LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/modem - ubx.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 5 58 8.6 %
Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright 2024 NXP
       3             :  *
       4             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       5             :  */
       6             : 
       7             : #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
       8             : #include <zephyr/types.h>
       9             : #include <zephyr/sys/atomic.h>
      10             : 
      11             : #include <zephyr/modem/pipe.h>
      12             : 
      13             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_MODEM_UBX_
      14             : #define ZEPHYR_MODEM_UBX_
      15             : 
      16             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      17             : extern "C" {
      18             : #endif
      19             : 
      20             : /**
      21             :  * @brief Modem Ubx
      22             :  * @defgroup modem_ubx Modem Ubx
      23             :  * @ingroup modem
      24             :  * @{
      25             :  */
      26             : 
      27           0 : #define UBX_FRM_HEADER_SZ                       6
      28           0 : #define UBX_FRM_FOOTER_SZ                       2
      29           0 : #define UBX_FRM_SZ_WITHOUT_PAYLOAD              (UBX_FRM_HEADER_SZ + UBX_FRM_FOOTER_SZ)
      30           0 : #define UBX_FRM_SZ(payload_size)                (payload_size + UBX_FRM_SZ_WITHOUT_PAYLOAD)
      31             : 
      32           0 : #define UBX_PREAMBLE_SYNC_CHAR_1                0xB5
      33           0 : #define UBX_PREAMBLE_SYNC_CHAR_2                0x62
      34             : 
      35           0 : #define UBX_FRM_PREAMBLE_SYNC_CHAR_1_IDX        0
      36           0 : #define UBX_FRM_PREAMBLE_SYNC_CHAR_2_IDX        1
      37           0 : #define UBX_FRM_MSG_CLASS_IDX                   2
      38           0 : #define UBX_FRM_MSG_ID_IDX                      3
      39           0 : #define UBX_FRM_PAYLOAD_SZ_L_IDX                4
      40           0 : #define UBX_FRM_PAYLOAD_SZ_H_IDX                5
      41           0 : #define UBX_FRM_PAYLOAD_IDX                     6
      42           0 : #define UBX_FRM_CHECKSUM_START_IDX              2
      43           0 : #define UBX_FRM_CHECKSUM_STOP_IDX(frame_len)    (frame_len - 2)
      44             : 
      45           0 : #define UBX_PAYLOAD_SZ_MAX                      256
      46           0 : #define UBX_FRM_SZ_MAX                          UBX_FRM_SZ(UBX_PAYLOAD_SZ_MAX)
      47             : 
      48           0 : struct ubx_frame {
      49           0 :         uint8_t preamble_sync_char_1;
      50           0 :         uint8_t preamble_sync_char_2;
      51           0 :         uint8_t message_class;
      52           0 :         uint8_t message_id;
      53           0 :         uint8_t payload_size_low;
      54           0 :         uint8_t payload_size_high;
      55           0 :         uint8_t payload_and_checksum[];
      56             : };
      57             : 
      58           0 : struct modem_ubx_script {
      59           0 :         struct ubx_frame *request;
      60           0 :         struct ubx_frame *response;
      61           0 :         struct ubx_frame *match;
      62             : 
      63           0 :         uint16_t retry_count;
      64           0 :         k_timeout_t timeout;
      65             : };
      66             : 
      67           0 : struct modem_ubx {
      68           0 :         void *user_data;
      69             : 
      70           0 :         atomic_t state;
      71             : 
      72           0 :         uint8_t *receive_buf;
      73           0 :         uint16_t receive_buf_size;
      74             : 
      75           0 :         uint8_t *work_buf;
      76           0 :         uint16_t work_buf_size;
      77           0 :         uint16_t work_buf_len;
      78           0 :         bool ubx_preamble_sync_chars_received;
      79             : 
      80           0 :         const struct modem_ubx_script *script;
      81             : 
      82           0 :         struct modem_pipe *pipe;
      83             : 
      84           0 :         struct k_work send_work;
      85           0 :         struct k_work process_work;
      86           0 :         struct k_sem script_stopped_sem;
      87           0 :         struct k_sem script_running_sem;
      88             : };
      89             : 
      90           0 : struct modem_ubx_config {
      91           0 :         void *user_data;
      92             : 
      93           0 :         uint8_t *receive_buf;
      94           0 :         uint16_t receive_buf_size;
      95           0 :         uint8_t *work_buf;
      96           0 :         uint16_t work_buf_size;
      97             : };
      98             : 
      99             : /**
     100             :  * @brief Attach pipe to Modem Ubx
     101             :  *
     102             :  * @param ubx Modem Ubx instance
     103             :  * @param pipe Pipe instance to attach Modem Ubx instance to
     104             :  * @returns 0 if successful
     105             :  * @returns negative errno code if failure
     106             :  * @note Modem Ubx instance is enabled if successful
     107             :  */
     108           1 : int modem_ubx_attach(struct modem_ubx *ubx, struct modem_pipe *pipe);
     109             : 
     110             : /**
     111             :  * @brief Release pipe from Modem Ubx instance
     112             :  *
     113             :  * @param ubx Modem Ubx instance
     114             :  */
     115           1 : void modem_ubx_release(struct modem_ubx *ubx);
     116             : 
     117             : /**
     118             :  * @brief Initialize Modem Ubx instance
     119             :  * @param ubx Modem Ubx instance
     120             :  * @param config Configuration which shall be applied to the Modem Ubx instance
     121             :  * @note Modem Ubx instance must be attached to a pipe instance
     122             :  */
     123           1 : int modem_ubx_init(struct modem_ubx *ubx, const struct modem_ubx_config *config);
     124             : 
     125             : /**
     126             :  * @brief Writes the ubx frame in script.request and reads back its response (if available)
     127             :  * @details For each ubx frame sent, the device responds in 0, 1 or both of the following ways:
     128             :  *      1. The device sends back a UBX-ACK frame to denote 'acknowledge' and 'not-acknowledge'.
     129             :  *              Note: the message id of UBX-ACK frame determines whether the device acknowledged.
     130             :  *              Ex: when we send a UBX-CFG frame, the device responds with a UBX-ACK frame.
     131             :  *      2. The device sends back the same frame that we sent to it, with it's payload populated.
     132             :  *              It's used to get the current configuration corresponding to the frame that we sent.
     133             :  *              Ex: frame types such as "get" or "poll" ubx frames respond this way.
     134             :  *              This response (if received) is written to script.response.
     135             :  *
     136             :  *      This function writes the ubx frame in script.request then reads back it's response.
     137             :  *      If script.match is not NULL, then every ubx frame received from the device is compared with
     138             :  *      script.match to check if a match occurred. This could be used to match UBX-ACK frame sent
     139             :  *      from the device by populating script.match with UBX-ACK that the script expects to receive.
     140             :  *
     141             :  *      The script terminates when either of the following happens:
     142             :  *              1. script.match is successfully received and matched.
     143             :  *              2. timeout (denoted by script.timeout) occurs.
     144             :  * @param ubx Modem Ubx instance
     145             :  * @param script Script to be executed
     146             :  * @note The length of ubx frame in the script.request should not exceed UBX_FRM_SZ_MAX
     147             :  * @note Modem Ubx instance must be attached to a pipe instance
     148             :  * @returns 0 if device acknowledged via UBX-ACK and no "get" response was received
     149             :  * @returns positive integer denoting the length of "get" response that was received
     150             :  * @returns negative errno code if failure
     151             :  */
     152           1 : int modem_ubx_run_script(struct modem_ubx *ubx, const struct modem_ubx_script *script);
     153             : 
     154             : /**
     155             :  * @brief Initialize ubx frame
     156             :  * @param ubx_frame Ubx frame buffer
     157             :  * @param ubx_frame_size Ubx frame buffer size
     158             :  * @param msg_cls Message class
     159             :  * @param msg_id Message id
     160             :  * @param payload Payload buffer
     161             :  * @param payload_size Payload buffer size
     162             :  * @returns positive integer denoting the length of the ubx frame created
     163             :  * @returns negative errno code if failure
     164             :  */
     165           1 : int modem_ubx_create_frame(uint8_t *ubx_frame, uint16_t ubx_frame_size, uint8_t msg_cls,
     166             :                            uint8_t msg_id, const void *payload, uint16_t payload_size);
     167             : /**
     168             :  * @}
     169             :  */
     170             : 
     171             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     172             : }
     173             : #endif
     174             : 
     175             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_MODEM_UBX_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14