LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/sensing - sensing_sensor.h Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Intel Corporation.
       3             :  *
       4             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       5             :  */
       6             : 
       7             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SENSING_SENSOR_H_
       8             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SENSING_SENSOR_H_
       9             : 
      10             : #include <stdbool.h>
      11             : #include <zephyr/device.h>
      12             : #include <zephyr/drivers/sensor.h>
      13             : #include <zephyr/sensing/sensing.h>
      14             : 
      15             : /**
      16             :  * @defgroup sensing_sensor Sensing Sensor API
      17             :  * @ingroup sensing
      18             :  * @defgroup sensing_sensor_callbacks Sensor Callbacks
      19             :  * @ingroup sensing_sensor
      20             :  */
      21             : 
      22             : /**
      23             :  * @brief Sensing Sensor API
      24             :  * @addtogroup sensing_sensor
      25             :  * @{
      26             :  */
      27             : 
      28             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      29             : extern "C" {
      30             : #endif
      31             : 
      32             : /**
      33             :  * @brief Sensor registration information
      34             :  *
      35             :  */
      36           1 : struct sensing_sensor_register_info {
      37             :         /**
      38             :          * Sensor flags
      39             :          */
      40           1 :         uint16_t flags;
      41             : 
      42             :         /**
      43             :          * Sample size in bytes for a single sample of the registered sensor.
      44             :          * sensing runtime need this information for internal buffer allocation.
      45             :          */
      46           1 :         uint16_t sample_size;
      47             : 
      48             :         /**
      49             :          * The number of sensor sensitivities
      50             :          */
      51           1 :         uint8_t sensitivity_count;
      52             : 
      53             :         /**
      54             :          * Sensor version.
      55             :          * Version can be used to identify different versions of sensor implementation.
      56             :          */
      57           1 :         struct sensing_sensor_version version;
      58             : };
      59             : 
      60             : /** @cond INTERNAL_HIDDEN */
      61             : 
      62             : /**
      63             :  * @brief Enumeration for sensing subsystem event.
      64             :  *
      65             :  * This enumeration defines the various events used by the sensing subsystem.
      66             :  */
      67             : enum {
      68             :         EVENT_CONFIG_READY, /**< Configuration is ready. */
      69             : };
      70             : 
      71             : /**
      72             :  * @brief Enumeration for sensor flag bit.
      73             :  *
      74             :  * This enumeration defines the bit for sensor flag.
      75             :  */
      76             : enum {
      77             :         SENSOR_LATER_CFG_BIT, /**< Indicates if there is a configuration request pending. */
      78             : };
      79             : 
      80             : /**
      81             :  * @brief Connection between a source and sink of sensor data
      82             :  */
      83             : struct sensing_connection {
      84             :         sys_snode_t snode;             /**< Node in the singly-linked list of connections. */
      85             :         struct sensing_sensor *source; /**< Source sensor of the connection. */
      86             :         struct sensing_sensor *sink;   /**< Sink sensor of the connection. */
      87             :         uint32_t interval;             /**< Report interval in micro seconds. */
      88             :         /** Sensitivity of the connection. */
      89             :         int sensitivity[CONFIG_SENSING_MAX_SENSITIVITY_COUNT];
      90             :         void *data;                 /**< Pointer to sensor sample data of the connection. */
      91             :         /** Next consume time of the connection. Unit is micro seconds. */
      92             :         uint64_t next_consume_time;
      93             :         struct sensing_callback_list *callback_list; /**< Callback list of the connection. */
      94             : };
      95             : 
      96             : /**
      97             :  * @brief Internal sensor instance data structure.
      98             :  *
      99             :  * Each sensor instance will have its unique data structure for storing all
     100             :  * it's related information.
     101             :  *
     102             :  * Sensor management will enumerate all these instance data structures,
     103             :  * build report relationship model base on them, etc.
     104             :  */
     105             : struct sensing_sensor {
     106             :         const struct device *dev;               /**< Device of the sensor instance. */
     107             :         const struct sensing_sensor_info *info; /**< Info of the sensor instance. */
     108             :         /** Register info of the sensor instance. */
     109             :         const struct sensing_sensor_register_info *register_info;
     110             :         const uint16_t reporter_num; /**< Reporter number of the sensor instance. */
     111             :         sys_slist_t client_list;     /**< List of the sensor clients. */
     112             :         uint32_t interval;           /**< Report interval of the sensor sample in micro seconds. */
     113             :         uint8_t sensitivity_count;   /**< Sensitivity count of the sensor instance. */
     114             :         /** Sensitivity array of the sensor instance. */
     115             :         int sensitivity[CONFIG_SENSING_MAX_SENSITIVITY_COUNT];
     116             :         enum sensing_sensor_state state;  /**< State of the sensor instance. */
     117             :         struct rtio_iodev *iodev;         /**< Pointer to RTIO device of the sensor instance. */
     118             :         struct k_timer timer;             /**< Timer for non streaming mode */
     119             :         struct rtio_sqe *stream_sqe;      /**< Sqe for streaming mode. */
     120             :         atomic_t flag;                    /**< Sensor flag of the sensor instance. */
     121             :         struct sensing_connection *conns; /**< Pointer to sensor connections. */
     122             : };
     123             : 
     124             : /**
     125             :  * @brief Macro to generate a name for a sensor info structure.
     126             :  *
     127             :  * This macro generates a name for a sensor info structure based on a node and an index.
     128             :  *
     129             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     130             :  * @param idx Logical index into the sensor-types array.
     131             :  */
     132             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_INFO_NAME(node, idx)                                     \
     133             :         _CONCAT(_CONCAT(__sensing_sensor_info_, idx), DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node))
     134             : 
     135             : /**
     136             :  * @brief Macro to define a sensor info structure.
     137             :  *
     138             :  * This macro defines a sensor info structure based on a node and an index.
     139             :  * The structure includes the type, name, friendly name, vendor, model, and minimal interval of the
     140             :  * sensor.
     141             :  *
     142             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     143             :  * @param idx Logical index into the sensor-types array.
     144             :  */
     145             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_INFO_DEFINE(node, idx)                           \
     146             :         const static STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(sensing_sensor_info,       \
     147             :                         SENSING_SENSOR_INFO_NAME(node, idx)) = {        \
     148             :                 .type = DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node, sensor_types, idx),        \
     149             :                 .name = DT_NODE_FULL_NAME(node),                        \
     150             :                 .friendly_name = DT_PROP(node, friendly_name),          \
     151             :                 .vendor = DT_NODE_VENDOR_OR(node, NULL),                \
     152             :                 .model = DT_NODE_MODEL_OR(node, NULL),                  \
     153             :                 .minimal_interval = DT_PROP(node, minimal_interval),    \
     154             :         };
     155             : 
     156             : /**
     157             :  * @brief Macro to generate a name for a connections array.
     158             :  *
     159             :  * This macro generates a name for a connections array based on a node.
     160             :  *
     161             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     162             :  */
     163             : #define SENSING_CONNECTIONS_NAME(node)                                  \
     164             :         _CONCAT(__sensing_connections_, DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node))
     165             : 
     166             : /**
     167             :  * @brief Macro to generate a name for a sensor source.
     168             :  *
     169             :  * This macro generates a name for a sensor source based on an index and a node.
     170             :  *
     171             :  * @param idx Logical index into the reporters array.
     172             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     173             :  */
     174             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_SOURCE_NAME(idx, node)                           \
     175             :         SENSING_SENSOR_NAME(DT_PHANDLE_BY_IDX(node, reporters, idx),    \
     176             :                 DT_PROP_BY_IDX(node, reporters_index, idx))
     177             : 
     178             : /**
     179             :  * @brief Macro to declare an external sensor source.
     180             :  *
     181             :  * This macro declares an external sensor source based on an index and a node.
     182             :  *
     183             :  * @param idx Logical index into the reporters array.
     184             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     185             :  */
     186             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_SOURCE_EXTERN(idx, node)                         \
     187             : extern struct sensing_sensor SENSING_SENSOR_SOURCE_NAME(idx, node);
     188             : 
     189             : /**
     190             :  * @brief Macro to initialize a connection.
     191             :  *
     192             :  * This macro initializes a connection with a source name and a callback list pointer.
     193             :  *
     194             :  * @param source_name The name of struct sensing_sensor for source sensor.
     195             :  * @param cb_list_ptr Pointer to sensing callback list.
     196             :  */
     197             : #define SENSING_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER(source_name, cb_list_ptr)        \
     198             : {                                                                       \
     199             :         .callback_list = cb_list_ptr,                                   \
     200             :         .source = &source_name,                                             \
     201             : }
     202             : 
     203             : /**
     204             :  * @brief Macro to define a connection.
     205             :  *
     206             :  * This macro defines a connection based on an index, a node, and a callback list pointer.
     207             :  *
     208             :  * @param idx Logical index into the reporters array.
     209             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     210             :  * @param cb_list_ptr Pointer to sensing callback list.
     211             :  */
     212             : #define SENSING_CONNECTION_DEFINE(idx, node, cb_list_ptr)               \
     213             :         SENSING_CONNECTION_INITIALIZER(SENSING_SENSOR_SOURCE_NAME(idx, node), \
     214             :                                        cb_list_ptr)
     215             : 
     216             : /**
     217             :  * @brief Macro to define an array of connections.
     218             :  *
     219             :  * This macro defines an array of connections based on a node, a number, and a callback list
     220             :  * pointer.
     221             :  *
     222             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     223             :  * @param num The number of the connections.
     224             :  * @param cb_list_ptr Pointer to sensing callback list.
     225             :  */
     226             : #define SENSING_CONNECTIONS_DEFINE(node, num, cb_list_ptr)              \
     227             :         LISTIFY(num, SENSING_SENSOR_SOURCE_EXTERN,                      \
     228             :                                 (), node)                               \
     229             :         static struct sensing_connection                                \
     230             :                         SENSING_CONNECTIONS_NAME(node)[(num)] = {       \
     231             :                 LISTIFY(num, SENSING_CONNECTION_DEFINE,                 \
     232             :                                 (,), node, cb_list_ptr)                 \
     233             :         };
     234             : 
     235             : /**
     236             :  * @brief Structure for sensor submit configuration.
     237             :  *
     238             :  * This structure represents a sensor submit configuration. It includes the channel, info index, and
     239             :  * streaming flag.
     240             :  */
     241             : struct sensing_submit_config {
     242             :         enum sensor_channel chan; /**< Channel of the sensor to submit. */
     243             :         const int info_index;     /**< Logical index into the sensor-types array. */
     244             :         const bool is_streaming;  /**< Working in streaming mode or not. */
     245             : };
     246             : 
     247             : /**
     248             :  * @brief External declaration for the sensing I/O device API.
     249             :  *
     250             :  * This external declaration represents the sensing I/O device API.
     251             :  */
     252             : extern const struct rtio_iodev_api __sensing_iodev_api;
     253             : 
     254             : /**
     255             :  * @brief Macro to generate a name for a submit configuration.
     256             :  *
     257             :  * This macro generates a name for a submit configuration based on a node and an index.
     258             :  *
     259             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     260             :  * @param idx Logical index into the sensor-types array.
     261             :  */
     262             : #define SENSING_SUBMIT_CFG_NAME(node, idx)                                              \
     263             :         _CONCAT(_CONCAT(__sensing_submit_cfg_, idx), DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node))
     264             : 
     265             : /**
     266             :  * @brief Macro to generate a name for a sensor I/O device.
     267             :  *
     268             :  * This macro generates a name for a sensor I/O device based on a node and an index.
     269             :  *
     270             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     271             :  * @param idx Logical index into the sensor-types array.
     272             :  */
     273             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_IODEV_NAME(node, idx)                                            \
     274             :         _CONCAT(_CONCAT(__sensing_iodev_, idx), DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node))
     275             : 
     276             : /**
     277             :  * @brief Macro to define a sensor I/O device.
     278             :  *
     279             :  * This macro defines a sensor I/O device based on a node and an index.
     280             :  * The device includes a submit configuration with a streaming flag and an info index.
     281             :  *
     282             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     283             :  * @param idx Logical index into the sensor-types array.
     284             :  */
     285             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_IODEV_DEFINE(node, idx)                                          \
     286             :         static struct sensing_submit_config SENSING_SUBMIT_CFG_NAME(node, idx) = {      \
     287             :                 .is_streaming = DT_PROP(node, stream_mode),                             \
     288             :                 .info_index = idx,                                                      \
     289             :         };                                                                              \
     290             :         RTIO_IODEV_DEFINE(SENSING_SENSOR_IODEV_NAME(node, idx),                         \
     291             :                           &__sensing_iodev_api,                                             \
     292             :                           &SENSING_SUBMIT_CFG_NAME(node, idx));
     293             : 
     294             : /**
     295             :  * @brief Macro to generate a name for a sensor.
     296             :  *
     297             :  * This macro generates a name for a sensor based on a node and an index.
     298             :  *
     299             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     300             :  * @param idx Logical index into the sensor-types array.
     301             :  */
     302             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_NAME(node, idx)                                  \
     303             :         _CONCAT(_CONCAT(__sensing_sensor_, idx), DEVICE_DT_NAME_GET(node))
     304             : 
     305             : /**
     306             :  * @brief Macro to define a sensor.
     307             :  *
     308             :  * This macro defines a sensor based on a node, a property, an index, a register info pointer, and a
     309             :  * callback list pointer. The sensor includes a device, info, register info, reporter number,
     310             :  * connections, and an I/O device.
     311             :  *
     312             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     313             :  * @param prop property name.
     314             :  * @param idx Logical index into the sensor-types array.
     315             :  * @param reg_ptr Pointer to the device's sensing_sensor_register_info.
     316             :  * @param cb_list_ptr Pointer to sensing callback list.
     317             :  */
     318             : #define SENSING_SENSOR_DEFINE(node, prop, idx, reg_ptr, cb_list_ptr)    \
     319             :         SENSING_SENSOR_INFO_DEFINE(node, idx)                           \
     320             :         SENSING_SENSOR_IODEV_DEFINE(node, idx)                          \
     321             :         STRUCT_SECTION_ITERABLE(sensing_sensor,                         \
     322             :                                 SENSING_SENSOR_NAME(node, idx)) = {     \
     323             :                 .dev = DEVICE_DT_GET(node),                             \
     324             :                 .info = &SENSING_SENSOR_INFO_NAME(node, idx),               \
     325             :                 .register_info = reg_ptr,                               \
     326             :                 .reporter_num = DT_PROP_LEN_OR(node, reporters, 0),     \
     327             :                 .conns = SENSING_CONNECTIONS_NAME(node),                \
     328             :                 .iodev = &SENSING_SENSOR_IODEV_NAME(node, idx),             \
     329             :         };
     330             : 
     331             : /**
     332             :  * @brief Macro to define sensors.
     333             :  *
     334             :  * This macro defines sensors based on a node, a register info pointer, and a callback list pointer.
     335             :  * It uses the DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS macro to define each sensor.
     336             :  *
     337             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     338             :  * @param reg_ptr Pointer to the device's sensing_sensor_register_info.
     339             :  * @param cb_list_ptr Pointer to sensing callback list.
     340             :  */
     341             : #define SENSING_SENSORS_DEFINE(node, reg_ptr, cb_list_ptr)              \
     342             :         DT_FOREACH_PROP_ELEM_VARGS(node, sensor_types,                  \
     343             :                         SENSING_SENSOR_DEFINE, reg_ptr, cb_list_ptr)
     344             : 
     345             : /** @endcond */
     346             : 
     347             : /**
     348             :  * @brief Like SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() with sensing specifics.
     349             :  *
     350             :  * @details Defines a sensor which implements the sensor API. May define an
     351             :  * element in the sensing sensor iterable section used to enumerate all sensing
     352             :  * sensors.
     353             :  *
     354             :  * @param node The devicetree node identifier.
     355             :  * @param reg_ptr Pointer to the device's sensing_sensor_register_info.
     356             :  * @param cb_list_ptr Pointer to sensing callback list.
     357             :  * @param init_fn Name of the init function of the driver.
     358             :  * @param pm_device PM device resources reference (NULL if device does not use
     359             :  * PM).
     360             :  * @param data_ptr Pointer to the device's private data.
     361             :  * @param cfg_ptr The address to the structure containing the configuration
     362             :  * information for this instance of the driver.
     363             :  * @param level The initialization level. See SYS_INIT() for details.
     364             :  * @param prio Priority within the selected initialization level. See
     365             :  * SYS_INIT() for details.
     366             :  * @param api_ptr Provides an initial pointer to the API function struct used
     367             :  * by the driver. Can be NULL.
     368             :  */
     369             : #define SENSING_SENSORS_DT_DEFINE(node, reg_ptr, cb_list_ptr,   \
     370             :                                 init_fn, pm_device,                     \
     371             :                                 data_ptr, cfg_ptr, level, prio,         \
     372           1 :                                 api_ptr, ...)                           \
     373             :         SENSOR_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(node, init_fn, pm_device,               \
     374             :                                 data_ptr, cfg_ptr, level, prio,         \
     375             :                                 api_ptr, __VA_ARGS__);                  \
     376             :         SENSING_CONNECTIONS_DEFINE(node,                                \
     377             :                                    DT_PROP_LEN_OR(node, reporters, 0),  \
     378             :                                    cb_list_ptr);                        \
     379             :         SENSING_SENSORS_DEFINE(node, reg_ptr, cb_list_ptr);
     380             : 
     381             : /**
     382             :  * @brief Like SENSING_SENSORS_DT_DEFINE() for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT
     383             :  * compatible
     384             :  *
     385             :  * @param inst instance number. This is replaced by
     386             :  * <tt>DT_DRV_COMPAT(inst)</tt> in the call to SENSING_SENSORS_DT_DEFINE().
     387             :  * @param ... other parameters as expected by SENSING_SENSORS_DT_DEFINE().
     388             :  */
     389           1 : #define SENSING_SENSORS_DT_INST_DEFINE(inst, ...)       \
     390             :         SENSING_SENSORS_DT_DEFINE(DT_DRV_INST(inst), __VA_ARGS__)
     391             : 
     392             : /**
     393             :  * @brief Get reporter handles  of a given sensor instance by sensor type.
     394             :  *
     395             :  * @param dev The sensor instance device structure.
     396             :  * @param type The given type, \ref SENSING_SENSOR_TYPE_ALL to get reporters
     397             :  * with all types.
     398             :  * @param max_handles The max count of the \p reporter_handles array input. Can
     399             :  * get real count number via \ref sensing_sensor_get_reporters_count
     400             :  * @param reporter_handles Input handles array for receiving found reporter
     401             :  * sensor instances
     402             :  * @return number of reporters found, 0 returned if not found.
     403             :  */
     404           1 : int sensing_sensor_get_reporters(
     405             :                 const struct device *dev, int type,
     406             :                 sensing_sensor_handle_t *reporter_handles, int max_handles);
     407             : 
     408             : /**
     409             :  * @brief Get reporters count of a given sensor instance by sensor type.
     410             :  *
     411             :  * @param dev The sensor instance device structure.
     412             :  * @param type The sensor type for checking, \ref SENSING_SENSOR_TYPE_ALL
     413             :  * @return Count of reporters by \p type, 0 returned if no reporters by \p type.
     414             :  */
     415           1 : int sensing_sensor_get_reporters_count(
     416             :                 const struct device *dev, int type);
     417             : 
     418             : /**
     419             :  * @brief Get this sensor's state
     420             :  *
     421             :  * @param dev The sensor instance device structure.
     422             :  * @param state Returned sensor state value
     423             :  * @return 0 on success or negative error value on failure.
     424             :  */
     425           1 : int sensing_sensor_get_state(
     426             :                 const struct device *dev,
     427             :                 enum sensing_sensor_state *state);
     428             : 
     429             : /**
     430             :  * @}
     431             :  */
     432             : 
     433             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     434             : }
     435             : #endif
     436             : 
     437             : #endif /*ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SENSING_SENSOR_H_*/

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14