Zephyr Project Documentation
Welcome to the Zephyr Project’s documentation for the main tree under development (version 3.7.99).
Use the version selection menu on the left to view documentation for a specific version of Zephyr.
For information about the changes and additions for releases, please consult the published Releases documentation.
The Zephyr OS is provided under the Apache 2.0 license (as found in the LICENSE file in the project’s GitHub repo). The Zephyr OS also imports or reuses packages, scripts, and other files that use other licensing, as described in Licensing of Zephyr Project components.
Architecture, features & licensing details
Getting Started Guide
Set up Zephyr, build & run a sample application
Contribution Guidelines
How to submit patches and contribute to Zephyr
Samples and Demos
Explore samples and demos for various boards
Hardware Support
Supported hardware and porting guides
Security processes and guidelines
Supported Boards
List of supported boards and platforms
OS Services
OS Services and usage guides