The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.7.5 version.

ADXL372: Three Axis High-g I2C/SPI Accelerometer


This sample application produces slightly different outputs based on the chosen driver configuration mode:

  • In Measuring Mode with trigger support, the acceleration on all three axis is printed in m/s^2 at the sampling rate (ODR).

  • In Polled Measuring Mode, the instantaneous acceleration is polled every 2 seconds.

  • In Max Peak Detect Mode, the device returns only the over-threshold peak acceleration between two consecutive sample fetches or trigger events. (In most high-g applications, a single 3-axis acceleration sample at the peak of an impact event contains sufficient information about the event, and the full acceleration history is not required.) Instead of printing the acceleration on all three axis, the sample application calculates the vector magnitude (root sum squared) and displays the result in g’s rather than in m/s^2, together with an bar graph.



This sample uses the ADXL372 sensor controlled either using the I2C or SPI interface. Connect supply VDD, VS and GND. The supply voltage can be in the 1.6V to 3.5V range.

I2C mode

Connect Interface: SDA, SCL and optionally connect the INT1 to a interrupt capable GPIO. It is a requirement that SCLK must be connected to GND in I2C mode. Depending on the baseboard used, the SDA and SCL lines require Pull-Up resistors. With the MISO pin low, the I2C address for the device is 0x1D, and an alternate I2C address of 0x53 can be chosen by pulling the MISO pin high.

I2C Address:

  • 0x1D: if MISO is pulled low

  • 0x53: if MISO is pulled high


When sharing an SDA bus, the ADXL372 Silicon Revision < 3 may prevent communication with other devices on that bus.

SPI mode

Connect Interface: SCLK, MISO, MOSI and /CS and optionally connect the INT1 to a interrupt capable GPIO.

Building and Running

This project outputs sensor data to the console. It requires an ADXL372 sensor. It should work with any platform featuring a I2C/SPI peripheral interface. It does not work on QEMU. In this example below the nRF52 DK board is used.

# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b nrf52dk_nrf52832 samples/sensor/adxl372
west flash

Sample Output: Max Peak Detect Mode

Waiting for a threshold event
 23.94 g: ########################
Waiting for a threshold event
 38.01 g: #######################################
Waiting for a threshold event
 51.40 g: ####################################################
Waiting for a threshold event
 63.63 g: ################################################################

Sample Output: Measurement Mode

AX=      2.94 AY=     -5.88 AZ=      0.98 (m/s^2)
AX=     -4.90 AY=      6.86 AZ=     -1.96 (m/s^2)
AX=      2.94 AY=     -2.94 AZ=      8.83 (m/s^2)
AX=     -0.98 AY=     -6.86 AZ=     -0.98 (m/s^2)
AX=      6.86 AY=      2.94 AZ=      3.92 (m/s^2)
AX=     -0.98 AY=      4.90 AZ=     -3.92 (m/s^2)

<repeats endlessly>