Vendor: Zephyr-specific binding
An implementation of a driver matching this compatible is available in subsys/usb/device_next/class/usbd_midi2.c.
MIDI2 device
Top level properties
These property descriptions apply to “zephyr,midi2-device” nodes themselves. This page also describes child node properties in the following sections.
Properties not inherited from the base binding file.
Deprecated properties not inherited from the base binding file.
Properties inherited from the base binding file, which defines common properties that may be set on many nodes. Not all of these may apply to the “zephyr,midi2-device” compatible.
Name |
Type |
Details |
Constant value: |
Constant value: |
Child node properties
Name |
Type |
Details |
First MIDI2 Group number (address) and number of Group Terminals (size)
in this MIDI2 Group Terminal Block.
The MIDI2 Groups 1 to 16 corresponds to address 0x0 to 0xf. There are
at most 16 addressable groups (of 16 chans each) per MIDI2 interface.
This property is required. See Important properties for more information. |
Default MIDI protocol of the Group Terminals in this Block.
Legal values: |
Type (data direction) of Group Terminals in this Block.
Default value: Legal values: |