Custom Shell module


This is a simple application demonstrating how to write and register commands using the Shell API:

Register Static commands

version is a static command that prints the kernel version.

Conditionally Register commands

login and logout are conditionally registered commands depending on CONFIG_SHELL_START_OBSCURED.

Register Dynamic commands

See dynamic command and samples/subsys/shell/shell_module/src/dynamic_cmd.c for details on how dynamic commands are implemented.

Register Dictionary commands

dictionary implements subsect of dictionary commands.

Set a Bypass callback

bypass implements the bypass callback.

Set a Login command

login and logout implement the login and logout mechanism, respectively.

Obscure user-input with asterisks

login and logout implement the feature of enabling and disabling this functionality, respectively.


  • A target configured with the shell interface, exposed through any of its backends.

Building and Running

This sample can be found under samples/subsys/shell/shell_module in the Zephyr tree.

The sample can be built for several platforms.

Emulation Targets

The sample may run on emulation targets. The following commands build the application for the qemu_x86.

west build -b qemu_x86 samples/subsys/shell/shell_module
west build -t run

After running the application, the console displays the shell interface, and shows the shell prompt, at which point the user may start the interaction.


west build -b nrf52840dk/nrf52840 samples/subsys/shell/shell_module
west flash

Sample Output

  bypass              clear               date
  demo                device              devmem
  dynamic             help                history
  kernel              log                 log_test
  rem                 resize              retval
  section_cmd         shell               shell_uart_release
  stats               version
uart:~$ demo
demo - Demo commands
  dictionary  : Dictionary commands
  hexdump     : Hexdump params command.
  params      : Print params command.
  ping        : Ping command.
  board       : Show board name command.
uart:~$ dynamic
dynamic - Demonstrate dynamic command usage.
  add      : Add a new dynamic command.
            Example usage: [ dynamic add test ] will add a dynamic command
            In this example, command name length is limited to 32 chars. You can
            add up to 20 commands. Commands are automatically sorted to ensure
            correct shell completion.
  execute  : Execute a command.
  remove   : Remove a command.
  show     : Show all added dynamic commands.

Details on Shell Subsystem

For more details on the Shell subsystem, check the general Shell documentation.

See also

Shell API