Zephyr API Documentation  3.5.0
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CAN Interface

CAN Interface. More...

Data Structures

struct  can_frame
 CAN frame structure. More...
struct  can_filter
 CAN filter structure. More...
struct  can_bus_err_cnt
 CAN controller error counters. More...
struct  can_timing
 CAN bus timing structure. More...
struct  can_device_state
 CAN specific device state which allows for CAN device class specific additions. More...


#define CAN_STATS_BIT0_ERROR_INC(dev_)    STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), bit0_error)
 Increment the bit0 error counter for a CAN device.
#define CAN_STATS_BIT1_ERROR_INC(dev_)    STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), bit1_error)
 Increment the bit1 (recessive) error counter for a CAN device.
#define CAN_STATS_STUFF_ERROR_INC(dev_)    STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), stuff_error)
 Increment the stuffing error counter for a CAN device.
#define CAN_STATS_CRC_ERROR_INC(dev_)    STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), crc_error)
 Increment the CRC error counter for a CAN device.
#define CAN_STATS_FORM_ERROR_INC(dev_)    STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), form_error)
 Increment the form error counter for a CAN device.
#define CAN_STATS_ACK_ERROR_INC(dev_)    STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), ack_error)
 Increment the acknowledge error counter for a CAN device.
#define CAN_STATS_RX_OVERRUN_INC(dev_)    STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), rx_overrun)
 Increment the RX overrun counter for a CAN device.
#define CAN_STATS_RESET(dev_)    stats_reset(&(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_).s_hdr))
 Zero all statistics for a CAN device.
#define CAN_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE(node_id, init_fn, pm, data, config, level, prio, api, ...)
 Like DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() with CAN device specifics.
 Like CAN_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible.


typedef uint32_t can_mode_t
 Provides a type to hold CAN controller configuration flags.
typedef void(* can_tx_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, int error, void *user_data)
 Defines the application callback handler function signature.
typedef void(* can_rx_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, struct can_frame *frame, void *user_data)
 Defines the application callback handler function signature for receiving.
typedef void(* can_state_change_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, enum can_state state, struct can_bus_err_cnt err_cnt, void *user_data)
 Defines the state change callback handler function signature.


enum  can_state {
 Defines the state of the CAN controller. More...

CAN controller configuration

int can_get_core_clock (const struct device *dev, uint32_t *rate)
 Get the CAN core clock rate.
int can_get_max_bitrate (const struct device *dev, uint32_t *max_bitrate)
 Get maximum supported bitrate.
const struct can_timingcan_get_timing_min (const struct device *dev)
 Get the minimum supported timing parameter values.
const struct can_timingcan_get_timing_max (const struct device *dev)
 Get the maximum supported timing parameter values.
int can_calc_timing (const struct device *dev, struct can_timing *res, uint32_t bitrate, uint16_t sample_pnt)
 Calculate timing parameters from bitrate and sample point.
const struct can_timingcan_get_timing_data_min (const struct device *dev)
 Get the minimum supported timing parameter values for the data phase.
const struct can_timingcan_get_timing_data_max (const struct device *dev)
 Get the maximum supported timing parameter values for the data phase.
int can_calc_timing_data (const struct device *dev, struct can_timing *res, uint32_t bitrate, uint16_t sample_pnt)
 Calculate timing parameters for the data phase.
int can_set_timing_data (const struct device *dev, const struct can_timing *timing_data)
 Configure the bus timing for the data phase of a CAN-FD controller.
int can_set_bitrate_data (const struct device *dev, uint32_t bitrate_data)
 Set the bitrate for the data phase of the CAN-FD controller.
int can_calc_prescaler (const struct device *dev, struct can_timing *timing, uint32_t bitrate)
 Fill in the prescaler value for a given bitrate and timing.
int can_set_timing (const struct device *dev, const struct can_timing *timing)
 Configure the bus timing of a CAN controller.
int can_get_capabilities (const struct device *dev, can_mode_t *cap)
 Get the supported modes of the CAN controller.
int can_start (const struct device *dev)
 Start the CAN controller.
int can_stop (const struct device *dev)
 Stop the CAN controller.
int can_set_mode (const struct device *dev, can_mode_t mode)
 Set the CAN controller to the given operation mode.
int can_set_bitrate (const struct device *dev, uint32_t bitrate)
 Set the bitrate of the CAN controller.

Transmitting CAN frames

int can_send (const struct device *dev, const struct can_frame *frame, k_timeout_t timeout, can_tx_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
 Queue a CAN frame for transmission on the CAN bus.

Receiving CAN frames

static int can_add_rx_filter (const struct device *dev, can_rx_callback_t callback, void *user_data, const struct can_filter *filter)
 Add a callback function for a given CAN filter.
int can_add_rx_filter_msgq (const struct device *dev, struct k_msgq *msgq, const struct can_filter *filter)
 Simple wrapper function for adding a message queue for a given filter.
void can_remove_rx_filter (const struct device *dev, int filter_id)
 Remove a CAN RX filter.
int can_get_max_filters (const struct device *dev, bool ide)
 Get maximum number of RX filters.
#define CAN_MSGQ_DEFINE(name, max_frames)    K_MSGQ_DEFINE(name, sizeof(struct can_frame), max_frames, 4)
 Statically define and initialize a CAN RX message queue.

CAN bus error reporting and handling

int can_get_state (const struct device *dev, enum can_state *state, struct can_bus_err_cnt *err_cnt)
 Get current CAN controller state.
int can_recover (const struct device *dev, k_timeout_t timeout)
 Recover from bus-off state.
static void can_set_state_change_callback (const struct device *dev, can_state_change_callback_t callback, void *user_data)
 Set a callback for CAN controller state change events.

CAN utility functions

static uint8_t can_dlc_to_bytes (uint8_t dlc)
 Convert from Data Length Code (DLC) to the number of data bytes.
static uint8_t can_bytes_to_dlc (uint8_t num_bytes)
 Convert from number of bytes to Data Length Code (DLC)
static bool can_frame_matches_filter (const struct can_frame *frame, const struct can_filter *filter)
 Check if a CAN frame matches a CAN filter.

CAN frame definitions

#define CAN_STD_ID_MASK   0x7FFU
 Bit mask for a standard (11-bit) CAN identifier.
 Maximum value for a standard (11-bit) CAN identifier.
 Bit mask for an extended (29-bit) CAN identifier.
 Maximum value for an extended (29-bit) CAN identifier.
#define CAN_MAX_DLC   8U
 Maximum data length code for CAN 2.0A/2.0B.
#define CANFD_MAX_DLC   15U
 Maximum data length code for CAN-FD.

CAN controller mode flags

#define CAN_MODE_NORMAL   0
 Normal mode.
 Controller is in loopback mode (receives own frames).
 Controller is not allowed to send dominant bits.
#define CAN_MODE_FD   BIT(2)
 Controller allows transmitting/receiving CAN-FD frames.
#define CAN_MODE_ONE_SHOT   BIT(3)
 Controller does not retransmit in case of lost arbitration or missing ACK.
#define CAN_MODE_3_SAMPLES   BIT(4)
 Controller uses triple sampling mode.

CAN frame flags

#define CAN_FRAME_IDE   BIT(0)
 Frame uses extended (29-bit) CAN ID.
#define CAN_FRAME_RTR   BIT(1)
 Frame is a Remote Transmission Request (RTR)
#define CAN_FRAME_FDF   BIT(2)
 Frame uses CAN-FD format (FDF)
#define CAN_FRAME_BRS   BIT(3)
 Frame uses CAN-FD Baud Rate Switch (BRS).
#define CAN_FRAME_ESI   BIT(4)
 CAN-FD Error State Indicator (ESI).

CAN filter flags

#define CAN_FILTER_IDE   BIT(0)
 Filter matches frames with extended (29-bit) CAN IDs.
#define CAN_FILTER_RTR   BIT(1)
 Filter matches Remote Transmission Request (RTR) frames.
#define CAN_FILTER_DATA   BIT(2)
 Filter matches data frames.
#define CAN_FILTER_FDF   BIT(3)
 Filter matches CAN-FD frames (FDF)

Detailed Description

CAN Interface.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CAN_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE (   node_id,

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Z_CAN_INIT_FN(Z_DEVICE_DT_DEV_ID(node_id), init_fn) \
Z_DEVICE_DEFINE(node_id, Z_DEVICE_DT_DEV_ID(node_id), \
DEVICE_DT_NAME(node_id), \
&UTIL_CAT(Z_DEVICE_DT_DEV_ID(node_id), _init), \
pm, data, config, level, prio, api, \
&(Z_DEVICE_STATE_NAME(Z_DEVICE_DT_DEV_ID(node_id)).devstate), \
#define DEVICE_DT_NAME(node_id)
Return a string name for a devicetree node.
Definition: device.h:145
#define UTIL_CAT(a,...)
Definition: util_internal.h:104

Like DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() with CAN device specifics.

Defines a device which implements the CAN API. May generate a custom device_state container struct and init_fn wrapper when needed depending on CONFIG_CAN_STATS .

node_idThe devicetree node identifier.
init_fnName of the init function of the driver.
pmPM device resources reference (NULL if device does not use PM).
dataPointer to the device's private data.
configThe address to the structure containing the configuration information for this instance of the driver.
levelThe initialization level. See SYS_INIT() for details.
prioPriority within the selected initialization level. See SYS_INIT() for details.
apiProvides an initial pointer to the API function struct used by the driver. Can be NULL.


#define CAN_DEVICE_DT_INST_DEFINE (   inst,

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Like CAN_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE() for an instance of a DT_DRV_COMPAT compatible.

instInstance number. This is replaced by DT_DRV_COMPAT(inst) in the call to CAN_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE().
...Other parameters as expected by CAN_DEVICE_DT_DEFINE().



#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Bit mask for an extended (29-bit) CAN identifier.


#define CAN_FILTER_DATA   BIT(2)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Filter matches data frames.


#define CAN_FILTER_FDF   BIT(3)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Filter matches CAN-FD frames (FDF)


#define CAN_FILTER_IDE   BIT(0)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Filter matches frames with extended (29-bit) CAN IDs.


#define CAN_FILTER_RTR   BIT(1)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Filter matches Remote Transmission Request (RTR) frames.


#define CAN_FRAME_BRS   BIT(3)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Frame uses CAN-FD Baud Rate Switch (BRS).

Only valid in combination with CAN_FRAME_FDF.


#define CAN_FRAME_ESI   BIT(4)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

CAN-FD Error State Indicator (ESI).

Indicates that the transmitting node is in error-passive state. Only valid in combination with CAN_FRAME_FDF.


#define CAN_FRAME_FDF   BIT(2)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Frame uses CAN-FD format (FDF)


#define CAN_FRAME_IDE   BIT(0)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Frame uses extended (29-bit) CAN ID.


#define CAN_FRAME_RTR   BIT(1)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Frame is a Remote Transmission Request (RTR)


#define CAN_MAX_DLC   8U

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Maximum data length code for CAN 2.0A/2.0B.



#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Maximum value for an extended (29-bit) CAN identifier.



#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Maximum value for a standard (11-bit) CAN identifier.


#define CAN_MODE_3_SAMPLES   BIT(4)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Controller uses triple sampling mode.


#define CAN_MODE_FD   BIT(2)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Controller allows transmitting/receiving CAN-FD frames.



#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Controller is not allowed to send dominant bits.



#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Controller is in loopback mode (receives own frames).


#define CAN_MODE_NORMAL   0

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Normal mode.


#define CAN_MODE_ONE_SHOT   BIT(3)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Controller does not retransmit in case of lost arbitration or missing ACK.


#define CAN_MSGQ_DEFINE (   name,
)     K_MSGQ_DEFINE(name, sizeof(struct can_frame), max_frames, 4)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Statically define and initialize a CAN RX message queue.

The message queue's ring buffer contains space for max_frames CAN frames.

See also
nameName of the message queue.
max_framesMaximum number of CAN frames that can be queued.


#define CAN_STATS_ACK_ERROR_INC (   dev_)     STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), ack_error)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Increment the acknowledge error counter for a CAN device.

The acknowledge error counter is incremented when the CAN controller does not monitor a dominant bit in the ACK slot.

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STATS_BIT0_ERROR_INC (   dev_)     STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), bit0_error)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Increment the bit0 error counter for a CAN device.

The bit0 error counter is incremented when the CAN controller is unable to transmit a dominant bit.

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STATS_BIT1_ERROR_INC (   dev_)     STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), bit1_error)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Increment the bit1 (recessive) error counter for a CAN device.

The bit1 error counter is incremented when the CAN controller is unable to transmit a recessive bit.

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STATS_CRC_ERROR_INC (   dev_)     STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), crc_error)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Increment the CRC error counter for a CAN device.

The CRC error counter is incremented when the CAN controller detects a frame with an invalid CRC.

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STATS_FORM_ERROR_INC (   dev_)     STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), form_error)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Increment the form error counter for a CAN device.

The form error counter is incremented when the CAN controller detects a fixed-form bit field containing illegal bits.

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STATS_RESET (   dev_)     stats_reset(&(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_).s_hdr))

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Zero all statistics for a CAN device.

The driver is reponsible for resetting the statistics before starting the CAN controller.

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STATS_RX_OVERRUN_INC (   dev_)     STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), rx_overrun)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Increment the RX overrun counter for a CAN device.

The RX overrun counter is incremented when the CAN controller receives a CAN frame matching an installed filter but lacks the capacity to store it (either due to an already full RX mailbox or a full RX FIFO).

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STATS_STUFF_ERROR_INC (   dev_)     STATS_INC(Z_CAN_GET_STATS(dev_), stuff_error)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Increment the stuffing error counter for a CAN device.

The stuffing error counter is incremented when the CAN controller detects a bit stuffing error.

dev_Pointer to the device structure for the driver instance.


#define CAN_STD_ID_MASK   0x7FFU

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Bit mask for a standard (11-bit) CAN identifier.


#define CANFD_MAX_DLC   15U

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Maximum data length code for CAN-FD.

Typedef Documentation

◆ can_mode_t

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Provides a type to hold CAN controller configuration flags.

The lower 24 bits are reserved for common CAN controller mode flags. The upper 8 bits are reserved for CAN controller/driver specific flags.

See also

◆ can_rx_callback_t

typedef void(* can_rx_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, struct can_frame *frame, void *user_data)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Defines the application callback handler function signature for receiving.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
frameReceived frame.
user_dataUser data provided when the filter was added.

◆ can_state_change_callback_t

typedef void(* can_state_change_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, enum can_state state, struct can_bus_err_cnt err_cnt, void *user_data)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Defines the state change callback handler function signature.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
stateState of the CAN controller.
err_cntCAN controller error counter values.
user_dataUser data provided the callback was set.

◆ can_tx_callback_t

typedef void(* can_tx_callback_t) (const struct device *dev, int error, void *user_data)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Defines the application callback handler function signature.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
errorStatus of the performed send operation. See the list of return values for can_send() for value descriptions.
user_dataUser data provided when the frame was sent.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ can_state

enum can_state

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Defines the state of the CAN controller.


Error-active state (RX/TX error count < 96).


Error-warning state (RX/TX error count < 128).


Error-passive state (RX/TX error count < 256).


Bus-off state (RX/TX error count >= 256).


CAN controller is stopped and does not participate in CAN communication.

Function Documentation

◆ can_add_rx_filter()

static int can_add_rx_filter ( const struct device dev,
can_rx_callback_t  callback,
void *  user_data,
const struct can_filter filter 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Add a callback function for a given CAN filter.

Add a callback to CAN identifiers specified by a filter. When a received CAN frame matching the filter is received by the CAN controller, the callback function is called in interrupt context.

If a received frame matches more than one filter (i.e., the filter IDs/masks or flags overlap), the priority of the match is hardware dependent.

The same callback function can be used for multiple filters.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
callbackThis function is called by the CAN controller driver whenever a frame matching the filter is received.
user_dataUser data to pass to callback function.
filterPointer to a can_filter structure defining the filter.
Return values
filter_idon success.
-ENOSPCif there are no free filters.
-EINVALif the requested filter type is invalid.
-ENOTSUPif the requested filter type is not supported.

◆ can_add_rx_filter_msgq()

int can_add_rx_filter_msgq ( const struct device dev,
struct k_msgq msgq,
const struct can_filter filter 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Simple wrapper function for adding a message queue for a given filter.

Wrapper function for can_add_rx_filter() which puts received CAN frames matching the filter in a message queue instead of calling a callback.

If a received frame matches more than one filter (i.e., the filter IDs/masks or flags overlap), the priority of the match is hardware dependent.

The same message queue can be used for multiple filters.

The message queue must be initialized before calling this function and the caller must have appropriate permissions on it.
Message queue overruns are silently ignored and overrun frames discarded. Custom error handling can be implemented by using can_add_rx_filter() and k_msgq_put() directly.
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
msgqPointer to the already initialized k_msgq struct.
filterPointer to a can_filter structure defining the filter.
Return values
filter_idon success.
-ENOSPCif there are no free filters.
-ENOTSUPif the requested filter type is not supported.

◆ can_bytes_to_dlc()

static uint8_t can_bytes_to_dlc ( uint8_t  num_bytes)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Convert from number of bytes to Data Length Code (DLC)

num_bytesNumber of bytes.
Return values
DataLength Code (DLC).

◆ can_calc_prescaler()

int can_calc_prescaler ( const struct device dev,
struct can_timing timing,
uint32_t  bitrate 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Fill in the prescaler value for a given bitrate and timing.

Fill the prescaler value in the timing struct. The sjw, prop_seg, phase_seg1 and phase_seg2 must be given.

The returned bitrate error is remainder of the division of the clock rate by the bitrate times the timing segments.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
timingResult is written into the can_timing struct provided.
bitrateTarget bitrate.
Return values
0or positive bitrate error.
Negativeerror code on error.

◆ can_calc_timing()

int can_calc_timing ( const struct device dev,
struct can_timing res,
uint32_t  bitrate,
uint16_t  sample_pnt 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Calculate timing parameters from bitrate and sample point.

Calculate the timing parameters from a given bitrate in bits/s and the sampling point in permill (1/1000) of the entire bit time. The bitrate must always match perfectly. If no result can be reached for the given parameters, -EINVAL is returned.

The requested sample_pnt will not always be matched perfectly. The algorithm calculates the best possible match.
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
[out]resResult is written into the can_timing struct provided.
bitrateTarget bitrate in bits/s.
sample_pntSampling point in permill of the entire bit time.
Return values
0or positive sample point error on success.
-EINVALif the requested bitrate or sample point is out of range.
-ENOTSUPif the requested bitrate is not supported.
-EIOif can_get_core_clock() is not available.

◆ can_calc_timing_data()

int can_calc_timing_data ( const struct device dev,
struct can_timing res,
uint32_t  bitrate,
uint16_t  sample_pnt 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Calculate timing parameters for the data phase.

Same as can_calc_timing() but with the maximum and minimum values from the data phase.

CONFIG_CAN_FD_MODE must be selected for this function to be available.
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
[out]resResult is written into the can_timing struct provided.
bitrateTarget bitrate for the data phase in bits/s
sample_pntSampling point for the data phase in permille of the entire bit time.
Return values
0or positive sample point error on success.
-EINVALif the requested bitrate or sample point is out of range.
-ENOTSUPif the requested bitrate is not supported.
-EIOif can_get_core_clock() is not available.

◆ can_dlc_to_bytes()

static uint8_t can_dlc_to_bytes ( uint8_t  dlc)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Convert from Data Length Code (DLC) to the number of data bytes.

dlcData Length Code (DLC).
Return values
Numberof bytes.

◆ can_frame_matches_filter()

static bool can_frame_matches_filter ( const struct can_frame frame,
const struct can_filter filter 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Check if a CAN frame matches a CAN filter.

frameCAN frame.
filterCAN filter.
true if the CAN frame matches the CAN filter, false otherwise

◆ can_get_capabilities()

int can_get_capabilities ( const struct device dev,
can_mode_t cap 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get the supported modes of the CAN controller.

The returned capabilities may not necessarily be supported at the same time (e.g. some CAN controllers support both CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK and CAN_MODE_LISTENONLY, but not at the same time).

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
[out]capSupported capabilities.
Return values
0If successful.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to get capabilities.

◆ can_get_core_clock()

int can_get_core_clock ( const struct device dev,
uint32_t rate 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get the CAN core clock rate.

Returns the CAN core clock rate. One time quantum is 1/(core clock rate).

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
[out]rateCAN core clock rate in Hz.
0 on success, or a negative error code on error

◆ can_get_max_bitrate()

int can_get_max_bitrate ( const struct device dev,
uint32_t max_bitrate 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get maximum supported bitrate.

Get the maximum supported bitrate for the CAN controller/transceiver combination.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
[out]max_bitrateMaximum supported bitrate in bits/s
Return values
0If successful.
-EIOGeneral input/output error.
-ENOSYSIf this function is not implemented by the driver.

◆ can_get_max_filters()

int can_get_max_filters ( const struct device dev,
bool  ide 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get maximum number of RX filters.

Get the maximum number of concurrent RX filters for the CAN controller.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
ideGet the maximum standard (11-bit) CAN ID filters if false, or extended (29-bit) CAN ID filters if true.
Return values
Positivenumber of maximum concurrent filters.
-EIOGeneral input/output error.
-ENOSYSIf this function is not implemented by the driver.

◆ can_get_state()

int can_get_state ( const struct device dev,
enum can_state state,
struct can_bus_err_cnt err_cnt 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get current CAN controller state.

Returns the current state and optionally the error counter values of the CAN controller.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
[out]statePointer to the state destination enum or NULL.
[out]err_cntPointer to the err_cnt destination structure or NULL.
Return values
0If successful.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to get state.

◆ can_get_timing_data_max()

const struct can_timing * can_get_timing_data_max ( const struct device dev)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get the maximum supported timing parameter values for the data phase.

Same as can_get_timing_max() but for the maximum values for the data phase.

CONFIG_CAN_FD_MODE must be selected for this function to be available.
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
Pointer to the maximum supported timing parameter values, or NULL if CAN-FD support is not implemented by the driver.

◆ can_get_timing_data_min()

const struct can_timing * can_get_timing_data_min ( const struct device dev)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get the minimum supported timing parameter values for the data phase.

Same as can_get_timing_min() but for the minimum values for the data phase.

CONFIG_CAN_FD_MODE must be selected for this function to be available.
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
Pointer to the minimum supported timing parameter values, or NULL if CAN-FD support is not implemented by the driver.

◆ can_get_timing_max()

const struct can_timing * can_get_timing_max ( const struct device dev)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get the maximum supported timing parameter values.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
Pointer to the maximum supported timing parameter values.

◆ can_get_timing_min()

const struct can_timing * can_get_timing_min ( const struct device dev)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Get the minimum supported timing parameter values.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
Pointer to the minimum supported timing parameter values.

◆ can_recover()

int can_recover ( const struct device dev,
k_timeout_t  timeout 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Recover from bus-off state.

Recover the CAN controller from bus-off state to error-active state.

CONFIG_CAN_AUTO_BUS_OFF_RECOVERY must be deselected for this function to be available.
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
timeoutTimeout for waiting for the recovery or K_FOREVER.
Return values
0on success.
-ENETDOWNif the CAN controller is in stopped state.
-EAGAINon timeout.

◆ can_remove_rx_filter()

void can_remove_rx_filter ( const struct device dev,
int  filter_id 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Remove a CAN RX filter.

This routine removes a CAN RX filter based on the filter ID returned by can_add_rx_filter() or can_add_rx_filter_msgq().

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
filter_idFilter ID

◆ can_send()

int can_send ( const struct device dev,
const struct can_frame frame,
k_timeout_t  timeout,
can_tx_callback_t  callback,
void *  user_data 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Queue a CAN frame for transmission on the CAN bus.

Queue a CAN frame for transmission on the CAN bus with optional timeout and completion callback function.

Queued CAN frames are transmitted in order according to the their priority:

  • The lower the CAN-ID, the higher the priority.
  • Data frames have higher priority than Remote Transmission Request (RTR) frames with identical CAN-IDs.
  • Frames with standard (11-bit) identifiers have higher priority than frames with extended (29-bit) identifiers with identical base IDs (the higher 11 bits of the extended identifier).
  • Transmission order for queued frames with the same priority is hardware dependent.
If transmitting segmented messages spanning multiple CAN frames with identical CAN-IDs, the sender must ensure to only queue one frame at a time if FIFO order is required.

By default, the CAN controller will automatically retry transmission in case of lost bus arbitration or missing acknowledge. Some CAN controllers support disabling automatic retransmissions via CAN_MODE_ONE_SHOT.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
frameCAN frame to transmit.
timeoutTimeout waiting for a empty TX mailbox or K_FOREVER.
callbackOptional callback for when the frame was sent or a transmission error occurred. If NULL, this function is blocking until frame is sent. The callback must be NULL if called from user mode.
user_dataUser data to pass to callback function.
Return values
0if successful.
-EINVALif an invalid parameter was passed to the function.
-ENOTSUPif an unsupported parameter was passed to the function.
-ENETDOWNif the CAN controller is in stopped state.
-ENETUNREACHif the CAN controller is in bus-off state.
-EBUSYif CAN bus arbitration was lost (only applicable if automatic retransmissions are disabled).
-EIOif a general transmit error occurred (e.g. missing ACK if automatic retransmissions are disabled).
-EAGAINon timeout.

◆ can_set_bitrate()

int can_set_bitrate ( const struct device dev,
uint32_t  bitrate 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Set the bitrate of the CAN controller.

CAN in Automation (CiA) 301 v4.2.0 recommends a sample point location of 87.5% percent for all bitrates. However, some CAN controllers have difficulties meeting this for higher bitrates.

This function defaults to using a sample point of 75.0% for bitrates over 800 kbit/s, 80.0% for bitrates over 500 kbit/s, and 87.5% for all other bitrates. This is in line with the sample point locations used by the Linux kernel.

See also
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
bitrateDesired arbitration phase bitrate.
Return values
0If successful.
-EBUSYif the CAN controller is not in stopped state.
-EINVALif the requested bitrate is out of range.
-ENOTSUPif the requested bitrate not supported by the CAN controller/transceiver combination.
-ERANGEif the resulting sample point is off by more than +/- 5%.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to set bitrate.

◆ can_set_bitrate_data()

int can_set_bitrate_data ( const struct device dev,
uint32_t  bitrate_data 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Set the bitrate for the data phase of the CAN-FD controller.

CAN in Automation (CiA) 301 v4.2.0 recommends a sample point location of 87.5% percent for all bitrates. However, some CAN controllers have difficulties meeting this for higher bitrates.

This function defaults to using a sample point of 75.0% for bitrates over 800 kbit/s, 80.0% for bitrates over 500 kbit/s, and 87.5% for all other bitrates. This is in line with the sample point locations used by the Linux kernel.

CONFIG_CAN_FD_MODE must be selected for this function to be available.
See also
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
bitrate_dataDesired data phase bitrate.
Return values
0If successful.
-EBUSYif the CAN controller is not in stopped state.
-EINVALif the requested bitrate is out of range.
-ENOTSUPif the requested bitrate not supported by the CAN controller/transceiver combination.
-ERANGEif the resulting sample point is off by more than +/- 5%.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to set bitrate.

◆ can_set_mode()

int can_set_mode ( const struct device dev,
can_mode_t  mode 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Set the CAN controller to the given operation mode.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
modeOperation mode.
Return values
0If successful.
-EBUSYif the CAN controller is not in stopped state.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to configure device.

◆ can_set_state_change_callback()

static void can_set_state_change_callback ( const struct device dev,
can_state_change_callback_t  callback,
void *  user_data 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Set a callback for CAN controller state change events.

Set the callback for CAN controller state change events. The callback function will be called in interrupt context.

Only one callback can be registered per controller. Calling this function again overrides any previously registered callback.

devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
callbackCallback function.
user_dataUser data to pass to callback function.

◆ can_set_timing()

int can_set_timing ( const struct device dev,
const struct can_timing timing 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Configure the bus timing of a CAN controller.

See also
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
timingBus timings.
Return values
0If successful.
-EBUSYif the CAN controller is not in stopped state.
-ENOTSUPif the timing parameters are not supported by the driver.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to configure device.

◆ can_set_timing_data()

int can_set_timing_data ( const struct device dev,
const struct can_timing timing_data 

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Configure the bus timing for the data phase of a CAN-FD controller.

CONFIG_CAN_FD_MODE must be selected for this function to be available.
See also
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
timing_dataBus timings for data phase
Return values
0If successful.
-EBUSYif the CAN controller is not in stopped state.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to configure device.
-ENOTSUPif the timing parameters are not supported by the driver.
-ENOSYSif CAN-FD support is not implemented by the driver.

◆ can_start()

int can_start ( const struct device dev)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Start the CAN controller.

Bring the CAN controller out of CAN_STATE_STOPPED. This will reset the RX/TX error counters, enable the CAN controller to participate in CAN communication, and enable the CAN tranceiver, if supported.

See also
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
Return values
0if successful.
-EALREADYif the device is already started.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to start device.

◆ can_stop()

int can_stop ( const struct device dev)

#include <zephyr/drivers/can.h>

Stop the CAN controller.

Bring the CAN controller into CAN_STATE_STOPPED. This will disallow the CAN controller from participating in CAN communication, abort any pending CAN frame transmissions, and disable the CAN transceiver, if supported.

See also
devPointer to the device structure for the driver instance.
Return values
0if successful.
-EALREADYif the device is already stopped.
-EIOGeneral input/output error, failed to stop device.