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Current view: top level - zephyr - smf.h Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors
       3             :  *
       4             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       5             :  */
       6             : 
       7             : /**
       8             :  * @file
       9             :  *
      10             :  * @brief State Machine Framework header file
      11             :  */
      12             : 
      13             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SMF_H_
      14             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SMF_H_
      15             : 
      16             : #include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
      17             : 
      18             : /**
      19             :  * @brief State Machine Framework API
      20             :  * @defgroup smf State Machine Framework API
      21             :  * @version 0.1.0
      22             :  * @ingroup os_services
      23             :  * @{
      24             :  */
      25             : 
      26             : /**
      27             :  * @brief Macro to create a hierarchical state with initial transitions.
      28             :  *
      29             :  * @param _entry   State entry function or NULL
      30             :  * @param _run     State run function or NULL
      31             :  * @param _exit    State exit function or NULL
      32             :  * @param _parent  State parent object or NULL
      33             :  * @param _initial State initial transition object or NULL
      34             :  */
      35           1 : #define SMF_CREATE_STATE(_entry, _run, _exit, _parent, _initial)           \
      36             : {                                                                          \
      37             :         .entry   = _entry,                                                 \
      38             :         .run     = _run,                                                   \
      39             :         .exit    = _exit,                                                  \
      40             :         IF_ENABLED(CONFIG_SMF_ANCESTOR_SUPPORT, (.parent = _parent,))      \
      41             :         IF_ENABLED(CONFIG_SMF_INITIAL_TRANSITION, (.initial = _initial,))  \
      42             : }
      43             : 
      44             : /**
      45             :  * @brief Macro to cast user defined object to state machine
      46             :  *        context.
      47             :  *
      48             :  * @param o A pointer to the user defined object
      49             :  */
      50           1 : #define SMF_CTX(o) ((struct smf_ctx *)o)
      51             : 
      52             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      53             : extern "C" {
      54             : #endif
      55             : 
      56             : #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
      57             : 
      58             : /**
      59             :  * @brief Function pointer that implements a portion of a state
      60             :  *
      61             :  * @param obj pointer user defined object
      62             :  */
      63           1 : typedef void (*state_execution)(void *obj);
      64             : 
      65             : /** General state that can be used in multiple state machines. */
      66           1 : struct smf_state {
      67             :         /** Optional method that will be run when this state is entered */
      68           1 :         const state_execution entry;
      69             :         /**
      70             :          * Optional method that will be run repeatedly during state machine
      71             :          * loop.
      72             :          */
      73           1 :         const state_execution run;
      74             :         /** Optional method that will be run when this state exists */
      75           1 :         const state_execution exit;
      76             : #ifdef CONFIG_SMF_ANCESTOR_SUPPORT
      77             :         /**
      78             :          * Optional parent state that contains common entry/run/exit
      79             :          *      implementation among various child states.
      80             :          *      entry: Parent function executes BEFORE child function.
      81             :          *      run:   Parent function executes AFTER child function.
      82             :          *      exit:  Parent function executes AFTER child function.
      83             :          *
      84             :          *      Note: When transitioning between two child states with a shared
      85             :          *      parent, that parent's exit and entry functions do not execute.
      86             :          */
      87             :         const struct smf_state *parent;
      88             : 
      89             : #ifdef CONFIG_SMF_INITIAL_TRANSITION
      90             :         /**
      91             :          * Optional initial transition state. NULL for leaf states.
      92             :          */
      93             :         const struct smf_state *initial;
      94             : #endif /* CONFIG_SMF_INITIAL_TRANSITION */
      95             : #endif /* CONFIG_SMF_ANCESTOR_SUPPORT */
      96             : };
      97             : 
      98             : /** Defines the current context of the state machine. */
      99           1 : struct smf_ctx {
     100             :         /** Current state the state machine is executing. */
     101           1 :         const struct smf_state *current;
     102             :         /** Previous state the state machine executed */
     103           1 :         const struct smf_state *previous;
     104             : 
     105             : #ifdef CONFIG_SMF_ANCESTOR_SUPPORT
     106             :         /** Currently executing state (which may be a parent) */
     107             :         const struct smf_state *executing;
     108             : #endif /* CONFIG_SMF_ANCESTOR_SUPPORT */
     109             :         /**
     110             :          * This value is set by the set_terminate function and
     111             :          * should terminate the state machine when its set to a
     112             :          * value other than zero when it's returned by the
     113             :          * run_state function.
     114             :          */
     115           1 :         int32_t terminate_val;
     116             :         /**
     117             :          * The state machine casts this to a "struct internal_ctx" and it's
     118             :          * used to track state machine context
     119             :          */
     120           1 :         uint32_t internal;
     121             : };
     122             : 
     123             : /**
     124             :  * @brief Initializes the state machine and sets its initial state.
     125             :  *
     126             :  * @param ctx        State machine context
     127             :  * @param init_state Initial state the state machine starts in.
     128             :  */
     129           1 : void smf_set_initial(struct smf_ctx *ctx, const struct smf_state *init_state);
     130             : 
     131             : /**
     132             :  * @brief Changes a state machines state. This handles exiting the previous
     133             :  *        state and entering the target state. For HSMs the entry and exit
     134             :  *        actions of the Least Common Ancestor will not be run.
     135             :  *
     136             :  * @param ctx       State machine context
     137             :  * @param new_state State to transition to (NULL is valid and exits all states)
     138             :  */
     139           1 : void smf_set_state(struct smf_ctx *ctx, const struct smf_state *new_state);
     140             : 
     141             : /**
     142             :  * @brief Terminate a state machine
     143             :  *
     144             :  * @param ctx  State machine context
     145             :  * @param val  Non-Zero termination value that's returned by the smf_run_state
     146             :  *             function.
     147             :  */
     148           1 : void smf_set_terminate(struct smf_ctx *ctx, int32_t val);
     149             : 
     150             : /**
     151             :  * @brief Tell the SMF to stop propagating the event to ancestors. This allows
     152             :  *        HSMs to implement 'programming by difference' where substates can
     153             :  *        handle events on their own or propagate up to a common handler.
     154             :  *
     155             :  * @param ctx  State machine context
     156             :  */
     157           1 : void smf_set_handled(struct smf_ctx *ctx);
     158             : 
     159             : /**
     160             :  * @brief Runs one iteration of a state machine (including any parent states)
     161             :  *
     162             :  * @param ctx  State machine context
     163             :  * @return         A non-zero value should terminate the state machine. This
     164             :  *                         non-zero value could represent a terminal state being reached
     165             :  *                         or the detection of an error that should result in the
     166             :  *                         termination of the state machine.
     167             :  */
     168           1 : int32_t smf_run_state(struct smf_ctx *ctx);
     169             : 
     170             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     171             : }
     172             : #endif
     173             : 
     174             : /**
     175             :  * @}
     176             :  */
     177             : 
     178             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SMF_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14