flash.
     175             :  * On error, returns negative value of error codes defined in `errno.h`.
     176             :  */
     177           1 : ssize_t zms_calc_free_space(struct zms_fs *fs);
     178             : 
     179             : /**
     180             :  * @brief Tell how much contiguous free space remains in the currently active ZMS sector.
     181             :  *
     182             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     183             :  *
     184             :  * @return Number of free bytes.
     185             :  */
     186           1 : size_t zms_active_sector_free_space(struct zms_fs *fs);
     187             : 
     188             : /**
     189             :  * @brief Close the currently active sector and switch to the next one.
     190             :  *
     191             :  * @note The garbage collector is called on the new sector.
     192             :  *
     193             :  * @warning This routine is made available for specific use cases.
     194             :  * It collides with ZMS's goal of avoiding any unnecessary flash erase operations.
     195             :  * Using this routine extensively can result in premature failure of the flash device.
     196             :  *
     197             :  * @param fs Pointer to the file system.
     198             :  *
     199             :  * @return 0 on success. On error, returns negative value of error codes defined in `errno.h`.
     200             :  */
     201           1 : int zms_sector_use_next(struct zms_fs *fs);
     202             : 
     203             : /**
     204             :  * @}
     205             :  */
     206             : 
     207             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     208             : }
     209             : #endif
     210             : 
     211             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_FS_ZMS_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14