LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - zephyr/sys - notify.h Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 10 25 40.0 %
Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright (c) 2019 Peter Bigot Consulting, LLC
       3             :  * Copyright (c) 2020 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
       4             :  *
       5             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       6             :  */
       7             : 
       8             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SYS_NOTIFY_H_
       9             : #define ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SYS_NOTIFY_H_
      10             : 
      11             : #include <zephyr/kernel.h>
      12             : #include <zephyr/types.h>
      13             : 
      14             : #ifdef __cplusplus
      15             : extern "C" {
      16             : #endif
      17             : 
      18             : struct sys_notify;
      19             : 
      20             : /*
      21             :  * Flag value that overwrites the method field when the operation has
      22             :  * completed.
      23             :  */
      24           0 : #define SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_COMPLETED 0
      25             : 
      26             : /*
      27             :  * Indicates that no notification will be provided.
      28             :  *
      29             :  * Callers must check for completions using
      30             :  * sys_notify_fetch_result().
      31             :  *
      32             :  * See sys_notify_init_spinwait().
      33             :  */
      34           0 : #define SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_SPINWAIT 1
      35             : 
      36             : /*
      37             :  * Select notification through @ref k_poll signal
      38             :  *
      39             :  * See sys_notify_init_signal().
      40             :  */
      41           0 : #define SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_SIGNAL 2
      42             : 
      43             : /*
      44             :  * Select notification through a user-provided callback.
      45             :  *
      46             :  * See sys_notify_init_callback().
      47             :  */
      48           0 : #define SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_CALLBACK 3
      49             : 
      50           0 : #define SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_MASK 0x03U
      51           0 : #define SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_POS 0
      52             : 
      53             : /**
      54             :  * @brief Identify the region of sys_notify flags available for
      55             :  * containing services.
      56             :  *
      57             :  * Bits of the flags field of the sys_notify structure at and above
      58             :  * this position may be used by extensions to the sys_notify
      59             :  * structure.
      60             :  *
      61             :  * These bits are intended for use by containing service
      62             :  * implementations to record client-specific information.  The bits
      63             :  * are cleared by sys_notify_validate().  Use of these does not
      64             :  * imply that the flags field becomes public API.
      65             :  */
      66           1 : #define SYS_NOTIFY_EXTENSION_POS 2
      67             : 
      68             : /*
      69             :  * Mask isolating the bits of sys_notify::flags that are available
      70             :  * for extension.
      71             :  */
      73             : 
      74             : /**
      75             :  * @defgroup sys_notify_apis Asynchronous Notification APIs
      76             :  * @ingroup kernel_apis
      77             :  * @{
      78             :  */
      79             : 
      80             : /**
      81             :  * @brief Generic signature used to notify of result completion by
      82             :  * callback.
      83             :  *
      84             :  * Functions with this role may be invoked from any context including
      85             :  * pre-kernel, ISR, or cooperative or pre-emptible threads.
      86             :  * Compatible functions must be isr-ok and not sleep.
      87             :  *
      88             :  * Parameters that should generally be passed to such functions include:
      89             :  *
      90             :  * * a pointer to a specific client request structure, i.e. the one
      91             :  *   that contains the sys_notify structure.
      92             :  * * the result of the operation, either as passed to
      93             :  *   sys_notify_finalize() or extracted afterwards using
      94             :  *   sys_notify_fetch_result().  Expected values are
      95             :  *   service-specific, but the value shall be non-negative if the
      96             :  *   operation succeeded, and negative if the operation failed.
      97             :  */
      98           1 : typedef void (*sys_notify_generic_callback)();
      99             : 
     100             : /**
     101             :  * @brief State associated with notification for an asynchronous
     102             :  * operation.
     103             :  *
     104             :  * Objects of this type are allocated by a client, which must use an
     105             :  * initialization function (e.g. sys_notify_init_signal()) to
     106             :  * configure them.  Generally the structure is a member of a
     107             :  * service-specific client structure, such as onoff_client.
     108             :  *
     109             :  * Control of the containing object transfers to the service provider
     110             :  * when a pointer to the object is passed to a service function that
     111             :  * is documented to take control of the object, such as
     112             :  * onoff_service_request().  While the service provider controls the
     113             :  * object the client must not change any object fields.  Control
     114             :  * reverts to the client:
     115             :  * * if the call to the service API returns an error;
     116             :  * * when operation completion is posted.  This may occur before the
     117             :  *   call to the service API returns.
     118             :  *
     119             :  * Operation completion is technically posted when the flags field is
     120             :  * updated so that sys_notify_fetch_result() returns success.  This
     121             :  * will happen before the signal is posted or callback is invoked.
     122             :  * Note that although the manager will no longer reference the
     123             :  * sys_notify object past this point, the containing object may have
     124             :  * state that will be referenced within the callback.  Where callbacks
     125             :  * are used control of the containing object does not revert to the
     126             :  * client until the callback has been invoked.  (Re-use within the
     127             :  * callback is explicitly permitted.)
     128             :  *
     129             :  * After control has reverted to the client the notify object must be
     130             :  * reinitialized for the next operation.
     131             :  *
     132             :  * The content of this structure is not public API to clients: all
     133             :  * configuration and inspection should be done with functions like
     134             :  * sys_notify_init_callback() and sys_notify_fetch_result().
     135             :  * However, services that use this structure may access certain
     136             :  * fields directly.
     137             :  */
     138           1 : struct sys_notify {
     139           0 :         union method {
     140             :                 /* Pointer to signal used to notify client.
     141             :                  *
     142             :                  * The signal value corresponds to the res parameter
     143             :                  * of sys_notify_callback.
     144             :                  */
     145           0 :                 struct k_poll_signal *signal;
     146             : 
     147             :                 /* Generic callback function for callback notification. */
     148           0 :                 sys_notify_generic_callback callback;
     149           0 :         } method;
     150             : 
     151             :         /*
     152             :          * Flags recording information about the operation.
     153             :          *
     154             :          * Bits below SYS_NOTIFY_EXTENSION_POS are initialized by
     155             :          * async notify API init functions like
     156             :          * sys_notify_init_callback(), and must not by modified by
     157             :          * extensions or client code.
     158             :          *
     159             :          * Bits at and above SYS_NOTIFY_EXTENSION_POS are available
     160             :          * for use by service extensions while the containing object
     161             :          * is managed by the service.  They are not for client use,
     162             :          * are zeroed by the async notify API init functions, and will
     163             :          * be zeroed by sys_notify_finalize().
     164             :          */
     165           0 :         uint32_t volatile flags;
     166             : 
     167             :         /*
     168             :          * The result of the operation.
     169             :          *
     170             :          * This is the value that was (or would be) passed to the
     171             :          * async infrastructure.  This field is the sole record of
     172             :          * success or failure for spin-wait synchronous operations.
     173             :          */
     174           0 :         int volatile result;
     175             : };
     176             : 
     177             : /** @internal */
     178           0 : static inline uint32_t sys_notify_get_method(const struct sys_notify *notify)
     179             : {
     180             :         uint32_t method = notify->flags >> SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_POS;
     181             : 
     182             :         return method & SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_MASK;
     183             : }
     184             : 
     185             : /**
     186             :  * @brief Validate and initialize the notify structure.
     187             :  *
     188             :  * This should be invoked at the start of any service-specific
     189             :  * configuration validation.  It ensures that the basic asynchronous
     190             :  * notification configuration is consistent, and clears the result.
     191             :  *
     192             :  * Note that this function does not validate extension bits (zeroed by
     193             :  * async notify API init functions like sys_notify_init_callback()).
     194             :  * It may fail to recognize that an uninitialized structure has been
     195             :  * passed because only method bits of flags are tested against method
     196             :  * settings.  To reduce the chance of accepting an uninitialized
     197             :  * operation service validation of structures that contain an
     198             :  * sys_notify instance should confirm that the extension bits are
     199             :  * set or cleared as expected.
     200             :  *
     201             :  * @retval 0 on successful validation and reinitialization
     202             :  * @retval -EINVAL if the configuration is not valid.
     203             :  */
     204           1 : int sys_notify_validate(struct sys_notify *notify);
     205             : 
     206             : /**
     207             :  * @brief Record and signal the operation completion.
     208             :  *
     209             :  * @param notify pointer to the notification state structure.
     210             :  *
     211             :  * @param res the result of the operation.  Expected values are
     212             :  * service-specific, but the value shall be non-negative if the
     213             :  * operation succeeded, and negative if the operation failed.
     214             :  *
     215             :  * @return If the notification is to be done by callback this returns
     216             :  * the generic version of the function to be invoked.  The caller must
     217             :  * immediately invoke that function with whatever arguments are
     218             :  * expected by the callback.  If notification is by spin-wait or
     219             :  * signal, the notification has been completed by the point this
     220             :  * function returns, and a null pointer is returned.
     221             :  */
     222           1 : sys_notify_generic_callback sys_notify_finalize(struct sys_notify *notify,
     223             :                                                     int res);
     224             : 
     225             : /**
     226             :  * @brief Check for and read the result of an asynchronous operation.
     227             :  *
     228             :  * @param notify pointer to the object used to specify asynchronous
     229             :  * function behavior and store completion information.
     230             :  *
     231             :  * @param result pointer to storage for the result of the operation.
     232             :  * The result is stored only if the operation has completed.
     233             :  *
     234             :  * @retval 0 if the operation has completed.
     235             :  * @retval -EAGAIN if the operation has not completed.
     236             :  */
     237           1 : static inline int sys_notify_fetch_result(const struct sys_notify *notify,
     238             :                                             int *result)
     239             : {
     240             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(notify != NULL);
     241             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(result != NULL);
     242             :         int rv = -EAGAIN;
     243             : 
     244             :         if (sys_notify_get_method(notify) == SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_COMPLETED) {
     245             :                 rv = 0;
     246             :                 *result = notify->result;
     247             :         }
     248             : 
     249             :         return rv;
     250             : }
     251             : 
     252             : /**
     253             :  * @brief Initialize a notify object for spin-wait notification.
     254             :  *
     255             :  * Clients that use this initialization receive no asynchronous
     256             :  * notification, and instead must periodically check for completion
     257             :  * using sys_notify_fetch_result().
     258             :  *
     259             :  * On completion of the operation the client object must be
     260             :  * reinitialized before it can be re-used.
     261             :  *
     262             :  * @param notify pointer to the notification configuration object.
     263             :  */
     264           1 : static inline void sys_notify_init_spinwait(struct sys_notify *notify)
     265             : {
     266             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(notify != NULL);
     267             : 
     268             :         *notify = (struct sys_notify){
     269             :                 .flags = SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_SPINWAIT,
     270             :         };
     271             : }
     272             : 
     273             : /**
     274             :  * @brief Initialize a notify object for (k_poll) signal notification.
     275             :  *
     276             :  * Clients that use this initialization will be notified of the
     277             :  * completion of operations through the provided signal.
     278             :  *
     279             :  * On completion of the operation the client object must be
     280             :  * reinitialized before it can be re-used.
     281             :  *
     282             :  * @note
     283             :  *   This capability is available only when @kconfig{CONFIG_POLL} is
     284             :  *   selected.
     285             :  *
     286             :  * @param notify pointer to the notification configuration object.
     287             :  *
     288             :  * @param sigp pointer to the signal to use for notification.  The
     289             :  * value must not be null.  The signal must be reset before the client
     290             :  * object is passed to the on-off service API.
     291             :  */
     292           1 : static inline void sys_notify_init_signal(struct sys_notify *notify,
     293             :                                             struct k_poll_signal *sigp)
     294             : {
     295             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(notify != NULL);
     296             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(sigp != NULL);
     297             : 
     298             :         *notify = (struct sys_notify){
     299             :                 .method = {
     300             :                         .signal = sigp,
     301             :                 },
     302             :                 .flags = SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_SIGNAL,
     303             :         };
     304             : }
     305             : 
     306             : /**
     307             :  * @brief Initialize a notify object for callback notification.
     308             :  *
     309             :  * Clients that use this initialization will be notified of the
     310             :  * completion of operations through the provided callback.  Note that
     311             :  * callbacks may be invoked from various contexts depending on the
     312             :  * specific service; see @ref sys_notify_generic_callback.
     313             :  *
     314             :  * On completion of the operation the client object must be
     315             :  * reinitialized before it can be re-used.
     316             :  *
     317             :  * @param notify pointer to the notification configuration object.
     318             :  *
     319             :  * @param handler a function pointer to use for notification.
     320             :  */
     321           1 : static inline void sys_notify_init_callback(struct sys_notify *notify,
     322             :                                               sys_notify_generic_callback handler)
     323             : {
     324             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(notify != NULL);
     325             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(handler != NULL);
     326             : 
     327             :         *notify = (struct sys_notify){
     328             :                 .method = {
     329             :                         .callback = handler,
     330             :                 },
     331             :                 .flags = SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_CALLBACK,
     332             :         };
     333             : }
     334             : 
     335             : /**
     336             :  * @brief Detect whether a particular notification uses a callback.
     337             :  *
     338             :  * The generic handler does not capture the signature expected by the
     339             :  * callback, and the translation to a service-specific callback must
     340             :  * be provided by the service.  This check allows abstracted services
     341             :  * to reject callback notification requests when the service doesn't
     342             :  * provide a translation function.
     343             :  *
     344             :  * @return true if and only if a callback is to be used for notification.
     345             :  */
     346           1 : static inline bool sys_notify_uses_callback(const struct sys_notify *notify)
     347             : {
     348             :         __ASSERT_NO_MSG(notify != NULL);
     349             : 
     350             :         return sys_notify_get_method(notify) == SYS_NOTIFY_METHOD_CALLBACK;
     351             : }
     352             : 
     353             : /** @} */
     354             : 
     355             : #ifdef __cplusplus
     356             : }
     357             : #endif
     358             : 
     359             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_INCLUDE_SYS_NOTIFY_H_ */

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14