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st,lis2de12 (on i2c bus)

Vendor: STMicroelectronics


STMicroelectronics LIS2DE12 3-axis ultra-low power accelerometer sensor
accessed through I2C bus


Properties not inherited from the base binding file.






GPIO specifier that controls power to the device.

This property should be provided when the device has a dedicated
switch that controls power to the device.  The supply state is
entirely the responsibility of the device driver.

Contrast with vin-supply.



Reference to the regulator that controls power to the device.
The referenced devicetree node must have a regulator compatible.

This property should be provided when device power is supplied
by a shared regulator.  The supply state is dependent on the
request status of all devices fed by the regulator.

Contrast with supply-gpios.  If both properties are provided
then the regulator must be requested before the supply GPIOS is
set to an active state, and the supply GPIOS must be set to an
inactive state before releasing the regulator.



Human readable string describing the sensor. It can be used to
distinguish multiple instances of the same model (e.g., lid accelerometer
vs. base accelerometer in a laptop) to a host operating system.

This property is defined in the Generic Sensor Property Usages of the HID
Usage Tables specification
(, section 22.5).



INT1 pin

This pin defaults to active high when produced by the sensor.
The property value should ensure the flags properly describe
the signal that is presented to the driver.



INT2 pin

This pin defaults to active high when produced by the sensor.
The property value should ensure the flags properly describe
the signal that is presented to the driver.



Range in g. Default is power-up configuration.

0 # LIS2DE12_DT_FS_2G  (15.6 mg/LSB)
1 # LIS2DE12_DT_FS_4G  (31.2 mg/LSB)
2 # LIS2DE12_DT_FS_8G  (62.5 mg/LSB)
3 # LIS2DE12_DT_FS_16G (187.5 mg/LSB)

Legal values: 0, 1, 2, 3



Specify the default accelerometer output data rate expressed in samples per second (Hz).
The values are taken in accordance to lis2de12_md_t enumerative in hal/st
module. Please note that this values will also enable/disable High performance mode.
Default is power-up configuration.

0x00 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_OFF
0x01 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_1Hz
0x02 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_10Hz
0x03 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_25Hz
0x04 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_50Hz
0x05 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_100Hz
0x06 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_200Hz
0x07 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_400Hz
0x08 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_1kHz620
0x09 # LIS2DE12_DT_ODR_AT_5kHz376

Legal values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9



Selects the pulsed mode for data-ready interrupt when enabled,
and the latched mode when disabled.