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Current view: top level - zephyr/net/prometheus - collector.h Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-12-22 06:13:53

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright (c) 2024 Mustafa Abdullah Kus, Sparse Technology
       3             :  * Copyright (c) 2024 Nordic Semiconductor
       4             :  *
       5             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       6             :  */
       7             : 
       8             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_PROMETHEUS_COLLECTOR_H_
       9             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_PROMETHEUS_COLLECTOR_H_
      10             : 
      11             : /**
      12             :  * @file
      13             :  *
      14             :  * @brief Prometheus collector APIs.
      15             :  *
      16             :  * @defgroup prometheus Prometheus API
      17             :  * @since 4.0
      18             :  * @version 0.1.0
      19             :  * @ingroup networking
      20             :  * @{
      21             :  */
      22             : 
      23             : #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
      24             : #include <zephyr/sys/iterable_sections.h>
      25             : #include <zephyr/net/prometheus/metric.h>
      26             : 
      27             : #include <stddef.h>
      28             : 
      29             : struct prometheus_collector;
      30             : 
      31             : /**
      32             :  * @typedef prometheus_scrape_cb_t
      33             :  * @brief Callback used to scrape a collector for a specific metric.
      34             :  *
      35             :  * @param collector A valid pointer on the collector to scrape
      36             :  * @param metric A valid pointer on the metric to scrape
      37             :  * @param user_data A valid pointer to a user data or NULL
      38             :  *
      39             :  * @return 0 if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
      40             :  */
      41           1 : typedef int (*prometheus_scrape_cb_t)(struct prometheus_collector *collector,
      42             :                                       struct prometheus_metric *metric,
      43             :                                       void *user_data);
      44             : 
      45             : /**
      46             :  * @brief Prometheus collector definition
      47             :  *
      48             :  * This structure defines a Prometheus collector.
      49             :  */
      50           1 : struct prometheus_collector {
      51             :         /** Name of the collector */
      52           1 :         const char *name;
      53             :         /** Array of metrics associated with the collector */
      54           1 :         sys_slist_t metrics;
      55             :         /** Mutex to protect the metrics list manipulation */
      56           1 :         struct k_mutex lock;
      57             :         /** User callback function. If set, then the metric data is fetched
      58             :          * via the function callback.
      59             :          */
      60           1 :         prometheus_scrape_cb_t user_cb;
      61             :         /** User data */
      62           1 :         void *user_data;
      63             : };
      64             : 
      65             : /**
      66             :  * @brief Prometheus Collector definition.
      67             :  *
      68             :  * This macro defines a Collector.
      69             :  *
      70             :  * @param _name The collector's name.
      71             :  * @param ... Optional user callback function. If set, this function is called
      72             :  *            when the collector is scraped. The function should be of type
      73             :  *            prometheus_scrape_cb_t.
      74             :  *            Optional user data to pass to the user callback function.
      75             :  */
      76           1 : #define PROMETHEUS_COLLECTOR_DEFINE(_name, ...) \
      77             :         STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(prometheus_collector, _name) = {        \
      78             :                 .name = STRINGIFY(_name),                               \
      79             :                 .metrics = SYS_SLIST_STATIC_INIT(&_name.metrics),   \
      80             :                 .lock = Z_MUTEX_INITIALIZER(_name.lock),                \
      81             :                 .user_cb = COND_CODE_0(                                 \
      82             :                         NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(                             \
      83             :                                 LIST_DROP_EMPTY(__VA_ARGS__, _)),       \
      84             :                         (NULL),                                         \
      85             :                         (GET_ARG_N(1, __VA_ARGS__))),                   \
      86             :                 .user_data = COND_CODE_0(                               \
      87             :                         NUM_VA_ARGS_LESS_1(__VA_ARGS__), (NULL),        \
      88             :                         (GET_ARG_N(1,                                   \
      89             :                                    GET_ARGS_LESS_N(1, __VA_ARGS__)))),  \
      90             :         }
      91             : 
      92             : /**
      93             :  * @brief Register a metric with a Prometheus collector
      94             :  *
      95             :  * Registers the specified metric with the given collector.
      96             :  *
      97             :  * @param collector Pointer to the collector to register the metric with.
      98             :  * @param metric Pointer to the metric to register.
      99             :  *
     100             :  * @return 0 if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
     101             :  * @retval -EINVAL Invalid arguments.
     102             :  * @retval -ENOMEM Not enough memory to register the metric.
     103             :  */
     104           1 : int prometheus_collector_register_metric(struct prometheus_collector *collector,
     105             :                                          struct prometheus_metric *metric);
     106             : 
     107             : /**
     108             :  * @brief Get a metric from a Prometheus collector
     109             :  *
     110             :  * Retrieves the metric with the specified name from the given collector.
     111             :  *
     112             :  * @param collector Pointer to the collector to retrieve the metric from.
     113             :  * @param name Name of the metric to retrieve.
     114             :  * @return Pointer to the retrieved metric, or NULL if not found.
     115             :  */
     116           1 : const void *prometheus_collector_get_metric(struct prometheus_collector *collector,
     117             :                                             const char *name);
     118             : 
     119             : /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
     120             : 
     121             : enum prometheus_walk_state {
     122             :         PROMETHEUS_WALK_START,
     123             :         PROMETHEUS_WALK_CONTINUE,
     124             :         PROMETHEUS_WALK_STOP,
     125             : };
     126             : 
     127             : struct prometheus_collector_walk_context {
     128             :         struct prometheus_collector *collector;
     129             :         struct prometheus_metric *metric;
     130             :         struct prometheus_metric *tmp;
     131             :         enum prometheus_walk_state state;
     132             : };
     133             : 
     134             : /** @endcond */
     135             : 
     136             : /**
     137             :  * @brief Walk through all metrics in a Prometheus collector and format them
     138             :  *        into a buffer.
     139             :  *
     140             :  * @param ctx Pointer to the walker context.
     141             :  * @param buffer Pointer to the buffer to store the formatted metrics.
     142             :  * @param buffer_size Size of the buffer.
     143             :  * @return 0 if successful and we went through all metrics, -EAGAIN if we
     144             :  *       need to call this function again, any other negative error code
     145             :  *       means an error occurred.
     146             :  */
     147           1 : int prometheus_collector_walk_metrics(struct prometheus_collector_walk_context *ctx,
     148             :                                       uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size);
     149             : 
     150             : /**
     151             :  * @brief Initialize the walker context to walk through all metrics.
     152             :  *
     153             :  * @param ctx Pointer to the walker context.
     154             :  * @param collector Pointer to the collector to walk through.
     155             :  *
     156             :  * @return 0 if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
     157             :  */
     158           1 : static inline int prometheus_collector_walk_init(struct prometheus_collector_walk_context *ctx,
     159             :                                                  struct prometheus_collector *collector)
     160             : {
     161             :         if (collector == NULL) {
     162             :                 return -EINVAL;
     163             :         }
     164             : 
     165             :         ctx->collector = collector;
     166             :         ctx->state = PROMETHEUS_WALK_START;
     167             :         ctx->metric = NULL;
     168             :         ctx->tmp = NULL;
     169             : 
     170             :         return 0;
     171             : }
     172             : 
     173             : /**
     174             :  * @}
     175             :  */
     176             : 
     177             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_PROMETHEUS_COLLECTOR_H_ */

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