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Current view: top level - zephyr/net - dhcpv4.h Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /** @file
       2             :  *  @brief DHCPv4 Client Handler
       3             :  */
       4             : 
       5             : /*
       6             :  * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation
       7             :  *
       8             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       9             :  */
      10             : 
      11             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_NET_DHCPV4_H_
      12             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_NET_DHCPV4_H_
      13             : 
      14             : #include <zephyr/sys/slist.h>
      15             : #include <zephyr/types.h>
      16             : 
      17             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      18             : extern "C" {
      19             : #endif
      20             : 
      21             : /**
      22             :  * @brief DHCPv4
      23             :  * @defgroup dhcpv4 DHCPv4
      24             :  * @since 1.7
      25             :  * @version 0.8.0
      26             :  * @ingroup networking
      27             :  * @{
      28             :  */
      29             : 
      30             : /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
      31             : 
      32             : /** Current state of DHCPv4 client address negotiation.
      33             :  *
      34             :  * Additions removals and reorders in this definition must be
      35             :  * reflected within corresponding changes to net_dhcpv4_state_name.
      36             :  */
      37             : enum net_dhcpv4_state {
      38             :         NET_DHCPV4_DISABLED,
      39             :         NET_DHCPV4_INIT,
      40             :         NET_DHCPV4_SELECTING,
      41             :         NET_DHCPV4_REQUESTING,
      42             :         NET_DHCPV4_RENEWING,
      43             :         NET_DHCPV4_REBINDING,
      44             :         NET_DHCPV4_BOUND,
      45             :         NET_DHCPV4_DECLINE,
      46             : } __packed;
      47             : 
      48             : /** @endcond */
      49             : 
      50             : /**
      51             :  * @brief DHCPv4 message types
      52             :  *
      53             :  * These enumerations represent RFC2131 defined msy type codes, hence
      54             :  * they should not be renumbered.
      55             :  *
      56             :  * Additions, removald and reorders in this definition must be reflected
      57             :  * within corresponding changes to net_dhcpv4_msg_type_name.
      58             :  */
      59           1 : enum net_dhcpv4_msg_type {
      60             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_DISCOVER    = 1, /**< Discover message */
      61             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_OFFER       = 2, /**< Offer message */
      62             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_REQUEST     = 3, /**< Request message */
      63             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_DECLINE     = 4, /**< Decline message */
      64             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_ACK         = 5, /**< Acknowledge message */
      65             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_NAK         = 6, /**< Negative acknowledge message */
      66             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_RELEASE     = 7, /**< Release message */
      67             :         NET_DHCPV4_MSG_TYPE_INFORM      = 8, /**< Inform message */
      68             : };
      69             : 
      70             : struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback;
      71             : 
      72             : /**
      73             :  * @typedef net_dhcpv4_option_callback_handler_t
      74             :  * @brief Define the application callback handler function signature
      75             :  *
      76             :  * @param cb Original struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback owning this handler
      77             :  * @param length The length of data returned by the server. If this is
      78             :  *               greater than cb->max_length, only cb->max_length bytes
      79             :  *               will be available in cb->data
      80             :  * @param msg_type Type of DHCP message that triggered the callback
      81             :  * @param iface The interface on which the DHCP message was received
      82             :  *
      83             :  * Note: cb pointer can be used to retrieve private data through
      84             :  * CONTAINER_OF() if original struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback is stored in
      85             :  * another private structure.
      86             :  */
      87           1 : typedef void (*net_dhcpv4_option_callback_handler_t)(struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback *cb,
      88             :                                                      size_t length,
      89             :                                                      enum net_dhcpv4_msg_type msg_type,
      90             :                                                      struct net_if *iface);
      91             : 
      92             : /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
      93             : 
      94             : /**
      95             :  * @brief DHCP option callback structure
      96             :  *
      97             :  * Used to register a callback in the DHCPv4 client callback list.
      98             :  * As many callbacks as needed can be added as long as each of them
      99             :  * are unique pointers of struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback.
     100             :  * Beware such structure should not be allocated on stack.
     101             :  *
     102             :  * Note: To help setting it, see net_dhcpv4_init_option_callback() below
     103             :  */
     104             : struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback {
     105             :         /** This is meant to be used internally and the user should not
     106             :          * mess with it.
     107             :          */
     108             :         sys_snode_t node;
     109             : 
     110             :         /** Actual callback function being called when relevant. */
     111             :         net_dhcpv4_option_callback_handler_t handler;
     112             : 
     113             :         /** The DHCP option this callback is attached to. */
     114             :         uint8_t option;
     115             : 
     116             :         /** Maximum length of data buffer. */
     117             :         size_t max_length;
     118             : 
     119             :         /** Pointer to a buffer of size max_length that is used to store the
     120             :          * option data.
     121             :          */
     122             :         void *data;
     123             : };
     124             : 
     125             : /** @endcond */
     126             : 
     127             : /**
     128             :  * @brief Helper to initialize a struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback properly
     129             :  * @param callback A valid Application's callback structure pointer.
     130             :  * @param handler A valid handler function pointer.
     131             :  * @param option The DHCP option the callback responds to.
     132             :  * @param data A pointer to a buffer for max_length bytes.
     133             :  * @param max_length The maximum length of the data returned.
     134             :  */
     135           1 : static inline void net_dhcpv4_init_option_callback(struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback *callback,
     136             :                                                    net_dhcpv4_option_callback_handler_t handler,
     137             :                                                    uint8_t option,
     138             :                                                    void *data,
     139             :                                                    size_t max_length)
     140             : {
     141             :         __ASSERT(callback, "Callback pointer should not be NULL");
     142             :         __ASSERT(handler, "Callback handler pointer should not be NULL");
     143             :         __ASSERT(data, "Data pointer should not be NULL");
     144             : 
     145             :         callback->handler = handler;
     146             :         callback->option = option;
     147             :         callback->data = data;
     148             :         callback->max_length = max_length;
     149             : }
     150             : 
     151             : /**
     152             :  * @brief Add an application callback.
     153             :  * @param cb A valid application's callback structure pointer.
     154             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code on failure.
     155             :  */
     156           1 : int net_dhcpv4_add_option_callback(struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback *cb);
     157             : 
     158             : /**
     159             :  * @brief Remove an application callback.
     160             :  * @param cb A valid application's callback structure pointer.
     161             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code on failure.
     162             :  */
     163           1 : int net_dhcpv4_remove_option_callback(struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback *cb);
     164             : 
     165             : /**
     166             :  * @brief Helper to initialize a struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback for encapsulated vendor-specific
     167             :  * options properly
     168             :  * @param callback A valid Application's callback structure pointer.
     169             :  * @param handler A valid handler function pointer.
     170             :  * @param option The DHCP encapsulated vendor-specific option the callback responds to.
     171             :  * @param data A pointer to a buffer for max_length bytes.
     172             :  * @param max_length The maximum length of the data returned.
     173             :  */
     174             : static inline void
     175           1 : net_dhcpv4_init_option_vendor_callback(struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback *callback,
     176             :                                        net_dhcpv4_option_callback_handler_t handler, uint8_t option,
     177             :                                        void *data, size_t max_length)
     178             : {
     179             :         __ASSERT(callback, "Callback pointer should not be NULL");
     180             :         __ASSERT(handler, "Callback handler pointer should not be NULL");
     181             :         __ASSERT(data, "Data pointer should not be NULL");
     182             : 
     183             :         callback->handler = handler;
     184             :         callback->option = option;
     185             :         callback->data = data;
     186             :         callback->max_length = max_length;
     187             : }
     188             : 
     189             : /**
     190             :  * @brief Add an application callback for encapsulated vendor-specific options.
     191             :  * @param cb A valid application's callback structure pointer.
     192             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code on failure.
     193             :  */
     194           1 : int net_dhcpv4_add_option_vendor_callback(struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback *cb);
     195             : 
     196             : /**
     197             :  * @brief Remove an application callback for encapsulated vendor-specific options.
     198             :  * @param cb A valid application's callback structure pointer.
     199             :  * @return 0 if successful, negative errno code on failure.
     200             :  */
     201           1 : int net_dhcpv4_remove_option_vendor_callback(struct net_dhcpv4_option_callback *cb);
     202             : 
     203             : /**
     204             :  *  @brief Start DHCPv4 client on an iface
     205             :  *
     206             :  *  @details Start DHCPv4 client on a given interface. DHCPv4 client
     207             :  *  will start negotiation for IPv4 address. Once the negotiation is
     208             :  *  success IPv4 address details will be added to interface.
     209             :  *
     210             :  *  @param iface A valid pointer on an interface
     211             :  */
     212           1 : void net_dhcpv4_start(struct net_if *iface);
     213             : 
     214             : /**
     215             :  *  @brief Stop DHCPv4 client on an iface
     216             :  *
     217             :  *  @details Stop DHCPv4 client on a given interface. DHCPv4 client
     218             :  *  will remove all configuration obtained from a DHCP server from the
     219             :  *  interface and stop any further negotiation with the server.
     220             :  *
     221             :  *  @param iface A valid pointer on an interface
     222             :  */
     223           1 : void net_dhcpv4_stop(struct net_if *iface);
     224             : 
     225             : /**
     226             :  *  @brief Restart DHCPv4 client on an iface
     227             :  *
     228             :  *  @details Restart DHCPv4 client on a given interface. DHCPv4 client
     229             :  *  will restart the state machine without any of the initial delays
     230             :  *  used in start.
     231             :  *
     232             :  *  @param iface A valid pointer on an interface
     233             :  */
     234           1 : void net_dhcpv4_restart(struct net_if *iface);
     235             : 
     236             : /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
     237             : 
     238             : /**
     239             :  *  @brief DHCPv4 state name
     240             :  *
     241             :  *  @internal
     242             :  */
     243             : const char *net_dhcpv4_state_name(enum net_dhcpv4_state state);
     244             : 
     245             : /** @endcond */
     246             : 
     247             : /**
     248             :  * @brief Return a text representation of the msg_type
     249             :  *
     250             :  * @param msg_type The msg_type to be converted to text
     251             :  * @return A text representation of msg_type
     252             :  */
     253           1 : const char *net_dhcpv4_msg_type_name(enum net_dhcpv4_msg_type msg_type);
     254             : 
     255             : /**
     256             :  * @}
     257             :  */
     258             : 
     259             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     260             : }
     261             : #endif
     262             : 
     263             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_NET_DHCPV4_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14