LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/logging - log_core.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 14 35 40.0 %
Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright (c) 2018 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
       3             :  *
       4             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       5             :  */
       6             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_LOGGING_LOG_CORE_H_
       7             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_LOGGING_LOG_CORE_H_
       8             : 
       9             : #include <zephyr/logging/log_msg.h>
      10             : #include <zephyr/logging/log_instance.h>
      11             : #include <stdbool.h>
      12             : #include <stdint.h>
      13             : #include <stdarg.h>
      14             : #include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
      15             : 
      16             : /* This header file keeps all macros and functions needed for creating logging
      17             :  * messages (macros like @ref LOG_ERR).
      18             :  */
      19           0 : #define LOG_LEVEL_NONE 0
      20           0 : #define LOG_LEVEL_ERR  1
      21           0 : #define LOG_LEVEL_WRN  2
      22           0 : #define LOG_LEVEL_INF  3
      23           0 : #define LOG_LEVEL_DBG  4
      24             : 
      25             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      26             : extern "C" {
      27             : #endif
      28             : 
      29             : #ifndef CONFIG_LOG
      30           0 : #define CONFIG_LOG_DEFAULT_LEVEL 0
      31           0 : #define CONFIG_LOG_MAX_LEVEL 0
      32             : #endif
      33             : 
      34             : /* Id of local domain. */
      35             : #define Z_LOG_LOCAL_DOMAIN_ID 0
      36             : 
      37           0 : #define LOG_FUNCTION_PREFIX_MASK \
      38             :         (((uint32_t)IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_ERR) << \
      39             :           LOG_LEVEL_ERR) | \
      40             :          ((uint32_t)IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_WRN) << \
      41             :           LOG_LEVEL_WRN) | \
      42             :          ((uint32_t)IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_INF) << \
      43             :           LOG_LEVEL_INF) | \
      44             :          ((uint32_t)IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_DBG) << LOG_LEVEL_DBG))
      45             : 
      46             : /** @brief Macro for returning local level value if defined or default.
      47             :  *
      48             :  * Check @ref IS_ENABLED macro for detailed explanation of the trick.
      49             :  */
      50             : #define Z_LOG_RESOLVED_LEVEL(_level, _default) \
      51             :         Z_LOG_RESOLVED_LEVEL1(_level, _default)
      52             : 
      53             : #define Z_LOG_RESOLVED_LEVEL1(_level, _default) \
      54             :         __COND_CODE(_LOG_XXXX##_level, (_level), (_default))
      55             : 
      56             : #define _LOG_XXXX0  _LOG_YYYY,
      57             : #define _LOG_XXXX1  _LOG_YYYY,
      58             : #define _LOG_XXXX2  _LOG_YYYY,
      59             : #define _LOG_XXXX3  _LOG_YYYY,
      60             : #define _LOG_XXXX4  _LOG_YYYY,
      61             : 
      62             : /**
      63             :  * @brief Macro for conditional code generation if provided log level allows.
      64             :  *
      65             :  * Macro behaves similarly to standard \#if \#else \#endif clause. The
      66             :  * difference is that it is evaluated when used and not when header file is
      67             :  * included.
      68             :  *
      69             :  * @param _eval_level Evaluated level. If level evaluates to one of existing log
      70             :  *                    log level (1-4) then macro evaluates to _iftrue.
      71             :  * @param _iftrue     Code that should be inserted when evaluated to true. Note,
      72             :  *                    that parameter must be provided in brackets.
      73             :  * @param _iffalse    Code that should be inserted when evaluated to false.
      74             :  *                    Note, that parameter must be provided in brackets.
      75             :  */
      76             : #define Z_LOG_EVAL(_eval_level, _iftrue, _iffalse) \
      77             :         Z_LOG_EVAL1(_eval_level, _iftrue, _iffalse)
      78             : 
      79             : #define Z_LOG_EVAL1(_eval_level, _iftrue, _iffalse) \
      80             :         __COND_CODE(_LOG_ZZZZ##_eval_level, _iftrue, _iffalse)
      81             : 
      82             : #define _LOG_ZZZZ1  _LOG_YYYY,
      83             : #define _LOG_ZZZZ2  _LOG_YYYY,
      84             : #define _LOG_ZZZZ3  _LOG_YYYY,
      85             : #define _LOG_ZZZZ4  _LOG_YYYY,
      86             : 
      87             : /**
      88             :  *
      89             :  * @brief Macro for getting ID of current module.
      90             :  */
      91           1 : #define LOG_CURRENT_MODULE_ID() (__log_level != 0 ? \
      92             :         log_const_source_id(__log_current_const_data) : 0U)
      93             : 
      94             : /* Set of defines that are set to 1 if function name prefix is enabled for given level. */
      95             : #define Z_LOG_FUNC_PREFIX_0 0
      96             : #define Z_LOG_FUNC_PREFIX_1 COND_CODE_1(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_ERR, (1), (0))
      97             : #define Z_LOG_FUNC_PREFIX_2 COND_CODE_1(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_WRN, (1), (0))
      98             : #define Z_LOG_FUNC_PREFIX_3 COND_CODE_1(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_INF, (1), (0))
      99             : #define Z_LOG_FUNC_PREFIX_4 COND_CODE_1(CONFIG_LOG_FUNC_NAME_PREFIX_DBG, (1), (0))
     100             : 
     101             : /**
     102             :  * @brief Macro for optional injection of function name as first argument of
     103             :  *        formatted string. COND_CODE_0() macro is used to handle no arguments
     104             :  *        case.
     105             :  *
     106             :  * The purpose of this macro is to prefix string literal with format specifier
     107             :  * for function name and inject function name as first argument. In order to
     108             :  * handle string with no arguments _LOG_Z_EVAL is used.
     109             :  */
     110             : #define Z_LOG_STR_WITH_PREFIX2(...) \
     111             :         "%s: " GET_ARG_N(1, __VA_ARGS__), (const char *)__func__\
     112             :                 COND_CODE_0(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__),\
     113             :                             (),\
     114             :                             (, GET_ARGS_LESS_N(1, __VA_ARGS__))\
     115             :                            )
     116             : 
     117             : /* Macro handles case when no format string is provided: e.g. LOG_DBG().
     118             :  * Handling of format string is deferred to the next level macro.
     119             :  */
     120             : #define Z_LOG_STR_WITH_PREFIX(...) \
     121             :         COND_CODE_0(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(_, ##__VA_ARGS__), \
     122             :                 ("%s", (const char *)__func__), \
     123             :                 (Z_LOG_STR_WITH_PREFIX2(__VA_ARGS__)))
     124             : 
     125             : /**
     126             :  * @brief Handle optional injection of function name as the first argument.
     127             :  *
     128             :  * Additionally, macro is handling the empty message case.
     129             :  */
     130             : #define Z_LOG_STR(_level, ...) \
     131             :         COND_CODE_1(UTIL_CAT(Z_LOG_FUNC_PREFIX_##_level), \
     132             :                 (Z_LOG_STR_WITH_PREFIX(__VA_ARGS__)), (__VA_ARGS__))
     133             : 
     134             : #define Z_LOG_LEVEL_CHECK(_level, _check_level, _default_level) \
     135             :         ((_level) <= Z_LOG_RESOLVED_LEVEL(_check_level, _default_level))
     136             : 
     137             : /** @brief Compile time level checking.
     138             :  *
     139             :  * This check is resolved at compile time and logging message is removed if check fails.
     140             :  *
     141             :  * @param _level Log level.
     142             :  *
     143             :  * @retval true Message shall be compiled in.
     144             :  * @retval false Message shall removed during the compilation.
     145             :  */
     146             : #define Z_LOG_CONST_LEVEL_CHECK(_level)                                     \
     147             :         (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG) &&                                          \
     148             :         (Z_LOG_LEVEL_CHECK(_level, CONFIG_LOG_OVERRIDE_LEVEL, LOG_LEVEL_NONE) \
     149             :         ||                                                                  \
     150             :         ((IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_OVERRIDE_LEVEL) == false) &&                \
     151             :         ((_level) <= __log_level) &&                                     \
     152             :         ((_level) <= CONFIG_LOG_MAX_LEVEL)                               \
     153             :         )                                                                   \
     154             :         ))
     155             : 
     156             : /** @brief Static level checking for instance logging.
     157             :  *
     158             :  * This check applies only to instance logging and only if runtime filtering
     159             :  * is disabled. It is performed in runtime but because level comes from the
     160             :  * structure which is constant it is not exact runtime filtering because it
     161             :  * cannot be changed in runtime.
     162             :  *
     163             :  * @param _level Log level.
     164             :  * @param _inst 1 is source is the instance of a module.
     165             :  * @param _source Data associated with the instance.
     166             :  *
     167             :  * @retval true Continue with log message creation.
     168             :  * @retval false Drop that message.
     169             :  */
     170             : #define Z_LOG_STATIC_INST_LEVEL_CHECK(_level, _inst, _source)                                      \
     171             :         (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_RUNTIME_FILTERING) || !_inst ||                                     \
     172             :          (_level <= ((const struct log_source_const_data *)_source)->level))
     173             : 
     174             : /** @brief Dynamic level checking.
     175             :  *
     176             :  * It uses the level from the dynamic structure.
     177             :  *
     178             :  * @param _level Log level.
     179             :  * @param _source Data associated with the source.
     180             :  *
     181             :  * @retval true Continue with log message creation.
     182             :  * @retval false Drop that message.
     183             :  */
     184             : #define Z_LOG_DYNAMIC_LEVEL_CHECK(_level, _source)                                                 \
     185             :         (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_RUNTIME_FILTERING) || k_is_user_context() ||                       \
     186             :          ((_level) <= Z_LOG_RUNTIME_FILTER(((struct log_source_dynamic_data *)_source)->filters)))
     187             : 
     188             : /** @brief Check if message shall be created.
     189             :  *
     190             :  * Aggregate all checks into a single one.
     191             :  *
     192             :  * @param _level Log level.
     193             :  * @param _inst 1 is source is the instance of a module.
     194             :  * @param _source Data associated with the source.
     195             :  *
     196             :  * @retval true Continue with log message creation.
     197             :  * @retval false Drop that message.
     198             :  */
     199             : #define Z_LOG_LEVEL_ALL_CHECK(_level, _inst, _source)                                              \
     200             :         (Z_LOG_CONST_LEVEL_CHECK(_level) &&                                                        \
     201             :          Z_LOG_STATIC_INST_LEVEL_CHECK(_level, _inst, _source) &&                                  \
     202             :          Z_LOG_DYNAMIC_LEVEL_CHECK(_level, _source))
     203             : 
     204             : /** @brief Get current module data that is used for source id retrieving.
     205             :  *
     206             :  * If runtime filtering is used then pointer to dynamic data is returned and else constant
     207             :  * data is used.
     208             :  */
     209             : #define Z_LOG_CURRENT_DATA()                                                                       \
     210             :         COND_CODE_1(CONFIG_LOG_RUNTIME_FILTERING, \
     211             :                         (__log_current_dynamic_data), (__log_current_const_data))
     212             : 
     213             : /*****************************************************************************/
     214             : /****************** Definitions used by minimal logging *********************/
     215             : /*****************************************************************************/
     216             : void z_log_minimal_hexdump_print(int level, const void *data, size_t size);
     217             : void z_log_minimal_vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list ap);
     218             : void z_log_minimal_printk(const char *fmt, ...);
     219             : 
     220             : #define Z_LOG_TO_PRINTK(_level, fmt, ...) do { \
     221             :         z_log_minimal_printk("%c: " fmt "\n", \
     222             :                              z_log_minimal_level_to_char(_level), \
     223             :                              ##__VA_ARGS__); \
     224             : } while (false)
     225             : 
     226             : #define Z_LOG_TO_VPRINTK(_level, fmt, valist) do { \
     227             :         z_log_minimal_printk("%c: ", z_log_minimal_level_to_char(_level)); \
     228             :         z_log_minimal_vprintk(fmt, valist); \
     229             :         z_log_minimal_printk("\n"); \
     230             : } while (false)
     231             : 
     232             : static inline char z_log_minimal_level_to_char(int level)
     233             : {
     234             :         switch (level) {
     235             :         case LOG_LEVEL_ERR:
     236             :                 return 'E';
     237             :         case LOG_LEVEL_WRN:
     238             :                 return 'W';
     239             :         case LOG_LEVEL_INF:
     240             :                 return 'I';
     241             :         case LOG_LEVEL_DBG:
     242             :                 return 'D';
     243             :         default:
     244             :                 return '?';
     245             :         }
     246             : }
     247             : 
     248             : #define Z_LOG_INST(_inst) COND_CODE_1(CONFIG_LOG, (_inst), NULL)
     249             : 
     250             : /* If strings are removed from the binary then there is a risk of creating invalid
     251             :  * cbprintf package if %p is used with character pointer which is interpreted as
     252             :  * string. A compile time check is performed (since format string is known at
     253             :  * compile time) and check fails logging message is not created but error is
     254             :  * emitted instead. String check may increase compilation time so it is not
     255             :  * always performed (could significantly increase CI time).
     256             :  */
     257             : #ifdef CONFIG_LOG_FMT_STRING_VALIDATE
     258             : #define LOG_STRING_WARNING(_mode, _src, ...) \
     259             :             Z_LOG_MSG_CREATE(UTIL_NOT(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_USERSPACE)), _mode, \
     260             :                              Z_LOG_LOCAL_DOMAIN_ID, _src, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, NULL, 0, \
     261             :                              "char pointer used for %%p, cast to void *:\"%s\"", \
     262             :                              GET_ARG_N(1, __VA_ARGS__))
     263             : 
     264             : #define LOG_POINTERS_VALIDATE(string_ok, ...) \
     265             :         _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") \
     266             :         _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wpointer-arith\"") \
     267             :         string_ok = Z_CBPRINTF_POINTERS_VALIDATE(__VA_ARGS__); \
     268             :         _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
     269             : #else
     270           0 : #define LOG_POINTERS_VALIDATE(string_ok, ...) string_ok = true
     271           0 : #define LOG_STRING_WARNING(_mode, _src, ...)
     272             : #endif
     273             : 
     274             : /*****************************************************************************/
     275             : /****************** Macros for standard logging ******************************/
     276             : /*****************************************************************************/
     277             : /** @internal
     278             :  * @brief Generic logging macro.
     279             :  *
     280             :  * It checks against static levels (resolved at compile timer), runtime levels
     281             :  * and modes and dispatch to relevant processing path.
     282             :  *
     283             :  * @param _level Log message severity level.
     284             :  *
     285             :  * @param _inst Set to 1 for instance specific log message. 0 otherwise.
     286             :  * @param _source Pointer to a structure associated with the module or instance.
     287             :  *                If it is a module then it is used only when runtime filtering is
     288             :  *                enabled. If it is instance then it is used in both cases.
     289             :  *
     290             :  * @param ... String with arguments.
     291             :  */
     292             : #define Z_LOG2(_level, _inst, _source, ...)                                                        \
     293             :         do {                                                                                       \
     294             :                 if (!Z_LOG_LEVEL_ALL_CHECK(_level, _inst, _source)) {                              \
     295             :                         break;                                                                     \
     296             :                 }                                                                                  \
     297             :                 if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_MODE_MINIMAL)) {                                         \
     298             :                         Z_LOG_TO_PRINTK(_level, __VA_ARGS__);                                      \
     299             :                         break;                                                                     \
     300             :                 }                                                                                  \
     301             :                 int _mode;                                                                         \
     302             :                 bool string_ok;                                                                    \
     303             :                 LOG_POINTERS_VALIDATE(string_ok, __VA_ARGS__);                                     \
     304             :                 if (!string_ok) {                                                                  \
     305             :                         LOG_STRING_WARNING(_mode, _source, __VA_ARGS__);                           \
     306             :                         break;                                                                     \
     307             :                 }                                                                                  \
     308             :                 Z_LOG_MSG_CREATE(UTIL_NOT(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_USERSPACE)), _mode,                    \
     309             :                                  Z_LOG_LOCAL_DOMAIN_ID, _source, _level, NULL, 0, __VA_ARGS__);    \
     310             :                 (void)_mode;                                                                       \
     311             :                 if (false) {                                                                       \
     312             :                         /* Arguments checker present but never evaluated.*/                        \
     313             :                         /* Placed here to ensure that __VA_ARGS__ are*/                            \
     314             :                         /* evaluated once when log is enabled.*/                                   \
     315             :                         z_log_printf_arg_checker(__VA_ARGS__);                                     \
     316             :                 }                                                                                  \
     317             :         } while (false)
     318             : 
     319             : #define Z_LOG(_level, ...)                 Z_LOG2(_level, 0, Z_LOG_CURRENT_DATA(), __VA_ARGS__)
     320             : #define Z_LOG_INSTANCE(_level, _inst, ...) Z_LOG2(_level, 1, Z_LOG_INST(_inst), __VA_ARGS__)
     321             : 
     322             : /*****************************************************************************/
     323             : /****************** Macros for hexdump logging *******************************/
     324             : /*****************************************************************************/
     325             : /** @internal
     326             :  * @brief Generic logging macro.
     327             :  *
     328             :  * It checks against static levels (resolved at compile timer), runtime levels
     329             :  * and modes and dispatch to relevant processing path.
     330             :  *
     331             :  * @param _level Log message severity level.
     332             :  *
     333             :  * @param _inst Set to 1 for instance specific log message. 0 otherwise.
     334             :  *
     335             :  * @param _source Pointer to a structure associated with the module or instance.
     336             :  *                If it is a module then it is used only when runtime filtering is
     337             :  *                enabled. If it is instance then it is used in both cases.
     338             :  *
     339             :  * @param _data Hexdump data;
     340             :  *
     341             :  * @param _len Hexdump data length.
     342             :  *
     343             :  * @param ... String.
     344             :  */
     345             : #define Z_LOG_HEXDUMP2(_level, _inst, _source, _data, _len, ...)                                   \
     346             :         do {                                                                                       \
     347             :                 if (!Z_LOG_LEVEL_ALL_CHECK(_level, _inst, _source)) {                              \
     348             :                         break;                                                                     \
     349             :                 }                                                                                  \
     350             :                 const char *_str = GET_ARG_N(1, __VA_ARGS__);                                      \
     351             :                 if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_MODE_MINIMAL)) {                                         \
     352             :                         Z_LOG_TO_PRINTK(_level, "%s", _str);                                       \
     353             :                         z_log_minimal_hexdump_print((_level), (const char *)(_data), (_len));      \
     354             :                         break;                                                                     \
     355             :                 }                                                                                  \
     356             :                 int mode;                                                                          \
     357             :                 Z_LOG_MSG_CREATE(UTIL_NOT(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_USERSPACE)), mode,                     \
     358             :                                  Z_LOG_LOCAL_DOMAIN_ID, _source, _level, _data, _len,              \
     359             :                                  COND_CODE_0(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(_, ##__VA_ARGS__), \
     360             :                                 (), \
     361             :                           (COND_CODE_0(NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), \
     362             :                                   ("%s", __VA_ARGS__), (__VA_ARGS__)))));   \
     363             :         } while (false)
     364             : 
     365             : #define Z_LOG_HEXDUMP(_level, _data, _length, ...)                                                 \
     366             :         Z_LOG_HEXDUMP2(_level, 0, Z_LOG_CURRENT_DATA(), _data, _length, __VA_ARGS__)
     367             : 
     368             : #define Z_LOG_HEXDUMP_INSTANCE(_level, _inst, _data, _length, ...)                                 \
     369             :         Z_LOG_HEXDUMP2(_level, 1, Z_LOG_INST(_inst), _data, _length, __VA_ARGS__)
     370             : 
     371             : /*****************************************************************************/
     372             : /****************** Filtering macros *****************************************/
     373             : /*****************************************************************************/
     374             : 
     375             : /** @brief Number of bits used to encode log level. */
     376           1 : #define LOG_LEVEL_BITS 3U
     377             : 
     378             : /** @brief Filter slot size. */
     379           1 : #define LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SIZE LOG_LEVEL_BITS
     380             : 
     381             : /** @brief Number of slots in one word. */
     382           1 : #define LOG_FILTERS_NUM_OF_SLOTS (32 / LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SIZE)
     383             : 
     384             : /** @brief Maximum number of backends supported when runtime filtering is enabled. */
     385           1 : #define LOG_FILTERS_MAX_BACKENDS \
     386             :         (LOG_FILTERS_NUM_OF_SLOTS - (1 + IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_FRONTEND)))
     387             : 
     388             : /** @brief Slot reserved for the frontend. Last slot is used. */
     389           1 : #define LOG_FRONTEND_SLOT_ID (LOG_FILTERS_NUM_OF_SLOTS - 1)
     390             : 
     391             : /** @brief Slot mask. */
     392           1 : #define LOG_FILTER_SLOT_MASK (BIT(LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SIZE) - 1U)
     393             : 
     394             : /** @brief Bit offset of a slot.
     395             :  *
     396             :  *  @param _id Slot ID.
     397             :  */
     398           1 : #define LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SHIFT(_id) (LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SIZE * (_id))
     399             : 
     400           0 : #define LOG_FILTER_SLOT_GET(_filters, _id) \
     401             :         ((*(_filters) >> LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SHIFT(_id)) & LOG_FILTER_SLOT_MASK)
     402             : 
     403           0 : #define LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SET(_filters, _id, _filter)                  \
     404             :         do {                                                         \
     405             :                 *(_filters) &= ~(LOG_FILTER_SLOT_MASK <<           \
     406             :                                  LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SHIFT(_id));        \
     407             :                 *(_filters) |= ((_filter) & LOG_FILTER_SLOT_MASK) << \
     408             :                                LOG_FILTER_SLOT_SHIFT(_id);           \
     409             :         } while (false)
     410             : 
     411           0 : #define LOG_FILTER_AGGR_SLOT_IDX 0
     412             : 
     413           0 : #define LOG_FILTER_AGGR_SLOT_GET(_filters) \
     414             :         LOG_FILTER_SLOT_GET(_filters, LOG_FILTER_AGGR_SLOT_IDX)
     415             : 
     416           0 : #define LOG_FILTER_FIRST_BACKEND_SLOT_IDX 1
     417             : 
     418             : /* Return aggregated (highest) level for all enabled backends, e.g. if there
     419             :  * are 3 active backends, one backend is set to get INF logs from a module and
     420             :  * two other backends are set for ERR, returned level is INF.
     421             :  */
     422             : #define Z_LOG_RUNTIME_FILTER(_filter) \
     423             :         LOG_FILTER_SLOT_GET(&(_filter), LOG_FILTER_AGGR_SLOT_IDX)
     424             : 
     425             : /** @brief Log level value used to indicate log entry that should not be
     426             :  *         formatted (raw string).
     427             :  */
     428           1 : #define LOG_LEVEL_INTERNAL_RAW_STRING LOG_LEVEL_NONE
     429             : 
     430           0 : TYPE_SECTION_START_EXTERN(struct log_source_const_data, log_const);
     431           0 : TYPE_SECTION_END_EXTERN(struct log_source_const_data, log_const);
     432             : 
     433             : /** @brief Create message for logging printk-like string or a raw string.
     434             :  *
     435             :  * Part of printk string processing is appending of carriage return after any
     436             :  * new line character found in the string. If it is not desirable then @p _is_raw
     437             :  * can be set to 1 to indicate raw string. This information is stored in the source
     438             :  * field which is not used for its typical purpose in this case.
     439             :  *
     440             :  * @param _is_raw       Set to 1 to indicate raw string, set to 0 to indicate printk.
     441             :  * @param ...           Format string with arguments.
     442             :  */
     443             : #define Z_LOG_PRINTK(_is_raw, ...) do { \
     444             :         if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG)) { \
     445             :                 break; \
     446             :         } \
     447             :         if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_MODE_MINIMAL)) { \
     448             :                 z_log_minimal_printk(__VA_ARGS__); \
     449             :                 break; \
     450             :         } \
     451             :         int _mode; \
     452             :         if (0) {\
     453             :                 z_log_printf_arg_checker(__VA_ARGS__); \
     454             :         } \
     455             :         Z_LOG_MSG_CREATE(!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_USERSPACE), _mode, \
     456             :                           Z_LOG_LOCAL_DOMAIN_ID, (const void *)(uintptr_t)_is_raw, \
     457             :                           LOG_LEVEL_INTERNAL_RAW_STRING, NULL, 0, __VA_ARGS__);\
     458             : } while (0)
     459             : 
     460             : /** @brief Get index of the log source based on the address of the constant data
     461             :  *         associated with the source.
     462             :  *
     463             :  * @param data Address of the constant data.
     464             :  *
     465             :  * @return Source ID.
     466             :  */
     467           1 : static inline uint32_t log_const_source_id(
     468             :                                 const struct log_source_const_data *data)
     469             : {
     470             :         return ((const uint8_t *)data - (uint8_t *)TYPE_SECTION_START(log_const))/
     471             :                         sizeof(struct log_source_const_data);
     472             : }
     473             : 
     474           0 : TYPE_SECTION_START_EXTERN(struct log_source_dynamic_data, log_dynamic);
     475           0 : TYPE_SECTION_END_EXTERN(struct log_source_dynamic_data, log_dynamic);
     476             : 
     477             : /** @brief Creates name of variable and section for runtime log data.
     478             :  *
     479             :  *  @param _name Name.
     480             :  */
     481           1 : #define LOG_ITEM_DYNAMIC_DATA(_name) UTIL_CAT(log_dynamic_, _name)
     482             : 
     483           0 : #define LOG_INSTANCE_DYNAMIC_DATA(_module_name, _inst) \
     484             :         LOG_ITEM_DYNAMIC_DATA(Z_LOG_INSTANCE_FULL_NAME(_module_name, _inst))
     485             : 
     486             : /** @brief Get index of the log source based on the address of the dynamic data
     487             :  *         associated with the source.
     488             :  *
     489             :  * @param data Address of the dynamic data.
     490             :  *
     491             :  * @return Source ID.
     492             :  */
     493           1 : static inline uint32_t log_dynamic_source_id(struct log_source_dynamic_data *data)
     494             : {
     495             :         return ((uint8_t *)data - (uint8_t *)TYPE_SECTION_START(log_dynamic))/
     496             :                         sizeof(struct log_source_dynamic_data);
     497             : }
     498             : 
     499             : /** @brief Get index of the log source based on the address of the associated data.
     500             :  *
     501             :  * @param source Address of the data structure (dynamic if runtime filtering is
     502             :  * enabled and static otherwise).
     503             :  *
     504             :  * @return Source ID.
     505             :  */
     506           1 : static inline uint32_t log_source_id(const void *source)
     507             : {
     508             :         return IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LOG_RUNTIME_FILTERING) ?
     509             :                 log_dynamic_source_id((struct log_source_dynamic_data *)source) :
     510             :                 log_const_source_id((const struct log_source_const_data *)source);
     511             : }
     512             : 
     513             : /** @brief Dummy function to trigger log messages arguments type checking. */
     514             : static inline __printf_like(1, 2)
     515             : void z_log_printf_arg_checker(const char *fmt, ...)
     516             : {
     517             :         ARG_UNUSED(fmt);
     518             : }
     519             : 
     520             : /**
     521             :  * @brief Write a generic log message.
     522             :  *
     523             :  * @note This function is intended to be used when porting other log systems.
     524             :  *
     525             :  * @param level          Log level..
     526             :  * @param fmt            String to format.
     527             :  * @param ap             Pointer to arguments list.
     528             :  */
     529           1 : static inline void log_generic(uint8_t level, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
     530             : {
     531             :         z_log_msg_runtime_vcreate(Z_LOG_LOCAL_DOMAIN_ID, NULL, level,
     532             :                                    NULL, 0, 0, fmt, ap);
     533             : }
     534             : 
     535             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     536             : }
     537             : #endif
     538             : 
     539             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_LOGGING_LOG_CORE_H_ */

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