Blinky Application


The Blinky example shows how to configure GPIO pins as outputs which can also be used to drive LEDs on the hardware usually delivered as “User LEDs” on many of the supported boards in Zephyr.


The demo assumes that an LED is connected to one of GPIO lines. The sample code is configured to work on boards with user defined buttons and that have defined the LED0_* variables in board.h.

The board.h must define the following variables:


Building and Running

This samples does not output anything to the console. It can be built and flashed to a board as follows:

# On Linux/macOS
cd $ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/basic/blinky
mkdir build && cd build

# On Windows
cd %ZEPHYR_BASE%\samples\basic\blinky
mkdir build & cd build

cmake -GNinja -DBOARD=arduino_101 ..
ninja flash

After flashing the image to the board, the user LED on the board should start to blink.