45struct bt_br_discovery_priv {
57 struct bt_br_discovery_priv _priv;
Bluetooth device address definitions and utilities.
void bt_br_discovery_cb_unregister(struct bt_br_discovery_cb *cb)
Unregister discovery packet callbacks.
int bt_br_oob_get_local(struct bt_br_oob *oob)
Get BR/EDR local Out Of Band information.
void bt_br_discovery_cb_register(struct bt_br_discovery_cb *cb)
Register discovery packet callbacks.
int bt_br_discovery_stop(void)
Stop BR/EDR discovery.
int bt_br_set_connectable(bool enable)
Enable/disable set controller in connectable state.
int bt_br_discovery_start(const struct bt_br_discovery_param *param, struct bt_br_discovery_result *results, size_t count)
Start BR/EDR discovery.
int bt_br_set_discoverable(bool enable, bool limited)
Enable/disable set controller in discoverable state.
struct _snode sys_snode_t
Single-linked list node structure.
Definition slist.h:39
__UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t
Definition stdint.h:88
__UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t
Definition stdint.h:89
__INT8_TYPE__ int8_t
Definition stdint.h:72
Bluetooth Device Address.
Definition addr.h:40
void(* timeout)(const struct bt_br_discovery_result *results, size_t count)
The inquiry has stopped after discovery timeout.
Definition classic.h:128
void(* recv)(const struct bt_br_discovery_result *result)
An inquiry response received callback.
Definition classic.h:121
sys_snode_t node
Definition classic.h:131
BR/EDR discovery parameters.
Definition classic.h:73
uint8_t length
Maximum length of the discovery in units of 1.28 seconds.
Definition classic.h:77
bool limited
True if limited discovery procedure is to be used.
Definition classic.h:80
BR/EDR discovery result structure.
Definition classic.h:55
uint8_t eir[240]
Extended Inquiry Response.
Definition classic.h:69
bt_addr_t addr
Remote device address.
Definition classic.h:60
int8_t rssi
RSSI from inquiry.
Definition classic.h:63
uint8_t cod[3]
Class of Device.
Definition classic.h:66
bt_addr_t addr
BR/EDR address.
Definition classic.h:158