Zephyr API Documentation  3.6.0
A Scalable Open Source RTOS
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
 Bindesc DefineBinary Descriptor Definition
 DSP InterfaceDSP Interface
 Device Driver APIsDevice Driver APIs
 Device ModelDevice Model
 DevicetreeDevicetree.h API
 Error numbersSystem error numbers Error codes returned by functions
 Internal and System APIInternal and System API
 Kernel APIsKernel APIs
 Memory heaps based on memory attributesMemory heaps based on memory attributes
 Memory-Attr InterfaceMemory-Attr Interface
 Modem APIsModem APIs
 Operating System ServicesOperating System Services
 Third-partyAPIs to interact with third-party services or applications
 Xtensa APIs