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Bluetooth Microphone Control

API Reference

group bt_gatt_micp

Microphone Control Profile (MICP)





Application error codes


Mute/unmute commands are disabled.

Microphone Control Profile mute states


The microphone state is unmuted.


The microphone state is muted.


The microphone state is disabled and cannot be muted or unmuted.



Defines the maximum number of Microphone Control Service instances for the Microphone Control Profile Microphone Device.


int bt_micp_mic_dev_register(struct bt_micp_mic_dev_register_param *param)

Initialize the Microphone Control Profile Microphone Device.

This will enable the Microphone Control Service instance and make it discoverable by Microphone Controllers.

  • param – Pointer to an initialization structure.


0 if success, errno on failure.

int bt_micp_mic_dev_included_get(struct bt_micp_included *included)

Get Microphone Device included services.

Returns a pointer to a struct that contains information about the Microphone Device included Audio Input Control Service instances.

Requires that CONFIG_BT_MICP_MIC_DEV_AICS is enabled.

  • included – Pointer to store the result in.


0 if success, errno on failure.

int bt_micp_mic_dev_unmute(void)

Unmute the Microphone Device.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_dev_mute(void)

Mute the Microphone Device.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_dev_mute_disable(void)

Disable the mute functionality on the Microphone Device.

Can be reenabled by called bt_micp_mic_dev_mute or bt_micp_mic_dev_unmute.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_dev_mute_get(void)

Read the mute state on the Microphone Device.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_ctlr_included_get(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr, struct bt_micp_included *included)

Get Microphone Control Profile included services.

Returns a pointer to a struct that contains information about the Microphone Control Profile included services instances, such as pointers to the Audio Input Control Service instances.

Requires that CONFIG_BT_MICP_MIC_CTLR_AICS is enabled.

  • mic_ctlr – Microphone Controller instance pointer.

  • included[out] Pointer to store the result in.


0 if success, errno on failure.

int bt_micp_mic_ctlr_conn_get(const struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr, struct bt_conn **conn)

Get the connection pointer of a Microphone Controller instance.

Get the Bluetooth connection pointer of a Microphone Controller instance.

  • mic_ctlr – Microphone Controller instance pointer.

  • conn – Connection pointer.


0 if success, errno on failure.

struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *bt_micp_mic_ctlr_get_by_conn(const struct bt_conn *conn)

Get the volume controller from a connection pointer.

Get the Volume Control Profile Volume Controller pointer from a connection pointer. Only volume controllers that have been initiated via bt_micp_mic_ctlr_discover() can be retrieved.

  • conn – Connection pointer.

Return values:
  • Pointer – to a Microphone Control Profile Microphone Controller instance

  • NULL – if conn is NULL or if the connection has not done discovery yet

int bt_micp_mic_ctlr_discover(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr **mic_ctlr)

Discover Microphone Control Service.

This will start a GATT discovery and setup handles and subscriptions. This shall be called once before any other actions can be executed for the peer device, and the bt_micp_mic_ctlr_cb::discover callback will notify when it is possible to start remote operations.

  • conn – The connection to initialize the profile for.

  • mic_ctlr[out] Valid remote instance object on success.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_ctlr_unmute(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr)

Unmute a remote Microphone Device.

  • mic_ctlr – Microphone Controller instance pointer.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_ctlr_mute(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr)

Mute a remote Microphone Device.

  • mic_ctlr – Microphone Controller instance pointer.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_ctlr_mute_get(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr)

Read the mute state of a remote Microphone Device.

  • mic_ctlr – Microphone Controller instance pointer.


0 on success, GATT error value on fail.

int bt_micp_mic_ctlr_cb_register(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr_cb *cb)

Registers the callbacks used by Microphone Controller.

This can only be done as the client.

  • cb – The callback structure.


0 if success, errno on failure.

struct bt_micp_mic_dev_register_param
#include <micp.h>

Register parameters structure for Microphone Control Service.

Public Members

struct bt_aics_register_param aics_param[0]

Register parameter structure for Audio Input Control Services.

struct bt_micp_mic_dev_cb *cb

Microphone Control Profile callback structure.

struct bt_micp_included
#include <micp.h>

Microphone Control Profile included services.

Used for to represent the Microphone Control Profile included service instances, for either a Microphone Controller or a Microphone Device. The instance pointers either represent local service instances, or remote service instances.

Public Members

uint8_t aics_cnt

Number of Audio Input Control Service instances.

struct bt_aics **aics

Array of pointers to Audio Input Control Service instances.

struct bt_micp_mic_dev_cb
#include <micp.h>

Struct to hold the Microphone Device callbacks.

These can be registered for usage with bt_micp_mic_dev_register().

Public Members

void (*mute)(uint8_t mute)

Callback function for Microphone Device mute.

Called when the value is read with bt_micp_mic_dev_mute_get(), or if the value is changed by either the Microphone Device or a Microphone Controller.

Param mute:

The mute setting of the Microphone Control Service.

struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr_cb
#include <micp.h>

Struct to hold the Microphone Controller callbacks.

These can be registered for usage with bt_micp_mic_ctlr_cb_register().

Public Members

void (*mute)(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr, int err, uint8_t mute)

Callback function for Microphone Control Profile mute.

Called when the value is read, or if the value is changed by either the Microphone Device or a Microphone Controller.

Param mic_ctlr:

Microphone Controller instance pointer.

Param err:

Error value. 0 on success, GATT error or errno on fail. For notifications, this will always be 0.

Param mute:

The mute setting of the Microphone Control Service.

void (*discover)(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr, int err, uint8_t aics_count)

Callback function for bt_micp_mic_ctlr_discover().

Param mic_ctlr:

Microphone Controller instance pointer.

Param err:

Error value. 0 on success, GATT error or errno on fail.

Param aics_count:

Number of Audio Input Control Service instances on peer device.

void (*mute_written)(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr, int err)

Callback function for Microphone Control Profile mute/unmute.

Param mic_ctlr:

Microphone Controller instance pointer.

Param err:

Error value. 0 on success, GATT error or errno on fail.

void (*unmute_written)(struct bt_micp_mic_ctlr *mic_ctlr, int err)

Callback function for Microphone Control Profile mute/unmute.

Param mic_ctlr:

Microphone Controller instance pointer.

Param err:

Error value. 0 on success, GATT error or errno on fail.