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Current view: top level - zephyr/sys - spsc_lockfree.h Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-12-22 00:14:23

          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : /*
       2             :  * Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation
       3             :  *
       4             :  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
       5             :  */
       6             : 
       7             : #ifndef ZEPHYR_SYS_SPSC_LOCKFREE_H_
       8             : #define ZEPHYR_SYS_SPSC_LOCKFREE_H_
       9             : 
      10             : #include <stdint.h>
      11             : #include <stdbool.h>
      12             : #include <zephyr/toolchain/common.h>
      13             : #include <zephyr/sys/atomic.h>
      14             : #include <zephyr/sys/util_macro.h>
      15             : 
      16             : /**
      17             :  * @brief Single Producer Single Consumer (SPSC) Lockfree Queue API
      18             :  * @defgroup spsc_lockfree SPSC API
      19             :  * @ingroup datastructure_apis
      20             :  * @{
      21             :  */
      22             : 
      23             : /**
      24             :  * @file spsc_lockfree.h
      25             :  *
      26             :  * @brief A lock-free and type safe power of 2 fixed sized single producer
      27             :  * single consumer (SPSC) queue using a ringbuffer and atomics to ensure
      28             :  * coherency.
      29             :  *
      30             :  * This SPSC queue implementation works on an array which wraps using a power of
      31             :  * two size and uses a bit mask to perform a modulus. Atomics are used to allow
      32             :  * single-producer single-consumer safe semantics without locks. Elements are
      33             :  * expected to be of a fixed size. The API is type safe as the underlying buffer
      34             :  * is typed and all usage is done through macros.
      35             :  *
      36             :  * An SPSC queue may be declared on a stack or statically and work as intended so
      37             :  * long as its lifetime outlives any usage. Static declarations should be the
      38             :  * preferred method as stack . It is meant to be a shared object between two
      39             :  * execution contexts (ISR and a thread for example)
      40             :  *
      41             :  * An SPSC queue is safe to produce or consume in an ISR with O(1) push/pull.
      42             :  *
      43             :  * @warning SPSC is *not* safe to produce or consume in multiple execution
      44             :  * contexts.
      45             :  *
      46             :  * Safe usage would be, where A and B are unique execution contexts:
      47             :  * 1. ISR A producing and a Thread B consuming.
      48             :  * 2. Thread A producing and ISR B consuming.
      49             :  * 3. Thread A producing and Thread B consuming.
      50             :  * 4. ISR A producing and ISR B consuming.
      51             :  */
      52             : 
      53             : /**
      54             :  * @private
      55             :  * @brief Common SPSC attributes
      56             :  *
      57             :  * @warning Not to be manipulated without the macros!
      58             :  */
      59           1 : struct spsc {
      60             :         /* private value only the producer thread should mutate */
      61           0 :         unsigned long acquire;
      62             : 
      63             :         /* private value only the consumer thread should mutate */
      64           0 :         unsigned long consume;
      65             : 
      66             :         /* producer mutable, consumer readable */
      67           0 :         atomic_t in;
      68             : 
      69             :         /* consumer mutable, producer readable */
      70           0 :         atomic_t out;
      71             : 
      72             :         /* mask used to automatically wrap values */
      73           0 :         const unsigned long mask;
      74             : };
      75             : 
      76             : /**
      77             :  * @brief Statically initialize an spsc
      78             :  *
      79             :  * @param sz Size of the spsc, must be power of 2 (ex: 2, 4, 8)
      80             :  * @param buf Buffer pointer
      81             :  */
      82           1 : #define SPSC_INITIALIZER(sz, buf)                                                                  \
      83             :         {                                                                                          \
      84             :                 ._spsc =                                                                           \
      85             :                         {                                                                          \
      86             :                                 .acquire = 0,                                                      \
      87             :                                 .consume = 0,                                                      \
      88             :                                 .in = ATOMIC_INIT(0),                                              \
      89             :                                 .out = ATOMIC_INIT(0),                                             \
      90             :                                 .mask = sz - 1,                                                    \
      91             :                         },                                                                         \
      92             :                 .buffer = buf,                                                                     \
      93             :         }
      94             : 
      95             : /**
      96             :  * @brief Declare an anonymous struct type for an spsc
      97             :  *
      98             :  * @param name Name of the spsc symbol to be provided
      99             :  * @param type Type stored in the spsc
     100             :  */
     101           1 : #define SPSC_DECLARE(name, type)                                                                   \
     102             :         static struct spsc_##name {                                                                \
     103             :                 struct spsc _spsc;                                                                 \
     104             :                 type * const buffer;                                                               \
     105             :         }
     106             : 
     107             : /**
     108             :  * @brief Define an spsc with a fixed size
     109             :  *
     110             :  * @param name Name of the spsc symbol to be provided
     111             :  * @param type Type stored in the spsc
     112             :  * @param sz Size of the spsc, must be power of 2 (ex: 2, 4, 8)
     113             :  */
     114           1 : #define SPSC_DEFINE(name, type, sz)                                                                \
     115             :         BUILD_ASSERT(IS_POWER_OF_TWO(sz));                                                         \
     116             :         static type __spsc_buf_##name[sz];                                                         \
     117             :         SPSC_DECLARE(name, type) name = SPSC_INITIALIZER(sz, __spsc_buf_##name);
     118             : 
     119             : /**
     120             :  * @brief Size of the SPSC queue
     121             :  *
     122             :  * @param spsc SPSC reference
     123             :  */
     124           1 : #define spsc_size(spsc) ((spsc)->_spsc.mask + 1)
     125             : 
     126             : /**
     127             :  * @private
     128             :  * @brief A number modulo the spsc size, assumes power of 2
     129             :  *
     130             :  * @param spsc SPSC reference
     131             :  * @param i Value to modulo to the size of the spsc
     132             :  */
     133             : #define z_spsc_mask(spsc, i) ((i) & (spsc)->_spsc.mask)
     134             : 
     135             : /**
     136             :  * @private
     137             :  * @brief Load the current "in" index from the spsc as an unsigned long
     138             :  */
     139             : #define z_spsc_in(spsc) (unsigned long)atomic_get(&(spsc)->
     140             : 
     141             : /**
     142             :  * @private
     143             :  * @brief Load the current "out" index from the spsc as an unsigned long
     144             :  */
     145             : #define z_spsc_out(spsc) (unsigned long)atomic_get(&(spsc)->_spsc.out)
     146             : 
     147             : /**
     148             :  * @brief Initialize/reset a spsc such that its empty
     149             :  *
     150             :  * Note that this is not safe to do while being used in a producer/consumer
     151             :  * situation with multiple calling contexts (isrs/threads).
     152             :  *
     153             :  * @param spsc SPSC to initialize/reset
     154             :  */
     155           1 : #define spsc_reset(spsc)                                                                           \
     156             :         ({                                                                                         \
     157             :                 (spsc)->_spsc.consume = 0;                                                         \
     158             :                 (spsc)->_spsc.acquire = 0;                                                         \
     159             :                 atomic_set(&(spsc)->, 0);                                                  \
     160             :                 atomic_set(&(spsc)->_spsc.out, 0);                                                 \
     161             :         })
     162             : 
     163             : /**
     164             :  * @brief Acquire an element to produce from the SPSC
     165             :  *
     166             :  * @param spsc SPSC to acquire an element from for producing
     167             :  *
     168             :  * @return A pointer to the acquired element or null if the spsc is full
     169             :  */
     170           1 : #define spsc_acquire(spsc)                                                                         \
     171             :         ({                                                                                         \
     172             :                 unsigned long idx = z_spsc_in(spsc) + (spsc)->_spsc.acquire;                       \
     173             :                 bool spsc_acq = (idx - z_spsc_out(spsc)) < spsc_size(spsc);                        \
     174             :                 if (spsc_acq) {                                                                    \
     175             :                         (spsc)->_spsc.acquire += 1;                                                \
     176             :                 }                                                                                  \
     177             :                 spsc_acq ? &((spsc)->buffer[z_spsc_mask(spsc, idx)]) : NULL;                       \
     178             :         })
     179             : 
     180             : /**
     181             :  * @brief Produce one previously acquired element to the SPSC
     182             :  *
     183             :  * This makes one element available to the consumer immediately
     184             :  *
     185             :  * @param spsc SPSC to produce the previously acquired element or do nothing
     186             :  */
     187           1 : #define spsc_produce(spsc)                                                                         \
     188             :         ({                                                                                         \
     189             :                 if ((spsc)->_spsc.acquire > 0) {                                                   \
     190             :                         (spsc)->_spsc.acquire -= 1;                                                \
     191             :                         atomic_add(&(spsc)->, 1);                                          \
     192             :                 }                                                                                  \
     193             :         })
     194             : 
     195             : /**
     196             :  * @brief Produce all previously acquired elements to the SPSC
     197             :  *
     198             :  * This makes all previous acquired elements available to the consumer
     199             :  * immediately
     200             :  *
     201             :  * @param spsc SPSC to produce all previously acquired elements or do nothing
     202             :  */
     203           1 : #define spsc_produce_all(spsc)                                                                     \
     204             :         ({                                                                                         \
     205             :                 if ((spsc)->_spsc.acquire > 0) {                                                   \
     206             :                         unsigned long acquired = (spsc)->_spsc.acquire;                            \
     207             :                         (spsc)->_spsc.acquire = 0;                                                 \
     208             :                         atomic_add(&(spsc)->, acquired);                                   \
     209             :                 }                                                                                  \
     210             :         })
     211             : 
     212             : /**
     213             :  * @brief Drop all previously acquired elements
     214             :  *
     215             :  * This makes all previous acquired elements available to be acquired again
     216             :  *
     217             :  * @param spsc SPSC to drop all previously acquired elements or do nothing
     218             :  */
     219           1 : #define spsc_drop_all(spsc)                                                                        \
     220             :         do {                                                                                       \
     221             :                 (spsc)->_spsc.acquire = 0;                                                         \
     222             :         } while (false)
     223             : 
     224             : /**
     225             :  * @brief Consume an element from the spsc
     226             :  *
     227             :  * @param spsc Spsc to consume from
     228             :  *
     229             :  * @return Pointer to element or null if no consumable elements left
     230             :  */
     231           1 : #define spsc_consume(spsc)                                                                         \
     232             :         ({                                                                                         \
     233             :                 unsigned long idx = z_spsc_out(spsc) + (spsc)->_spsc.consume;                      \
     234             :                 bool has_consumable = (idx != z_spsc_in(spsc));                                    \
     235             :                 if (has_consumable) {                                                              \
     236             :                         (spsc)->_spsc.consume += 1;                                                \
     237             :                 }                                                                                  \
     238             :                 has_consumable ? &((spsc)->buffer[z_spsc_mask(spsc, idx)]) : NULL;                 \
     239             :         })
     240             : 
     241             : /**
     242             :  * @brief Release a consumed element
     243             :  *
     244             :  * @param spsc SPSC to release consumed element or do nothing
     245             :  */
     246           1 : #define spsc_release(spsc)                                                                         \
     247             :         ({                                                                                         \
     248             :                 if ((spsc)->_spsc.consume > 0) {                                                   \
     249             :                         (spsc)->_spsc.consume -= 1;                                                \
     250             :                         atomic_add(&(spsc)->_spsc.out, 1);                                         \
     251             :                 }                                                                                  \
     252             :         })
     253             : 
     254             : /**
     255             :  * @brief Release all consumed elements
     256             :  *
     257             :  * @param spsc SPSC to release consumed elements or do nothing
     258             :  */
     259           1 : #define spsc_release_all(spsc)                                                                     \
     260             :         ({                                                                                         \
     261             :                 if ((spsc)->_spsc.consume > 0) {                                                   \
     262             :                         unsigned long consumed = (spsc)->_spsc.consume;                            \
     263             :                         (spsc)->_spsc.consume = 0;                                                 \
     264             :                         atomic_add(&(spsc)->_spsc.out, consumed);                                  \
     265             :                 }                                                                                  \
     266             :         })
     267             : 
     268             : /**
     269             :  * @brief Count of acquirable in spsc
     270             :  *
     271             :  * @param spsc SPSC to get item count for
     272             :  */
     273           1 : #define spsc_acquirable(spsc)                                                                      \
     274             :         ({ (((spsc)-> + (spsc)->_spsc.acquire) - (spsc)->_spsc.out) - spsc_size(spsc); })
     275             : 
     276             : /**
     277             :  * @brief Count of consumables in spsc
     278             :  *
     279             :  * @param spsc SPSC to get item count for
     280             :  */
     281           1 : #define spsc_consumable(spsc) ({ (spsc)-> - (spsc)->_spsc.out - (spsc)->_spsc.consume; })
     282             : 
     283             : /**
     284             :  * @brief Peek at the first available item in queue
     285             :  *
     286             :  * @param spsc Spsc to peek into
     287             :  *
     288             :  * @return Pointer to element or null if no consumable elements left
     289             :  */
     290           1 : #define spsc_peek(spsc)                                                                            \
     291             :         ({                                                                                         \
     292             :                 unsigned long idx = z_spsc_out(spsc) + (spsc)->_spsc.consume;                      \
     293             :                 bool has_consumable = (idx != z_spsc_in(spsc));                                    \
     294             :                 has_consumable ? &((spsc)->buffer[z_spsc_mask(spsc, idx)]) : NULL;                 \
     295             :         })
     296             : 
     297             : /**
     298             :  * @brief Peek at the next item in the queue from a given one
     299             :  *
     300             :  *
     301             :  * @param spsc SPSC to peek at
     302             :  * @param item Pointer to an item in the queue
     303             :  *
     304             :  * @return Pointer to element or null if none left
     305             :  */
     306           1 : #define spsc_next(spsc, item)                                                                      \
     307             :         ({                                                                                         \
     308             :                 unsigned long idx = ((item) - (spsc)->buffer);                                     \
     309             :                 bool has_next =                                                                    \
     310             :                         z_spsc_mask(spsc, (idx + 1)) != (z_spsc_mask(spsc, z_spsc_in(spsc)));      \
     311             :                 has_next ? &((spsc)->buffer[z_spsc_mask((spsc), idx + 1)]) : NULL;                 \
     312             :         })
     313             : 
     314             : /**
     315             :  * @brief Get the previous item in the queue from a given one
     316             :  *
     317             :  * @param spsc SPSC to peek at
     318             :  * @param item Pointer to an item in the queue
     319             :  *
     320             :  * @return Pointer to element or null if none left
     321             :  */
     322           1 : #define spsc_prev(spsc, item)                                                                      \
     323             :         ({                                                                                         \
     324             :                 unsigned long idx = ((item) - &(spsc)->buffer[0]) / sizeof((spsc)->buffer[0]);     \
     325             :                 bool has_prev = idx != z_spsc_mask(spsc, z_spsc_out(spsc));                        \
     326             :                 has_prev ? &((spsc)->buffer[z_spsc_mask(spsc, idx - 1)]) : NULL;                   \
     327             :         })
     328             : 
     329             : /**
     330             :  * @}
     331             :  */
     332             : 
     333             : #endif /* ZEPHYR_SYS_SPSC_LOCKFREE_H_ */

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