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Flash shell

Browse source code on GitHub


This is a simple shell module that allows arbitrary boards with flash driver support to explore the flash device.

Building and Running

This project can be built and executed on as follows:

west build -b qemu_x86 samples/drivers/flash_shell
west build -t run

Sample Output

uart:~$ flash page_info 0
Page for address 0x0:
start offset: 0x0
size: 4096
index: 0
uart:~$ flash erase 0x1000
Erase success.
uart:~$ flash write 0x1000 0x12345678 0x9abcdef0
Write OK.
uart:~$ flash write 0x1000 0x11111111
Write internal ERROR!
uart:~$ flash read 0x1000 0x10
00001000: 78 56 34 12 f0 de bc 9a  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |xV4..... ........|

uart:~$ flash write 0x101c 0xabcd1234
Write OK.
uart:~$ flash read 0x1000 0x20
00001000: 78 56 34 12 f0 de bc 9a  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff |xV4..... ........|
00001010: ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff 34 12 cd ab |........ ....4...|

See also

FLASH Interface